Aim & Scope

Architecture and Life Journal aims to contribute to the scientific developments and academic discussions in the fields of architecture and urban studies by making the scientific research conducted in these fields visible.

The journal accepts articles that can be evaluated under the headings of Architectural Design, Architectural History-Theory-Criticism, Building Technologies, Construction Production, Building Physics, Architectural Heritage and Preservation, Structural Engineering, Project Management and Construction Management, Architecture, Urban Planning and Urban Studies, Architecture-Technology, and Interior Architecture.

For articles submitted to our journal to be considered for review, they must meet the following criteria of scientific rigor:

1. Originality and Innovation: The paper should present new knowledge, approaches, or findings in the field of architecture and urban planning.
2. Methodological Clarity: The research methodology should be clearly defined and implemented.
3. Verifiability: The data and results presented should be replicable by independent researchers.
4. Impact and Contribution: The concrete contribution and impact of the research on the field should be clearly stated.
5. Ethical Compliance: Research must be conducted and reported in accordance with ethical standards.
6. Comprehensive Literature Review: A thorough and critical review of the existing literature related to the topic should be conducted.
7. Coherent and Understandable Presentation: The findings of the research should be presented in a logical order and in comprehensible language.

Article Types

The classification criteria for articles to be published in our journal are as follows:

Review Article:

A review article systematically collects, evaluates, and synthesizes existing literature on a specific topic. This type of article summarizes the current knowledge in the field, offers a critical review, and provides in-depth information on a particular subject. It is often used to identify gaps in knowledge, guide future research, and discuss theoretical frameworks or methodologies.

A Review Article;
- Should comprehensively survey the existing literature and provide an in-depth summary of the topic.
- Must synthesize different studies, contributing to a general understanding of a particular subject.
- Needs to critically assess the current knowledge and identify gaps in the research area.

Research Article:
A research article presents new scientific research results. It contributes to science with original data collection, hypothesis testing, and analysis of results. These articles provide detailed information about the authors' own experiments, studies, or observations, clearly outlining the methodology, data analysis, and findings. A research article should contain novelty in its field and offer concrete contributions to the scientific community.

Research Article:
- Must contain original research findings, data, and analyses.
- Should be structured around a clear research question and be methodologically sound.
- Needs to describe every step of the research process in detail and present it with supporting data.
- The results should advance the current knowledge in the field and provide a specific contribution.

Period Months
April August December
Last Update Time: 7/2/24, 12:05:20 PM