Evaluation of submissions to NASE is conducted in a timely manner via the double-blind review process on the Dergipark platform. Once a manuscript is received on the submission system, it is first assessed by the Editor-in-Chief in terms of adherence to journal guidelines, and may be rejected, conveyed to an Editor, or returned back to the author. If conveyed to an Editor, the manuscript is evaluated in terms of writing rules, similarity rate, and scientific value. Based on the Editor’s decision, the manuscript may be rejected, sent to reviewers for the review process, or returned back to the author. The review process is carried out with double-blind policy, and at least two review reports are required for a decision, which may be Rejected, Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Accepted. In case of contradicting decisions by the two reviewers, a third opinion is sought for a final decision. In the case of acceptance after all review steps are completed, the manuscript must go through language editing, layout editing, and proofreading stages for correction of minor errors before publishing.
The ethical, scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions of the Editor and Editorial Board members. For accepted articles, all authors must sign the "Publication Rights Transfer Form" and upload it to the system. No copyright is paid for articles published in the journal.