Diş Hekimlerinin Teknoloji Kabul Modeli Çerçevesinde Elektronik Sağlık Kayıtlarını Kullanma Eğilimleri
Year 2022,
Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 115 - 120, 31.12.2022
Asu Çakır
Mustafa Özkaynak
Tarihi oldukça eski dönemlere dayanan tıbbi kayıtların, hasta bakımında ve sağlık kalitesinin iyileştirilmesindeki önemi hiçbir zaman yadsınamaz. Bununla birlikte geçmişte kullanılan ve okunamama, eksik doldurulma, kaybolma gibi dezavantajları olabilen kağıt temelli kayıtlar günümüzde yerini elektronik sağlık kayıtlarına bırakmaktadır. Kişilerin sağlık ve hastalıklarıyla ilgili bilgilerin elektronik ortama aktarılmasıyla birlikte sağlık çalışanlarının işleri oldukça kolaylaşmış ve verimlilik artmıştır. Diğer taraftan sağlık profesyonellerinin elektronik sağlık kayıtlarını etkili bir şekilde kullanması için bu teknolojileri kabullenmesi gerekmektedir. Bundan dolayı kullanıcıların teknolojiyi kabul düzeyinin belirlenmesi oldukça önemlidir. Özellikle hasta başında oldukça uzun süre vakit geçiren diş hekimlerinin işleri elektronik sağlık kayıtları ile kolaylaşacak ve klinikte geçirdikleri süre daha verimli hale gelecektir.
- 1) Taiwo AA ve Downe AG. (2013). The theory of user acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): a meat-analytic review of empirical findings. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 49(1), 48–58.
- 2) Al-Emran, M. Mezhuyev V, Kamaludin A. (2018). Technology acceptance model in M-learning context: A systematic review. Computers & Education. 125, 1-41.
- 3) Thomas TD, Singh L, Gaffar K. (2013). The utility of the UTAUT model in explaining mobile learning adoption in higher education in Guyana. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. 9(3), 71-85.
- 4) Venkatesh V, Morris MG, Davis GB, Davis FD. (2003). User acceptance of information technology: toward a unified view, MIS Quarterly, 27(3): 425-478.
- 5) Wu, YL, Tao YH Yang PC. (2008). The use of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology to confer the behavioral model of 3G mobile telecommunication users. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. 11(5), 919-949.
- 6) Amini MT, Ahmadinejad M, Azizi MJ. (2011). “Adoption of Internet banking by Iranian customer: An empirical investigation”. The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology (IJMSIT), 1 (1), 47-64.
- 7) Özer PS, Eriş ED, Özmen ÖNT. (2012). ―Bilişim Teknolojileri Uygulamalarında Kullanım Niyetine Etki Eden Davranışsal Faktörleri Belirlemeye Yönelik Bütünleşik Bir Model Önerisi‖. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2), 93-114.
- 8) Davis FD (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS quarterly, 13(3), 319-340. doi: 10.2307/249008
- 9) McDowell DE, Dillon TW, Lending D. (2008). Perceived quality benefits influenced by usefulness and documentation accuracy of information systems. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 26(6), 350-357. https://doi: 10.1097/01.NCN.0000336463.72069.7c
- 10) Tubaishat A. (2018). Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of electronic health records among nurses: application of technology acceptance model. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 43(4), 379-389. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538157.2017.1363761
- 11) Parlak Y. (2019). Teknoloji Kabul Modeli Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik Güvenirlik Çalışması. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. İzmir.
- 12) Legris P, Ingham J, Collerette P. (2003). “Why do people use information technology? A critical review of the technology acceptance model”. Information & Management, 40 (3), 191-204
- 13) Vatan F. (2014). İletişim Yönetimi. Ülkü Tatar Baykal ve Emine Tercan Türkmen (Ed.), Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Yönetimi içinde (s.145-181). İstanbul:Akademi.
- 14) Evans RS. (2016). Electronic Health Records: Then, Now, and in the Future. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 20(1): 48-61.
- 15) Shahmoradi L, Darrudi A, Arji G, & Farzaneh Nejad A. (2017). Electronic Health Record Implementation: A SWOT Analysis. Acta Med Iran, 55(10): 642-649.
- 16) Venkatesh, V & Davis FD (2000). A Theoretical Extension of The Technology Acceptance Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies. Management Science, 46(2), 186-204.
- 17) Litvin SW & Maclaurin DJ. (2001). Consumer attitude and behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 28 (3), 821-823.
- 18) Saade R & Bahli B. (2005). The Impact of Cognitive Absorption on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use in On-line Learning: An Extension of The Technology Acceptance Model. Information & Management, 42, 317-327.
- 19) Taylor S & Todd PA (1995). Understanding Information Technology Usage: A Test of Competing Models. Information Systems Research, 6(2), 144-176.
- 20) Vijayasarathy LR. (2004). Predicting Consumer Intentions to Use On-Line Shopping: The Case for an Augmented Technology Acceptance Model. Information & Management, 41, 747-762.
- 21) Kalyoncuoğlu S. (2018). “Tüketicilerin online alışverişlerindeki sanal kart kullanımlarının teknoloji kabul modeli ile incelenmesi”. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (2), 193-213.
- 22) Uğur NG, Türkmen M. (2014). “Tüketicilerin Mobil Uygulamaları Kabulüne Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi”. Uluslararası Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi Bildirileri Kitabı, 567-583.
- 23) Yılmaz C, Tümtürk A. (2015). “İnternet üzerinden alışveriş niyetini etkileyen faktörlerin genişletilmiş teknoloji kabul modeli kullanarak incelenmesi ve bir model önerisi”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 22 (2), 355-384.
- 24) Graber ML, Byrne C, & Johnston D. (2017). The Impact of Electronic Health Records on Diagnosis. Diagnosis, 4(4): 211-223.
- 25) Tüfekçi N, Yorulmaz R, & Cansever H. (2017). Digital Hospital. Journal of Current Researches on Health Sector, 7(2): 144-156.
- 26) Ben-Assuli O. (2015). Electronic Health Records, Adoption, Quality of Care, Legal and Privacy Issues and Their Implementation in Emergency Departments. Health Policy, 119(3): 287-297.
- 27) Hayrinen K, Saranto K. & Nykanen P. (2008). Definition, Structure, Content, Use and Impacts of Electronic Health Records: A Review of the Research Literature. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 77(5): 291-304.
- 28) Ekiyor A, Gök G (2021). Dijital Hastanelerde Elektronik Sağlık Kayıtları. International Journal of Disciplines Economics & Administrative Scienves Studies, (e-ISSN:2587-2168), 7(28);301-312.
- 29) Adler-Milstein J, Holmgren AJ, Kralovec P, Worzala C, Searcy T, & Patel V. (2017). Electronic Health Record Adoption in US Hospitals: The Emergence of a Digital “Advanced Use” Divide. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(6): 1142-1148.
- 30) Gagnon MP, Ghandour el K, Talla PK, Simonyan D, Godin G, Labrecque M, Ouimet M, & Rousseau M. (2014). Electronic Health Record Acceptance by Physicians: Testing an Integrated Theoretical Model. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 48: 17-27.
- 31) Çınaroğlu S, Avcı K. (2015). Comparison of assesments of medical and surgical nurses about usage of electronic health records. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 14(3), 257-264. doi: 10.5455/pmb.1-1422006659
- 32) World Health Organization, (2006) Electronic Health Records: Manual for Developing Countries, WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data http://www.wpro.who.int/publications/docs/EHRmanual.pdf
- 33) Jathanna VR, Jathanna VJ, Jathanna R. (2014). The Awareness and Attitudes of Students of One Indian Dental School toward Information Technology and Its Use to Improve Patient Care. Education for Health. 27(3):293-296.
- 34) Dalanon J, Gabinete IG, NainaJaiver H, Galang KJ, Perales A, Sorela C, Belarmino MP, Esguerra R, Docor R, Afroz S, Iwasa T, Rodis O, Suzuki Y, Okura K, Matsuka Y. (2018). Technology acceptance model in the use of a patient management software in a dental school in the Philippines. 17(2):65-69.
- 35) Flores-Mir C, Palmer NG, Northcott HC, Khurshed F, Major PW. (2006). Perceptions and attitudes of Canadian dentists toward digital and electronic Technologies. J Can Dent Assoc. 72(3):243.
- 36) Hendricson W, Eisenberg E, Guest G, Jones P, Johnson L, Panagakos F, McDonald J, Cintron L. (2006). What do dental students think about mandatory laptop programs? J Dent Educ. 70(5):480-99.
- 37) Nkenke E, Vairaktaris E, Bauersachs A, Eitner S, Budach A, Knipfer C, Stelzle F. (2012). Acceptance of virtual dental implant planning software in an undergraduate curriculum: a pilot study. 12:90.
- 38) Ren Q, Wang Y, Zheng Q, Ye L, Zhou XD, Zhang LL. (2017). Survey of student attitudes towards digital simulation technologies at a dental school in China. Eur J Dent Educ. 21(3):180-186.
- 39) Jalali P, Gholizadeh Z, Kouh Soltani M, Kouhsoltani M. (2021). Design and Evaluation of DentAll Mobile Software for Dental Education. J Adv med Educ Prof. 9(4):221-229.
- 40) Thu SWYM, Kijsanayotin B, Kaewkungwal J, Soonthornworasiri N, Pan-Ngum W. (2017). Satisfaction with Paper-Based Dental Records and Perception of Electronic Dental Records among Dental Professionals in Myanmar. Healthc Inform Res. 23(4):304-313.
- 41) Thit WM, Kaewkungwal J, Soonthornworasiri N, Theera-Ampornpunt N, Kijsanayotin B, Lawpoolsri S, et al. (2016). Electronic medical records in Myanmar: user perceptions at Marie Stopes International Clinics in Myanmar. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.
- 42) American Dental Association. Survey of dental practice 2003 special report. Chicago (IL): American Dental Association Survey Center; 2006.
- 43) Khalifa M. (2013). Barriers to health information systems and electronic medical records implementation: a field study of Saudi Arabian hospitals. Procedia Comput Sci 21:335-342.
Dentists Trends in Using Electronic Health Records in the Framework of the Technology Acceptance Model
Year 2022,
Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 115 - 120, 31.12.2022
Asu Çakır
Mustafa Özkaynak
- 1) Taiwo AA ve Downe AG. (2013). The theory of user acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): a meat-analytic review of empirical findings. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 49(1), 48–58.
- 2) Al-Emran, M. Mezhuyev V, Kamaludin A. (2018). Technology acceptance model in M-learning context: A systematic review. Computers & Education. 125, 1-41.
- 3) Thomas TD, Singh L, Gaffar K. (2013). The utility of the UTAUT model in explaining mobile learning adoption in higher education in Guyana. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology. 9(3), 71-85.
- 4) Venkatesh V, Morris MG, Davis GB, Davis FD. (2003). User acceptance of information technology: toward a unified view, MIS Quarterly, 27(3): 425-478.
- 5) Wu, YL, Tao YH Yang PC. (2008). The use of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology to confer the behavioral model of 3G mobile telecommunication users. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems. 11(5), 919-949.
- 6) Amini MT, Ahmadinejad M, Azizi MJ. (2011). “Adoption of Internet banking by Iranian customer: An empirical investigation”. The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology (IJMSIT), 1 (1), 47-64.
- 7) Özer PS, Eriş ED, Özmen ÖNT. (2012). ―Bilişim Teknolojileri Uygulamalarında Kullanım Niyetine Etki Eden Davranışsal Faktörleri Belirlemeye Yönelik Bütünleşik Bir Model Önerisi‖. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2), 93-114.
- 8) Davis FD (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS quarterly, 13(3), 319-340. doi: 10.2307/249008
- 9) McDowell DE, Dillon TW, Lending D. (2008). Perceived quality benefits influenced by usefulness and documentation accuracy of information systems. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 26(6), 350-357. https://doi: 10.1097/01.NCN.0000336463.72069.7c
- 10) Tubaishat A. (2018). Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of electronic health records among nurses: application of technology acceptance model. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 43(4), 379-389. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538157.2017.1363761
- 11) Parlak Y. (2019). Teknoloji Kabul Modeli Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik Güvenirlik Çalışması. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. İzmir.
- 12) Legris P, Ingham J, Collerette P. (2003). “Why do people use information technology? A critical review of the technology acceptance model”. Information & Management, 40 (3), 191-204
- 13) Vatan F. (2014). İletişim Yönetimi. Ülkü Tatar Baykal ve Emine Tercan Türkmen (Ed.), Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Yönetimi içinde (s.145-181). İstanbul:Akademi.
- 14) Evans RS. (2016). Electronic Health Records: Then, Now, and in the Future. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 20(1): 48-61.
- 15) Shahmoradi L, Darrudi A, Arji G, & Farzaneh Nejad A. (2017). Electronic Health Record Implementation: A SWOT Analysis. Acta Med Iran, 55(10): 642-649.
- 16) Venkatesh, V & Davis FD (2000). A Theoretical Extension of The Technology Acceptance Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies. Management Science, 46(2), 186-204.
- 17) Litvin SW & Maclaurin DJ. (2001). Consumer attitude and behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 28 (3), 821-823.
- 18) Saade R & Bahli B. (2005). The Impact of Cognitive Absorption on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use in On-line Learning: An Extension of The Technology Acceptance Model. Information & Management, 42, 317-327.
- 19) Taylor S & Todd PA (1995). Understanding Information Technology Usage: A Test of Competing Models. Information Systems Research, 6(2), 144-176.
- 20) Vijayasarathy LR. (2004). Predicting Consumer Intentions to Use On-Line Shopping: The Case for an Augmented Technology Acceptance Model. Information & Management, 41, 747-762.
- 21) Kalyoncuoğlu S. (2018). “Tüketicilerin online alışverişlerindeki sanal kart kullanımlarının teknoloji kabul modeli ile incelenmesi”. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (2), 193-213.
- 22) Uğur NG, Türkmen M. (2014). “Tüketicilerin Mobil Uygulamaları Kabulüne Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi”. Uluslararası Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi Bildirileri Kitabı, 567-583.
- 23) Yılmaz C, Tümtürk A. (2015). “İnternet üzerinden alışveriş niyetini etkileyen faktörlerin genişletilmiş teknoloji kabul modeli kullanarak incelenmesi ve bir model önerisi”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 22 (2), 355-384.
- 24) Graber ML, Byrne C, & Johnston D. (2017). The Impact of Electronic Health Records on Diagnosis. Diagnosis, 4(4): 211-223.
- 25) Tüfekçi N, Yorulmaz R, & Cansever H. (2017). Digital Hospital. Journal of Current Researches on Health Sector, 7(2): 144-156.
- 26) Ben-Assuli O. (2015). Electronic Health Records, Adoption, Quality of Care, Legal and Privacy Issues and Their Implementation in Emergency Departments. Health Policy, 119(3): 287-297.
- 27) Hayrinen K, Saranto K. & Nykanen P. (2008). Definition, Structure, Content, Use and Impacts of Electronic Health Records: A Review of the Research Literature. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 77(5): 291-304.
- 28) Ekiyor A, Gök G (2021). Dijital Hastanelerde Elektronik Sağlık Kayıtları. International Journal of Disciplines Economics & Administrative Scienves Studies, (e-ISSN:2587-2168), 7(28);301-312.
- 29) Adler-Milstein J, Holmgren AJ, Kralovec P, Worzala C, Searcy T, & Patel V. (2017). Electronic Health Record Adoption in US Hospitals: The Emergence of a Digital “Advanced Use” Divide. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(6): 1142-1148.
- 30) Gagnon MP, Ghandour el K, Talla PK, Simonyan D, Godin G, Labrecque M, Ouimet M, & Rousseau M. (2014). Electronic Health Record Acceptance by Physicians: Testing an Integrated Theoretical Model. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 48: 17-27.
- 31) Çınaroğlu S, Avcı K. (2015). Comparison of assesments of medical and surgical nurses about usage of electronic health records. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 14(3), 257-264. doi: 10.5455/pmb.1-1422006659
- 32) World Health Organization, (2006) Electronic Health Records: Manual for Developing Countries, WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data http://www.wpro.who.int/publications/docs/EHRmanual.pdf
- 33) Jathanna VR, Jathanna VJ, Jathanna R. (2014). The Awareness and Attitudes of Students of One Indian Dental School toward Information Technology and Its Use to Improve Patient Care. Education for Health. 27(3):293-296.
- 34) Dalanon J, Gabinete IG, NainaJaiver H, Galang KJ, Perales A, Sorela C, Belarmino MP, Esguerra R, Docor R, Afroz S, Iwasa T, Rodis O, Suzuki Y, Okura K, Matsuka Y. (2018). Technology acceptance model in the use of a patient management software in a dental school in the Philippines. 17(2):65-69.
- 35) Flores-Mir C, Palmer NG, Northcott HC, Khurshed F, Major PW. (2006). Perceptions and attitudes of Canadian dentists toward digital and electronic Technologies. J Can Dent Assoc. 72(3):243.
- 36) Hendricson W, Eisenberg E, Guest G, Jones P, Johnson L, Panagakos F, McDonald J, Cintron L. (2006). What do dental students think about mandatory laptop programs? J Dent Educ. 70(5):480-99.
- 37) Nkenke E, Vairaktaris E, Bauersachs A, Eitner S, Budach A, Knipfer C, Stelzle F. (2012). Acceptance of virtual dental implant planning software in an undergraduate curriculum: a pilot study. 12:90.
- 38) Ren Q, Wang Y, Zheng Q, Ye L, Zhou XD, Zhang LL. (2017). Survey of student attitudes towards digital simulation technologies at a dental school in China. Eur J Dent Educ. 21(3):180-186.
- 39) Jalali P, Gholizadeh Z, Kouh Soltani M, Kouhsoltani M. (2021). Design and Evaluation of DentAll Mobile Software for Dental Education. J Adv med Educ Prof. 9(4):221-229.
- 40) Thu SWYM, Kijsanayotin B, Kaewkungwal J, Soonthornworasiri N, Pan-Ngum W. (2017). Satisfaction with Paper-Based Dental Records and Perception of Electronic Dental Records among Dental Professionals in Myanmar. Healthc Inform Res. 23(4):304-313.
- 41) Thit WM, Kaewkungwal J, Soonthornworasiri N, Theera-Ampornpunt N, Kijsanayotin B, Lawpoolsri S, et al. (2016). Electronic medical records in Myanmar: user perceptions at Marie Stopes International Clinics in Myanmar. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.
- 42) American Dental Association. Survey of dental practice 2003 special report. Chicago (IL): American Dental Association Survey Center; 2006.
- 43) Khalifa M. (2013). Barriers to health information systems and electronic medical records implementation: a field study of Saudi Arabian hospitals. Procedia Comput Sci 21:335-342.