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Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 39 - 51, 28.07.2017


Nüfus artışı ve sanayileşme su
tüketimindeki artışları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Su tüketiminin artması
temiz su kaynaklarında azalmaya yol açmaktadır. Bu durumda atıksu arıtımı
giderek daha fazla önem kazanmaktadır. Atıksu arıtımında biyolojik arıtma prosesleri
büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Atıksuların biyolojik arıtımında yaygın kullanılan
prosesler askıda büyüyen sistemler (aktif çamur prosesleri gibi) ve biyofilm
sistemler (damlatmalı filtreler gibi) olarak ikiye ayrılır. Her iki sisteminde
sunduğu belirli avantaj ve dezavantajlar bulunmaktadır. Arıtma verimini ve
etkinliğini artırmak için günümüzde her iki sistemin de avantajlarını bir araya
getiren hibrid sistemler üzerine yapılan çalışmalar yoğunluk kazanmıştır.
Hareketli yatak biyofilm reaktör teknolojisi de bu hibrid sistemlerden bir
tanesidir. Bu çalışmada, hareketli yatak biyofilm reaktör teknolojisi üzerine
literatürde bulunan mevcut çalışmalar incelenerek bir arada sunulmuştur.


  • Kermani M., Bina, B., Movahedian, H., Amin, M.M., Nikaein, M., “Application of Moving Bed Biofilm Process for Biological Organics and Nutrients Removal from Municipal Wastewater” American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4, 682-689, 2008.
  • Luostarinen, S., Luste, S., Valentin, L., Rintala, J., “Nitrogen removal from on-site treated anaerobic effluents using intermittently aerated moving bed biofilm reactors at low temperatures” Water Research, 40, 1607-1615, 2006.
  • Poyatos, J.M., Leyva-Díaz, J.C., Calderón, K., Rodríguez, F.A., González-López, J., Hontoria, E., “Comparative kinetic study between moving bed biofilm reactor-membrane bioreactor and membrane bioreactor systems and their influence on organic matter and nutrients removal” Biochemical Engineering Journal, 77, 28–40, 2013.
  • Mannina , G., Trapani, D.D., Viviani, G., Ødegaard, H., “Modelling and dynamic simulation of hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: Model concepts and application to a pilot plant” Biochemical Engineering Journal, 56, 23–36, 2011.
  • Masłon, A., Tomaszek, J.A., “A study on the use of the BioBall as a biofilm carrier in a sequencing batch reactor” Biosource Technology, 196, 577-585, 2015.
  • Qui, W., Li, M., Gu, Q., Sun, T., Wu, G., “Influence of carrier filling ratio on the performance of moving bed biofilm reactor in treating coking wastewater” Biosource Technology, 166, 72-78, 2014
  • Biswas, K., Taylor, M.W., Turner, S.J., “Successional development of biofilms in moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) systems treating municipal wastewater” Envıronmental Bıotechnology, 98, 1429–1440, 2014.
  • Poyatos, J.M., Leyva-Díaz, J.C., Martín-Pascual, J., González-López, J., Hontoria, E., “Effects of scale-up on a hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor – membrane bioreactor for treating urban wastewater” Chemical Engineering Science, 104, 808–816, 2013
  • Wang, X.J., Xia, S.Q., Chen, L., Zhao, J.F. Renault, N.J., Chovelon, J.M., “Nutrients removal from municipal wastewater by chemical precipitation in a moving bed biofilm reactor” Process Biochemistry, 41, 824–828, 2006.
  • Wang, Y., Zhang, S., He, W., Wu, M., Xing, M., Yang, J., Gao, N., Yin, D., “Responses of biofilm characteristics to variations in temperature and NH4+-N loading in a moving-bed biofilm reactor treating micro-polluted raw water” Biosource Technology, 131, 365-373, 2013.
  • Haandel, V., Lubbe, V.D., “Handbook of Biological Wastewater Treatment” IWA Publishing, 818p, London, 2012.
  • Rusten, B., Eikebrokk, B., Ulgenes, Y., Lygren, E., “Design and operations of the Kaldnes moving bed biofilm reactors” Aquacultural Engineering, 34, 322–33, 2006.
  • Rouse, J.D., Burjca, O., Strazar, M., Levstek, M., “A pilot-plant study of a moving-bed biofilm reactor system using PVA gel as a biocarrier for removals of organic carbon and nitrogen” Water Science & Technology, 55, 135-141, 2007.
  • Andersen, A., Broch-Due, R., Opheim, B., “Treatment of integrated newsprint mill wastewater in moving bed biofilm reactors” Water Science and Technology, 35, 173-180, 1997.
  • Dulkadiroğlu, H., Orhon, D., “Hareketli yataklı ardışık kesikli sistemlerde sıcaklığın nitrifikasyon hızı üzerine etkisi” İTÜ Mühendislik Dergisi, 2, 3-10, 2005.
  • Mandic-Mulec, I., Pal, L., Kraigher, B., Brajer-Humar, B., Levstek, M., “Total bacterial and ammonia-oxidizer community structure in moving bed biofilm reactors treating municipal wastewater and inorganic synthetic wastewater” Bioresource Technology, 110, 135–143, 2012.
  • Plattes, M., Henry, E., Schosseler, P.M., Weidenhaupt, A., “Modelling and dynamic simulation of a moving bed bioreactor using respirometry for the estimation of kinetic parameters” Biochemical Engineering Journal, 32, 61–68, 2006.
  • Jaroszynski, L.W., Cicek, N., Sparling, R., Oleszkiewicz, J.A., “Importance of the operating pH in maintaining the stability of anoxic ammonium oxidation (anammox) activity in moving bed biofilm reactors” Bioresource Technology, 102, 7051–7056, 2011.
  • Delnavaz, M., Ayati, B., Ganjidoust, H., “Prediction of moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) performance for the treatment of aniline using artificial neural networks (ANN)” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179, 769–775, 2010.
  • Poyatos, J., Martm-Pascual, J., Reboleiro-Rivas, P., Lopez-Lopez, C., Gonzalez-Lopez, J., Hontoria, E., “Influence of hydraulic retention time on heterotrophic biomass in a wastewater moving bed membrane bioreactor treatment plant” International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11, 1-10, 2013.
  • Calderón, K., Martín-Pascual, J., Poyatos, J.M., Rodelas, B., González-Martínez, A., González-López, J., “Comparative analysis of the bacterial diversity in a lab-scale moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) applied to treat urban wastewater under different operational conditions” Bioresource Technology, 121, 119–126, 2012.
  • Poyatos, J.M., Leyva-Díaz, J.C., López-López, C., Martín-Pascual, J., Muñío, M.M., “Kinetic study of the combined processes of a membrane bioreactor and a hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor-membrane bioreactor with advanced oxidation processes as a post-treatment stage for wastewater treatment” Chemical Engineering and Processing, 91, 57–66, 2015.
  • Dupla, M., Comeau, Y., Parent, S., Villemur, R., Jolicoeur, M., “Design optimization of a self-cleaning moving-bed bioreactor for seawater denitrification” Water Research, 40, 249-258, 2006.
  • Pastorelli, G., Canziani, R., Pedrazzi, L., Rozzi, A., “Phosphorus and nitrogen removal in moving-bed sequencing batch biofilm reactors” Water Science & Technology, 40, 169-176, 1999.
  • Chen, S., Sun, D., Chung, J.S., “Treatment of pesticide wastewater by moving-bed biofilm reactor combined with Fenton-coagulation pretreatment” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 144, 577–584, 2007.
  • Deshusses , M.A., Shore, J.L., M’Coy, W.S., Gunsch, C.K., Marc A., “Application of a moving bed biofilm reactor for tertiary ammonia treatment in high temperature industrial wastewater” Bioresource Technology, 112, 51–60, 2012.
  • Trapani, D.D., Mannina, G., Torregrossa, M. and Viviani, G., “Hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: a pilot plant experiment” Water Science & Technology, 57, 1539-1545, 2008.
  • Accinelli, C., Saccà, M.L., Mencarelli, M., Vicari, A., “Application of bioplastic moving bed biofilm carriers for the removal of synthetic pollutants from wastewater” Bioresource Technology, 120, 180–186, 2012.
  • Hegazy, B.E., Fouad, H.A., Kamel, M.M., “Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor With Activated Sludge For Treating Paper Industrial Wastewater” Internatıonal Journal of Academıc Research, 5, 2013.
  • Wang, J., Chu, L., “Comparison of polyurethane foam and biodegradable polymer as carriers in moving bed biofilm reactor for treating wastewater with a low C/N ratio” Chemosphere, 83, 63–68, 2011.
  • Jaroszynski, L.W., Cicek, N., Sparling, R., Oleszkiewicz, J. A., “Impact of free ammonia on anammox rates (anoxic ammonium oxidation) in a moving bed biofilm reactor” Chemosphere, 88, 188–195, 2012.
  • Cheng, W., Liu, H., Wang, M., Wang, M., “The effect of bubble plume on oxygen transfer for moving bed biofilm reactor” Journal of Hydrodynamics, 26, 664-667, 2014.
  • Brinkley, J., Johnson, C.H., Souza, R., “Moving bed biofilm reactor technology - A full-scale installation for treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater” Chemıcal Business, March 2013, 50-57, 2013.
  • Zimmerman, R.A., Richard, D., Lynne, S. and Lin, W., “Is Your Moving Bed Biofiim Reactor (MBBR) Running on All Cylinders?” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 29 October-2 November, 6238-6265, Washington DC, 2005.
  • Aygün, A., “Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörde (HYBR) Çeşitli Organik ve Hidrolik Yüklerin Atıksu Arıtma Verimine Etkisi” Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 155s, Konya, 2006.
  • Salvetti, R., Azzellino, A., Canziani, R., Bonomo, L., “Effects of temperature on tertiary nitrification in moving-bed biofilm reactors” Water Research, 40, 2981-2993, 2006.
  • Mannina, G., Trapani, D. D., Torregrossa, M., Viviani, G., “Modelling of hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: a pilot plant experiment” Water Science & Technology, 55, 237-246, 2007.
  • Liu, Y., Shi, Y., Huang, C., Rocha, K.C., El-Din, M.G., “Treatment of oil sands process-affected water using moving bed biofilm reactors: With and without ozone pretreatment” Biosource Technology, 192, 219-227, 2015.
  • Ateia, M., Nasr, M., Yoshimura, C. and Manabu, F., “Organic matter removal from saline agricultural drainage wastewater using a moving bed biofilm reactor” Water Science & Technology, 72, 1327-1333, 2015.
  • Dvorák, L., Lederer, T., Jirku, V., Masák, J., Novák, L., “Removal of aniline, cyanides and diphenylguanidine from industrial wastewater using a full-scale moving bed biofilm reactor” Process Biochemistry, 49, 102–109, 2014.
  • Ren, H., Zhu, Y., Zhang, Y., Geng, J., Xu, K., Huang, H., Ding, L., “Physicochemical characteristics and microbial community evolution of biofilms during the start-up period in a moving bed biofilm reactor” Biosource Technology, 180, 345-351, 2015.
  • Borkar, R.P, Gulhane M.L, and Kotangale A.J., “Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor – A New Perspective in Wastewater Treatment” Journal Of Environmental Science, Toxicology And Food Technology, 6, 15-21, 2013.
  • Han, H., Zhuang, H., Jia, S., Zhao, Q., Hou, B., “Advanced treatment of biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater using a novel anoxic moving bed biofilm reactor (ANMBBR)–biological aerated filter (BAF) system” Biosource Technology, 157, 223-230, 2014.
  • Makowska, M., Spychała, M., Błażejewski, R., “Treatment of Septic Tank Effluent in Moving Bed Biological Reactors with Intermittent Aeration” Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 18, 1051-1057, 2009.
  • Borghei, S.M., Hosseini, S.H., “The treatment of phenolic wastewater using a moving bed biofilm reactor” Process Biochemistry, 39, 1177–1181, 2004.
  • Han, H., Li, H., Du, M., Wang, W., “Removal of phenols, thiocyanate and ammonium from coal gasification wastewater using moving bed biofilm reactor” Bioresource Technology, 102, 4667–4673, 2011.
  • Dezotti, M., Bassin, J.P., Geraldo L., “Nitrification of industrial and domestic saline wastewaters in moving bed biofilm reactor and sequencing batch reactor” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 185, 242–248, 2011.
  • Trapani, D.D., Mannina, G., Torregrossa, M. and Viviani, G., “Comparison between hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor and activated sludge system: a pilot plant experiment” Water Science & Technology, 61, 891-902, 2010.
  • Tawfik, A., “Polyurethane” Edited by Zafar, F., Sharmin, E., InTech, US, 355-380, 2012.
  • Mannina, G. and Viviani, G., “Hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: an effective solution for upgrading a large wastewater treatment plant” Water Science & Technology, 60, 1103-1116, 2009.
  • Ødegaard, H., “Innovations in wastewater treatment: the moving bed biofilm process” Water Science & Technology, 53, 17–33, 2006.
  • Ødegaard, H., “The moving bed biofilm reactor” Water Environmental Engineering And Reuse Of Water, 250–305, 1999.
  • Öztürk, İ., Timur, H., Koşkan, U., “Atıksu Arıtımının Esasları” T.C Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı, 468s., Ankara, 2005.
  • Qui, R., Wang, S., Chandrasekhara, N.R., Moletta, R., “Performance and kinetic evaluation of anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor for treating milk permeate from dairy industry” Bioresource Technology, 100, 5641–5647, 2005.
  • Mang, L., Li-Peng, G. and Wen-Hao, X., “Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater using a sequential anaerobic–aerobic moving-bed biofilm reactor system based on suspended ceramsite” Water Science & Technology, 67, 1976-1983, 2013.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF), “Biofilm Reactors” WefPress, Wef Manual of Practice No: 35, 608s, US, 2010.
  • Rusten, B., Hem, L.J., Ødegaard, H., “Nitrification of municipal wastewater in moving-bed biofilm reactors” Water Environment Research, 67, 75-86, 1995.
  • Delatolla, R., Hoang, V., Abujamel, T., Mottawea, W., Gadbois, A., Laflamme, E., Stintzi, A., “Nitrifying moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) biofilm and biomass response to long term exposure to 1 oC” Water Research, 49, 215-224, 2014.
  • Kouba, V., Catrysse, M., Stryjova, H., Jonatova, I., Volcke, E., Svehla, P. and Bartacek, J., “The impact of influent total ammonium nitrogen concentration on nitrite-oxidizing bacteria inhibition in moving bed biofilm reactor” Water Science & Technology, 69, 1227-1233, 2014.
  • Torkaman, M., Borghei, S.M., Tahmasebian, S. and Andalibi, M.R., “ Nitrogen removal from high organic loading wastewater in modified Ludzack-Ettinger configuration mbbr system” Water Science & Technology, 72, 1274-1282, 2015.
  • Yang, F., Yang, S., Fu, Z., Wang, T., Lei, R., “Simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal by a novel sequencing batch moving bed membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 175, 551–557, 2010.
  • Wang, J., Chu, L., Quan, F., Xin-Hui, X., Tang, L., Zhang, C., “Modification of polyurethane foam carriers and application in a moving bed biofilm reactor” Process Biochemistry, 49, 1979–1982, 2014.
  • Poyatos, J.M., Leyva-Díaz, J.C., Martín-Pascual, J., Munío, M.M., González-López, J., Hontoria, E. “Comparative kinetics of hybrid and pure moving bed reactor-membrane bioreactors” Ecological Engineering, 70, 227–234, 2014.
  • Moe, W.M., Irvine, R.L., “Polyurethane foam medium for biofiltration” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 126, 815–825, 2000.
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  • Biswas, K., Taylor, M.W., Turner, S.J., “dsrAB-based analysis of sulphate-reducing bacteria in moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) wastewater treatment plants” Envıronmental Bıotechnology, 98, 7211–7222, 2014.
  • Wang, Y., Zhang, S., He, W., Wu, M., Xing, M., Yang, J., Gao, N., Pan, M., “Impacts of temperature and nitrifying community on nitrification kinetics in a moving-bed biofilm reactor treating polluted raw water” Chemical Engineering Journal, 236, 242–250, 2014.
  • Ren, H., Huang, H., Ding, L., Geng, J., Xu, K., Zhang, Y., “Aging biofilm from a full-scale moving bed biofilm reactor: Characterization and enzymatic treatment study” Bioresource Technology, 154, 122–130, 2014.
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  • Poyatos, J.M., Leyva-Díaz, J.C., González-Martínez, A., González-López , J., Muñío, M.M., “Kinetic modeling and microbiological study of two-step nitrification in a membrane bioreactor and hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor–membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment” Chemical Engineering Journal, 259, 692–702, 2015.
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  • Wang, J., Chu, L., “Nitrogen removal using biodegradable polymers as carbon source and biofilm carriers in a moving bed biofilm reactor” Chemical Engineering Journal, 170, 220–225, 2011.
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The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 39 - 51, 28.07.2017


The population growth and
industrialization brings with increasing in the water consumption. The
increasing of water consumption causes to reduction of clean  water sources. Biological treatment processes
has an great imprtance in the wastewater treatment. Commonly used processes in
biological treatment of wastewaters divides into two as suspended growth
systems (e.g. activated sludge processes) and biofilm systems (e.g. trickling
filters). There is specific advantages and disadvantages offered by the both
systems. Nowadays, to enhance the treatment productivity and efficiency, the
studies on hybrid systems which combines the advantages of the both systems is
intensifies. Also, the moving bed biofilm reactors, one of the these hybrid
systems. In this study, available studies in the literature on moving bed
biofilm reactor technology was presented together. 


  • Kermani M., Bina, B., Movahedian, H., Amin, M.M., Nikaein, M., “Application of Moving Bed Biofilm Process for Biological Organics and Nutrients Removal from Municipal Wastewater” American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4, 682-689, 2008.
  • Luostarinen, S., Luste, S., Valentin, L., Rintala, J., “Nitrogen removal from on-site treated anaerobic effluents using intermittently aerated moving bed biofilm reactors at low temperatures” Water Research, 40, 1607-1615, 2006.
  • Poyatos, J.M., Leyva-Díaz, J.C., Calderón, K., Rodríguez, F.A., González-López, J., Hontoria, E., “Comparative kinetic study between moving bed biofilm reactor-membrane bioreactor and membrane bioreactor systems and their influence on organic matter and nutrients removal” Biochemical Engineering Journal, 77, 28–40, 2013.
  • Mannina , G., Trapani, D.D., Viviani, G., Ødegaard, H., “Modelling and dynamic simulation of hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: Model concepts and application to a pilot plant” Biochemical Engineering Journal, 56, 23–36, 2011.
  • Masłon, A., Tomaszek, J.A., “A study on the use of the BioBall as a biofilm carrier in a sequencing batch reactor” Biosource Technology, 196, 577-585, 2015.
  • Qui, W., Li, M., Gu, Q., Sun, T., Wu, G., “Influence of carrier filling ratio on the performance of moving bed biofilm reactor in treating coking wastewater” Biosource Technology, 166, 72-78, 2014
  • Biswas, K., Taylor, M.W., Turner, S.J., “Successional development of biofilms in moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) systems treating municipal wastewater” Envıronmental Bıotechnology, 98, 1429–1440, 2014.
  • Poyatos, J.M., Leyva-Díaz, J.C., Martín-Pascual, J., González-López, J., Hontoria, E., “Effects of scale-up on a hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor – membrane bioreactor for treating urban wastewater” Chemical Engineering Science, 104, 808–816, 2013
  • Wang, X.J., Xia, S.Q., Chen, L., Zhao, J.F. Renault, N.J., Chovelon, J.M., “Nutrients removal from municipal wastewater by chemical precipitation in a moving bed biofilm reactor” Process Biochemistry, 41, 824–828, 2006.
  • Wang, Y., Zhang, S., He, W., Wu, M., Xing, M., Yang, J., Gao, N., Yin, D., “Responses of biofilm characteristics to variations in temperature and NH4+-N loading in a moving-bed biofilm reactor treating micro-polluted raw water” Biosource Technology, 131, 365-373, 2013.
  • Haandel, V., Lubbe, V.D., “Handbook of Biological Wastewater Treatment” IWA Publishing, 818p, London, 2012.
  • Rusten, B., Eikebrokk, B., Ulgenes, Y., Lygren, E., “Design and operations of the Kaldnes moving bed biofilm reactors” Aquacultural Engineering, 34, 322–33, 2006.
  • Rouse, J.D., Burjca, O., Strazar, M., Levstek, M., “A pilot-plant study of a moving-bed biofilm reactor system using PVA gel as a biocarrier for removals of organic carbon and nitrogen” Water Science & Technology, 55, 135-141, 2007.
  • Andersen, A., Broch-Due, R., Opheim, B., “Treatment of integrated newsprint mill wastewater in moving bed biofilm reactors” Water Science and Technology, 35, 173-180, 1997.
  • Dulkadiroğlu, H., Orhon, D., “Hareketli yataklı ardışık kesikli sistemlerde sıcaklığın nitrifikasyon hızı üzerine etkisi” İTÜ Mühendislik Dergisi, 2, 3-10, 2005.
  • Mandic-Mulec, I., Pal, L., Kraigher, B., Brajer-Humar, B., Levstek, M., “Total bacterial and ammonia-oxidizer community structure in moving bed biofilm reactors treating municipal wastewater and inorganic synthetic wastewater” Bioresource Technology, 110, 135–143, 2012.
  • Plattes, M., Henry, E., Schosseler, P.M., Weidenhaupt, A., “Modelling and dynamic simulation of a moving bed bioreactor using respirometry for the estimation of kinetic parameters” Biochemical Engineering Journal, 32, 61–68, 2006.
  • Jaroszynski, L.W., Cicek, N., Sparling, R., Oleszkiewicz, J.A., “Importance of the operating pH in maintaining the stability of anoxic ammonium oxidation (anammox) activity in moving bed biofilm reactors” Bioresource Technology, 102, 7051–7056, 2011.
  • Delnavaz, M., Ayati, B., Ganjidoust, H., “Prediction of moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) performance for the treatment of aniline using artificial neural networks (ANN)” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179, 769–775, 2010.
  • Poyatos, J., Martm-Pascual, J., Reboleiro-Rivas, P., Lopez-Lopez, C., Gonzalez-Lopez, J., Hontoria, E., “Influence of hydraulic retention time on heterotrophic biomass in a wastewater moving bed membrane bioreactor treatment plant” International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11, 1-10, 2013.
  • Calderón, K., Martín-Pascual, J., Poyatos, J.M., Rodelas, B., González-Martínez, A., González-López, J., “Comparative analysis of the bacterial diversity in a lab-scale moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) applied to treat urban wastewater under different operational conditions” Bioresource Technology, 121, 119–126, 2012.
  • Poyatos, J.M., Leyva-Díaz, J.C., López-López, C., Martín-Pascual, J., Muñío, M.M., “Kinetic study of the combined processes of a membrane bioreactor and a hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor-membrane bioreactor with advanced oxidation processes as a post-treatment stage for wastewater treatment” Chemical Engineering and Processing, 91, 57–66, 2015.
  • Dupla, M., Comeau, Y., Parent, S., Villemur, R., Jolicoeur, M., “Design optimization of a self-cleaning moving-bed bioreactor for seawater denitrification” Water Research, 40, 249-258, 2006.
  • Pastorelli, G., Canziani, R., Pedrazzi, L., Rozzi, A., “Phosphorus and nitrogen removal in moving-bed sequencing batch biofilm reactors” Water Science & Technology, 40, 169-176, 1999.
  • Chen, S., Sun, D., Chung, J.S., “Treatment of pesticide wastewater by moving-bed biofilm reactor combined with Fenton-coagulation pretreatment” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 144, 577–584, 2007.
  • Deshusses , M.A., Shore, J.L., M’Coy, W.S., Gunsch, C.K., Marc A., “Application of a moving bed biofilm reactor for tertiary ammonia treatment in high temperature industrial wastewater” Bioresource Technology, 112, 51–60, 2012.
  • Trapani, D.D., Mannina, G., Torregrossa, M. and Viviani, G., “Hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: a pilot plant experiment” Water Science & Technology, 57, 1539-1545, 2008.
  • Accinelli, C., Saccà, M.L., Mencarelli, M., Vicari, A., “Application of bioplastic moving bed biofilm carriers for the removal of synthetic pollutants from wastewater” Bioresource Technology, 120, 180–186, 2012.
  • Hegazy, B.E., Fouad, H.A., Kamel, M.M., “Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor With Activated Sludge For Treating Paper Industrial Wastewater” Internatıonal Journal of Academıc Research, 5, 2013.
  • Wang, J., Chu, L., “Comparison of polyurethane foam and biodegradable polymer as carriers in moving bed biofilm reactor for treating wastewater with a low C/N ratio” Chemosphere, 83, 63–68, 2011.
  • Jaroszynski, L.W., Cicek, N., Sparling, R., Oleszkiewicz, J. A., “Impact of free ammonia on anammox rates (anoxic ammonium oxidation) in a moving bed biofilm reactor” Chemosphere, 88, 188–195, 2012.
  • Cheng, W., Liu, H., Wang, M., Wang, M., “The effect of bubble plume on oxygen transfer for moving bed biofilm reactor” Journal of Hydrodynamics, 26, 664-667, 2014.
  • Brinkley, J., Johnson, C.H., Souza, R., “Moving bed biofilm reactor technology - A full-scale installation for treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater” Chemıcal Business, March 2013, 50-57, 2013.
  • Zimmerman, R.A., Richard, D., Lynne, S. and Lin, W., “Is Your Moving Bed Biofiim Reactor (MBBR) Running on All Cylinders?” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 29 October-2 November, 6238-6265, Washington DC, 2005.
  • Aygün, A., “Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörde (HYBR) Çeşitli Organik ve Hidrolik Yüklerin Atıksu Arıtma Verimine Etkisi” Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 155s, Konya, 2006.
  • Salvetti, R., Azzellino, A., Canziani, R., Bonomo, L., “Effects of temperature on tertiary nitrification in moving-bed biofilm reactors” Water Research, 40, 2981-2993, 2006.
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Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Çevre Mühendisliği

Osman Önder Namal

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Namal, O. Ö. (2017). Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler. Nevşehir Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 6(1), 39-51. https://doi.org/10.17100/nevbiltek.271047
AMA Namal OÖ. Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi. Temmuz 2017;6(1):39-51. doi:10.17100/nevbiltek.271047
Chicago Namal, Osman Önder. “Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler”. Nevşehir Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 6, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2017): 39-51. https://doi.org/10.17100/nevbiltek.271047.
EndNote Namal OÖ (01 Temmuz 2017) Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 6 1 39–51.
IEEE O. Ö. Namal, “Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler”, Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1, ss. 39–51, 2017, doi: 10.17100/nevbiltek.271047.
ISNAD Namal, Osman Önder. “Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler”. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 6/1 (Temmuz 2017), 39-51. https://doi.org/10.17100/nevbiltek.271047.
JAMA Namal OÖ. Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi. 2017;6:39–51.
MLA Namal, Osman Önder. “Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler”. Nevşehir Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1, 2017, ss. 39-51, doi:10.17100/nevbiltek.271047.
Vancouver Namal OÖ. Hareketli Yatak Biyofilm Reaktörler. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi. 2017;6(1):39-51.

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