Research Article
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Year 2019, , 689 - 697, 31.07.2019


kirliliği, gelişmekte olan çoğu ülkelerde en önemli çevresel sorunların başında
gelmektedir. Sanayileşme, hızlı nüfus artışı ve kentsel yapılaşma nedeniyle
Türkiye’de hava kalitesinin belirlenmesi önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada,
2017 yılında Türkiye'de 103 ölçüm istasyonundaki veriler yardımıyla ölçülen PM10
ve SO2'lerin konsantrasyon seviyeleri değerlendirilmiştir. Ölçüm
periyodu boyunca elde edilen yıllık PM10 konsantrasyon değerleri
15,1-135,0 µg/m3 (55,3±20,2 µg/m3), SO2
konsantrasyon değerleri ise 2,5-99,0 µg/m3 (14,9±12,8 µg/m3)arasında değişiklik göstermektedir. Türkiye genelindeki PM10
konsantrasyon seviyelerine bakıldığında, Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi hariç genellikle
homojen bir dağılım göstermektedir. Benzer olarak Türkiye genelindeki SO2
konsantrasyon seviyelerindeki dağılımlara bakıldığında; kömür yataklarını
zengin olduğu Trakya ve Ege Bölgeleri ile Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu
Bölgeleri’nde özellikle soğuk mevsimlerde kömür kullanımı bu bölgelerde yüksek
SO2 konsantrasyon seviyelerinin görülmesine neden olmuştur. Ayrıca
kirletici konsantrasyonları ile meteorolojik faktörlerin haritalandırılması
sonucunda, özellikle karışım yüksekliği, sıcaklık ve rüzgar hızlarının
kirletici konsantrasyonlarının dağılımlarında etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


Ölçüm sonuçlarını temin ettiğimiz T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı’na teşekkür ederiz.


  • [1] LI Y., GUAN, D., TAO, S., WANG, X., HE, K.. “A Review Of Air Pollution On Subjective Well-Being: Survey Versus Visual Psychophysics”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 184: 959-968, 2018.
  • [2] WANGER, P., SCHÄFER, K., “Influence of Mixing Layer Height On Air Pollutant Concentrations In An Urban Street Canyon”, Urban Climate, 22(2017): 64-79, 2017.
  • [3] AREÚJO, R. DE A., OLİVEİRA, A.L.I., MERİA, S., “On The Problem of Forecasting Air Pollutant Concentration With Morphological Models”, Neurocomputing, 265, 91- 104, 2017.
  • [4] NĂSTASE, G., SERBAN, A., NĂSTASE, A.F., DRAGOMIR, G., BREZEANU, A.I., “Air Quality, Primary Air Pollutants And Ambient Concentrations Inventory For Romania, Atmospheric Environment, 184, 292-303, 2018.
  • [5] RAI, A.C., KUMAR, P., PILLA, F., SKOULOUDIS, A.N., DI SABATINO, S., RATTI, C., YASAR, A., RICKERBY, D., “End-User Perspective of Low-Cost Sensors For Outdoor Air Pollution Monitoring”, Science of The Total Environment, 607-608, 691-705, 2017.
  • [6] FRANCHINI, M., MANNUCCI, P.M., “Mitigation of Air Pollution By Greenness: A Narritive Review”, European Journal of Internal Medicine, Basımda. 2018.
  • [7] GE, E., FAN, M., QIU, H., HU, H., TIAN, L., WANG, X., XU, G., WEI, X., “Ambient Levels Associated With Reduced Risk of Initial Outpatient Visits For Tuberculosis: A Population Based Time Series Analysis”, Environmental Pollution, 28, 408-415, 2017.
  • [8] RAY, S., KİM, K-H., “The Population Status of Sulfur Dioxide In Major Urban Areas of Korea Between 1989-2010”, Atmospheric Research, 147-148, 101-110, 2014.
  • [9] WANG, L., LIU, C., MENG, X., NIU, Y., LIN, Z., LIU, Y., LIU, J., QI, J., YOU, J., TSE, L.A., CHEN, J., ZHOU, M., CHEN, R., YIN, P., KAN, H., “Associations Between Short-Term Exposure To Ambient Sulfur Dioxide And Increased Cause-Specific Mortality In 272 Chinese Cities”, Environmental International, 117, 33-39, 2018.
  • [10] GUTTIKUNDA, S.K., CARMICHAEL, G.R., CALORI, G., ECK, C., WOO, J-H., “The Contribution of Megacities To Regional Sulfur Pollution In Asia”, Atmospheric Environment, 37, 11-22, 2003.
  • [11] BARBULESCU, A., BARBES, L., “Mathematical Modeling Of Sulfur Dioxide Concentration in The Western Part Of Romania”, Journal of Environmental Management, 204 Part 3, 825-830, 2017.
  • [12] DUBEY, N., PERVEZ, S., “Investigation of Variation in Ambient PM10 Levels Within An Urban-Industrial environment”, Aerosol and Air Quality Researc, 8, 54-64, 2008.
  • [13] LI, J., CHEN, B., DE LA CAMPA, A.M.S., ALASTUEY, A., QUEROL, X., DE LA ROSA, J.D., “2005-2014 Trends of PM10 Source Contributions In An Industrialized Area Of Southern Spain,” Environmental Pollution, 236, 570-579, 2018.
  • [14] DE ROOJI, M.M.T., HEEDERIK, D.J.J., BORLÉE, F., HOEK, G., WOUTERS, I.M., “Spatial And Temporal Variation in Endotoxin And PM10 Concentrations in Ambient Air in A Livestock Dense Area”, Environmental Research, 153, 161-170. 2017.
  • [15] VICENTE, A.B., JUAN, P., MESEGUER, S., DÍAZ-AVALOS, C., SERRA, L., “Variability of PM10 In Industrialized-Urban Areas. New Coefficients To Establish Significant Differences Between Sampling points”, Environmental Pollution, 234, 969-978, 2018.
  • [16] ŽIBERT, J., CEDILNIK, J., PRAŽNIKAR, J., “Particulate Matter (PM10) Patterns In Europe: An Exporatory Data Analysis Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization”, Atmospheric Environment, 132, 217-228, 2016.
  • [17] GRIVAS, G., CHALOULAKOU, A., “Artificial Neural Network Models For Prediction of PM10 Hourly Concentrations, In The Greater Area Of Athens, Greece”, Atmospheric. Environmental, 40,1216-1229, 2006.
  • [18] BIANCOFIORE, F., BUSILACCIHIO, M., VERDECCHIA, M., TOMASSETTI, B., ARUFFO, E., BIANCO, S., DI TOMMASO, S., COLANGELLI, C., ROSATELLI, G., DI CARLO, P., “Recursive Neural Network Model For Analysis And Forecast of PM10 And PM2.5”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 8, 652-659, 2017.
  • [19] KALAIARASAN, G., BALAKRISHNAN, R.M., SETHUNATH, N.A., “Source apportionment studies on particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in ambient air of urban Mangalore, India”, Journal of Environmental Management, 217,815-824, 2018.
  • [20] ZHU, Y., HUANG, L., LI, J., YING, Q., ZHANG, H., LIU, X., LIAO, H., LI, N., LIU, Z., MAO, Y., FANG, H., HU, J., “Sources of Particulate Matter In China: Insights From Source Apportionment Studies Published In 1987–2017”, Environmental International, 115, 343-357, 2018.
  • [21] BARİ, MD., KİNDZİERSKİ, W.B., “ Fifteen-Year Trends in Criteria Air Pollutants in Oil Sands Communities of Alberta, Canada”, Environmental International, 74, 200- 208, 2015.
  • [22] (erişim tarihi 01.08.2018).
  • [23] (erişim tarihi 01.08.2018).
  • [24] OZKURT, N., SARI, D., AKALIN, N., HİLMİOĞLU, B., “Evaluation of the Impact of SO2 and NO2 Emissions on the Ambient Air-Quality in the Çan-Bahramiç Region of Northwest Turkey During 2007-2008”, Science of the Total Environment, 456-457, 254-266, 2013.
  • [25] TAŞDEMİR, Y., CİNDORUK, S.S., ESEN, F., “Monitoring of Criteria Air Pollutants in Bursa, Turkey”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 110, 227-241, 2005.
  • [26] ÖZEL, G., ÇAKMAKYAPAN, S., “A New Approach to the Prediction of PM10 Concentrations in Central Anatolia Region, Turkey”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6, 735-741, 2015.
  • [27] BOZKURT, Z., ÜZMEN, Ö.Ö., DÖĞEROĞLU, T., ARTUN, G., GAGA, E.O., “ Atmospheric Concentrations Of SO2, NO2, Ozone And VOCs İn Düzce, Turkey Using Passive Air Samplers: Sources, Spatial and Seasonal Variations and Health Risk Estimation”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 9, 1146-1156, 2018.
  • [28] TALBI, A., KERCHICH, Y., KERBACHI, R., BOUGHEDAOUI, M., “Assessment of Annual Air Pollution Levels With PM1, PM2.5, PM10 And Associated Heavy Metals In Algiers, Algeria”, Environmental Pollution, 232, 252-263, 2018.
  • [29] ELİBÜYÜK, M., YILMAZ, E., “Türkiye’nin Coğrafi Bölge ve Bölümlerine Göre Yükselti Basamakları ve Eğim Grupları”, Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 8, 27-55. 2010.
  • [30] WANG, H., GE, Y., HAO, L., XU, X., TAN, J., LI, J., WU, L., YANG, J., YANG, D., PENG, J., YANG, J., YANG, R., “The Real Driving Emission Characteristics of Light- Duty Diesel Vehicle At Various Altitudes”, Atmospheric Environment, Basımda. 2018.
  • [31] TAŞDEMİR, Y., CİNDORUK, S.S., ESEN, F., “Monitoring of Criteria Air Pollutants In Bursa Turkey”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 110, 227-241, 2005.
  • [32] NIREL, R., DAYAN, U., “On the Ratio of Sulfur Dioxide To Nitrogen Oxides As A İndicator Of Air Pollution Sources”, Journal of Applied Meterology, 40, 1209-1222, 2001.
  • [33] ZAFRA, C., ÁNGEL, Y., TORRES, E., “ARIMA Analysis of The Effect Of Land Surface Coverage On PM10 Concentrations In A High-Altitude Megacity”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 8, 660-668, 2017.
  • [34] ASL, F.B., LEILI, M., VAZIRI, Y., ARIAN, S.S., CRISTALDI, A., CONTI, G.O., FERRANTE, M., “Health Impacts Quantification of Ambient Air Pollutants Using Airq Model Approach in Hamadan, Iran”, Environmental Research, 161, 114-121, 2018.
  • [35] BELUŠIĆ, A., HERCEG-BULIĆ, I., KLAIĆ., Z.B., “Using A Generalized Additive Model To Quantify The Influence of Local Meteorology On Air Quality in Zagreb”, Geofizika, 32, 47-77. 2015.
  • [36] LORGA, G., RAICU, C.B., STEFAN, S., “Annual Air Pollution Level of Major Primary Pollutants in Greater Area of Bucharest”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6, 824- 834,2015.
  • [37] YIN, Q., WANG, J., HU, M., WONG, H., “Estimation of Daily PM2.5 Concentration And Its Relationship With Meteorological Conditions In Beijing”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 48, 161-168, 2016.
  • [38] WANGER, P., SCHÄFER, K., “Influence of Mixing Layer Height On Air Pollutant Concentrations In An Urban Street Canyon”, Urban Climate, 22(2017): 64-79, 2017.
  • [39] TANG, G., ZHANG, J., ZHU, X., SONG, T., MUNKEL, C., HU, B., SCHÄFER, K., LIU, Z., ZHANG, J., WANG, L., XIN, J., SUPPAN, P., WANG, Y., “Mixing Layer Height And Its Implications For Air Pollution Over Beijing, China”, Atmopheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 2459-2475, 2016.
  • [40] MALANDRINO, M., DI MARTINO, M., GHIOTTI, G., GEOBALDO, F., GROSA, M.M., GIACOMINO, A., ABOLLINO, O., “Inter-Annual And Seasonal Variability In PM10 Samples Monitored In The City of Turin (Italy) From 2002 To 2005”, Microchemical Journal, 107, 76-85, 2013.
  • [41] ABDUL-WAHAB, S.A., EN, S.C.F., ELKAMEL, A., AHMADİ, L., YETİLMEZSOY, K., “A Review of Standards And Guidelines Set By İnternational Bodies For The Parameters of Indoor Air Quality”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6, 751-567, 2015.
  • [42] AVŞAR, E., ALP, K., TORÖZ, İ., “Balıkesir İli Burhaniye İlçesi ( İskele Mahallesi )Hava Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi”, BEÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 4, 68–82, 2015.
  • [43] KIM, K-H., SUL, K-H., SZULEJKO, J.E., CHAMBERS, S.D., FENG, X., LEE, M-H., “Progress In The Reduction Of Carbon Monoxide Levels In Major Urban Areas İn Korea”, Environmental Pollution, 207,420-428, 2015.


Year 2019, , 689 - 697, 31.07.2019


pollution is one of the most important environmental problems in most
developing countries. Industrialization, due to rapid population growth and urban
infrastructure in Turkey to determine air quality is important. In this study,
PM10 and SO2 concentration levels measured using data
from the measurement station 103 has been evaluated in Turkey in 2017. The
annual PM10 concentration values ​​obtained during the measurement
period vary between 15.1-135.0 µg/m3 (55.3±20.2 µg/m3)
and the SO2 concentration values ​​vary between 2.5-99.0 µg/m3 (14.9±12.8
µg/m3). When the PM10 concentration levels throughout
Turkey usually indicates a homogeneous distribution except Eastern Anatolia
Region. Similarly, when we look at the distribution of SO2
concentration levels throughout Turkey; coal deposits in the Thrace and Aegean
Regions and Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Regions, especially in the cold
season, the use of coal in these regions caused high levels of SO2
concentration. In addition, as a result of mapping of pollutant concentrations
and meteorological factors, it was found that especially the mixing height,
temperature and wind speeds were effective in the distribution of pollutant


  • [1] LI Y., GUAN, D., TAO, S., WANG, X., HE, K.. “A Review Of Air Pollution On Subjective Well-Being: Survey Versus Visual Psychophysics”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 184: 959-968, 2018.
  • [2] WANGER, P., SCHÄFER, K., “Influence of Mixing Layer Height On Air Pollutant Concentrations In An Urban Street Canyon”, Urban Climate, 22(2017): 64-79, 2017.
  • [3] AREÚJO, R. DE A., OLİVEİRA, A.L.I., MERİA, S., “On The Problem of Forecasting Air Pollutant Concentration With Morphological Models”, Neurocomputing, 265, 91- 104, 2017.
  • [4] NĂSTASE, G., SERBAN, A., NĂSTASE, A.F., DRAGOMIR, G., BREZEANU, A.I., “Air Quality, Primary Air Pollutants And Ambient Concentrations Inventory For Romania, Atmospheric Environment, 184, 292-303, 2018.
  • [5] RAI, A.C., KUMAR, P., PILLA, F., SKOULOUDIS, A.N., DI SABATINO, S., RATTI, C., YASAR, A., RICKERBY, D., “End-User Perspective of Low-Cost Sensors For Outdoor Air Pollution Monitoring”, Science of The Total Environment, 607-608, 691-705, 2017.
  • [6] FRANCHINI, M., MANNUCCI, P.M., “Mitigation of Air Pollution By Greenness: A Narritive Review”, European Journal of Internal Medicine, Basımda. 2018.
  • [7] GE, E., FAN, M., QIU, H., HU, H., TIAN, L., WANG, X., XU, G., WEI, X., “Ambient Levels Associated With Reduced Risk of Initial Outpatient Visits For Tuberculosis: A Population Based Time Series Analysis”, Environmental Pollution, 28, 408-415, 2017.
  • [8] RAY, S., KİM, K-H., “The Population Status of Sulfur Dioxide In Major Urban Areas of Korea Between 1989-2010”, Atmospheric Research, 147-148, 101-110, 2014.
  • [9] WANG, L., LIU, C., MENG, X., NIU, Y., LIN, Z., LIU, Y., LIU, J., QI, J., YOU, J., TSE, L.A., CHEN, J., ZHOU, M., CHEN, R., YIN, P., KAN, H., “Associations Between Short-Term Exposure To Ambient Sulfur Dioxide And Increased Cause-Specific Mortality In 272 Chinese Cities”, Environmental International, 117, 33-39, 2018.
  • [10] GUTTIKUNDA, S.K., CARMICHAEL, G.R., CALORI, G., ECK, C., WOO, J-H., “The Contribution of Megacities To Regional Sulfur Pollution In Asia”, Atmospheric Environment, 37, 11-22, 2003.
  • [11] BARBULESCU, A., BARBES, L., “Mathematical Modeling Of Sulfur Dioxide Concentration in The Western Part Of Romania”, Journal of Environmental Management, 204 Part 3, 825-830, 2017.
  • [12] DUBEY, N., PERVEZ, S., “Investigation of Variation in Ambient PM10 Levels Within An Urban-Industrial environment”, Aerosol and Air Quality Researc, 8, 54-64, 2008.
  • [13] LI, J., CHEN, B., DE LA CAMPA, A.M.S., ALASTUEY, A., QUEROL, X., DE LA ROSA, J.D., “2005-2014 Trends of PM10 Source Contributions In An Industrialized Area Of Southern Spain,” Environmental Pollution, 236, 570-579, 2018.
  • [14] DE ROOJI, M.M.T., HEEDERIK, D.J.J., BORLÉE, F., HOEK, G., WOUTERS, I.M., “Spatial And Temporal Variation in Endotoxin And PM10 Concentrations in Ambient Air in A Livestock Dense Area”, Environmental Research, 153, 161-170. 2017.
  • [15] VICENTE, A.B., JUAN, P., MESEGUER, S., DÍAZ-AVALOS, C., SERRA, L., “Variability of PM10 In Industrialized-Urban Areas. New Coefficients To Establish Significant Differences Between Sampling points”, Environmental Pollution, 234, 969-978, 2018.
  • [16] ŽIBERT, J., CEDILNIK, J., PRAŽNIKAR, J., “Particulate Matter (PM10) Patterns In Europe: An Exporatory Data Analysis Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization”, Atmospheric Environment, 132, 217-228, 2016.
  • [17] GRIVAS, G., CHALOULAKOU, A., “Artificial Neural Network Models For Prediction of PM10 Hourly Concentrations, In The Greater Area Of Athens, Greece”, Atmospheric. Environmental, 40,1216-1229, 2006.
  • [18] BIANCOFIORE, F., BUSILACCIHIO, M., VERDECCHIA, M., TOMASSETTI, B., ARUFFO, E., BIANCO, S., DI TOMMASO, S., COLANGELLI, C., ROSATELLI, G., DI CARLO, P., “Recursive Neural Network Model For Analysis And Forecast of PM10 And PM2.5”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 8, 652-659, 2017.
  • [19] KALAIARASAN, G., BALAKRISHNAN, R.M., SETHUNATH, N.A., “Source apportionment studies on particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in ambient air of urban Mangalore, India”, Journal of Environmental Management, 217,815-824, 2018.
  • [20] ZHU, Y., HUANG, L., LI, J., YING, Q., ZHANG, H., LIU, X., LIAO, H., LI, N., LIU, Z., MAO, Y., FANG, H., HU, J., “Sources of Particulate Matter In China: Insights From Source Apportionment Studies Published In 1987–2017”, Environmental International, 115, 343-357, 2018.
  • [21] BARİ, MD., KİNDZİERSKİ, W.B., “ Fifteen-Year Trends in Criteria Air Pollutants in Oil Sands Communities of Alberta, Canada”, Environmental International, 74, 200- 208, 2015.
  • [22] (erişim tarihi 01.08.2018).
  • [23] (erişim tarihi 01.08.2018).
  • [24] OZKURT, N., SARI, D., AKALIN, N., HİLMİOĞLU, B., “Evaluation of the Impact of SO2 and NO2 Emissions on the Ambient Air-Quality in the Çan-Bahramiç Region of Northwest Turkey During 2007-2008”, Science of the Total Environment, 456-457, 254-266, 2013.
  • [25] TAŞDEMİR, Y., CİNDORUK, S.S., ESEN, F., “Monitoring of Criteria Air Pollutants in Bursa, Turkey”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 110, 227-241, 2005.
  • [26] ÖZEL, G., ÇAKMAKYAPAN, S., “A New Approach to the Prediction of PM10 Concentrations in Central Anatolia Region, Turkey”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6, 735-741, 2015.
  • [27] BOZKURT, Z., ÜZMEN, Ö.Ö., DÖĞEROĞLU, T., ARTUN, G., GAGA, E.O., “ Atmospheric Concentrations Of SO2, NO2, Ozone And VOCs İn Düzce, Turkey Using Passive Air Samplers: Sources, Spatial and Seasonal Variations and Health Risk Estimation”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 9, 1146-1156, 2018.
  • [28] TALBI, A., KERCHICH, Y., KERBACHI, R., BOUGHEDAOUI, M., “Assessment of Annual Air Pollution Levels With PM1, PM2.5, PM10 And Associated Heavy Metals In Algiers, Algeria”, Environmental Pollution, 232, 252-263, 2018.
  • [29] ELİBÜYÜK, M., YILMAZ, E., “Türkiye’nin Coğrafi Bölge ve Bölümlerine Göre Yükselti Basamakları ve Eğim Grupları”, Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 8, 27-55. 2010.
  • [30] WANG, H., GE, Y., HAO, L., XU, X., TAN, J., LI, J., WU, L., YANG, J., YANG, D., PENG, J., YANG, J., YANG, R., “The Real Driving Emission Characteristics of Light- Duty Diesel Vehicle At Various Altitudes”, Atmospheric Environment, Basımda. 2018.
  • [31] TAŞDEMİR, Y., CİNDORUK, S.S., ESEN, F., “Monitoring of Criteria Air Pollutants In Bursa Turkey”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 110, 227-241, 2005.
  • [32] NIREL, R., DAYAN, U., “On the Ratio of Sulfur Dioxide To Nitrogen Oxides As A İndicator Of Air Pollution Sources”, Journal of Applied Meterology, 40, 1209-1222, 2001.
  • [33] ZAFRA, C., ÁNGEL, Y., TORRES, E., “ARIMA Analysis of The Effect Of Land Surface Coverage On PM10 Concentrations In A High-Altitude Megacity”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 8, 660-668, 2017.
  • [34] ASL, F.B., LEILI, M., VAZIRI, Y., ARIAN, S.S., CRISTALDI, A., CONTI, G.O., FERRANTE, M., “Health Impacts Quantification of Ambient Air Pollutants Using Airq Model Approach in Hamadan, Iran”, Environmental Research, 161, 114-121, 2018.
  • [35] BELUŠIĆ, A., HERCEG-BULIĆ, I., KLAIĆ., Z.B., “Using A Generalized Additive Model To Quantify The Influence of Local Meteorology On Air Quality in Zagreb”, Geofizika, 32, 47-77. 2015.
  • [36] LORGA, G., RAICU, C.B., STEFAN, S., “Annual Air Pollution Level of Major Primary Pollutants in Greater Area of Bucharest”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6, 824- 834,2015.
  • [37] YIN, Q., WANG, J., HU, M., WONG, H., “Estimation of Daily PM2.5 Concentration And Its Relationship With Meteorological Conditions In Beijing”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 48, 161-168, 2016.
  • [38] WANGER, P., SCHÄFER, K., “Influence of Mixing Layer Height On Air Pollutant Concentrations In An Urban Street Canyon”, Urban Climate, 22(2017): 64-79, 2017.
  • [39] TANG, G., ZHANG, J., ZHU, X., SONG, T., MUNKEL, C., HU, B., SCHÄFER, K., LIU, Z., ZHANG, J., WANG, L., XIN, J., SUPPAN, P., WANG, Y., “Mixing Layer Height And Its Implications For Air Pollution Over Beijing, China”, Atmopheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 2459-2475, 2016.
  • [40] MALANDRINO, M., DI MARTINO, M., GHIOTTI, G., GEOBALDO, F., GROSA, M.M., GIACOMINO, A., ABOLLINO, O., “Inter-Annual And Seasonal Variability In PM10 Samples Monitored In The City of Turin (Italy) From 2002 To 2005”, Microchemical Journal, 107, 76-85, 2013.
  • [41] ABDUL-WAHAB, S.A., EN, S.C.F., ELKAMEL, A., AHMADİ, L., YETİLMEZSOY, K., “A Review of Standards And Guidelines Set By İnternational Bodies For The Parameters of Indoor Air Quality”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6, 751-567, 2015.
  • [42] AVŞAR, E., ALP, K., TORÖZ, İ., “Balıkesir İli Burhaniye İlçesi ( İskele Mahallesi )Hava Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi”, BEÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 4, 68–82, 2015.
  • [43] KIM, K-H., SUL, K-H., SZULEJKO, J.E., CHAMBERS, S.D., FENG, X., LEE, M-H., “Progress In The Reduction Of Carbon Monoxide Levels In Major Urban Areas İn Korea”, Environmental Pollution, 207,420-428, 2015.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Environmental Engineering

Mehmet Ferhat Sari This is me 0000-0001-7114-7286

Fatma Esen 0000-0002-1445-0868

Publication Date July 31, 2019
Submission Date September 26, 2018
Acceptance Date April 12, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Sari, M. F., & Esen, F. (2019). PM10 VE SO2 KONSANTRASYONLARI VE METEOROLOJİK PARAMETRELERİN KONSANTRASYONLAR ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 689-697.
Chicago Sari, Mehmet Ferhat, and Fatma Esen. “PM10 VE SO2 KONSANTRASYONLARI VE METEOROLOJİK PARAMETRELERİN KONSANTRASYONLAR ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8, no. 2 (July 2019): 689-97.
EndNote Sari MF, Esen F (July 1, 2019) PM10 VE SO2 KONSANTRASYONLARI VE METEOROLOJİK PARAMETRELERİN KONSANTRASYONLAR ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8 2 689–697.
IEEE M. F. Sari and F. Esen, “PM10 VE SO2 KONSANTRASYONLARI VE METEOROLOJİK PARAMETRELERİN KONSANTRASYONLAR ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ”, NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 689–697, 2019, doi: 10.28948/ngumuh.598226.
ISNAD Sari, Mehmet Ferhat - Esen, Fatma. “PM10 VE SO2 KONSANTRASYONLARI VE METEOROLOJİK PARAMETRELERİN KONSANTRASYONLAR ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 8/2 (July 2019), 689-697.
MLA Sari, Mehmet Ferhat and Fatma Esen. “PM10 VE SO2 KONSANTRASYONLARI VE METEOROLOJİK PARAMETRELERİN KONSANTRASYONLAR ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2019, pp. 689-97, doi:10.28948/ngumuh.598226.
