Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

• Nova Language Journal adheres to the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guidelines specified by the Council of Higher Education and Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guidelines. In studies requiring the approval of the Ethics Committee (such as those involving surveys and scales, interviews and observations; or studies requiring permission for the use of documents, images, surveys, etc. developed by others), ethics committee documents must be uploaded to the system during the article submission process.
• Referees have the right to request raw data on the research.
• Our journal has adopted a publication policy against plagiarism and predatory publishing. The similarity rate in the Ithenticate report should not exceed 20%.
• Authors are required to upload the ethics committee approval (if necessary), the copyright transfer form and the Ithenticate similarity report as additional files to the journal system along with their paper.
• No fee is charged for article submission processes and procedures.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

• The author(s) must submit original work and properly cite any other research they have used as sources.
• The names of each researcher who contributed to the study must be included in the publication.
• The author(s) must comply with the rules specified in the Council of Higher Education Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guidelines.
• The author (s) should disclose any situations or relationships that could present a conflict of interest.
• Authors cannot have their work under consideration simultaneously by more than one journal.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editorial Board

• The Editorial Board must evaluate each submission according to the journal’s aims and scope and act objectively without showing any discrimination among authors.
• The Editorial Board must ensure the protection of personal data in all submissions to the journal.
• The Editorial Board must prioritize scientific quality and originality.
• The Editorial Board must always be available to publish corrections, disclosures, withdrawals, and apologies when necessary.
• In cases of complaints involving ethical violations, the Editorial Board must take the necessary measures.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

• Referees must conduct the evaluation process objectively and confidentially.
• Reviewers must provide reasons to the Editorial Board if they believe the article should be rejected for publication.
• Reviewers must report to the journal's editorial office any issues of citation omission, detection of published works, copyright infringement by the author, and instances of plagiarism.


Each submission uploaded to our system is sent to two faculty members with expertise in the relevant field, who are affiliated with different universities, after editorial review. At least two positive reports are required for the acceptance of the study for publication. If one report is positive and the other is negative, a third reviewer’s view is sought. Submissions that receive two rejections during the initial review process are not sent to another reviewer. If a reviewer requests corrections, the author is responsible for making those corrections; otherwise, the study will be returned to the author by the editorial board.
The publication process of submissions to our journal varies depending on the time it takes to receive the reviewers' reports.

Last Update Time: 9/10/24, 2:19:17 PM