Writing Rules

Our authors should prepare their Article Submission Files as outlined below.

NOVA Language Journal uses the APA 7 citation style and requires submissions to adhere to this format. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be in Word format, using “Times New Roman” font, single line spacing, justified alignment, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides (left, right, top, bottom).

Submission Files

1. Copyright Transfer Form: The document must be uploaded to the system in PDF format.

• The form must include the names and contact details of all authors and be signed by the corresponding author before uploading.

2. Similarity Report: A similarity index of up to 20% is acceptable in the submitted works.

• The document must be uploaded to the system in PDF format. Each page of the report must be signed by the corresponding author.

3. Ethics Committee Approval Document (if required): The document must be uploaded to the system in PDF format.

• The Ethics Committee Approval Document is mandatory for research involving human subjects and applications. It is required that the researchers obtain approval from the relevant Ethics Committees for any research involving surveys, tests, scales, interviews, observations, drawings, videos, or audio recordings conducted in person or via a computer. For human research, the Ethics Committee Approval Document is mandatory. If this document is not available, authors are expected to explain this in a supplementary file.

4. Full Text:

• Please use the NOVA Full Text Template while preparing your article and upload it as the Full Text.

5. Title Page:

• The title page should include the title, short title, author details (name, surname, institution, address, email, ORCID), and any other information to be included in the article.

Last Update Time: 9/10/24, 2:19:17 PM