Peymana Sykes-Picot ya veşartî ku Frensî û Ingilîz li ser li hev hatibûn, û dûv re Rûs
jî tevlî bûbûn bi awayekî li ser parvekirina xaka Rojhilata Navîn derketibû meydanê.
Di vir de axa ku Kurd li ser dijîn jî mijara vê parvekirinê bû.
Sedemeke ku çima Kurd ji bo mafê xwe şer nekirin zeîfbûna hestên netewî bû,
ligel ku ya din jî tunebûna lihevkirinekê di nav rêberên wan de (emîr û paşa) bû,
ku piştî şerê cîhanê yê yekemîn jî dewam kir û bû sedema lidervemayîna Kurdan
di peymanên navnetewî de. Di encamê de, di nav çar “netewe-dewlet”an de çar
civakên Kurdan peyda bûn.
Netewebûn, berî her tiştî bi fikra ‘ax’ê ve girêdayî ye û kesên li ser vê axê dijîn her
çiqasî hevdu nasnekin jî bi heman hestan nêzîkî hev dibin ku Benedict Anderson ji
vê yekê re dibêje “cemaatên xeyalkirî”.
Di vê gotarê de rewşa siyaseta Kurdan û “netewperwerî” ya wan, ligel berawerdkirina
bi rewşa ku peymana Sykes-Picot derketiye, bi mînakên dawî wek “paşxistina
kongreya netewî”, “azadkirina Şengalê”, û “şerê Kobanê” dê were niqaşkirin.
The Sykes-Picot Agreement, agreed privately by France and Britain and subsequently
extended to include Russia, was eventually revealed or publicized as
drawing boundaries in the Middle-East for the 20th century. The land in which
Kurds were living was object of this division.
One of the reason why the Kurds did not fight for their own interests was the
weakness of nationalistic feelings among them, while
the other was lack of concensus among their leaders
(emirs and pashas), which continued even after World
War I and leading to the Kurds’ exclusion from international
agreements. Consequently, four distinct Kurdish
societies emerged in four different “nation-states”.
Nationalism is bound to the idea of a ‘land’ at first,
and the people living in the same land are emotionally
close to each other even though they do not know each
other, which is determined as ‘imagined community’
by Benedict Anderson.
In this article the current situation of the Kurdish politics
and their “nationalism” are going to be discussed
by comparing them to the situation in which Sykes-
Picot agreement occurred with the recent happenings
such as “postponing national congreess”, “liberating
Shingal”, and “Kobane” fighting.
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | January 1, 2017 |
Published in Issue | Year 2017 Volume: 2 Issue: 7 |
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