Diyarkirin û tesbîta navdar û zanyarên her neteweyê, lazimeyeke ji bo nasîna tarîxa fikr û ramana wê neteweyê. Lê hebûna tarîxî ya piranîya kesayetên berê yên kurdan kêm caran ji aliyê nivîskarên ne Kurd ve hatine teyîdkirin. Ji ber vê jî hemû nivîsên der barê vê mijarê ji bo lêkolînê bi qîmet in. Yek ji wan kesayetên giring jî Pîr Şehriyarê Hewramî (sedsala 4emin a koçî) ku agahîyên me li ser jîyan û ramana wî pir kêm û sînordar in. Armanca sereke ya vê vekolînê hewldanek e ji bo zelalkirina kesayet, cih û ramana Pîr Şehriyarê Hewramî weku yek ji navdar û zanayên Kurd, bi rêya nirxandina metnên dînî yên Kurdên Yarsan.
Determining and identifying the celebrities and scholars of any nation, is a necessity for knowing the history of thought of that nation. But the historical existence of most of the former Kurdish Personalities has rarely been conformed by non-Kurdish writers. Therefore all articles on this topic are valuble for reaserch. On of those important personalities is Pir Shahriyar Hewrami (4. Hegira Century) whose information about his life and thought is very limited. The main aim of this study is to try to clarify the personality, place and thought or Pir Shahriyar as one of the famous Kurdish thinkers, by evaluating the religious texts of the Yarsan Kurds.
Primary Language | Kurdi |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | September 28, 2021 |
Published in Issue | Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 15 |
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