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Year 2015, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 1 - 10, 07.04.2015


In several studies of the reclamation of boron soil pH was found to be an important factor. For this purpose leaching of the soil, high in pH and boron, was conducted by using sulfur. In boron soils of Aksaray University Campus, 80% purity sulfur was used in two different doses [control(So), 4kg.parcel-1 (S1) and 8kg.parcel-1(S2)]. In the reclamation, 30cm leaching water was given as 120cm in total. According to the results obtained; when leaching observed in all three parcels, according to the height of the water in layer 0-25cm, in the parcel where S1 was applied, in the 0-25cm layer, while the initial boron value was 29.88ppm, it dropped to 17.12ppm (42.70%) in the last leaching. In the same way, in the layer of 0-25cm where S2 was applied, in the 120cm of leaching water, 45.16 ppm boron value dropped to 33.53ppm (25.75%)


  • Anonim, (2012). Aksaray il meteoroloji müdürlüğü. Aksaray.
  • Barrow, N.J., (1989). Testing a mechanistic model, X.The effect of pH and Electrolyte Concentration on Borate Sorption by a Soil. j. Soil Sci. 40,427-435.
  • Beyazgül, M., (1995). Salihli ovası tuzlu ve alkali toprakların ıslahında keçiborlu kükürt işletmesi flotasyon atıklarını kullanma olanakları. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Menemen Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Genel Yayın No: 207, Rapor Seri No:135, Menemen, İzmir.
  • Bingham, F.T., Page, A.L., Coleman, N.T., and Flach, K., (1971). Boron adsorption characteristics of selected soils from Mexico and Hawaii. Soil Sci. Soc Am. J,35,546-550.
  • Brautigan, D.J., Rengasamy, P., and Chittleborough, D.J., (2014). Amelioration of alkaline phytotoxicity by lowering soil pH. Crop and Pasture Science 65(12) 1278-1287.
  • Communar, G., and Keren, R., (2006). Rate limited boron transport in soils: The effect of soil texture and solution pH. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70:882-892.
  • Chen, W.T., Ho, S.B., and Lee, D.Y., (2009). Effect of pH on boron adsorption-desorption hysteresis of soils. Soil Science 174:330-338
  • Couch, E.L., and Grim, R.E., (1968). Boron fixation by illites,
  • Evans, L.J., (1987). Retention of boron by agricultural soils from Ontario, Can. J. Soil Sci. 67, 33–42.
  • Fleming, G.A., (1980). Essential micronutrienst I; Boron and Molybdenum, In applied soil trace elements. B. E. Davies, John Wiley and Sons, New York pp. 155-197.
  • Gezgin, S., Gökmen, F., Dursun, N., Babaoğlu, M., ve Hakkı, E.E., (2005). I. Ulusal Bor Çalıştayı Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, , P.460.
  • Goldberg, S., (1997). Reactions of boron with soils. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in the Netherlands, Plant and Soil 193: 35–48, 1997.
  • Goldberg, S., Suarez, D.L., and Shouse, P.J., (2008). Influence of Soil Solution Salinity on Boron Adsorption by Soils. Soil Science. 0038-075X/08/17306 p: 368-374.
  • Gupta, U.C., (1968). Relationship of total and hot-water soluble boron, and fixation of added boron, to properties of Podzol soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 32, 45–48.
  • Harder, H., (1961). Einbau von Bor in detritische Tonminerale, Experimente zur Erkl¨arung des Borgehaltes toniger Sedimente. Geochim. Cosmochim, Acta 21, 284–294.
  • Harmankaya, M. ve Gezgin S., (2005). Konya Ovası Topraklarında Bor Fraksiyonlarının Belirlenmesi. S.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 19 (36), 93-105.
  • Hingston, F.J., (1964). Reaction between boron and clays. Aust., J. Soil Res., 2:83-95.
  • Jasmund, K., and Lindner, B., (1973). Experiments on the fixation of boron by clay minerals. Proc. Int. Clay Conf. 1972, 399–412.
  • Kamphorst, A., and Bolt, G.H., (1976). Soil chemistry. Basic elements, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam – Oxford –Newyork,72-73.
  • Keren, R. and Mezuman, U., (1981). Boron adsorption by clay minerals using a phenomenological equation. Clays Clay Miner. 29, 198–203.
  • Keren, R., and Bingham, F.T., (1985). Boron in water, soils, and plants. Adv. Soil Sci.1, 229-276.
  • Letho, L., (1995). Boron retention in limed forest mor. For. Ecol. Manage,78, 11-20.
  • Mezuman, U., and Keren, R., (1981). Boron adsorption by soils using a phenomenological adsorption equation. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J.45,722-726.
  • Munsuz, N., Çaycı, G. ve OK, S.S., (2001). Toprak ıslahı ve düzenleyiciler (Tuzlu ve Alkali Toprakların Islahı). Ankara Üni. Zir.Fak. Yayınları, No:1518,Yardımcı Ders Kitabı:471.
  • Okazaki, E. and Chao, T.T., (1968). Boron adsorption and desorption by some Hawaiian soils. Soil Sci. 105, 255–259.
  • Özgül, Ş., (1974). Tuzluluk ve sodiklik. Uluslararası Sulama ve Drenaj Komisyonu Türk Milli Komitesi, Teknik Rehber:04,02-02, Neşriyat No:2, 18-34.
  • Saltali, K., Bilgili, A.V., Tarakcioglu, C. and Durak, A., (2005). Boron adsorption in soils with different characteristics. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 17:2487-2494.
  • Schalscha, E.B., Bingham, F.T., Galindo, G.G. and Galvan, H.P., (1973). Boron adsorption by volcanic ash soils in Southern Chile. Soil Sci. 116,70-76, Scientific Publishing Company, 72-73 Amsterdam – Oxford –Newyork.
  • Scharrer, K., Kühn, H., and Lüttmer, J., (1956). Untersuchungen über die Bindung des Bors durch anorganische Bodenbestandteile. Z. Pflanzenernähr. Düng., 73, 40–48.
  • Sims, J.R., and Bingham, F.T., (1968). Retention of boron by layer silicates, sesquioxides and soil material. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 24, 369-373.
  • Sönmez, B., Ağar, A., Bahçeci, İ., Mavi, A., Yarpuzlu, A., (1996). Türkiye çorak ıslahı rehberi. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü A.P.K. Dairesi Başkanlığı, Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Araştırma Şube Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Yayın No: 93. Rehber No:12.
  • Sönmez, B., (2003). Türkiye çoraklık kontrol rehberi. Tarım ve Köy işleri Bakanlığı Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Toprak ve Gübre Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 33.
  • Steiner, F. and Carmo Lana, M., (2013). Effect of pH on boron adsorption in some soils of Paraná, Brazil. Chilean J. Agric. Res. vol.73 no.2 Chillán jun.
  • Western Fertilizer handbook, (1995). Produced by the soil improvement comminute of Califonia fertilizer association. Interstate Publishers, Inc., Sacramento, California, 64.
  • Xu, J.M., Wang, K., Bell, R.W., Yang, Y.A., and Huang, L.B., (2001). Soil Boron Fractions And Their Relationships To Soil Properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65.133–138.


Year 2015, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 1 - 10, 07.04.2015


Yapılan çalışmalarda borlu toprakların ıslahında pH önemli bir etken olduğu görülmektedir. Bu amaçla, pH ve bor değeri yüksek topraklara, kükürt kullanılarak yıkanma yapılmıştır. Aksaray Üniversitesi Yerleşkesi borlu topraklarında, %80 saflıkta toz kükürt farklı iki dozda [kontrol (So), 4 kg.parsel-1 (S1) ve 8 kg.parsel-1(S2)] kullanılmıştır. Islahta 30 cm’lik yıkama suyu, toplamda 120 cm olarak uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; her üç parseldeki yıkanmaya bakıldığında,0-25 cm’lik katmanlarda verilen su yüksekliğine göre, S1 uygulamasının yapıldığı parselde başlangıçtaki bor değeri 29.88 ppm iken, son yıkamada 17.12 ppm’e (%42.70) düşmüştür. Aynı şekilde S2 uygulamasının yapıldığı 0-25 cm katmanın120 cm yıkama suyunda 45.16 ppm olan bor değeri 33.53 ppm’e (%25.75) düşmüştür. 


  • Anonim, (2012). Aksaray il meteoroloji müdürlüğü. Aksaray.
  • Barrow, N.J., (1989). Testing a mechanistic model, X.The effect of pH and Electrolyte Concentration on Borate Sorption by a Soil. j. Soil Sci. 40,427-435.
  • Beyazgül, M., (1995). Salihli ovası tuzlu ve alkali toprakların ıslahında keçiborlu kükürt işletmesi flotasyon atıklarını kullanma olanakları. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Menemen Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Genel Yayın No: 207, Rapor Seri No:135, Menemen, İzmir.
  • Bingham, F.T., Page, A.L., Coleman, N.T., and Flach, K., (1971). Boron adsorption characteristics of selected soils from Mexico and Hawaii. Soil Sci. Soc Am. J,35,546-550.
  • Brautigan, D.J., Rengasamy, P., and Chittleborough, D.J., (2014). Amelioration of alkaline phytotoxicity by lowering soil pH. Crop and Pasture Science 65(12) 1278-1287.
  • Communar, G., and Keren, R., (2006). Rate limited boron transport in soils: The effect of soil texture and solution pH. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70:882-892.
  • Chen, W.T., Ho, S.B., and Lee, D.Y., (2009). Effect of pH on boron adsorption-desorption hysteresis of soils. Soil Science 174:330-338
  • Couch, E.L., and Grim, R.E., (1968). Boron fixation by illites,
  • Evans, L.J., (1987). Retention of boron by agricultural soils from Ontario, Can. J. Soil Sci. 67, 33–42.
  • Fleming, G.A., (1980). Essential micronutrienst I; Boron and Molybdenum, In applied soil trace elements. B. E. Davies, John Wiley and Sons, New York pp. 155-197.
  • Gezgin, S., Gökmen, F., Dursun, N., Babaoğlu, M., ve Hakkı, E.E., (2005). I. Ulusal Bor Çalıştayı Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, , P.460.
  • Goldberg, S., (1997). Reactions of boron with soils. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in the Netherlands, Plant and Soil 193: 35–48, 1997.
  • Goldberg, S., Suarez, D.L., and Shouse, P.J., (2008). Influence of Soil Solution Salinity on Boron Adsorption by Soils. Soil Science. 0038-075X/08/17306 p: 368-374.
  • Gupta, U.C., (1968). Relationship of total and hot-water soluble boron, and fixation of added boron, to properties of Podzol soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 32, 45–48.
  • Harder, H., (1961). Einbau von Bor in detritische Tonminerale, Experimente zur Erkl¨arung des Borgehaltes toniger Sedimente. Geochim. Cosmochim, Acta 21, 284–294.
  • Harmankaya, M. ve Gezgin S., (2005). Konya Ovası Topraklarında Bor Fraksiyonlarının Belirlenmesi. S.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 19 (36), 93-105.
  • Hingston, F.J., (1964). Reaction between boron and clays. Aust., J. Soil Res., 2:83-95.
  • Jasmund, K., and Lindner, B., (1973). Experiments on the fixation of boron by clay minerals. Proc. Int. Clay Conf. 1972, 399–412.
  • Kamphorst, A., and Bolt, G.H., (1976). Soil chemistry. Basic elements, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam – Oxford –Newyork,72-73.
  • Keren, R. and Mezuman, U., (1981). Boron adsorption by clay minerals using a phenomenological equation. Clays Clay Miner. 29, 198–203.
  • Keren, R., and Bingham, F.T., (1985). Boron in water, soils, and plants. Adv. Soil Sci.1, 229-276.
  • Letho, L., (1995). Boron retention in limed forest mor. For. Ecol. Manage,78, 11-20.
  • Mezuman, U., and Keren, R., (1981). Boron adsorption by soils using a phenomenological adsorption equation. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J.45,722-726.
  • Munsuz, N., Çaycı, G. ve OK, S.S., (2001). Toprak ıslahı ve düzenleyiciler (Tuzlu ve Alkali Toprakların Islahı). Ankara Üni. Zir.Fak. Yayınları, No:1518,Yardımcı Ders Kitabı:471.
  • Okazaki, E. and Chao, T.T., (1968). Boron adsorption and desorption by some Hawaiian soils. Soil Sci. 105, 255–259.
  • Özgül, Ş., (1974). Tuzluluk ve sodiklik. Uluslararası Sulama ve Drenaj Komisyonu Türk Milli Komitesi, Teknik Rehber:04,02-02, Neşriyat No:2, 18-34.
  • Saltali, K., Bilgili, A.V., Tarakcioglu, C. and Durak, A., (2005). Boron adsorption in soils with different characteristics. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 17:2487-2494.
  • Schalscha, E.B., Bingham, F.T., Galindo, G.G. and Galvan, H.P., (1973). Boron adsorption by volcanic ash soils in Southern Chile. Soil Sci. 116,70-76, Scientific Publishing Company, 72-73 Amsterdam – Oxford –Newyork.
  • Scharrer, K., Kühn, H., and Lüttmer, J., (1956). Untersuchungen über die Bindung des Bors durch anorganische Bodenbestandteile. Z. Pflanzenernähr. Düng., 73, 40–48.
  • Sims, J.R., and Bingham, F.T., (1968). Retention of boron by layer silicates, sesquioxides and soil material. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., 24, 369-373.
  • Sönmez, B., Ağar, A., Bahçeci, İ., Mavi, A., Yarpuzlu, A., (1996). Türkiye çorak ıslahı rehberi. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü A.P.K. Dairesi Başkanlığı, Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Araştırma Şube Müdürlüğü, Ankara, Yayın No: 93. Rehber No:12.
  • Sönmez, B., (2003). Türkiye çoraklık kontrol rehberi. Tarım ve Köy işleri Bakanlığı Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Toprak ve Gübre Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 33.
  • Steiner, F. and Carmo Lana, M., (2013). Effect of pH on boron adsorption in some soils of Paraná, Brazil. Chilean J. Agric. Res. vol.73 no.2 Chillán jun.
  • Western Fertilizer handbook, (1995). Produced by the soil improvement comminute of Califonia fertilizer association. Interstate Publishers, Inc., Sacramento, California, 64.
  • Xu, J.M., Wang, K., Bell, R.W., Yang, Y.A., and Huang, L.B., (2001). Soil Boron Fractions And Their Relationships To Soil Properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65.133–138.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Agricultural Engineering

SEYİT Dursun

FARİZ Mikailsoy

Publication Date April 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Dursun, S., & Mikailsoy, F. (2015). BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ. Ecological Life Sciences, 10(2), 1-10.
AMA Dursun S, Mikailsoy F. BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ. Ecological Life Sciences. April 2015;10(2):1-10. doi:10.12739/NWSA.2015.10.2.5A0076
Chicago Dursun, SEYİT, and FARİZ Mikailsoy. “BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ”. Ecological Life Sciences 10, no. 2 (April 2015): 1-10.
EndNote Dursun S, Mikailsoy F (April 1, 2015) BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ. Ecological Life Sciences 10 2 1–10.
IEEE S. Dursun and F. Mikailsoy, “BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ”, Ecological Life Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1–10, 2015, doi: 10.12739/NWSA.2015.10.2.5A0076.
ISNAD Dursun, SEYİT - Mikailsoy, FARİZ. “BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ”. Ecological Life Sciences 10/2 (April 2015), 1-10.
JAMA Dursun S, Mikailsoy F. BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ. Ecological Life Sciences. 2015;10:1–10.
MLA Dursun, SEYİT and FARİZ Mikailsoy. “BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ”. Ecological Life Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, 2015, pp. 1-10, doi:10.12739/NWSA.2015.10.2.5A0076.
Vancouver Dursun S, Mikailsoy F. BORLU TOPRAKLARIN ISLAHINDA KÜKÜRTÜN ETKİSİ. Ecological Life Sciences. 2015;10(2):1-10.