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Year 2018, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 51 - 61, 21.01.2018



  • • Ahmed, O.M., El-Gareib, A.W., El-bakry, A.M., Abd El-Tawab, S.M, and Ahmed, R.G., (2008). Thyroid Hormones States and Brain Development Interactions. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 26(2):147-209. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2007.09.011.
  • • Al-Sakran, A.A.M., Virk, P., Elobeid, M., Hamed, S.S., Siddiqui, M.I., Omer, S., and Mirghani, N.M., (2016). Histopathological Effects on Testis of Adult Male Carp, Cyprinus carpio carpio, Following Exposure to Graded Concentrations of Water-Borne Bisphenol A. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 15(1):73-80. doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v15i1.10.
  • • Ankley, G.T., Jensen, K.M., Kahl, M.D., Korte, J.J., and Makynen, E.A., (2001). Description and Evaluation of a Short-term Reproduction Test with the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 1276–1290.
  • • Birnbaum, L.S. and Fenton, S.E., (2003). Cancer and Developmental Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors". Environmental Health Perspectives. 111(4), 389-396.
  • • Curtis, C. and Skaar, T., (2002). Ubiquitous and Dangerous. Our Planet, 24–26.
  • • Ertörer, (2013). Endokrin Engelleyiciler ve Reprodüktif Sistem Üzerindeki Etkileri (Endocrine Disruptors and Their Effects on Reproductive System). İç Hastalıkları Dergisi, 20, 113-119.
  • • Fontanetti, C.S., Cristofoletti, C.A., Pinheiro, T.G., Souza, T.S., and Pedro-Ester, J., (2014). Microscopy: Science, Technology, Applications and Education. In Microscopy as a Tool in Toxicological Evaluations A. Méndez-Vilas, J. Díaz (Eds.). p. 1001–1007. Formatex Research Center: Zurbaran, Spain.
  • • Fox, G.A., (2001). Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Wildlife in Canada: past, present, future. Water Qual. Res. J. Can. 36, 233–251.
  • • Gray Jr., L.E., Ostby, J., Wilson, V., Lambright, C., Bobseine, K., Hartig, P., Hotchkiss, A., Wolf, C., Furr, J., Price, M., Parks, L., Cooper, R.L., Stoker, T.E., Laws, S.C., Degitz, S.J., Jensen, K.M., Kahl, M.D., Korte, J.J., Makynen, E.A., Tietge, J.E., and Ankley, G.T., (2002). Xenoendocrine Disrupters-Tiered Screening and Testing: Filling Key Data Gaps. Toxicology 181–182, 371–382.
  • • Hale, R.C., (2012). A Small Dose of Endocrine Disruptors or an Introduction to the Health Effects of Endocrine Disruptors. Chapter: 17. In: A Small Dose Toxicology. Second edit. Maria M. Williams (Ed.). p:178-185. Healthy World Press; ISBN: 978-0-9833378-3-6.
  • • Howdeshell, K.L., (2002). A Model of the Development of the Brain as a Construct of the Thyroid System. Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements, 110(3). (Accessed date June 15, 2009).
  • • Jugan, M.L., Levi, Y., and Blondeau, J.P., (2010). Endocrine Disruptors and Thyroid Hormone Physiology. Biochemical Pharmacology, 79(7):939-947. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2009.11.006.
  • • Leino, R.L., Jensen, K.M., and Ankley, G.T., (2005). Gonadal Histology and Characteristic Histopathology Associated with Endocrine Disruption in the Adult Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 19, 85–98. doi:10.1016/j.etap.2004.05.010.
  • • Li, F., Yao, L., Sun, W., Jiang, Y., Li, Z., and Zhai, Y., (2017). Histopathological Liver and Testis Alterations in Male Halfsmooth Tongue Sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) Exposed to Endocrine Disruptors. Journal of Coastal Research, 1-6. doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00244.1. ISSN:0749-0208.
  • • Miller-Morey, J.S. and Dolah, F.M.V., (2004). Differential Responses of Stress Proteins, Antioxidant Enzymes, and Photosynthetic Efficiency to Physiological Stresses in the Florida red tide Dinoflagellate, Kareniabrevis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C: Toxicol. Pharmacol. 138:493-505.
  • • Ogechukwu, O.J., Ajuluchukwu, N.A., Ifedioranma, O.S., and Onyemelukwe Anulika Obianuju, O.A., (2014). Histopathological and Hormonal Disrupting Effects of Escravos Crude Oil on the Ovary of Chinchilla Rabbits. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 6(2):31-37.,doi: 10.5897/JTEHS2013.0298.
  • • Parent, A.S., Naveau, E., Gerard, A., Bourguignon, J.P., Gary, L., and Westbrook, G.L., (2011). Early Developmental Actions of Endocrine Disruptors on the Hypothalamus, Hippocampus and Cerebral Cortex. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2011; 14(5-7):328–345. doi:10.1080/10937404.2011.578556.
  • • Parrott, J.L. and Wood, C.S., (2002). Fathead Minnow Lifecycle Tests for Detection of Endocrine-Disrupting Substances in Effluents. Water Qual. Res. J. Can. 37, 651–667.
  • • Patrick, L.N.D., (2009). Thyroid Disruption: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications in Human Health. Alternative Medicine Review, 14(4), 326-346.
  • • Schmutzler, C., Gotthardt, I., Hofmann, P.J., Radovic, B., Kovacs, G., Stemmler, L., Nobis, I., Bacinski, A., Mentrup, B. Ambrugger, P., Grüters, A., Malendowicz, L.K., Christoffel, J., Hubertus Jarry, H., Seidlovà-Wuttke, D., Wuttke, W., and Josef Köhrle, J., (2007). Endocrine Disruptors and the Thyroid Gland—A Combined in Vitro and in Vivo Analysis of Potential New Biomarkers. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(Suppl. 1), 77-83.
  • • Schwaiger, J., Wanke, R., Adam, S., Pawert, M., Honnen, W., and Triebskorn, R., (1997). The use of Histopathological Indicators to Evaluate Contaminant-Related Stress in Fish. J. Aqua. Ecosyst. Stress Recovery, 6, 75-86.
  • • Van der Oost, R., Beyer, J., and Vermeulen, N.P.E., (2003). Fish Bioaccumulation and Biomarkers in Environmental Risk Assessment: a Review. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 13, 57–149.
  • • Vos, J.G., Dybing, E., Greim, H.A., Ladefoged, O., Lambre, C., Tarazona, J.V., Brandt, I., and Vethaak, A.D., (2000). Health Effects of Endocrinedisrupting Chemicals on Wildlife, with Special Reference to The European Situation. Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 30, 71–133.
  • • Zoeller, R.T., (2001). Polychlorinated Biphenyls as Disruptors of Thyroid Hormone Action. Robertson and Hansen (Eds). The University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 0-8131-2226-0.


Year 2018, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 51 - 61, 21.01.2018


The studies about the histological effects of endocrine disruptor
chemicals on vertebrates were presented and evaluated, and it was aimed to be
summarized in such a way that it can generate resources for future studies. The
available literatural information was arranged as review by revising in the
direction of the researches in Kafkas University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Department of Biology Laboratories. Although the endocrine disruptor chemicals
presence is tried to be limited at the ecosystem level, the extensive usage of
this chemicals in various areas still continues. Many organisms are directly or
indirectly exposed to the adverse effects of endocrine disruptor chemicals in
this direction. In this review, histological changes occurring in vertebrates
as a result of exposure to endocrine disruptor chemicals were investigated. It
has been reported that different endocrine disruptor chemical types cause
similar histopathological findings in vertebrates in the data obtained from
investigations. In the context of the examined data, the effects of endocrine
disruptors on some tissues seem to be more variable. Histopathology is a useful
tool in endocrine disruptor studies and may provide information on the
mechanism of endocrine disruptors that is sometimes unexpected.


  • • Ahmed, O.M., El-Gareib, A.W., El-bakry, A.M., Abd El-Tawab, S.M, and Ahmed, R.G., (2008). Thyroid Hormones States and Brain Development Interactions. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 26(2):147-209. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2007.09.011.
  • • Al-Sakran, A.A.M., Virk, P., Elobeid, M., Hamed, S.S., Siddiqui, M.I., Omer, S., and Mirghani, N.M., (2016). Histopathological Effects on Testis of Adult Male Carp, Cyprinus carpio carpio, Following Exposure to Graded Concentrations of Water-Borne Bisphenol A. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 15(1):73-80. doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v15i1.10.
  • • Ankley, G.T., Jensen, K.M., Kahl, M.D., Korte, J.J., and Makynen, E.A., (2001). Description and Evaluation of a Short-term Reproduction Test with the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 1276–1290.
  • • Birnbaum, L.S. and Fenton, S.E., (2003). Cancer and Developmental Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors". Environmental Health Perspectives. 111(4), 389-396.
  • • Curtis, C. and Skaar, T., (2002). Ubiquitous and Dangerous. Our Planet, 24–26.
  • • Ertörer, (2013). Endokrin Engelleyiciler ve Reprodüktif Sistem Üzerindeki Etkileri (Endocrine Disruptors and Their Effects on Reproductive System). İç Hastalıkları Dergisi, 20, 113-119.
  • • Fontanetti, C.S., Cristofoletti, C.A., Pinheiro, T.G., Souza, T.S., and Pedro-Ester, J., (2014). Microscopy: Science, Technology, Applications and Education. In Microscopy as a Tool in Toxicological Evaluations A. Méndez-Vilas, J. Díaz (Eds.). p. 1001–1007. Formatex Research Center: Zurbaran, Spain.
  • • Fox, G.A., (2001). Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Wildlife in Canada: past, present, future. Water Qual. Res. J. Can. 36, 233–251.
  • • Gray Jr., L.E., Ostby, J., Wilson, V., Lambright, C., Bobseine, K., Hartig, P., Hotchkiss, A., Wolf, C., Furr, J., Price, M., Parks, L., Cooper, R.L., Stoker, T.E., Laws, S.C., Degitz, S.J., Jensen, K.M., Kahl, M.D., Korte, J.J., Makynen, E.A., Tietge, J.E., and Ankley, G.T., (2002). Xenoendocrine Disrupters-Tiered Screening and Testing: Filling Key Data Gaps. Toxicology 181–182, 371–382.
  • • Hale, R.C., (2012). A Small Dose of Endocrine Disruptors or an Introduction to the Health Effects of Endocrine Disruptors. Chapter: 17. In: A Small Dose Toxicology. Second edit. Maria M. Williams (Ed.). p:178-185. Healthy World Press; ISBN: 978-0-9833378-3-6.
  • • Howdeshell, K.L., (2002). A Model of the Development of the Brain as a Construct of the Thyroid System. Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements, 110(3). (Accessed date June 15, 2009).
  • • Jugan, M.L., Levi, Y., and Blondeau, J.P., (2010). Endocrine Disruptors and Thyroid Hormone Physiology. Biochemical Pharmacology, 79(7):939-947. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2009.11.006.
  • • Leino, R.L., Jensen, K.M., and Ankley, G.T., (2005). Gonadal Histology and Characteristic Histopathology Associated with Endocrine Disruption in the Adult Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 19, 85–98. doi:10.1016/j.etap.2004.05.010.
  • • Li, F., Yao, L., Sun, W., Jiang, Y., Li, Z., and Zhai, Y., (2017). Histopathological Liver and Testis Alterations in Male Halfsmooth Tongue Sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) Exposed to Endocrine Disruptors. Journal of Coastal Research, 1-6. doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00244.1. ISSN:0749-0208.
  • • Miller-Morey, J.S. and Dolah, F.M.V., (2004). Differential Responses of Stress Proteins, Antioxidant Enzymes, and Photosynthetic Efficiency to Physiological Stresses in the Florida red tide Dinoflagellate, Kareniabrevis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C: Toxicol. Pharmacol. 138:493-505.
  • • Ogechukwu, O.J., Ajuluchukwu, N.A., Ifedioranma, O.S., and Onyemelukwe Anulika Obianuju, O.A., (2014). Histopathological and Hormonal Disrupting Effects of Escravos Crude Oil on the Ovary of Chinchilla Rabbits. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 6(2):31-37.,doi: 10.5897/JTEHS2013.0298.
  • • Parent, A.S., Naveau, E., Gerard, A., Bourguignon, J.P., Gary, L., and Westbrook, G.L., (2011). Early Developmental Actions of Endocrine Disruptors on the Hypothalamus, Hippocampus and Cerebral Cortex. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2011; 14(5-7):328–345. doi:10.1080/10937404.2011.578556.
  • • Parrott, J.L. and Wood, C.S., (2002). Fathead Minnow Lifecycle Tests for Detection of Endocrine-Disrupting Substances in Effluents. Water Qual. Res. J. Can. 37, 651–667.
  • • Patrick, L.N.D., (2009). Thyroid Disruption: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications in Human Health. Alternative Medicine Review, 14(4), 326-346.
  • • Schmutzler, C., Gotthardt, I., Hofmann, P.J., Radovic, B., Kovacs, G., Stemmler, L., Nobis, I., Bacinski, A., Mentrup, B. Ambrugger, P., Grüters, A., Malendowicz, L.K., Christoffel, J., Hubertus Jarry, H., Seidlovà-Wuttke, D., Wuttke, W., and Josef Köhrle, J., (2007). Endocrine Disruptors and the Thyroid Gland—A Combined in Vitro and in Vivo Analysis of Potential New Biomarkers. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(Suppl. 1), 77-83.
  • • Schwaiger, J., Wanke, R., Adam, S., Pawert, M., Honnen, W., and Triebskorn, R., (1997). The use of Histopathological Indicators to Evaluate Contaminant-Related Stress in Fish. J. Aqua. Ecosyst. Stress Recovery, 6, 75-86.
  • • Van der Oost, R., Beyer, J., and Vermeulen, N.P.E., (2003). Fish Bioaccumulation and Biomarkers in Environmental Risk Assessment: a Review. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 13, 57–149.
  • • Vos, J.G., Dybing, E., Greim, H.A., Ladefoged, O., Lambre, C., Tarazona, J.V., Brandt, I., and Vethaak, A.D., (2000). Health Effects of Endocrinedisrupting Chemicals on Wildlife, with Special Reference to The European Situation. Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 30, 71–133.
  • • Zoeller, R.T., (2001). Polychlorinated Biphenyls as Disruptors of Thyroid Hormone Action. Robertson and Hansen (Eds). The University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 0-8131-2226-0.
There are 24 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Özlem Önen

Pınar Aksu Kılıçle

Publication Date January 21, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Önen, Ö., & Aksu Kılıçle, P. (2018). THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES. Ecological Life Sciences, 13(1), 51-61.
AMA Önen Ö, Aksu Kılıçle P. THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES. Ecological Life Sciences. January 2018;13(1):51-61.
Chicago Önen, Özlem, and Pınar Aksu Kılıçle. “THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES”. Ecological Life Sciences 13, no. 1 (January 2018): 51-61.
EndNote Önen Ö, Aksu Kılıçle P (January 1, 2018) THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES. Ecological Life Sciences 13 1 51–61.
IEEE Ö. Önen and P. Aksu Kılıçle, “THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES”, Ecological Life Sciences, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 51–61, 2018.
ISNAD Önen, Özlem - Aksu Kılıçle, Pınar. “THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES”. Ecological Life Sciences 13/1 (January 2018), 51-61.
JAMA Önen Ö, Aksu Kılıçle P. THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES. Ecological Life Sciences. 2018;13:51–61.
MLA Önen, Özlem and Pınar Aksu Kılıçle. “THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES”. Ecological Life Sciences, vol. 13, no. 1, 2018, pp. 51-61.
Vancouver Önen Ö, Aksu Kılıçle P. THE EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS ON SOME VERTEBRATES. Ecological Life Sciences. 2018;13(1):51-6.