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Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 29 - 39, 30.04.2019


this study investigated the factors affecting the changes in carotenoid levels
in carrots which are rich in vitamins, minerals, pulp, antioxidants and
carotoneids. Nowadays, increasing interest in healthy nutrition, determining
the positive effects of vegetables on human health are increasing the
importance of carrot plant which contains plenty of antioxidant substances like
carotenoids, β-carotene and vitamin A. Carrot contains carotenoids such as α-,
β-, γ-, ζ- carotene, lutein, β-zeacharotene and lycopene, and 60-80% of them
are β-carotene. Carrot is the first carotene isolated vegetable and one of the
most important sources of vitamin A. 


  • [1] Bender, I., Moor, U., and Luik, A., (2015). The Effect of Growing Systems on The Quality of Carrots. Food Sciences. Volume:1, pp:118-123.
  • [2] USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, (2005). Release 18.
  • [3] Seljasen, R., Kristensen, H.L., Lauridsen, C., Wyss, G.S., Kretzschmar, U., Aragone, I.B., and Kahl, J., (2013). Quality of Carrots as Affected by Pre- and Post-Harvest Factors and Processing. J Sci Food Agric. 93, pp:2611–2626.
  • [4] Mortensen, A., (2006). Carotenoids and Other Pigments as Natural Colorants. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 78, 1477–1491.
  • [5] Kiokias, S., Proestos, C., and Varzakas, T., (2016). A Review of The Structure, Biosynthesis, Absorption of Carotenoids-Analysis and Properties of Their Common Natural Extracts. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science. Volume: 4, (Special Issue 1), pp:25-37.
  • [6] de la Rosa, L., Alvarez-Parrilla, E.A., and Gonzalez-Aguilar, G., (2010). Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals. USA, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  • [7] Tee, E.S., (1992). Carotenoids and Retinoids in Human Nutrition, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 31(1/2):103-163.
  • [8] Watson, R.R., (2001). Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs in Health Promotion, CRC Pres, New York, pp:139.
  • [9] Von Elbe, J.H. and Schwartz, S.J., (1996). Colorants. In: Fenema OR, editor. Food chemistry.2nded.NewYork: MarcelDekker.p651–722.
  • [10] Krinsky, N.I., (1994). The Biological Properties of Carotenoids. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 66, 1003–1010.
  • [11] Rodriguez-Amaya D.B., (1997). Carotenoids and Food Preparation: The Retention of Provitamin A Carotenoids in Prepared, Processed, and Stored Foods. Opportunities for Micronutrient Intervention (OMNI), Arlington.
  • [12] Alasalvar, C.J.M., Grigor, D., Zhang, P.C., Quantick, and Shahidi, F., (2001). Comparison of Volatiles, Phenolics, Sugars, Antioxidant Vitamins, and Sensory Quality Of Different Colored Carrot Varieties. J. Agr. Food Chem. 49:1410–1416.
  • [13] Simon, P.W. and Wolff, X.Y., (1987). Carotenes in Typical And Dark Orange Carrots. J. Agr. Food Chem. 35:1017–1022.
  • [14] Bureau, J. and Bushway, R.J., (1986). HPLC Determination of Carotenoids in Fruits and Vegetables in the United States. Journal of Food Science, 51, 128–130.
  • [15] Bushway, R.J. and Wilson, A.M. (1982). Determinations of α- and ;β-carotene in Fruit and Vegetables by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Canadian Instıtute of Food Science and Technology Journal, 15, 165–169.
  • [16] Bushway, R.J., (1986). Determination of α- and ;β-carotene in Some Raw Fruits and Vegetables by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 34, 409–412.
  • [17] Hart, D.J. and Scott, K.J., (1995). Development and Evaluation of an HPLC Method for the Analysis of Carotenoids in Foods, and the Measurement of the Carotenoid Content of Vegetables and Fruits Commonly Consumed in the UK. Food Chemistry, 54, 101–111.
  • [18] Heinonen, M.I., Ollilainen, V., Linkola, E.K., Varo, P.T., and Koivistoinen, P.E., (1989). Carotenoids in Finnish Foods: Vegetables, Fruits, and Berries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 37, 655–659.
  • [19] Heinonen, M.I., (1990). Carotenoids and Provitamin A Activity of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Cultivars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 38, 609–612.
  • [20] Konings, E.J.M. and Romans, H.H.S., (1997). Evaluation and Validation of an LC Method for the Analysis of Carotenoids in Vegetables and Fruit. Food Chemistry, 59, 599-603.
  • [21] Niizu, P.Y. and Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., (2005). New Data on the Carotenoid Composition of Raw Salad Vegetables. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18, 739–749.
  • [22] Olives-Barba, A.I., Cámara-Hurtado, M., Sánchez-Mata, M.C., Fernández-Ruiz, V., and López Sáenz de Tejada, M., (2006). Application of a UV-vis Detection-HPLC Method for a Rapid Determination of Lycopene and, β-carotene in Vegetables. Food Chemistry, 95, 328–336.
  • [23] Simon, P.W. and Wolff, X.Y., (1987). Carotenes in Typical and Dark Orange Carrots. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 35, 1017–1022.
  • [24] Skrede, G., Nilsson, A., Baardseth, P., Rosenfeld, H.J., Enersen, G., and Slinde, E., (1997). Evaluation of Carrot Varieties for Production of Deep-fried Carrot chips-III. Carotenoids. Food Research International, 30, 73–81.
  • [25] Sulaeman, A., Keeler, L., Gıraud, D.W., Taylor, S.L., Wehling, R.L. and Driskell, J.A., (2001). Carotenoid Content and Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Carrot Chips Deep Fried in Different Oils at Several Temperatures. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 66, 1257–1264.
  • [26] Dutta, D., Chaudhuri, U.R., and Chakraborty, R., (2005). Structure, Health Benefits, Antioxidant Property and Processing and Storage of Carotenoids. African Journal of Biotechnology, 4, 1510–1520.
  • [27] Surles, R.L., Weng, N., Simon, P.W., and Tanumihardj,o S.A., (2004). Carotenoid Profiles and Consumer Sensory Evaluation of Specialtycarrots (Daucus carota, L.) of Various Colors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52, 3417–3421.
  • [28] Koca, N., (2006). Carotenoids and Antioxidant Activity in Carrots (Daucus carota L.). Ankara University, Food Engineering Department, Doctora Thesis.
  • [29] Perrin, F., Hartmann, L., Dubois-Laurent, C., Welsch, R., Huet, S., Hamama, L., Briard, M., Peltier, D., Gagne, S., and Geoffriau, E., (2017). Carotenoid Gene Expression Explains The Difference of Carotenoid Accumulation in Carrot Root Tissues. Plnta, Volume:245, Issue:4, pp:737-747.
  • [30] Evers, A., (1989). Effects of Different Fertilization Practises on the Carotene Content of Carrot. J. Agric. Sci. in Finland 61: 7-14.
  • [31] Hägg, M., (1996). Vitamins E, Thiamine, Riboflavin, α and β-carotene in Finish and Imported Foods in Trace Elements, Natural Antioxidants and Contaminants in European Foods and Diets. The Food and Agricultural Organisation of The United Nations. pp:187-203.
  • [32] Günay, A., (1984). Special Vegetable Growing. Volume III, Çağ Printing Press, Ankara.
  • [33] Vural, H., Eşiyok, D., and Duman, İ., (2000). Culture Vegetables (Vegetable Growing), Ege University Printing House, Izmir.
  • [34] Kaack, K.V., Nielsen, M., Christensen, L.P., and Thorup-Kristensen, K., (2001). Nutritionally Important Chemical Constituents and Yield of Carrot Roots (Daucus carota L.) Grown Organically Using Ten Levels of Green Manure. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Sci. 51:125–136.
  • [35] Tsukakoshi, Y., Naito, S., Ishida, N., and Yasui, A., (2009). Variation in Moisture, Total Sugar, and Carotene Content of Japanese carrots: Use in Sample Size Determination. J. Food Compost. Anal. 22:373–380.
  • [36] Elgin, K.Ç., (2010). Determınatıon of Effects of Different Sowıng Tımes and Producıng Methods on Yield, Qualıty and Harvest Perıod for Baby Carrots by Usıng some Growıng Models. Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, PhD thesis, 186 page.
  • [37] Manosa, N.A., (2011). Influence of Temperature on Yield and Quality of Carrots (Daucus Carota Var. Sativa). In The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Department of Soil, Crop and Climate Science. University of The Free State, Bloemfontein. Thesis, 84 pages.
  • [38] Thompson, K.A., Marshall, M.R., Sims, C.A., Wei, C.I., Sargent, S.A., and Scott, J.W., (2000). Cultivar, Maturity, and Heat Treatment on Lycopene Content in Tomatoes. Journal of Food Science, 65, 791–795.
  • [39] Antonius, F.G. and Kasperbauer, M.J., (2002). Color of Light Reflected to Leaves Modifies Nutrient Content of Carrot Roots. Crop Science 42:1211-1216.
  • [40] Briardo Llorente, B., Martínez-García, J.F., Stange, C., and Rodríguez-Concepción, M., (2017). Illuminating Colors: Regulation of Carotenoid Biosynthesis and Accumulation by Light. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 37:49–55.
  • [41] Pietola, L., (1995) Effect of Soil Compactness on the Growth and Quality of Carrot (Diss.). Publication Serie: Agricultural Science in Finland Vol:4, No:2, pp:139-237.
  • [42] Florent, P., Cécile, D.L., Yves, G., Sylvie, C., Sébastien, H., Anita, S., Valérie, L.C., Mathilde, B., Latifa, H., Didier, P., Séverine, G., and Emmanuel, G., (2017). Combined Alternaria Dauci Infection and Water Stresses Impact Carotenoid Content of Carrot Leaves and Roots, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Volume:143, Pages:125-134.
  • [43] Smolen, S. and Sady, W., (2009). The Effect of Various Nitrogen Fertilization and Foliar Nutrition Regimes on the Concentrations of Sugars, Carotenoids and Phenolic Compounds in Carrot (Daucus carota L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 120(3):315–324.
  • [44] Sorensen, J.N., (1999). Nitrogen Effects on Vegetable Crop Production and Chemical Composition. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ecological Aspects of Vegetable Fertilisation in Integrated Crop Production in the Field (pp:41–49).
  • [45] Kiracı, S., Gönülal, E., and Padem, H., (2014). The Effects of Different Mycorrhiza Species on Quality Properties of Organic Carrot Growing. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, Volume:11 Number:1.
  • [46] Smoleń, S., Skoczylas, L., Ledwożyw-Smoleń, I., Rakoczy, R., Liszka-Skoczylas, M., Kopeć, A., Piątkowska, E., Bieżanowska-Kopeć, R., Koronowicz, A., Kapusta-Duch, J., and Sady, W., (2016). The Quality of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Cultivated in The Field Depending on Iodine and Selenium Fertilization. Folia Horticulturae, 28/2, pp:151-164.
  • [47] Costa de Oliveira, V., Faquin, V., Carvalho Guimarães, K., Ribeiro Andrade, F., Pereira, J., and Guimarães Guilherme, L.R., (2018). Agronomic Biofortification of Carrot with Selenium. Ciênc. Agrotec. Vol:42, No:2, pp:138-147.
  • [48] Mu, J., Cao, X., Liu, S., Guo, M., Bai, X., and Gao, X., (2011). Effect of N, P, K and Organic Fertilizer Amount on Carotene Content in Carrots. Notrhen Horticulture 2011-13. [49] Fikselova, M., Marecek, J., and Mellen, M., (2010). Carotenes content in Carrot Roots (Daucus carota L.) as Affected by Cultivation and Storage. Veg. Crops Res. Bul. 73:47–54.
  • [50] Gebczynski, P., (2006). Content of Selected Antioxidative Compounds in Raw Carrot and in Frozen Product Prepared for Consumption. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities.
  • [51] Wu, Z.R., Zhang, P., and Wang, Y.J., (2000). Dynamic Research on β Carotene Contenet of Carrots During Culture. Acta Agriculture Boreall-Sınıca 2000-01.
  • [52] Bağdatlıoğlu, N. and Demirbüker, B., (1999). Developments in Carotenoids in Food Processing. Food. 9: 4851.
  • [53] Morais, H., Ramos, A.C., Cserháti, T., and Forgács, E., (2001). Effest of Flourescent Light and Va-cuum Packaging on the Rate of Decomposition of Pigments in Paprika (Capsicum annuum) Powder Determined by Reversedphase high-performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 936, 139-144.
  • [54] Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., (2001). Food Ca-rotenoids: Analysis, Composition and Alterations During Storage and Pro-cessing of Foods. Annals of Nutri-tion and Metabolism. Vienna. 45:27.
  • [55] Koca, N., Burdurlu, H.S., and Karadeniz, F., (2007). Kinetics of colour changes in dehydrated carrots. J. Food Eng., 78:449-455.
  • [56] Simpson, K.L., (1985). Chemical Changes in Natural Food Pigments. pp:409-443. In: Richardson, T. and Finley, J.W. (Eds), Chemical Changes in Food During Processing, New York.
  • [57] Lee, H.S. and Coates, G.A., (2003). Effect of Thermal Pasteurization on Valencia Orange Juice color and Pigments. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaftund- Tech., 36, pp:153-156.
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  • [61] Chandler, L.A. and Schwartz, S.J., (1988). Isomerization and Losses of Trans, carotene in Sweet Potatoes as Affected by Processing Treatments. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 36, pp:129–133.
Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 29 - 39, 30.04.2019



  • [1] Bender, I., Moor, U., and Luik, A., (2015). The Effect of Growing Systems on The Quality of Carrots. Food Sciences. Volume:1, pp:118-123.
  • [2] USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, (2005). Release 18.
  • [3] Seljasen, R., Kristensen, H.L., Lauridsen, C., Wyss, G.S., Kretzschmar, U., Aragone, I.B., and Kahl, J., (2013). Quality of Carrots as Affected by Pre- and Post-Harvest Factors and Processing. J Sci Food Agric. 93, pp:2611–2626.
  • [4] Mortensen, A., (2006). Carotenoids and Other Pigments as Natural Colorants. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 78, 1477–1491.
  • [5] Kiokias, S., Proestos, C., and Varzakas, T., (2016). A Review of The Structure, Biosynthesis, Absorption of Carotenoids-Analysis and Properties of Their Common Natural Extracts. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science. Volume: 4, (Special Issue 1), pp:25-37.
  • [6] de la Rosa, L., Alvarez-Parrilla, E.A., and Gonzalez-Aguilar, G., (2010). Fruit and Vegetable Phytochemicals. USA, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  • [7] Tee, E.S., (1992). Carotenoids and Retinoids in Human Nutrition, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 31(1/2):103-163.
  • [8] Watson, R.R., (2001). Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs in Health Promotion, CRC Pres, New York, pp:139.
  • [9] Von Elbe, J.H. and Schwartz, S.J., (1996). Colorants. In: Fenema OR, editor. Food chemistry.2nded.NewYork: MarcelDekker.p651–722.
  • [10] Krinsky, N.I., (1994). The Biological Properties of Carotenoids. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 66, 1003–1010.
  • [11] Rodriguez-Amaya D.B., (1997). Carotenoids and Food Preparation: The Retention of Provitamin A Carotenoids in Prepared, Processed, and Stored Foods. Opportunities for Micronutrient Intervention (OMNI), Arlington.
  • [12] Alasalvar, C.J.M., Grigor, D., Zhang, P.C., Quantick, and Shahidi, F., (2001). Comparison of Volatiles, Phenolics, Sugars, Antioxidant Vitamins, and Sensory Quality Of Different Colored Carrot Varieties. J. Agr. Food Chem. 49:1410–1416.
  • [13] Simon, P.W. and Wolff, X.Y., (1987). Carotenes in Typical And Dark Orange Carrots. J. Agr. Food Chem. 35:1017–1022.
  • [14] Bureau, J. and Bushway, R.J., (1986). HPLC Determination of Carotenoids in Fruits and Vegetables in the United States. Journal of Food Science, 51, 128–130.
  • [15] Bushway, R.J. and Wilson, A.M. (1982). Determinations of α- and ;β-carotene in Fruit and Vegetables by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Canadian Instıtute of Food Science and Technology Journal, 15, 165–169.
  • [16] Bushway, R.J., (1986). Determination of α- and ;β-carotene in Some Raw Fruits and Vegetables by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 34, 409–412.
  • [17] Hart, D.J. and Scott, K.J., (1995). Development and Evaluation of an HPLC Method for the Analysis of Carotenoids in Foods, and the Measurement of the Carotenoid Content of Vegetables and Fruits Commonly Consumed in the UK. Food Chemistry, 54, 101–111.
  • [18] Heinonen, M.I., Ollilainen, V., Linkola, E.K., Varo, P.T., and Koivistoinen, P.E., (1989). Carotenoids in Finnish Foods: Vegetables, Fruits, and Berries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 37, 655–659.
  • [19] Heinonen, M.I., (1990). Carotenoids and Provitamin A Activity of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Cultivars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 38, 609–612.
  • [20] Konings, E.J.M. and Romans, H.H.S., (1997). Evaluation and Validation of an LC Method for the Analysis of Carotenoids in Vegetables and Fruit. Food Chemistry, 59, 599-603.
  • [21] Niizu, P.Y. and Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., (2005). New Data on the Carotenoid Composition of Raw Salad Vegetables. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18, 739–749.
  • [22] Olives-Barba, A.I., Cámara-Hurtado, M., Sánchez-Mata, M.C., Fernández-Ruiz, V., and López Sáenz de Tejada, M., (2006). Application of a UV-vis Detection-HPLC Method for a Rapid Determination of Lycopene and, β-carotene in Vegetables. Food Chemistry, 95, 328–336.
  • [23] Simon, P.W. and Wolff, X.Y., (1987). Carotenes in Typical and Dark Orange Carrots. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 35, 1017–1022.
  • [24] Skrede, G., Nilsson, A., Baardseth, P., Rosenfeld, H.J., Enersen, G., and Slinde, E., (1997). Evaluation of Carrot Varieties for Production of Deep-fried Carrot chips-III. Carotenoids. Food Research International, 30, 73–81.
  • [25] Sulaeman, A., Keeler, L., Gıraud, D.W., Taylor, S.L., Wehling, R.L. and Driskell, J.A., (2001). Carotenoid Content and Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Carrot Chips Deep Fried in Different Oils at Several Temperatures. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 66, 1257–1264.
  • [26] Dutta, D., Chaudhuri, U.R., and Chakraborty, R., (2005). Structure, Health Benefits, Antioxidant Property and Processing and Storage of Carotenoids. African Journal of Biotechnology, 4, 1510–1520.
  • [27] Surles, R.L., Weng, N., Simon, P.W., and Tanumihardj,o S.A., (2004). Carotenoid Profiles and Consumer Sensory Evaluation of Specialtycarrots (Daucus carota, L.) of Various Colors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52, 3417–3421.
  • [28] Koca, N., (2006). Carotenoids and Antioxidant Activity in Carrots (Daucus carota L.). Ankara University, Food Engineering Department, Doctora Thesis.
  • [29] Perrin, F., Hartmann, L., Dubois-Laurent, C., Welsch, R., Huet, S., Hamama, L., Briard, M., Peltier, D., Gagne, S., and Geoffriau, E., (2017). Carotenoid Gene Expression Explains The Difference of Carotenoid Accumulation in Carrot Root Tissues. Plnta, Volume:245, Issue:4, pp:737-747.
  • [30] Evers, A., (1989). Effects of Different Fertilization Practises on the Carotene Content of Carrot. J. Agric. Sci. in Finland 61: 7-14.
  • [31] Hägg, M., (1996). Vitamins E, Thiamine, Riboflavin, α and β-carotene in Finish and Imported Foods in Trace Elements, Natural Antioxidants and Contaminants in European Foods and Diets. The Food and Agricultural Organisation of The United Nations. pp:187-203.
  • [32] Günay, A., (1984). Special Vegetable Growing. Volume III, Çağ Printing Press, Ankara.
  • [33] Vural, H., Eşiyok, D., and Duman, İ., (2000). Culture Vegetables (Vegetable Growing), Ege University Printing House, Izmir.
  • [34] Kaack, K.V., Nielsen, M., Christensen, L.P., and Thorup-Kristensen, K., (2001). Nutritionally Important Chemical Constituents and Yield of Carrot Roots (Daucus carota L.) Grown Organically Using Ten Levels of Green Manure. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Sci. 51:125–136.
  • [35] Tsukakoshi, Y., Naito, S., Ishida, N., and Yasui, A., (2009). Variation in Moisture, Total Sugar, and Carotene Content of Japanese carrots: Use in Sample Size Determination. J. Food Compost. Anal. 22:373–380.
  • [36] Elgin, K.Ç., (2010). Determınatıon of Effects of Different Sowıng Tımes and Producıng Methods on Yield, Qualıty and Harvest Perıod for Baby Carrots by Usıng some Growıng Models. Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, PhD thesis, 186 page.
  • [37] Manosa, N.A., (2011). Influence of Temperature on Yield and Quality of Carrots (Daucus Carota Var. Sativa). In The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Department of Soil, Crop and Climate Science. University of The Free State, Bloemfontein. Thesis, 84 pages.
  • [38] Thompson, K.A., Marshall, M.R., Sims, C.A., Wei, C.I., Sargent, S.A., and Scott, J.W., (2000). Cultivar, Maturity, and Heat Treatment on Lycopene Content in Tomatoes. Journal of Food Science, 65, 791–795.
  • [39] Antonius, F.G. and Kasperbauer, M.J., (2002). Color of Light Reflected to Leaves Modifies Nutrient Content of Carrot Roots. Crop Science 42:1211-1216.
  • [40] Briardo Llorente, B., Martínez-García, J.F., Stange, C., and Rodríguez-Concepción, M., (2017). Illuminating Colors: Regulation of Carotenoid Biosynthesis and Accumulation by Light. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 37:49–55.
  • [41] Pietola, L., (1995) Effect of Soil Compactness on the Growth and Quality of Carrot (Diss.). Publication Serie: Agricultural Science in Finland Vol:4, No:2, pp:139-237.
  • [42] Florent, P., Cécile, D.L., Yves, G., Sylvie, C., Sébastien, H., Anita, S., Valérie, L.C., Mathilde, B., Latifa, H., Didier, P., Séverine, G., and Emmanuel, G., (2017). Combined Alternaria Dauci Infection and Water Stresses Impact Carotenoid Content of Carrot Leaves and Roots, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Volume:143, Pages:125-134.
  • [43] Smolen, S. and Sady, W., (2009). The Effect of Various Nitrogen Fertilization and Foliar Nutrition Regimes on the Concentrations of Sugars, Carotenoids and Phenolic Compounds in Carrot (Daucus carota L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 120(3):315–324.
  • [44] Sorensen, J.N., (1999). Nitrogen Effects on Vegetable Crop Production and Chemical Composition. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ecological Aspects of Vegetable Fertilisation in Integrated Crop Production in the Field (pp:41–49).
  • [45] Kiracı, S., Gönülal, E., and Padem, H., (2014). The Effects of Different Mycorrhiza Species on Quality Properties of Organic Carrot Growing. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, Volume:11 Number:1.
  • [46] Smoleń, S., Skoczylas, L., Ledwożyw-Smoleń, I., Rakoczy, R., Liszka-Skoczylas, M., Kopeć, A., Piątkowska, E., Bieżanowska-Kopeć, R., Koronowicz, A., Kapusta-Duch, J., and Sady, W., (2016). The Quality of Carrot (Daucus carota L.) Cultivated in The Field Depending on Iodine and Selenium Fertilization. Folia Horticulturae, 28/2, pp:151-164.
  • [47] Costa de Oliveira, V., Faquin, V., Carvalho Guimarães, K., Ribeiro Andrade, F., Pereira, J., and Guimarães Guilherme, L.R., (2018). Agronomic Biofortification of Carrot with Selenium. Ciênc. Agrotec. Vol:42, No:2, pp:138-147.
  • [48] Mu, J., Cao, X., Liu, S., Guo, M., Bai, X., and Gao, X., (2011). Effect of N, P, K and Organic Fertilizer Amount on Carotene Content in Carrots. Notrhen Horticulture 2011-13. [49] Fikselova, M., Marecek, J., and Mellen, M., (2010). Carotenes content in Carrot Roots (Daucus carota L.) as Affected by Cultivation and Storage. Veg. Crops Res. Bul. 73:47–54.
  • [50] Gebczynski, P., (2006). Content of Selected Antioxidative Compounds in Raw Carrot and in Frozen Product Prepared for Consumption. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities.
  • [51] Wu, Z.R., Zhang, P., and Wang, Y.J., (2000). Dynamic Research on β Carotene Contenet of Carrots During Culture. Acta Agriculture Boreall-Sınıca 2000-01.
  • [52] Bağdatlıoğlu, N. and Demirbüker, B., (1999). Developments in Carotenoids in Food Processing. Food. 9: 4851.
  • [53] Morais, H., Ramos, A.C., Cserháti, T., and Forgács, E., (2001). Effest of Flourescent Light and Va-cuum Packaging on the Rate of Decomposition of Pigments in Paprika (Capsicum annuum) Powder Determined by Reversedphase high-performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 936, 139-144.
  • [54] Rodriguez-Amaya, D.B., (2001). Food Ca-rotenoids: Analysis, Composition and Alterations During Storage and Pro-cessing of Foods. Annals of Nutri-tion and Metabolism. Vienna. 45:27.
  • [55] Koca, N., Burdurlu, H.S., and Karadeniz, F., (2007). Kinetics of colour changes in dehydrated carrots. J. Food Eng., 78:449-455.
  • [56] Simpson, K.L., (1985). Chemical Changes in Natural Food Pigments. pp:409-443. In: Richardson, T. and Finley, J.W. (Eds), Chemical Changes in Food During Processing, New York.
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There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

ÇİĞDEM Elgin Karabacak

Hakan Karabacak

Publication Date April 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Elgin Karabacak, Ç., & Karabacak, H. (2019). FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota). Ecological Life Sciences, 14(2), 29-39.
AMA Elgin Karabacak Ç, Karabacak H. FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota). Ecological Life Sciences. April 2019;14(2):29-39.
Chicago Elgin Karabacak, ÇİĞDEM, and Hakan Karabacak. “FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota)”. Ecological Life Sciences 14, no. 2 (April 2019): 29-39.
EndNote Elgin Karabacak Ç, Karabacak H (April 1, 2019) FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota). Ecological Life Sciences 14 2 29–39.
IEEE Ç. Elgin Karabacak and H. Karabacak, “FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota)”, Ecological Life Sciences, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 29–39, 2019.
ISNAD Elgin Karabacak, ÇİĞDEM - Karabacak, Hakan. “FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota)”. Ecological Life Sciences 14/2 (April 2019), 29-39.
JAMA Elgin Karabacak Ç, Karabacak H. FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota). Ecological Life Sciences. 2019;14:29–39.
MLA Elgin Karabacak, ÇİĞDEM and Hakan Karabacak. “FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota)”. Ecological Life Sciences, vol. 14, no. 2, 2019, pp. 29-39.
Vancouver Elgin Karabacak Ç, Karabacak H. FACTORS AFFECTING CAROTENOID AMOUNT IN CARROTS (Daucus Carota). Ecological Life Sciences. 2019;14(2):29-3.