Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 15 - 23, 31.01.2020



  • [1] Güher, H., (2003). Mert, Erikli, Hamam ve Pedina (İğneada, Kırklareli) Gölleri’nin Zooplanktonik Organizmaların Kommunite Yapısı E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 20(1-2):51-62.
  • [2] Emir, N., (1990). Samsun Bafra Gölü Rotifer Faunasının Taksonomik Yönden Incelenmesi, Türk Zooloji Dergisi, 14/2:89-94.
  • [3] Altındağ, A. ve Yiğit, S., (2004). Beyşehir Gölü Zooplankton Faunası ve Mevsimsel Değişimi, G.Ü, Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24:217-225.
  • [4]
  • [5] Edmondson, W.T., (1959). Fresh Water Biology. Second edition, University of Washington, Seattle, 1248 pp.
  • [6] Grasse, P., (1965). Traite de Zoologie Anatomie, Systematique, Biologie, Nome IV, Fassicule III, Mason Etc Editeurs Libraires De L’Academie De Medecine.
  • [7] Kolisko, A.R., (1974). Planktonic Rotifers Biologyand Taxonomy Biological Station, Lunz of The Austrian Academy of Science, Stuttgart, 974 s.
  • [8] Koste, W., (1978a). Die Radertiere Mitteleuropas I. Textband, Berlin, 673p.
  • [9] Koste, W., (1978b). Die Radertiere Mitteleuropas II. Tofelband, Berlin, 235p.
  • [10] Dumont, H.J. and De Ridder, M., (1987). Rotifers from Turkey, Hydrobiologia, 147:65-73.
  • [11] Segers, H., (1995). The Lecanidae (Monogononta). In: Nogrady T. (ed) Rotifera 2. In: Dumont HJ (ed) Guides to the Identification of the Continental Waters of the World 6. SPB Academic, The Hague, The Netherlands, 226 p.
  • [12] Flössner, D.K., (1972). Crustacea. Kiemen and Blattfüsser Brachiopoda Fischlause, Branchiura, Tierwelt-Deutschlands, 60. Tiel Veb. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, 501 pp.
  • [13] Kiefer, F., (1978). Das Zooplankton der Binnengewasser 2. Teil. Freilebende Copepoda. Die Binnengewasser Band XXVI E. Schweiserbant’sche", Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 315 p.
  • [14] Einsle, U., (1996). Copepoda: Cyclopoida, Genera Cyclops, Megacyclops, Acanthocyclops, Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World No.10 SPB Academic Publishing, London, 82 p.
  • [15] Dussart, H.B. and Defaye, D., (2001). Introduction to the Copepoda (2nd edition) (revised and enlarged). Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World. H.J.F. Dumont (ed.). SPB Academic Publishers, The Hague Volume, 16:1-344.
  • [16] Washington, H.G., (1984). Diversty, Biotic and Similarity Indices, a Review with Special Relevance to Aquatic Ecosystems. Water Research, 18:653–694.
  • [17] Kazancı, N. and Dügel, M., (2000). An Evaluation of Water Quality of Yuvarlakçay Stream in Köyceğiz-Dalyan Protected Area, SW Turkey. T.J. of Zoology. 24:69-80. [18] Sümbüloğlu, K. ve Sümbüloğlu, V., (1997). Biyoistatistik, Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara, 269s.
  • [19] FowIer, J. and Cohen, L., (1992). Practical Statistics for Field Biology, John Wüey and Sons Inc., New York.
  • [20] Güher, H. and Erdoğan, S., (2008). Alıç Göleti perifitik zooplankton (Cladocera, Copepoda, Rotifera) Türleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Journal of Fisheries Sciences 2(3):516-523.
  • [21] Yiğit, S., (2006). Analysis of the Zooplankton Community by the Shannon-Weaver Index in Kesikköprü Dam Lake, Turkey. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilgileri Dergisi 12(2):216-220.
  • [22] Tellioğlu, A. ve Yılmaztürk, Y., (2005). Keban Baraj Gölü Pertek Bölgesi'nin Kladoser ve Kopepod Faunası Üzerine Taksonomik Bir Çalışma, Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 22(3-4):431-433.
  • [23] Saler, S., (2009). Rotifers of Kepektaş Dam Lake (Elazığ-Turkey), Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, 33:121-126.
  • [24] Saler (Emiroğlu), S., (2001). Keban Baraj Gölü Gülüşkür Koyu Kesimi’ nin Rotifera Faunası ve Mevsimsel Değişimleri, Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elazığ.
  • [25] Temel, M. ve Ongan, T., (1990). Gala Gölü zooplankton gruplarının mevsimsel dağılımı, İstanbul Ünv. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 2:23–34.
  • [26] Ustaoğlu, M.R., (1989). Marmara Gölü’nün (Salihli) zooplanktonu üzerine araştırmalar, Doktora Tezi, E.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • [27] Özhan, (2007). Karakaya Baraj Gölü Su Kalitesinin Zooplankton Kompozisyonı İle Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İ.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Malatya.
  • [28] Saler (Emiroğlu), S., Şen, B. ve Şen, D., (2000). Fırat Nehri Kömürhan Bölgesi rotiferleri ve mevsimsel değişimleri, Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Sinop, 20-22 Eylül, 385-396.
  • [29] Saler(Emiroğlu), S. and Şen, B., (2001). Rotifers of Zıkkım Stream which flows into Hazar Lake and Their Seasonal Variations. XI. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 4-6 Eylül 2001, Hatay, Cilt I:261-271.
  • [30] Bekleyen, A., (2006). Devegecidi Baraj Golu’nun (Diyarbakır) Cladocera and Copepoda (Crustacea) Faunası, E.U. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 3:413-415.
  • [31] Tellioğlu, A. and Akman, F., (2007). A Taxonomical Study on the Rotifera Fauna in Pertek Region of Keban Dam Lake, Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 24(1-2):135-136.
  • [32] Bekleyen, A. ve Taş, B., (2008). Çernek Gölü’nün (Samsun) zooplankton faunası. Ekoloji, 17(67):24–30.
  • [33] Bulut, H. and Saler, S., (2016). Monthly Variations of Zooplankton in a Freshwater Body (Maryap Pond, Turkey), Aca. J. Sci., 6:39-52.
  • [34] Bulut, H. ve Saler S., (2013). Kalecik Baraj Gölü (Elazıg, Turkiye) Zooplanktonu", Fırat Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 25, 99-103.
  • [35] Bulut, H. and Saler, S., (2014). Zooplankton of Beyhan Dam Lake (Elazıg, Turkey), Turk. J. Sci. Technol., 9:23-28.
  • [36] Saler, S. Haykır, H., and Baysal, N., (2014). Zooplankton of Uzuncayır Dam Lake (Tunceli-Turkey), J., 8:1-7.
  • [37] Tepe, R., Saler, S., Bulut, H., Karakaya, G., Şahin, A. ve Sesli, A., (2019). Karkamış Baraj Gölü (Gaziantep) Zooplanktonu, Ecological Life Science (NWSAELS), 14(4):101-109.
  • [38] Bulut, H. and Saler, S., (2019). Seasonal variations of an aquatic Eceosystem at Susurluk Basin (Balıkesir-Turkey), Fresenius Envir. Bulletin, 27(4):2530-2535.
  • [39] Saler, S., Bulut, H., and Karakaya, G., (2019). Zooplankton of Çat Dam Lake (Malatya-Turkey) with a New Record for Turkish rotifers Lecane intrasinuata (Olofsson, 1917), Iranian J of Fisheries Science, 18(1):199-204.
  • [40] Berzins, B. and Pejler, B., (1987). Rotifer Occurence in Relation to pH, Hydrobiology. 147:107-116.
  • [41] EPA, (1979). A Review of the Epa Red Book Quality Criteria for Water. Environmental Protection Agency, USA. 311s.

Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey)

Year 2020, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 15 - 23, 31.01.2020


     In this study it was aimed to determine the zooplankton fauna and its
seasonal variations in Keban Dam Lake Yurtbaşı region. Zooplankton samples have
been collected monthly between May 2011–April 2012. During the study, 29 species belong to Rotifera, 9 species
belong to Cladocera and 2 species belong
to Copepoda have been identified from Keban Dam Lake Yurtbası Region. As
a result of Shannon Wiener species richness index analysis of Keban Dam Lake Yurtbası Region, species
richness was found highest in may
(H′=2.72) and the lowest index value was found in february
to Margalef index analysis of Keban Dam Lake Yurtbası Region, species richness
was found highest in may
the least value was found in january (D=0.62)
. Among all zooplankton, Rotifera was represented
with 83.5%, Cladocera 11.5% and Copepoda 5%.


  • [1] Güher, H., (2003). Mert, Erikli, Hamam ve Pedina (İğneada, Kırklareli) Gölleri’nin Zooplanktonik Organizmaların Kommunite Yapısı E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 20(1-2):51-62.
  • [2] Emir, N., (1990). Samsun Bafra Gölü Rotifer Faunasının Taksonomik Yönden Incelenmesi, Türk Zooloji Dergisi, 14/2:89-94.
  • [3] Altındağ, A. ve Yiğit, S., (2004). Beyşehir Gölü Zooplankton Faunası ve Mevsimsel Değişimi, G.Ü, Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24:217-225.
  • [4]
  • [5] Edmondson, W.T., (1959). Fresh Water Biology. Second edition, University of Washington, Seattle, 1248 pp.
  • [6] Grasse, P., (1965). Traite de Zoologie Anatomie, Systematique, Biologie, Nome IV, Fassicule III, Mason Etc Editeurs Libraires De L’Academie De Medecine.
  • [7] Kolisko, A.R., (1974). Planktonic Rotifers Biologyand Taxonomy Biological Station, Lunz of The Austrian Academy of Science, Stuttgart, 974 s.
  • [8] Koste, W., (1978a). Die Radertiere Mitteleuropas I. Textband, Berlin, 673p.
  • [9] Koste, W., (1978b). Die Radertiere Mitteleuropas II. Tofelband, Berlin, 235p.
  • [10] Dumont, H.J. and De Ridder, M., (1987). Rotifers from Turkey, Hydrobiologia, 147:65-73.
  • [11] Segers, H., (1995). The Lecanidae (Monogononta). In: Nogrady T. (ed) Rotifera 2. In: Dumont HJ (ed) Guides to the Identification of the Continental Waters of the World 6. SPB Academic, The Hague, The Netherlands, 226 p.
  • [12] Flössner, D.K., (1972). Crustacea. Kiemen and Blattfüsser Brachiopoda Fischlause, Branchiura, Tierwelt-Deutschlands, 60. Tiel Veb. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, 501 pp.
  • [13] Kiefer, F., (1978). Das Zooplankton der Binnengewasser 2. Teil. Freilebende Copepoda. Die Binnengewasser Band XXVI E. Schweiserbant’sche", Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 315 p.
  • [14] Einsle, U., (1996). Copepoda: Cyclopoida, Genera Cyclops, Megacyclops, Acanthocyclops, Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World No.10 SPB Academic Publishing, London, 82 p.
  • [15] Dussart, H.B. and Defaye, D., (2001). Introduction to the Copepoda (2nd edition) (revised and enlarged). Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World. H.J.F. Dumont (ed.). SPB Academic Publishers, The Hague Volume, 16:1-344.
  • [16] Washington, H.G., (1984). Diversty, Biotic and Similarity Indices, a Review with Special Relevance to Aquatic Ecosystems. Water Research, 18:653–694.
  • [17] Kazancı, N. and Dügel, M., (2000). An Evaluation of Water Quality of Yuvarlakçay Stream in Köyceğiz-Dalyan Protected Area, SW Turkey. T.J. of Zoology. 24:69-80. [18] Sümbüloğlu, K. ve Sümbüloğlu, V., (1997). Biyoistatistik, Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara, 269s.
  • [19] FowIer, J. and Cohen, L., (1992). Practical Statistics for Field Biology, John Wüey and Sons Inc., New York.
  • [20] Güher, H. and Erdoğan, S., (2008). Alıç Göleti perifitik zooplankton (Cladocera, Copepoda, Rotifera) Türleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Journal of Fisheries Sciences 2(3):516-523.
  • [21] Yiğit, S., (2006). Analysis of the Zooplankton Community by the Shannon-Weaver Index in Kesikköprü Dam Lake, Turkey. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilgileri Dergisi 12(2):216-220.
  • [22] Tellioğlu, A. ve Yılmaztürk, Y., (2005). Keban Baraj Gölü Pertek Bölgesi'nin Kladoser ve Kopepod Faunası Üzerine Taksonomik Bir Çalışma, Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 22(3-4):431-433.
  • [23] Saler, S., (2009). Rotifers of Kepektaş Dam Lake (Elazığ-Turkey), Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, 33:121-126.
  • [24] Saler (Emiroğlu), S., (2001). Keban Baraj Gölü Gülüşkür Koyu Kesimi’ nin Rotifera Faunası ve Mevsimsel Değişimleri, Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elazığ.
  • [25] Temel, M. ve Ongan, T., (1990). Gala Gölü zooplankton gruplarının mevsimsel dağılımı, İstanbul Ünv. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 2:23–34.
  • [26] Ustaoğlu, M.R., (1989). Marmara Gölü’nün (Salihli) zooplanktonu üzerine araştırmalar, Doktora Tezi, E.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • [27] Özhan, (2007). Karakaya Baraj Gölü Su Kalitesinin Zooplankton Kompozisyonı İle Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İ.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Malatya.
  • [28] Saler (Emiroğlu), S., Şen, B. ve Şen, D., (2000). Fırat Nehri Kömürhan Bölgesi rotiferleri ve mevsimsel değişimleri, Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Sinop, 20-22 Eylül, 385-396.
  • [29] Saler(Emiroğlu), S. and Şen, B., (2001). Rotifers of Zıkkım Stream which flows into Hazar Lake and Their Seasonal Variations. XI. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 4-6 Eylül 2001, Hatay, Cilt I:261-271.
  • [30] Bekleyen, A., (2006). Devegecidi Baraj Golu’nun (Diyarbakır) Cladocera and Copepoda (Crustacea) Faunası, E.U. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 3:413-415.
  • [31] Tellioğlu, A. and Akman, F., (2007). A Taxonomical Study on the Rotifera Fauna in Pertek Region of Keban Dam Lake, Ege University Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 24(1-2):135-136.
  • [32] Bekleyen, A. ve Taş, B., (2008). Çernek Gölü’nün (Samsun) zooplankton faunası. Ekoloji, 17(67):24–30.
  • [33] Bulut, H. and Saler, S., (2016). Monthly Variations of Zooplankton in a Freshwater Body (Maryap Pond, Turkey), Aca. J. Sci., 6:39-52.
  • [34] Bulut, H. ve Saler S., (2013). Kalecik Baraj Gölü (Elazıg, Turkiye) Zooplanktonu", Fırat Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 25, 99-103.
  • [35] Bulut, H. and Saler, S., (2014). Zooplankton of Beyhan Dam Lake (Elazıg, Turkey), Turk. J. Sci. Technol., 9:23-28.
  • [36] Saler, S. Haykır, H., and Baysal, N., (2014). Zooplankton of Uzuncayır Dam Lake (Tunceli-Turkey), J., 8:1-7.
  • [37] Tepe, R., Saler, S., Bulut, H., Karakaya, G., Şahin, A. ve Sesli, A., (2019). Karkamış Baraj Gölü (Gaziantep) Zooplanktonu, Ecological Life Science (NWSAELS), 14(4):101-109.
  • [38] Bulut, H. and Saler, S., (2019). Seasonal variations of an aquatic Eceosystem at Susurluk Basin (Balıkesir-Turkey), Fresenius Envir. Bulletin, 27(4):2530-2535.
  • [39] Saler, S., Bulut, H., and Karakaya, G., (2019). Zooplankton of Çat Dam Lake (Malatya-Turkey) with a New Record for Turkish rotifers Lecane intrasinuata (Olofsson, 1917), Iranian J of Fisheries Science, 18(1):199-204.
  • [40] Berzins, B. and Pejler, B., (1987). Rotifer Occurence in Relation to pH, Hydrobiology. 147:107-116.
  • [41] EPA, (1979). A Review of the Epa Red Book Quality Criteria for Water. Environmental Protection Agency, USA. 311s.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Serap Saler 0000-0001-5900-491X

Necla İpek Alış This is me

Publication Date January 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Saler, S., & Alış, N. İ. (2020). Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey). Ecological Life Sciences, 15(1), 15-23.
AMA Saler S, Alış Nİ. Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey). Ecological Life Sciences. January 2020;15(1):15-23.
Chicago Saler, Serap, and Necla İpek Alış. “Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey)”. Ecological Life Sciences 15, no. 1 (January 2020): 15-23.
EndNote Saler S, Alış Nİ (January 1, 2020) Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey). Ecological Life Sciences 15 1 15–23.
IEEE S. Saler and N. İ. Alış, “Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey)”, Ecological Life Sciences, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 15–23, 2020.
ISNAD Saler, Serap - Alış, Necla İpek. “Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey)”. Ecological Life Sciences 15/1 (January 2020), 15-23.
JAMA Saler S, Alış Nİ. Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey). Ecological Life Sciences. 2020;15:15–23.
MLA Saler, Serap and Necla İpek Alış. “Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey)”. Ecological Life Sciences, vol. 15, no. 1, 2020, pp. 15-23.
Vancouver Saler S, Alış Nİ. Zooplankton of Keban Dam Lake (Yurtbasi Locality) (Elazığ-Turkey). Ecological Life Sciences. 2020;15(1):15-23.