Architecture is a discipline which creates healthy, livable and aesthetic spaces for the users using the opportunities of the natural environment to satisfy the needs and desires of the users within specific criterion. As well as the architecture is closely related with art and technology, it has also interaction with other design based disciplines such as city and regional planning, engineering, interior design, landscape architecture, painting and sculpture. This interaction makes architecture technical and objective with familiarity to science also makes it relative and subjective with familiarity to art. In this respect, architectural education and tools and methods used become important. As it is the case in other design based disciplines, importance of theoretical and applied studio (design) courses which bring the student design capability and creativity in architectural education is so remarkable. Studio courses in architectural education are executed in master-apprentice relations with criticizing the end product of the student in the class. The most important facts that prepare the student for the profession and design process are the basic studio courses which basic design and space concepts are given. In this article, first year education and basic design studio courses which are important in the architectural education are criticized and proposals are recommended to develop architectural education programs and make them more flexible and creative parallel to emergent conditions.
Mimarlyk belirli ölçütler aracyly?yyla do?al çevrenin olanak ve synyrlamalaryny kullanycynyn istek ve gereksinimlerine yanyt verecek biçimde de?erlendirerek kullanycylara sa?lykly, ya?anylabilir ve estetik mekânlar yaratan bir disiplindir. Mimarlyk bilim, sanat ve teknoloji ile yakyn ili?kili oldu?u kadar, ?ehir ve bölge planlama, mühendislik, iç mimarlyk, peyzaj mimarly?y, resim ve heykel gibi tasarym içeren di?er disiplinlerle de etkile?im içindedir. Bu etkile?im mimarlyk disiplinini bilime yakynly?y ile kurally ve nesnel, sanata yakynly?y ile göreceli ve öznel kylmaktadyr. Bu ba?lamda mimarlyk e?itimi ve e?itim sürecinde kullanylan araç ve yöntemler önem kazanmaktadyr. Tasarym ve yaratycylyk içeren di?er disiplinlerin e?itim programlarynda oldu?u gibi mimarlyk e?itim programlarynda da ö?renciye tasarym ve yaratycylyk becerisi kazandyrmaya yönelik teorik ve uygulamaly stüdyo (tasarym) derslerinin a?yrly?y oldukça fazladyr. Mimarlyk e?itiminde stüdyo dersleri usta-çyrak ili?kisi içinde, ö?rencinin tasarlady?y ürünün masa ba?ynda kritik edilmesi ile yürütülmektedir. Bu e?itim sürecinde ö?renciyi mesle?e hazyrlayan ve tasarym sürecine odaklanmasyny sa?layan en önemli olgu temel tasarym ve mekân kavramlarynyn verildi?i temel e?itim stüdyolarydyr. Bu makale kapsamynda mimarlyk e?itiminde önemli bir yer tutan birinci yyl e?itimi ve temel e?itim stüdyolary sorgulanmy?, mimarlyk e?itim programlarynyn geli?en ?artlara uygun olarak esnek ve yaratycy olabilmesi için öneriler geli?tirilmi?tir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Computer Engineering |
Authors | |
Publication Date | May 1, 2011 |
Published in Issue | Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 4 |