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Paris’te Bir Osmanlı Elçisi: XIV. Louis’nin Sarayında Süleyman Ağa, 1669

Year 2016, Volume: 48 Issue: 48, 337 - 336, 27.07.2016


IV. Mehmed 1669 yılında Süleyman Ağa’yı elçi olarak Fransız Kralı XIV. Louis’ye
göndermiştir. Fransa ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu arasında bir seri savaşın sonunda gelen
bu diplomatik misyonun hedefi geleneksel Osmanlı-Fransız itilâfındaki krizi çözmekti.
Her ne kadar bu diplomatik misyonun ardındaki fikir açıksa da, aynı şeyi Süleyman
Ağa’nın rolü için söylememiz mümkün değildir. Fransızlar bir büyükelçi beklemekte ve
büyükelçi karşılamaları için gerekli hazırlıkları yapmış bulunmaktadır; oysa Osmanlı
elçisinin statüsü çok daha kısıtlıdır. Bu makale, Osmanlı ve Fransız diplomatik protokolünün karşı karşıya gelmesiyle ortaya çıkan sorunları ve Fransız hükümetinin bu
sorunları nasıl çözdüğünü araştırmaktadır. Onyedinci yüzyıl Osmanlı-Avrupa diplomasisinde uygulamada çıkan zorlukların büyük bir kısmını yansıtmakla beraber, elimizdeki vak’a aynı zamanda Fransız ve Osmanlı hükümetlerinin yüksek siyasi çıkarlar
adına makul ve pragmatik kalabildiklerinin altını çizmektedir


  • Bibliography Archival sources: Archive des Affaires Étrangères, Correspondance Politique Turquie 4, 9 Archive des Affaires Étrangères, Correspondance Politique Turquie Supplément 7 Archives Nationales de France, Archives de la Marine B2 8, B7 205 Archives Nationales de France, Archives Etrangères B1 376 Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Manuscrits Françaises 14118 AN OTTOMAN ENVOY IN PARIS: SÜLEYMAN AĞA’S MISSION TO THE COURT OF LOUIS XIV, 1669 354 Published primary sources: Arvieux, Laurent d’: Mémoires du chevalier d’Arvieux, envoyé extraordinaire du Roy à la Porte, ed. by Jean-Baptiste Labat, 6 vols (Paris, 1735). La Gazette 139 (23 November 1669), 66 (31 May 1670). La Fontaine: ‘A Son Altesse Sérénissime Madame la Princesse de Bavière’ (July 1669) in Œuvres complètes de Jean de La Fontaine, ed. Charles Athanase Walckenaer (Paris, 1835). Louis XIV: Mémoires for the Instruction of the Dauphin, ed. Paul Sonnino (London, 1970). Mehmed Efendi: Le paradis des infidèles: Relation de Yirmisekiz Celebi Mehmed efendi, ambassadeur en France sous la Régence, Traduit de l’ottoman par Julien-Claude Galland, ed. Gilles Veinstein (Paris, 1981). Recueil des Instructions données aux Ambassadeurs et Ministres de France, vol. XXVI: Venise, ed. Pierre Duparc (Paris, 1958). Recueil des Instructions données aux Ambassadeurs et Ministres de France, vol. XXIX: Turquie, ed. Pierre Duparc (Paris, 1969). Vandal, Albert: ed., L’Odysée d’un ambassadeur: Les voyages du marquis de Nointel (1670- 1680) (Paris, 1900). Secondary sources: Abou-El-Haj, Rifa’at A.: ‘Ottoman Diplomacy at Karlowitz’, Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (1967), 498-512. Arı, Bülent: ‘Early Ottoman Diplomacy: Ad Hoc Period’ in A. Nuri Yurdusev, ed., Ottoman Diplomacy: Conventional or Unconventional? (Basingstoke, 2004), 36-65. Ayda, Adile: ‘Molière et l’envoyé de la Sublime Porte’, Cahiers de l’Association Internationale des Études Françaises, 9 (1957), 103-116. Berridge, George R.: ‘Diplomatic Integration with Europe before Selim III’ in Yurdusev, Ottoman Diplomacy, 114-130. Bayerle, Gustav: Pashas, Begs, and Effendis: A historical dictionary of titles and terms in the Ottoman Empire (Istanbul, 1997). Bayerle, Gustav: ‘The Compromise at Zsitvatorok’, Archivum Ottomanicum 6 (1980), 5-53. Eickhoff, Ekkehard: Venedig, Wien und die Osmanen: Umbruch in Sü dosteuropa 1645– 1700 (Munich, 1970). Eldem, Edhem: French Trade in Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century (Leiden, 1999). Eldem, Edhem: ‘Foreigners on the threshold of felicity: the reception of foreigners in Ottoman Istanbul’ in Donatella Calabi and Stephen Turk Christensen, eds., Cultural PHIL McCLUSKEY 355 Exchange in Early Modern Europe. Volume 2. Cities and Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400–1700 (Cambridge, 2013), 114-131. Göçek, Fatma Müge: East encounters West: France and the Ottoman Empire in the eighteenth century (New York, 1987). Hodson, Darren: ‘A Would-Be Turk: Louis XIV in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme’, SeventeenthCentury French Studies 32 (2010), 90–101. Hossain, Mary: ‘The chevalier d’Arvieux and Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme’, SeventeenthCentury French Studies, 12 (1990), 76-88. Hossain, Mary: ‘The Training of Interpreters in Arabic and Turkish under Louis XIV: The Ottoman Empire 1’, Seventeenth-Century French Studies 15 (1993), 279-295. Faroqhi, Suraiya: Travel and Artisans in the Ottoman Empire (London, 2014). Landweber, Julia A.: ‘How can one be Turkish? French Responses to Two Ottoman Embassies’ in Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, ed., Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert = Europe and Turkey in the 18th century (Bonn, 2011). Masson, Paul: Histoire du commerce Francais dans le Levant au XVIIe siècle (Paris, 1893). McCluskey, Phil : ‘“Les ennemis du nom chrestien”: Echoes of the crusade in Louis XIV’s France’, French History 29 (2015), 46-61. Pedani Fabris, Maria Pia: ‘A seventeenth century Muslim Traveller in Paris’, Quaderni di Studi Arabi 13 (1995), 227-36. Poumarède, Géraud: ‘Négocier près de la Sublime Porte, Jalons pour une nouvelle histoire des capitulations franco-ottomanes’ in Lucien Bely (ed.), L’Invention de la diplomatie (Paris, 1998). Poumarède, Géraud: ‘Les envoyés ottomans a la cour de France: une présence controversée’ in Lucien Bely, ed., Turcs et turqueries (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) (Paris, 2009), 63-95. Rousset de Missy, Jean: Le cérémonial diplomatique des cours de l’Europe (Amsterdam and The Hague, 1739). Sebag, Paul: ‘Sur deux orientalistes français du XVIIe siècle: F. Petis de la Croix et le sieur de la Croix’, Revue de l’Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée 25 (1978), 89-117. Setton, Kenneth: Venice, Austria and the Turks in the Seventeenth Century (Philadelphia, PA, 1991). Spary, Emma C.: Eating the Enlightenment: Food and the Sciences in Paris (Chicago, 2012). Teply, Karl: ‘Evliyâ Çelebî in Wien’, Der Islam 52 (1975), 125-131. Testa, Marie de and Antoine Gautier: Drogmans et diplomates européens auprès de la porte Ottomane (Istanbul, 2003). Unat, Faik Reşit: Osmanli Sefirleri ve Sefâretnâmeleri, ed. Bekir Sıtkı Baykal (2nd edn., Ankara, 1987).

An Ottoman envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s mission to the court of Louis XIV, 1669

Year 2016, Volume: 48 Issue: 48, 337 - 336, 27.07.2016


In 1669, Sultan Mehmed IV dispatched Süleyman Ağa as emissary to King
Louis XIV of France. Coming at the end of a decade which saw a series of military
confrontations between France and the Ottoman Empire, the mission was an attempt to resolve the crisis in the traditional Franco-Ottoman entente. If the thinking
behind this diplomatic mission is reasonably clear, the precise role of Süleyman Ağa
was anything but. While the French expected an ambassador and made preparations
to receive him accordingly, the Ottoman envoy’s status was in fact far more limited.
This article investigates the problems encountered as Ottoman and French diplomatic protocol clashed, and the ways in which the French government attempted to
resolve these problems. The episode reflects many of the difficulties in conducting
Ottoman-European diplomacy in the seventeenth century. But it also underlines the
ability of the French and Ottoman governments to remain reasonably pragmatic in
the name of higher political imperatives.


  • Bibliography Archival sources: Archive des Affaires Étrangères, Correspondance Politique Turquie 4, 9 Archive des Affaires Étrangères, Correspondance Politique Turquie Supplément 7 Archives Nationales de France, Archives de la Marine B2 8, B7 205 Archives Nationales de France, Archives Etrangères B1 376 Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Manuscrits Françaises 14118 AN OTTOMAN ENVOY IN PARIS: SÜLEYMAN AĞA’S MISSION TO THE COURT OF LOUIS XIV, 1669 354 Published primary sources: Arvieux, Laurent d’: Mémoires du chevalier d’Arvieux, envoyé extraordinaire du Roy à la Porte, ed. by Jean-Baptiste Labat, 6 vols (Paris, 1735). La Gazette 139 (23 November 1669), 66 (31 May 1670). La Fontaine: ‘A Son Altesse Sérénissime Madame la Princesse de Bavière’ (July 1669) in Œuvres complètes de Jean de La Fontaine, ed. Charles Athanase Walckenaer (Paris, 1835). Louis XIV: Mémoires for the Instruction of the Dauphin, ed. Paul Sonnino (London, 1970). Mehmed Efendi: Le paradis des infidèles: Relation de Yirmisekiz Celebi Mehmed efendi, ambassadeur en France sous la Régence, Traduit de l’ottoman par Julien-Claude Galland, ed. Gilles Veinstein (Paris, 1981). Recueil des Instructions données aux Ambassadeurs et Ministres de France, vol. XXVI: Venise, ed. Pierre Duparc (Paris, 1958). Recueil des Instructions données aux Ambassadeurs et Ministres de France, vol. XXIX: Turquie, ed. Pierre Duparc (Paris, 1969). Vandal, Albert: ed., L’Odysée d’un ambassadeur: Les voyages du marquis de Nointel (1670- 1680) (Paris, 1900). Secondary sources: Abou-El-Haj, Rifa’at A.: ‘Ottoman Diplomacy at Karlowitz’, Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (1967), 498-512. Arı, Bülent: ‘Early Ottoman Diplomacy: Ad Hoc Period’ in A. Nuri Yurdusev, ed., Ottoman Diplomacy: Conventional or Unconventional? (Basingstoke, 2004), 36-65. Ayda, Adile: ‘Molière et l’envoyé de la Sublime Porte’, Cahiers de l’Association Internationale des Études Françaises, 9 (1957), 103-116. Berridge, George R.: ‘Diplomatic Integration with Europe before Selim III’ in Yurdusev, Ottoman Diplomacy, 114-130. Bayerle, Gustav: Pashas, Begs, and Effendis: A historical dictionary of titles and terms in the Ottoman Empire (Istanbul, 1997). Bayerle, Gustav: ‘The Compromise at Zsitvatorok’, Archivum Ottomanicum 6 (1980), 5-53. Eickhoff, Ekkehard: Venedig, Wien und die Osmanen: Umbruch in Sü dosteuropa 1645– 1700 (Munich, 1970). Eldem, Edhem: French Trade in Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century (Leiden, 1999). Eldem, Edhem: ‘Foreigners on the threshold of felicity: the reception of foreigners in Ottoman Istanbul’ in Donatella Calabi and Stephen Turk Christensen, eds., Cultural PHIL McCLUSKEY 355 Exchange in Early Modern Europe. Volume 2. Cities and Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400–1700 (Cambridge, 2013), 114-131. Göçek, Fatma Müge: East encounters West: France and the Ottoman Empire in the eighteenth century (New York, 1987). Hodson, Darren: ‘A Would-Be Turk: Louis XIV in Le Bourgeois gentilhomme’, SeventeenthCentury French Studies 32 (2010), 90–101. Hossain, Mary: ‘The chevalier d’Arvieux and Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme’, SeventeenthCentury French Studies, 12 (1990), 76-88. Hossain, Mary: ‘The Training of Interpreters in Arabic and Turkish under Louis XIV: The Ottoman Empire 1’, Seventeenth-Century French Studies 15 (1993), 279-295. Faroqhi, Suraiya: Travel and Artisans in the Ottoman Empire (London, 2014). Landweber, Julia A.: ‘How can one be Turkish? French Responses to Two Ottoman Embassies’ in Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, ed., Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert = Europe and Turkey in the 18th century (Bonn, 2011). Masson, Paul: Histoire du commerce Francais dans le Levant au XVIIe siècle (Paris, 1893). McCluskey, Phil : ‘“Les ennemis du nom chrestien”: Echoes of the crusade in Louis XIV’s France’, French History 29 (2015), 46-61. Pedani Fabris, Maria Pia: ‘A seventeenth century Muslim Traveller in Paris’, Quaderni di Studi Arabi 13 (1995), 227-36. Poumarède, Géraud: ‘Négocier près de la Sublime Porte, Jalons pour une nouvelle histoire des capitulations franco-ottomanes’ in Lucien Bely (ed.), L’Invention de la diplomatie (Paris, 1998). Poumarède, Géraud: ‘Les envoyés ottomans a la cour de France: une présence controversée’ in Lucien Bely, ed., Turcs et turqueries (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) (Paris, 2009), 63-95. Rousset de Missy, Jean: Le cérémonial diplomatique des cours de l’Europe (Amsterdam and The Hague, 1739). Sebag, Paul: ‘Sur deux orientalistes français du XVIIe siècle: F. Petis de la Croix et le sieur de la Croix’, Revue de l’Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée 25 (1978), 89-117. Setton, Kenneth: Venice, Austria and the Turks in the Seventeenth Century (Philadelphia, PA, 1991). Spary, Emma C.: Eating the Enlightenment: Food and the Sciences in Paris (Chicago, 2012). Teply, Karl: ‘Evliyâ Çelebî in Wien’, Der Islam 52 (1975), 125-131. Testa, Marie de and Antoine Gautier: Drogmans et diplomates européens auprès de la porte Ottomane (Istanbul, 2003). Unat, Faik Reşit: Osmanli Sefirleri ve Sefâretnâmeleri, ed. Bekir Sıtkı Baykal (2nd edn., Ankara, 1987).
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Phil Mccluskey This is me

Publication Date July 27, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 48 Issue: 48


APA Mccluskey, P. (2016). An Ottoman envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s mission to the court of Louis XIV, 1669. Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 48(48), 337-336.
AMA Mccluskey P. An Ottoman envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s mission to the court of Louis XIV, 1669. OA. July 2016;48(48):337-336. doi:10.18589/oa.588070
Chicago Mccluskey, Phil. “An Ottoman Envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s Mission to the Court of Louis XIV, 1669”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 48, no. 48 (July 2016): 337-36.
EndNote Mccluskey P (July 1, 2016) An Ottoman envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s mission to the court of Louis XIV, 1669. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 48 48 337–336.
IEEE P. Mccluskey, “An Ottoman envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s mission to the court of Louis XIV, 1669”, OA, vol. 48, no. 48, pp. 337–336, 2016, doi: 10.18589/oa.588070.
ISNAD Mccluskey, Phil. “An Ottoman Envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s Mission to the Court of Louis XIV, 1669”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 48/48 (July 2016), 337-336.
JAMA Mccluskey P. An Ottoman envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s mission to the court of Louis XIV, 1669. OA. 2016;48:337–336.
MLA Mccluskey, Phil. “An Ottoman Envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s Mission to the Court of Louis XIV, 1669”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları, vol. 48, no. 48, 2016, pp. 337-6, doi:10.18589/oa.588070.
Vancouver Mccluskey P. An Ottoman envoy in Paris: Süleyman Ağa’s mission to the court of Louis XIV, 1669. OA. 2016;48(48):337-6.