Writing Rules

General Rules
ODU Medical Journal is an open access and independent international journal based on impartial double-blind peer-review principles. The publication languages of the journal are English and Turkish. The journal is published every four months in July, November and March and a volume is completed in three issues.
ODU Medical Journal adheres to the standards in publication ethics in research in health science and also adopts the ethical publishing principles published by Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive of the Council of Higher Education, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).
The authors are not charged for the evaluation and publication of the article.

Submission of a paper to ODU Medical Journal indicates that it deals with previously unpublished original material and is not intended for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted under multiple authorship are reviewed with the assumption that all listed authors agree with the submission and a copy of the final manuscript has been approved by all authors. Once a manuscript has been accepted, it should not be published elsewhere in the same form or in another language without the written consent of the editors and publisher.
If citations from other copyrighted works are included, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright holders and cite the references(s) in the article.
The layout and style of the article must strictly follow the instructions. No revisions or updates will be included once the manuscript has been accepted and submitted to the publisher (unless approved by the editors).

The articles sent online at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/odutip are reviewed in ODU Medical Journal. Manuscripts submitted online are quickly assigned to referees. Authors can view the status of their articles as they progress through the review process via individual author centers on this website. Editing notification of each article will be sent to the relevant author by e-mail on the day of decision.
You can create your account for online submission by going to https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/login. If this is your first time for submission and you don't have an existing account, you'll need to create a new one. If you are unsure whether you have an account or have forgotten your password, enter your email address in the password assistance section on the login page. If you do not have an account, click the create account link in the upper right corner of the login page. Then, you will be able to submit and monitor the progress of your articles. After logging in, you will be presented with a link to the main menu and your author center. You can submit your manuscript from the author center. At the end of a successful submission, you will receive an e-mail confirming that the article has reached the journal. If this does not happen, please send an email to ulkukaraman44@hotmail.com.
To submit your manuscript online, please prepare the text and images according to the instructions listed below. At the end of each step, you can enter and exit the manuscript submission process. However, after you submit the manuscript, you cannot edit it.
Web submission is required and the instructions are available at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/odutip/writing-rules.

A signed COPYRIGHT PUBLICATION FORM must be sent by all authors during manuscript submission.
ODU Medical Journal
Editorial Office
Faculty of Medicine, Ordu University
Cumhuriyet Campus
52200, Ordu, TURKEY
Phone: +90 (452) 226 52 14-5234
Fax: +90 (452) 226 52 28
E-mail: ulkukaraman44@hotmail.com
Authors should write their information exactly (Full address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address and ORCID number).

The corresponding author should submit the manuscript as described below:
• Files you need to add:
1. Title page
2. Full text
3. Tables
4. Figures/Graphics
5. Copyright Form
6. Similarity report (Similarity should be at most 20%.)
7. Cover letter
8. Ethics committee approval/consent in case reports
• When parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi are mentioned in the main text and references, genus and species names should be written in italics and genus names should be written in capital letters.
• Abbreviations should be expanded when first mentioned and used consistently thereafter.
• Graphic files: Each figure should be a separate file.
• All figure files must be presented in sufficiently high resolution.

It is the responsibility of the authors to create the appropriate files for the electronically submitted manuscripts as stated above. The editorial office cannot convert beyond the supported file types.

Manuscripts should be prepared electronically using "Time News Roman" font, formatted according to A4 page size, mono-spaced throughout, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides and 12 point font. Words should not be hyphenated to fit on one line. Pages should be numbered.
A. Title page: The title page should be separate and prepared as follows.
The title page should be in Turkish and English, and the full and short title should be written.
If it has been presented in congress and symposium, it should be stated.
The names of the author(s), their affiliations and ORCID numbers should be stated.
Example: Ülkü Karaman1, Yeliz Kaşko Arıcı2, Cemil Çolak3
1-First author's institution, mail, ORCID no.
2-Second author's institution, e-mail, ORCID no.
3-Third author's institution, e-mail, ORCID no.
Corresponding author's name, address, telephone (including mobile phone number) and fax numbers and e-mail address.
Ethics Committee Approval: Ethics committee approval for this study was obtained from ………… University Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Ethical committee date and no:…..)
Author Contributions: Concept - ……… ..; Design ……… ..; Audit ………… ...; Data Collection and/or Processing - ……………… ...; Analysis and/or Interpretation - ………………; Source Search……………; Spelling……………………; Critical Review …………………………


Conflict of interest:

Financial support:

B. What should be in the main text
1. Abstract, 2. Keywords, 3. Introduction, 4. Methods, 5. Results, 6. Discussion, 7. Conclusion, 8. References, 9. Tables and Figures.
1. Abstract: The first page should include Turkish and English abstracts and keywords. Abstracts of Original Articles should be structured with subtitles (Objective, methods, results and conclusion) (200-400 words on average).
2. Keywords: Enter at least 3-6 keywords and avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes. Key words should be written under Turkish and English abstracts. Turkish keywords should be written from http://www.bilimterimleri.com and English keywords should be written from https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html.
3. Introduction: General information about the research, and the rationale and objectives of the research should be clearly stated in this section.
4. Methods: This section should contain all the details necessary to reproduce the experiments.
When using experimental animals, the methods section should clearly state that adequate precautions have been taken to minimize pain or discomfort.
5. Results: These section should present the results and interpret them clearly and concisely. Results should generally be presented descriptively and supported by figures.
6. Discussion: It should be discussed with the findings obtained using the published literature.
7. Conclusion: In this section, the conclusions obtained from the manuscript and recommendations should be written.
8. Literature references:
While citing the references, attention should be paid to cite studies originating from Turkey and the national journals (www.atifdizini.com ).
References should be listed in the text in order of occurrence and should be indicated "in parentheses" where relevant.
References should be written according to the "Vancouver" system of the American National Library of Medicine (US National Library of Medicine; http://www.nlm.nih.gov/).
Examples: Hypotension is one of the most common and critical problems in hemodialysis patients (1, 2).

When citing publications, the latest and most up-to-date publications should be preferred.
All references cited in the text should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order by the first author followed by the year of publication.
If reference is made to a prepress publication, DOI number must be given.
The accuracy of the sources is the responsibility of the author. References should include only print or press articles.
Unpublished data, submitted articles or personal communications should be cited in the text only. Personal interviews must be documented with a letter of consent.
All items in the list of references should be cited in the text and conversely, all references in the text should be presented in the list.
Journal title abbreviations should conform to the abbreviations adopted by the Series Title Abbreviations List, CIEPS / ISDS, Paris, 1985 (ISBN 2-904938-02-8).
Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with the journal abbreviations in Index Medicus / MEDLINE / PubMed.
For citations with one to six authors, the names of all authors should be written. For articles with more than six authors, “et al.” should be written after six names are written. The surnames of the authors should be written in full and the initials of their names should be capitalized without any punctuation marks.

References Examples:
Journal: Stephane A. Management of Congenital Cholesteatoma with Otoendoscopic Surgery: Case Report. J Med Sci 2010;30(2):803-7.
Levine WC, Pope V, Bhoomkar A, Tambe P, Lewis JS, Zaidi AA, et al. Increase in endocervical CD4 lymphocytes among women with nonulcerative sexually transmitted diseases. J Infect Dis. 1998;177(1):167–174.
Chapter of an edited book: Hornbeck P. Assay for antibody production. In: Colign JE. Kruisbeek AM, Marguiles DH, editors. Current Protocols in Immunology. New York: Greene Publishing Associates; 1991. p. 105-32.
A single-authored book: Fleiss JL. Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. Second Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1981. p. 105-32.
An editorial book: Balows A. Mousier WJ, Herramaflfl KL, editors. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. Fifth Edition. Washington DC: IRL Press. 1990. p. 105-32.
Paper: Entrala E, Mascaro C. New structural findings in Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Eighth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA VIII); October 10-14; Izmir-Turkey: 1994. p. 1250-75
Thesis: Erakinci G. Searching for antibodies against parasites in donors. Izmir: Ege University Health Sciences Institute. 1997.
Electronic format: Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis (serial online) l995 Jan-Mar (cited 1996 June 5): 1(1): (24 screens). Available from: URL: http:/ www.cdc.gov/ncidodlElD/cid.htm.

Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals according to the order of occurrence in the text; for example: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Note and explanation should be written where the graphic or figure should be in the manuscript and it should be sent as a separate file in JPG format.
If figures (or other small parts) of articles or books already published elsewhere are used in the articles submitted to the ODU Medical Journal, the written permission of the relevant authors and the relevant publisher should be attached to the article. In these cases, the original source should be mentioned in the figure description.
The article should not contain any information that may indicate a person or institution. All submitted figures must have a clear resolution and large size (minimum dimensions: 100 × 100 mm) to avoid delays in the evaluation process.

Tables: Tables should be created with titles and explanations.
Tables should appear in the main document, follow the references, and be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the main text. Each of the numeric data tables should be typed (single-spaced) and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals (Tables 1, 2, etc.); for example: Table 1, Table 2, etc. in the text. The title of each table should appear above it. A detailed description of its contents and footnotes should be given below the body of the table.
Corrections: Authors should mark the changes they made in the main text in color when submitting the article revision files. The responses to the referees should be specified in a separate Word file. Revised articles should be sent to the journal within one month following the decision. If the revised version of the article is not uploaded within the specified time, the revision option may be canceled. If authors need additional time for revision, they should submit their publication requests to the journal before the end of one month.


Final version of the manuscript before publication
The final version of the manuscript will be sent as pdf by e-mail before publication. Only the printer's errors can be corrected. At this stage, no changes or additions will be allowed to the edited manuscripts. It should be noted that editing is solely the responsibility of the authors. A form with questions from the copy editor can be attached to the proofs. Please answer all questions and make any necessary corrections or additions. Corrections in reviews must be returned by email within 48 hours of receipt. If the publisher does not receive any response from the authors after 3 days, it will be assumed that there are no errors to be corrected and the manuscipt will be published.
Page rates
The journal is free and does not charge any publication fee from the authors.
The journal is published online only.
The similarity rate control of the articles should be made on iThenticate and should be at most 20%, excluding the "References" section.

The editorial board has the authority to make the necessary revisions (without making any changes in the context) in the manuscript format that does not comply with the above-mentioned conditions.

TYPES OF ARTICLESStudies submitted to the journal are accepted as Original research, Short paper and Case report, 

a) Research articles: Prospective, retrospective and all kinds of experimental studies
Abstract should be structured (Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion) (200-400 words)
References (up to 40)
Except for the references and the English abstract, the full text should not exceed 4500 words.

b) Case Report: These are articles that differ in diagnosis and treatment, which are rarely seen. They should be supported by adequate photographs and diagrams.
Abstract (average 100-300 words)
Case report
References (up to 20)
Except for the references and the English abstract, the full text should not exceed 2200 words.

c) Rewiev
Abstract (average 200-400 words)
The review also includes subtitles suitable for the text.
References (up to 50)
Except for the references and the English abstract, the full text should not exceed 6550 words.