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İç ortam kullanım yerlerinde güneş ışınlarının ahşabın özelliklerine etkisi

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: Özel Sayı, 299 - 309, 17.09.2022


Doğal bir mühendislik yapı malzemesi olan ahşap, dış ortam koşullarında dış cephe, yürüyüş yolları, kamelya, ev yapımı gibi pek çok kullanım yerlerinde değerlendirilebilirken, iç mekan kullanımı için de sıklıkla tercih edilen dekoratif bir malzeme olmaktadır. Ahşabın iç mekan malzemesi olarak kullanımında, özellikle mobilyada yüzey görünümü ve renk stabilizasyonu çok önemlidir. Ahşap ürünlerde dış ortam koşullarına benzer şekilde iç ortamda da ligninin foto-oksidasyonu sonucu zamanla sararmalar ve koyulaşmalar görülmektedir. Ahşabın güneş ışınlarına karşı dayanımının belirlenmesi amacıyla laboratuvar koşullarında UV, nem ve sıcaklığın değişken döngülerinde belirli bir sürede yapay yaşlandırma testine tabi tutulması yaygın bir uygulama olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Ahşabın servis ömrünün doğru tespit edilmesi için laboratuvar koşullarındaki testlerin yanı sıra doğal ortam koşullarına maruz bırakılma gerekli görülmektedir. İç ortam koşullarında pencere yakınındaki kullanım yeri olan ahşap malzemeler camdan geçen güneş ışıkları nedeniyle renk değişimi ve yüzey bozunmasına maruz kalabilmekte ve bu bozunma UVA-351 nm’lik lambaların kullanılması ile yapay olarak simüle edilebilmektedir. Bu derleme çalışmasında, ahşap malzemenin iç ortam koşullarında kullanımı sırasında maruz kalabileceği bozundurucu faktörlerin ahşabın özelliklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada farklı yapay ve doğal iç ortam yaşlandırma test yöntemleri irdelenmiş ayrıca yapay ve doğal yaşlandırma arasında modelleme çalışmalarına da değinilmiştir.

Supporting Institution



  • Akkiliç, H., Avci, E. "Mobilya Servis Ömrünün Uzamasında Kullanıcı Faktörü," 3. Ulusal Mobilya Kongresi , Konya, Turkey, pp.45-57, 2015
  • Anderson, E.L., Pawlak, Z., Owen, N.L., Feist, W.C. (1991a). “Infrared Studies of Wood Weathering. Part I: Softwoods”, Applied Spectroscopy, 45 (4), 641-647.
  • Anderson, E.L., Pawlak, Z., Owen, N.L., Feist W.C.(1991b). Infrared Studies of Wood Weathering. Part II: Hardwoods, Applied Spectroscopy, 45 (4), 648-652.
  • Andrady, A. L., Hamid, S. H., Hu, X., & Torikai, A. (1998). Effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on materials. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology B: Biology, 46(1-3), 96-103.
  • Arpacı, Ş. S., Tomak, E. D. (2020). Yaşlandırma testlerinin ahşap malzemenin özelliklerine etkisi. Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry, 22(2), 654-673.
  • ASTM G154. (2006). “Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials, American Society for Testing and Materials”.
  • Aydin, I., Colakoglu, G. (2005). Effects of surface inactivation, high temperature drying and preservative treatment on surface roughness and colour of alder and beech wood. Applied Surface Science, 252(2), 430-440
  • Baur, S., Easteal, A., Edmonds, N., Waddingham, D., Jones, R., Devendra, R. (2006).Photoprotection and photostabilisation of timber surfaces using clear coatings. Surface Coatıngs Australıa, 43(10), 20.
  • Browne FL, Simonson HC (1957) The penetration of light into wood. For Prod J 7(10):308–314
  • Burtin P, Jay-Allemand C, Charpentier J-P, Janin G (1998) Natural wood colouring process in Juglans sp. (J.nigra, J.regia and hybrid J.nigra 23x J.regia) depends on the native phenolic compounds accumulated in the transition zone between sapwood and heartwood. Trees 12:258–264
  • Can, A., (2018). Su İtici Maddeler İle Kombine Edilmiş Bazı Emprenye Maddelerinin Performansının İncelenmesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bartın Üniversitesi, Doktora Tezi, Bartın, Türkiye.
  • Can, A., Sivrikaya, H. (2019). Surface characterization of wood treated with boron compounds combined with water repellents. Color Research & Application, 44(3), 462-472.
  • Chang, H. T., Chang, S. T. (2001). “Correlation between softwood discoloration induced by accelerated lightfastness testing and by indoor exposure”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 72, 361–365.
  • Cirule, D., Kuka, E., Antons, A. (2015). “Disparity in Discolouration of Thermally Modified Wood Exposed to Solar and Artificial Ultraviolet Irradiation”, Rural Sustainability Research, 34(329), 10.1515.
  • Çakıcıer, N., Korkut, D.S. (2009). Ahsap Yüzeylere Uygulanan Kaplama Katmanlarında Yaslandırma Testleri, Düzce Üniversitesi Ormancılık Dergisi , 5 (1) , 75-90.
  • Çolak G. (2014). Isıl işlemin (Thermowood yöntemi) bazı ağaç türlerinin fiziksel özellikleri, çürüklük ve hava koşullarına karşı dayanıklılığı üzerine etkileri (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Düzce Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı.
  • Derbyshire, H., Miller, E. R. (1981). The photodegradation of wood during solar irradiation. Holz Roh Werkst off Journal, 39(8), 341-350.
  • Erdin, N. (2009). Ahşap Konservasyonu. İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi, Yayın No;51, İstanbul
  • Feist, W.C., Hon, D.N.S. (1984). Chemistry of weathering and protection, The chemistry of solid wood, Advances in chemistry series, 207, 401-451
  • Grekin, M., Lukkarinen, A., Verkasalo, E. (2005). “Colour change of Nordic Scots pine wood under UV radiation – A laboratory approach”, Natural Resources Institute, 16, FI-96301.
  • Hayoz, P., Peter, W., Rogez, D. (2003). A new innovative stabilization method for the protection of natural wood. Progress in organic coatings, 48(2-4), 297-309.
  • Hon DNS, Chang S-T (1982) Participation of Singlet Oxygen in the photodegradation of wood surfaces. Wood Sci Technol 16:193–201
  • Hon DNS, Feist WC (1992) Hydroperoxidation in photoirradiatied wood surfaces. Wood Fiber Sci 24(4):448–455
  • Hon DNS, Ifju G (1978) Measuring penetration of light into wood by detection of photo-induced free radicals. Wood Sci 11:118–127
  • Hon DNS, Shiraishi N (2001) Wood and Cellulose chemistry, Chap. 9 Color and Discoloration, Chap. 11 Weathering and photochemistry of wood. Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, Basel
  • Kartal,S.N. (1992). Odun Degrasdasyonunda Güneş Işığı ve Su Etkileri, İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 42,169-176.
  • Kataoka, Y., Kiguchi, M. (2001). Depth profiling of photo-induced degradation in wood by FT-IR microspectroscopy. Journal of Wood Science, 47(4), 325-327
  • Kılıç, A., & Hafızoğlu, H. (2007). Açık hava koşullarının ağaç malzemenin kimyasal yapısında meydana getirdiği değişimler ve alınacak önlemler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orm Fak Derg A (2), 175-183.
  • Lee, K. H., Cha, M. Y., Chung, W. Y., Bae, H. J., Kim, Y. S. (2009). Chemical and morphological change and discoloration of cedar wood stored indoor. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 37(6), 566-577.
  • Liu, X. Y., Timar, M. C., Varodi, A. C., Yi, S. L. (2016). “Effects of Ageing on the Color and Surface Chemistry of Paulownia Wood (P. elongata) from Fast Growing Crops”, Qing Hua East Road, 35, 100083.
  • Liu, Y., Shao, L., Gao, J., Guo, H., Chen, Y., Cheng, Q., Via, B. K. (2015). Surface photo-discoloration and degradation of dyed wood veneer exposed to different wavelengths of artificial light. Applied Surface Science, 331, 353-361.
  • MacLeod IT, Scully AD, Ghiggino KP, Ritchie PJA, Paravagna OM, Leary B (1995) Photodegradation at the wood-clearcoat interface. Wood Sci Technol 29:183–189
  • Miklecic, J., Jirouš-Rajković, V., Antonović, A. (2012). “DiscolourationOf Coated Modified Oak Wood During Simulated Indoor Sunlight Exposure”, Innovation In Woodworking Industry And Engineering Design, 1 (1), 31–37.
  • Miklecic, J., Jirouš-Rajković, V., Antonović, A., Španić, N. (2011). “Discolouration of thermally modified wood during simulated indoor sunlight exposure”, BioResources, 6(1), 434-446.
  • Miklečić, J., Jirouš-Rajković, V., Čmarec, S. (2008).Photoresistance of heat treated wood in interior use. In Proceedings of the 19th International Scientific Conference Wood is Good: Properties, Technology, Valorisation, Application. Ed. Grbac, I. Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb (pp. 137-143).
  • Mitsui K (2004) Changes in the properties of light irradiated wood with heat treatment: Part 2 Effect of light irradiation time and wavelength. Holz Roh- Werkst 62:23–30
  • Muller U, R ¨ atzsch M, Schwanninger M, Steiner M, Z ¨ obl H (2003) ¨ Yellowing and IR-changes of spruce wood as a result of UVirradiation. J Photochem Photobiol B 69:97–105
  • Oltean, L., Hansmann, C., Nemeth, R., Teischinger, A. (2010). “Wood Surface DiscolourationOf Three Hungarian Hardwood Species Due To Simulated Indoor Sunlight Exposure”, Wood Research, 55, 49-58.
  • Oltean, L., Teischinger, A., Hansmann, C. (2008). “Wood surface discolouration due to simulated indoor sunlight exposure”, HolzalsRoh- und Werkstoff, 66, 51–56.
  • Pandey KK (2005) A note on the influence of extractives on the photo-discoloration and photo-degradation of wood. Polym Degrad Stabil 87:375–379
  • Pandey, K. K., Vuorinen, T. (2008). “Comparative study of photodegradation of wood by a UV laser and a xenon light source”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 93(12), 2138-2146.
  • Papp G, Preklet E, Kosikova B, Barta E, Tolvaj L, Bohus J, Szatm ˇ ari ´ S, Berkesi O (2004) Effect of UV laser radiation with different wavelengths on the spectrum of lignin extracted from hard wood materials. J Photochem Photobiol A 163:187–192
  • Pastore TCM, Santos KO, Rubim JC (2004) A spectrocolorimetric study on the effect of ultraviolet irradiation of four tropical hardwoods. Bioresour Technol 93:37–42
  • Raphael, W., Martel, T., Landry, V., Tavares, J. R. (2018). Surface engineering of wood substrates to impart barrier properties: a photochemical approach. Wood science and technology, 52(1), 193-207.
  • Salcă, E. A., Cismaru, I. (2011).Colour changes evaluation of freshly cut alder veneers under the influence of indoor sunlight. Pro Ligno, 7(1), 15-24.
  • Salcă, E. A., Cismaru, I., Fotin, A. (2007). Effect Of Sunlıght Upon Colour Stabılıty Of Alder And Cherry Veneers. Pro Ligno, 3(4).
  • Sekino, N., Korai, H. (2018). The evaluation of long-term mechanical properties of wood-based panels by indoor exposure tests. Journal of Wood Science, 64(4), 377-389.
  • Stachowiak-Wencek, A., Zborowska, M., Waliszewska, B., Prądzyński, W., Nowaczyk-Organista, M. (2013). “Colour Changes In Pine Wood Subjected To Ageing Tests In An Uv Chamber”, Forestry And Wood Technology, 84, 300-304.
  • Temiz, A. (2005). Benzetilmiş Dış Hava Koşullarının Emprenyeli Ağaç Malzemeye Etkileri, Doktora Tezi. KTU, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Temiz, A., Terziev, N., Eikenes, M., Hafren J. (2007). “Effect of Accelerated Weathering on Surface Chemistry of Modified Wood”, Applied Surface Science, 253, 5355-5362.
  • Temiz, A., Yildiz, U.C., Aydin, I., Eikenes, M., Alfredsen, G., Colakoglu, G. (2005). Surface roughness and color characteristics of wood treated with preservatives after accelerated weathering test, Applied Surface Science, 250, 35-42.
  • Terzi, E., (2008), Amonyum Bileşikleri ile Emprenye Edilen Ağaç Malzemenin Yanma Özellikleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Tolvaj L, Faix O (1995) Artificial ageing of wood monitored by DRIFT spectroscopy and CIEL*a*b* color measurements. Holzforschung 49:397–404
  • Tolvaj, L., Mitsui, K. (2005). “Light Source Dependence Of The Photodegradation Of Wood”, Journal Of Wood Science, 51, 468–473.
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  • Zabel, R.A.. Morrell, J.J. (1992). Wood Microbiology: Decay and İts Prevention, UK: Academic Press., 254-25
  • Zborowska, M., Pradzynskı, W., Stachowıak – Wencek, A., Walıszewska, B.,Bıernat, H. (2015). “Δa* and Δb* of walnut wood (Juglans nigra L.) treated with acid and alkaline buffers and UV - VIS light irradiation” Ann. WULS - SGGW, For. and Wood Technol., 91, 229-233.
  • Zborowska, M., Wencek, A. S., Walıszewska, B., Prądzyńskı, W. (2014). “Annals of Comparative Studies of Ipe (Tabebuia Spp.) Wood Photodegradation Cause By Treatment With Outdoor And Indoor Uv-A Light Irradiation”, Forestry And Wood Technology, 88, 292-296.
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The effect of sunlight on the wood properties in indoor applications

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: Özel Sayı, 299 - 309, 17.09.2022


Wood, as a natural building material, can be used in many places such as exterior facades, pathways, camellias and house construction. It is also preferred indoors due to its aesthetic appearance. Surface appearance and color stabilization are very important in indoor applications, especially for furniture. Similar to outdoor conditions, wood products tend to yellowing and darkening over time as a result of photo-oxidation of lignin in indoor conditions. It is a common practice to subject the wood to artificial weathering test in a variable cycle of UV, water and temperature in laboratory conditions to determine the resistance of wood against solar irradiance degradations. However, more realistic and objective results can be obtained by exposure to natural conditions. The wooden materials, which are used near the windows in indoor conditions, can be subjected to color change and surface degradation due to sunlight passing through the glass, and this can be artificially simulated by using UVA-351 nm lamps. In this review study, the effects of the degrading factors of wood in indoor conditions, and its effects on wood properties were investigated. In addition, different artificial and natural weathering test methods were examined, and the modellings between the artificial and natural weathering tests were mentioned in this study.


  • Akkiliç, H., Avci, E. "Mobilya Servis Ömrünün Uzamasında Kullanıcı Faktörü," 3. Ulusal Mobilya Kongresi , Konya, Turkey, pp.45-57, 2015
  • Anderson, E.L., Pawlak, Z., Owen, N.L., Feist, W.C. (1991a). “Infrared Studies of Wood Weathering. Part I: Softwoods”, Applied Spectroscopy, 45 (4), 641-647.
  • Anderson, E.L., Pawlak, Z., Owen, N.L., Feist W.C.(1991b). Infrared Studies of Wood Weathering. Part II: Hardwoods, Applied Spectroscopy, 45 (4), 648-652.
  • Andrady, A. L., Hamid, S. H., Hu, X., & Torikai, A. (1998). Effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on materials. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology B: Biology, 46(1-3), 96-103.
  • Arpacı, Ş. S., Tomak, E. D. (2020). Yaşlandırma testlerinin ahşap malzemenin özelliklerine etkisi. Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry, 22(2), 654-673.
  • ASTM G154. (2006). “Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials, American Society for Testing and Materials”.
  • Aydin, I., Colakoglu, G. (2005). Effects of surface inactivation, high temperature drying and preservative treatment on surface roughness and colour of alder and beech wood. Applied Surface Science, 252(2), 430-440
  • Baur, S., Easteal, A., Edmonds, N., Waddingham, D., Jones, R., Devendra, R. (2006).Photoprotection and photostabilisation of timber surfaces using clear coatings. Surface Coatıngs Australıa, 43(10), 20.
  • Browne FL, Simonson HC (1957) The penetration of light into wood. For Prod J 7(10):308–314
  • Burtin P, Jay-Allemand C, Charpentier J-P, Janin G (1998) Natural wood colouring process in Juglans sp. (J.nigra, J.regia and hybrid J.nigra 23x J.regia) depends on the native phenolic compounds accumulated in the transition zone between sapwood and heartwood. Trees 12:258–264
  • Can, A., (2018). Su İtici Maddeler İle Kombine Edilmiş Bazı Emprenye Maddelerinin Performansının İncelenmesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bartın Üniversitesi, Doktora Tezi, Bartın, Türkiye.
  • Can, A., Sivrikaya, H. (2019). Surface characterization of wood treated with boron compounds combined with water repellents. Color Research & Application, 44(3), 462-472.
  • Chang, H. T., Chang, S. T. (2001). “Correlation between softwood discoloration induced by accelerated lightfastness testing and by indoor exposure”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 72, 361–365.
  • Cirule, D., Kuka, E., Antons, A. (2015). “Disparity in Discolouration of Thermally Modified Wood Exposed to Solar and Artificial Ultraviolet Irradiation”, Rural Sustainability Research, 34(329), 10.1515.
  • Çakıcıer, N., Korkut, D.S. (2009). Ahsap Yüzeylere Uygulanan Kaplama Katmanlarında Yaslandırma Testleri, Düzce Üniversitesi Ormancılık Dergisi , 5 (1) , 75-90.
  • Çolak G. (2014). Isıl işlemin (Thermowood yöntemi) bazı ağaç türlerinin fiziksel özellikleri, çürüklük ve hava koşullarına karşı dayanıklılığı üzerine etkileri (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Düzce Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı.
  • Derbyshire, H., Miller, E. R. (1981). The photodegradation of wood during solar irradiation. Holz Roh Werkst off Journal, 39(8), 341-350.
  • Erdin, N. (2009). Ahşap Konservasyonu. İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi, Yayın No;51, İstanbul
  • Feist, W.C., Hon, D.N.S. (1984). Chemistry of weathering and protection, The chemistry of solid wood, Advances in chemistry series, 207, 401-451
  • Grekin, M., Lukkarinen, A., Verkasalo, E. (2005). “Colour change of Nordic Scots pine wood under UV radiation – A laboratory approach”, Natural Resources Institute, 16, FI-96301.
  • Hayoz, P., Peter, W., Rogez, D. (2003). A new innovative stabilization method for the protection of natural wood. Progress in organic coatings, 48(2-4), 297-309.
  • Hon DNS, Chang S-T (1982) Participation of Singlet Oxygen in the photodegradation of wood surfaces. Wood Sci Technol 16:193–201
  • Hon DNS, Feist WC (1992) Hydroperoxidation in photoirradiatied wood surfaces. Wood Fiber Sci 24(4):448–455
  • Hon DNS, Ifju G (1978) Measuring penetration of light into wood by detection of photo-induced free radicals. Wood Sci 11:118–127
  • Hon DNS, Shiraishi N (2001) Wood and Cellulose chemistry, Chap. 9 Color and Discoloration, Chap. 11 Weathering and photochemistry of wood. Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, Basel
  • Kartal,S.N. (1992). Odun Degrasdasyonunda Güneş Işığı ve Su Etkileri, İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 42,169-176.
  • Kataoka, Y., Kiguchi, M. (2001). Depth profiling of photo-induced degradation in wood by FT-IR microspectroscopy. Journal of Wood Science, 47(4), 325-327
  • Kılıç, A., & Hafızoğlu, H. (2007). Açık hava koşullarının ağaç malzemenin kimyasal yapısında meydana getirdiği değişimler ve alınacak önlemler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orm Fak Derg A (2), 175-183.
  • Lee, K. H., Cha, M. Y., Chung, W. Y., Bae, H. J., Kim, Y. S. (2009). Chemical and morphological change and discoloration of cedar wood stored indoor. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 37(6), 566-577.
  • Liu, X. Y., Timar, M. C., Varodi, A. C., Yi, S. L. (2016). “Effects of Ageing on the Color and Surface Chemistry of Paulownia Wood (P. elongata) from Fast Growing Crops”, Qing Hua East Road, 35, 100083.
  • Liu, Y., Shao, L., Gao, J., Guo, H., Chen, Y., Cheng, Q., Via, B. K. (2015). Surface photo-discoloration and degradation of dyed wood veneer exposed to different wavelengths of artificial light. Applied Surface Science, 331, 353-361.
  • MacLeod IT, Scully AD, Ghiggino KP, Ritchie PJA, Paravagna OM, Leary B (1995) Photodegradation at the wood-clearcoat interface. Wood Sci Technol 29:183–189
  • Miklecic, J., Jirouš-Rajković, V., Antonović, A. (2012). “DiscolourationOf Coated Modified Oak Wood During Simulated Indoor Sunlight Exposure”, Innovation In Woodworking Industry And Engineering Design, 1 (1), 31–37.
  • Miklecic, J., Jirouš-Rajković, V., Antonović, A., Španić, N. (2011). “Discolouration of thermally modified wood during simulated indoor sunlight exposure”, BioResources, 6(1), 434-446.
  • Miklečić, J., Jirouš-Rajković, V., Čmarec, S. (2008).Photoresistance of heat treated wood in interior use. In Proceedings of the 19th International Scientific Conference Wood is Good: Properties, Technology, Valorisation, Application. Ed. Grbac, I. Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb (pp. 137-143).
  • Mitsui K (2004) Changes in the properties of light irradiated wood with heat treatment: Part 2 Effect of light irradiation time and wavelength. Holz Roh- Werkst 62:23–30
  • Muller U, R ¨ atzsch M, Schwanninger M, Steiner M, Z ¨ obl H (2003) ¨ Yellowing and IR-changes of spruce wood as a result of UVirradiation. J Photochem Photobiol B 69:97–105
  • Oltean, L., Hansmann, C., Nemeth, R., Teischinger, A. (2010). “Wood Surface DiscolourationOf Three Hungarian Hardwood Species Due To Simulated Indoor Sunlight Exposure”, Wood Research, 55, 49-58.
  • Oltean, L., Teischinger, A., Hansmann, C. (2008). “Wood surface discolouration due to simulated indoor sunlight exposure”, HolzalsRoh- und Werkstoff, 66, 51–56.
  • Pandey KK (2005) A note on the influence of extractives on the photo-discoloration and photo-degradation of wood. Polym Degrad Stabil 87:375–379
  • Pandey, K. K., Vuorinen, T. (2008). “Comparative study of photodegradation of wood by a UV laser and a xenon light source”, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 93(12), 2138-2146.
  • Papp G, Preklet E, Kosikova B, Barta E, Tolvaj L, Bohus J, Szatm ˇ ari ´ S, Berkesi O (2004) Effect of UV laser radiation with different wavelengths on the spectrum of lignin extracted from hard wood materials. J Photochem Photobiol A 163:187–192
  • Pastore TCM, Santos KO, Rubim JC (2004) A spectrocolorimetric study on the effect of ultraviolet irradiation of four tropical hardwoods. Bioresour Technol 93:37–42
  • Raphael, W., Martel, T., Landry, V., Tavares, J. R. (2018). Surface engineering of wood substrates to impart barrier properties: a photochemical approach. Wood science and technology, 52(1), 193-207.
  • Salcă, E. A., Cismaru, I. (2011).Colour changes evaluation of freshly cut alder veneers under the influence of indoor sunlight. Pro Ligno, 7(1), 15-24.
  • Salcă, E. A., Cismaru, I., Fotin, A. (2007). Effect Of Sunlıght Upon Colour Stabılıty Of Alder And Cherry Veneers. Pro Ligno, 3(4).
  • Sekino, N., Korai, H. (2018). The evaluation of long-term mechanical properties of wood-based panels by indoor exposure tests. Journal of Wood Science, 64(4), 377-389.
  • Stachowiak-Wencek, A., Zborowska, M., Waliszewska, B., Prądzyński, W., Nowaczyk-Organista, M. (2013). “Colour Changes In Pine Wood Subjected To Ageing Tests In An Uv Chamber”, Forestry And Wood Technology, 84, 300-304.
  • Temiz, A. (2005). Benzetilmiş Dış Hava Koşullarının Emprenyeli Ağaç Malzemeye Etkileri, Doktora Tezi. KTU, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Temiz, A., Terziev, N., Eikenes, M., Hafren J. (2007). “Effect of Accelerated Weathering on Surface Chemistry of Modified Wood”, Applied Surface Science, 253, 5355-5362.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Forest Products

Uğur Özkan 0000-0003-0147-9976

Eylem Dizman Tomak 0000-0001-8654-0005

Early Pub Date August 31, 2022
Publication Date September 17, 2022
Submission Date March 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: Özel Sayı


APA Özkan, U., & Dizman Tomak, E. (2022). İç ortam kullanım yerlerinde güneş ışınlarının ahşabın özelliklerine etkisi. Ormancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9(Özel Sayı), 299-309.
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Turkish Journal of Forestry Research is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.