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Scientific Management Approach as a Heritage Beyond Taylor: An In-Depth Look

Year 2024, , 73 - 109, 01.04.2024


The scientific management approach, developed by Frederic Winslow Taylor and his close associates utilizing a scientific perspective, has made significant contributions to organizations with the principles it has developed. When the literature is examined, it has been determined that most of the names that Taylor was inspired by, benefited from in various ways, or worked with have not been adequately addressed. Building upon this idea, this study aims to establish a conceptual framework based on the pioneering figures and significant works of the scientific management approach and aimed to contribute to the studies carried out on the subject.


  • Abrahamson, E. (1996a). Technical and aesthetic fashion. Translating Organizational Change içinde (Editörler: B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón), (ss. 117-137). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Abrahamson, E. (1996b). Management fashion. Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 254-285.
  • Asunakutlu, T. (2001). Klasik ve neo-klasik dönemde örgütsel güvenin karşılaştırılması üzerine bir deneme. Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (5).
  • Alford, L. P. (1934). Henry Laurence Gantt: Leader in Industry. New York: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Babbage, C. (1832). On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. London.
  • Barley, S. R., & Kunda, G. (1992). Design and devotion: Surges of rational and normative ideologies of control in managerial discourse. Administrative Science Quarterly, 37(3), 363-399.
  • Barrow, C. W. (1992). Corporate liberalism, finance hegemony, and central state intervention in the reconstruction of American higher education. Studies in American Political Development, 6(2), 420-444.
  • Barrow, C. W. (2018). The Entrepreneurial Intellectual in the Corporate University. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.
  • Barth, C. (1903). Slide rules for the machine shop as a part of the Taylor system of management [Elektronik kaynak]. ASME, 49-62.
  • Baumgart, A., & Neuhauser, D. (2009). Frank and Lillian Gilbreth: Scientific management in the operating room. BMJ Quality & Safety, 18(5), 413-415.
  • Bennett, A. C. (1970). Developing scientific management in the hospital field: Focus on management methods. Hospital Topics, 48(1), 38-42.
  • Besner, C., & Hobbs, B. (2008). Project management praction, generic or contextual: A reality check, Project Management Journal, 39(1), 16-33.
  • Borrman, K. (2017). One standardized house for all: America's little house. Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum, 24, 37 - 57.
  • Burges, K. (1992). Organized production and unorganized labor: Management strategy and labor activism at the Link-Belt Company, 1900-1940. A Mental Revolution: Scientific Management since Taylor içinde (Editör: Daniel Nelson), (ss. 130-155). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
  • Burrell, G., & Morgan, G. (1979). Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis. Londra: Heinemann.
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  • Braverman, H. (1974). Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. New York.
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  • Caudill, H. L., & Porter, C. D. (2014). A historical perspective of reward systems: Lessons learned from the scientific management era. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 4(4), 127-142.
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  • Cooke, M. L. (1910). Academic and Industrial Efficiency: A Report. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Bulletin no. 5. Boston: Merrymount Press.
  • Cooke, M. L. (1913). The spirit and social significance of scientific management. Journal of Political Economy, 21(6), 481-493.
  • Cooke, M. L. (1918). Our Cities Awake: Notes on Municipal Activities and Administration. Doubleday, Page & Company.
  • Cooke, M. L., & Murray, P. (1940). Organized Labor and Production: Next Steps in Industrial Democracy. New York: Harper and Brothers.
  • Chamberlain, E. (2013). Carl Barth and his machine shop slide rules. Computing for Science, Engineering, and Production: Mathematical Tools for the Second Industrial Revolution içinde (Editör: Karl Kleine), (ss. 163-194). BoD–Books on Demand GmbH.
  • Clark, W. (1938). The Gantt Chart. London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd.
  • Dar, S. A. (2022). The relevance of Taylor's scientific management in the modern era. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS), 2(06), 1-6.
  • Davis, P. M. (1966). From scientific management to pert-an evolution. Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, 5(2), 34-45.
  • Derksen, M. (2014). Turning men into machines? Scientific management, industrial psychology, and the “human factor”. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 50(2), 148-165.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1961). Fifty years of management—A look back and a look forward. ASME Open Journal of Engineering (AOJE), 83(3), 366-370.
  • Emerson, H. (1912). The Twelve Principles of Efficiency. New York: The Engineering Magazine.
  • Fry, L. (1976). The maligned F. W. Taylor: A reply to his many critics. Academy of Management Review, 1(3), 124–129.
  • Fry, B. R. (1989). Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House.
  • Gantt, H. L. (1903). A graphical daily balance in manufacture. ASME Transactions, 24, 1322–1336.
  • George, C. S. (1968). The History of Management Thought. First Edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Geraldi, J., & Lechter, T. (2012). Gantt charts revisited: A critical analysis of its roots and implications to the management of projects today. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(4), 578-594.
  • Gilbreth, F. B. (1911). Motion Study: A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of the Workman. New York, NY: Sturgis and Walton.
  • Gilbreth, F.B., & Gilbreth, L. M. (1919). Fatigue Study: The Elimination of Humanity’s Greatest Unnecessary Waste, A First Step in Motion Study. The Macmillan Company, New York, NY.
  • Gilbreth, F.B., & Gilbreth, L. M. (1920). Motion Study for the Handicapped. Hive Publishing Company, Easton, PA.
  • Gilson, M. (1940). Review of M. L. Cooke and P. Murray organized labor and production. Journal of Political Economy, 49(1), 142-144.
  • Grachev, M., & Rakitsky, B. (2013). Historic horizons of Frederick Taylor's scientific management. Journal of Management History, 19(4), 512-527.
  • Graham, L. D. (1999). Domesticating efficiency: Lillian Gilbreth's scientific management of homemakers, 1924-1930. Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 24(3), 633-675.
  • Greenwood, R. (2015). A first look at the first 30 years of the first division: The management history division. Management History: Its Global Past & Present içinde (Editörler: Bradley Bowden ve David Lamond), (ss. 173-189). IAP.
  • Griffin, M. B., Thomas, J. Y., & McMurtrey, M. E. (2022). The evolution of project management: The future is now?. Journal of Management Policy & Practice, 23(2), 75-83.
  • Haber, S. (1964). Efficiency and Uplift. Scientific Management in the Progressive Era 1890–1920. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
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  • http-3: (Erişim tarihi: 21.06.2023)
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  • Joullié, J. E. (2018). Management without theory for the twenty-first century. Journal of Management History, 24(4), 377-395.
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  • Koumparoulis, D. N., & Solomos, D. K. (2012). Taylor's scientific management. Acta Universitatis Danubius: Œconomica, 8(4), 5-14.
  • Kumar, P. P. (2005). Effective use of Gantt chart for managing large scale projects. Cost Engineering, 47(7).
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Taylor’dan Ötesi Bir Miras Olarak Bilimsel Yönetim Yaklaşımı: Derinlemesine Bir Bakış

Year 2024, , 73 - 109, 01.04.2024


Frederic Winslow Taylor ve yakın çevresi tarafından bilimsel bakış açısından faydalanarak geliştirilen bilimsel yönetim yaklaşımı, geliştirdiği ilkelerle örgütlere önemli katkılar sağlamıştır. Alanyazın incelendiğinde başta ulusal düzeyde olmak üzere uluslararası alanda Taylor’ın esinlendiği, kendilerinden çeşitli şekillerde fayda sağladığı ya da birlikte çalıştığı çoğu ismin yeteri kadar ele alınmadığı saptanmıştır. Çalışma, bahse konu fikirden hareketle bilimsel yönetim yaklaşımının öncü isimlerini ve önemli çalışmalarını esas alarak kavramsal bir çerçeve oluşturmuş ve konu hakkında yürütülen çalışmalara katkı sunmayı amaçlamıştır.


  • Abrahamson, E. (1996a). Technical and aesthetic fashion. Translating Organizational Change içinde (Editörler: B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón), (ss. 117-137). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Abrahamson, E. (1996b). Management fashion. Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 254-285.
  • Asunakutlu, T. (2001). Klasik ve neo-klasik dönemde örgütsel güvenin karşılaştırılması üzerine bir deneme. Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (5).
  • Alford, L. P. (1934). Henry Laurence Gantt: Leader in Industry. New York: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Babbage, C. (1832). On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. London.
  • Barley, S. R., & Kunda, G. (1992). Design and devotion: Surges of rational and normative ideologies of control in managerial discourse. Administrative Science Quarterly, 37(3), 363-399.
  • Barrow, C. W. (1992). Corporate liberalism, finance hegemony, and central state intervention in the reconstruction of American higher education. Studies in American Political Development, 6(2), 420-444.
  • Barrow, C. W. (2018). The Entrepreneurial Intellectual in the Corporate University. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.
  • Barth, C. (1903). Slide rules for the machine shop as a part of the Taylor system of management [Elektronik kaynak]. ASME, 49-62.
  • Baumgart, A., & Neuhauser, D. (2009). Frank and Lillian Gilbreth: Scientific management in the operating room. BMJ Quality & Safety, 18(5), 413-415.
  • Bennett, A. C. (1970). Developing scientific management in the hospital field: Focus on management methods. Hospital Topics, 48(1), 38-42.
  • Besner, C., & Hobbs, B. (2008). Project management praction, generic or contextual: A reality check, Project Management Journal, 39(1), 16-33.
  • Borrman, K. (2017). One standardized house for all: America's little house. Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum, 24, 37 - 57.
  • Burges, K. (1992). Organized production and unorganized labor: Management strategy and labor activism at the Link-Belt Company, 1900-1940. A Mental Revolution: Scientific Management since Taylor içinde (Editör: Daniel Nelson), (ss. 130-155). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press.
  • Burrell, G., & Morgan, G. (1979). Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis. Londra: Heinemann.
  • Burrell, G. (2003). The future of organization theory: Prospects and limitations. The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory: Meta-Theoretical Perspectives içinde (Editörler: H. Tsoukas ve C. Knudsen), (ss. 525-535). Oxford: Oxford University.
  • Braverman, H. (1974). Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. New York.
  • Brown, P. S. (1925). The work and aims of the Taylor Society. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 119(1), 134–139.
  • Caudill, H. L., & Porter, C. D. (2014). A historical perspective of reward systems: Lessons learned from the scientific management era. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 4(4), 127-142.
  • Cooke, B. (2003). The denial of slavery in management studies. Journal of Management Studies, 40(8), 1895-1918.
  • Cooke, M. L. (1910). Academic and Industrial Efficiency: A Report. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Bulletin no. 5. Boston: Merrymount Press.
  • Cooke, M. L. (1913). The spirit and social significance of scientific management. Journal of Political Economy, 21(6), 481-493.
  • Cooke, M. L. (1918). Our Cities Awake: Notes on Municipal Activities and Administration. Doubleday, Page & Company.
  • Cooke, M. L., & Murray, P. (1940). Organized Labor and Production: Next Steps in Industrial Democracy. New York: Harper and Brothers.
  • Chamberlain, E. (2013). Carl Barth and his machine shop slide rules. Computing for Science, Engineering, and Production: Mathematical Tools for the Second Industrial Revolution içinde (Editör: Karl Kleine), (ss. 163-194). BoD–Books on Demand GmbH.
  • Clark, W. (1938). The Gantt Chart. London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd.
  • Dar, S. A. (2022). The relevance of Taylor's scientific management in the modern era. Journal of Psychology and Political Science (JPPS), 2(06), 1-6.
  • Davis, P. M. (1966). From scientific management to pert-an evolution. Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, 5(2), 34-45.
  • Derksen, M. (2014). Turning men into machines? Scientific management, industrial psychology, and the “human factor”. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 50(2), 148-165.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1961). Fifty years of management—A look back and a look forward. ASME Open Journal of Engineering (AOJE), 83(3), 366-370.
  • Emerson, H. (1912). The Twelve Principles of Efficiency. New York: The Engineering Magazine.
  • Fry, L. (1976). The maligned F. W. Taylor: A reply to his many critics. Academy of Management Review, 1(3), 124–129.
  • Fry, B. R. (1989). Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House.
  • Gantt, H. L. (1903). A graphical daily balance in manufacture. ASME Transactions, 24, 1322–1336.
  • George, C. S. (1968). The History of Management Thought. First Edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Geraldi, J., & Lechter, T. (2012). Gantt charts revisited: A critical analysis of its roots and implications to the management of projects today. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(4), 578-594.
  • Gilbreth, F. B. (1911). Motion Study: A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of the Workman. New York, NY: Sturgis and Walton.
  • Gilbreth, F.B., & Gilbreth, L. M. (1919). Fatigue Study: The Elimination of Humanity’s Greatest Unnecessary Waste, A First Step in Motion Study. The Macmillan Company, New York, NY.
  • Gilbreth, F.B., & Gilbreth, L. M. (1920). Motion Study for the Handicapped. Hive Publishing Company, Easton, PA.
  • Gilson, M. (1940). Review of M. L. Cooke and P. Murray organized labor and production. Journal of Political Economy, 49(1), 142-144.
  • Grachev, M., & Rakitsky, B. (2013). Historic horizons of Frederick Taylor's scientific management. Journal of Management History, 19(4), 512-527.
  • Graham, L. D. (1999). Domesticating efficiency: Lillian Gilbreth's scientific management of homemakers, 1924-1930. Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 24(3), 633-675.
  • Greenwood, R. (2015). A first look at the first 30 years of the first division: The management history division. Management History: Its Global Past & Present içinde (Editörler: Bradley Bowden ve David Lamond), (ss. 173-189). IAP.
  • Griffin, M. B., Thomas, J. Y., & McMurtrey, M. E. (2022). The evolution of project management: The future is now?. Journal of Management Policy & Practice, 23(2), 75-83.
  • Haber, S. (1964). Efficiency and Uplift. Scientific Management in the Progressive Era 1890–1920. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Hughes, O. E. (2003). Public Management and Administration: An Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan. http-1: (Erişim tarihi: 07.06.2023)
  • http-2: (Erişim tarihi: 10.06.2023)
  • http-3: (Erişim tarihi: 21.06.2023)
  • http-4: (Erişim tarihi: 21.06.2023)
  • Joullié, J. E. (2018). Management without theory for the twenty-first century. Journal of Management History, 24(4), 377-395.
  • Kara, A. (2020). Performansa Dayalı Ücret Sistemlerinin İş Tatmini Üzerine Etkisi: Bilişim Sektörü Üzerine Bir Alan Araştırması. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü), İstanbul.
  • Kayra, F. (2021). AVM’ler: Kurumsal Kuram ve İskandinav Kurumsalcılığı Işığında Bir Çözümleme. (Editör: D. Taşcı). İzmir: Duvar Yayınları.
  • Koumparoulis, D. N., & Solomos, D. K. (2012). Taylor's scientific management. Acta Universitatis Danubius: Œconomica, 8(4), 5-14.
  • Kumar, P. P. (2005). Effective use of Gantt chart for managing large scale projects. Cost Engineering, 47(7).
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There are 114 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Fettah Kayra 0000-0002-6954-9910

Publication Date April 1, 2024
Submission Date July 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kayra, F. (2024). Taylor’dan Ötesi Bir Miras Olarak Bilimsel Yönetim Yaklaşımı: Derinlemesine Bir Bakış. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1), 73-109.