Research Article
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The Reconstruction of Social Power in Society 5.0: A Foucauldian Approach

Year 2024, , 923 - 935, 01.12.2024


Society 5.0 is a new social paradigm in which high technologies such as artificial intelligence, intelligent systems and robots are aimed to penetrate every aspect of life. With Society 5.0, it is a matter of concern that companies that produce high technology are not only limited to the role of producers, but also have access to user data and ownership of this data. Based on the hypothesis that a new form of relationship will emerge between data ownership and power structures with Society 5.0, this study discusses the possible effects of data ownership on social power based on Michel Foucault's theories on the concept of power. The results of the study reveal that data ownership in the era of society 5.0 corresponds to Foucault's form of biopower.


  • Ahad, M.A.; Tripathi, G.; Zafar, S. & Doja, F. (2020), “IoT Data Management – Security Aspects of Information Linkage in IoT Systems”, Principles of Internet of Things (IoT) Ecosystem: Insight Paradigm, (Eds. S-L. Peng, S. Pal & L. Huang), Springer: Cham, Switzerland: 439-466.
  • Andrejevic, M. (2013), “Surveillance in the Big Data Era”, Emerging Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies (PICT), (Ed. K.D. Pimple), Springer: New York: 55-69.
  • Berawi, M.A. (2019), “Managing Nature 5.0 in Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 Era”, International Journal of Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2: 222-225.
  • Brayne, S. (2017), “Big Data Surveillance: The Case of Policing”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 82, No. 5: 977-1008.
  • Damiani, L.; Demartini, M.; Guizzi, G.; Revetria, R. & Tonelli, F. (2018), “Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications in Industrial Systems: A Qualitative Review towards in Industry 4.0 Era”, IFAC-PapersOnline, Vol. 51, No. 11: 624-630.
  • Deguchi, A.; Hirai, C.; Matsuoka, H.; Nakano, T.; Oshima, K.; Tai, M. & Tani, S. (2020), “What Is Society 5.0?”, Society 5.0: A People-Centric Super-Smart Society, (Ed. Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory), Springer: Singapore: 1–23.
  • Foucault, M. (2011), Büyük Kapatılma (Çev. I. Ergüden & F. Keskin), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2012), İktidarın Gözü: Seçme Yazılar 4 (Çev. I. Ergüden), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2014), Özne ve İktidar: Seçme Yazılar 2 (Çev. I. Ergüden & O. Akınhay), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2015), Biyopolitikanın Doğuşu: College de France Dersleri 1978-1979 (Çev. A. Tayla), İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Fukuda, K. (2020), “Science, technology and innovation ecosystem transformation toward society 5.0”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 220: 107460.
  • Gladden, M.E. (2019), “Who Will Be the Members of Society 5.0? Towards an Anthropology of Technologically Posthumanized Future Societies”, Social Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 5:148.
  • Harayama, Y. (2017), “Society 5.0: Aiming for a new human-centered society. Japan’s science and technology policies for addressing global social challenges”, Hitachi Review, Vol. 66, No. 6: 556-557.
  • Kaur, M.J.; Riaz, S. & Mushtaq, A. (2020), “Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing Systems and Internet of Everything”, Principles of Internet of Things (IoT) Ecosystem: Insight Paradigm, (Eds. S-L. Peng, S. Pal & L. Huang), Springer: Cham, Switzerland: 210-228.
  • Keidanren (2018), “Society 5.0 - CoCreating the Future”., (Erişim: 26.01.2024).
  • Lasi, H.; Fettke, P.; Feld, T. & Hoffman, M. (2014), “Industry 4.0”, Business & Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4: 239-242.
  • Lele, A. (2019), “Industry 4.0”, Disruptive Technologies for the Militaries and Security. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer: Singapore: 205-215.
  • Lu, Y. (2017), “Industry 4.0: A survey on technologies, applications and open research issues”, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Vol. 6: 1-10.
  • Lyon, D. (2019), “Surveillance capitalism, surveillance culture and data politics”, Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights, (Eds. D. Bigo, E. Isin & E. Ruppert), Routledge: Abingdon: 64–77.
  • Medina-Borja, A. (2017), “Smart Human-Centered Service Systems of the Future”, Future Services & Societal Systems in Society 5.0, (Eds. K. Iwano, Y. Kimura, Y. Takashima, S. Bannai & N. Yamada), Japan Science and Technology Agency: Tokyo: 235–239.
  • Morrar, R.; Arman, H. & Mousa, S. (2017), “The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0): A Social Innovation Perspective”, Technology Innovation Management Review, Vol. 7, No. 11: 12-20.
  • Mourtzis, D.; Angelopoulos, J. & Panopoulos, N. (2023), “The Future of the Human–Machine Interface (HMI) in Society 5.0”, Future Internet, Vol. 15, No. 5: 162.
  • Narvaez Rojas, C.; Alomia Peñafiel, G.A.; Loaiza Buitrago, D.F.; Tavera Romero, C.A. (2021), “Society 5.0: A Japanese Concept for a Superintelligent Society”, Sustainability, Vol. 13, No. 12: 6567.
  • Onday, O. (2019), “Japan’s Society 5.0: Going Beyond Industry 4.0”, Business and Economics Journal, Vol. 10, No: 2: 389.
  • Özmakas, U. (2012), “Foucault: İktidardan Biyoiktidara”, Cogito, No. 70-71: 53-81.
  • Pereira, A.G.; Lima, T.M. & Santos, F.C. (2020), “Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0: Opportunities and Threats”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 5: 3305–3308.
  • Potočan, V.; Mulej, M. & Nedelko, Z. (2020), “Society 5.0: Balancing of Industry 4.0, Economic Advancement and Social Problems”, Kybernetes, Vol. 50, No. 3: 794–811.
  • Rojko, A. (2017), “Industry 4.0 Consept: Background and Overview”, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, Vol. 11, No. 5: 77-90.
  • Rosenstand, C.A.G.F.; Brix, J. & Nielsen, C. (2023), “Metaverse and Society 5.0: Pivotal for Future Business Model Innovation”, Journal of Business Models, Vol. 11, No. 3: 62-76.
  • Salgues, B. (2018), Society 5.0: Industry of the Future, Technologies, Methods and Tools, New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Statcounter (2024), “Search Engine Market Share Worldwide”,, (Erişim: 29.01.2024).
  • Tao, F.; Qi, Q.; Wang, L. & Nee, A.Y.C. (2019), “Digital Twins and Cyber–Physical Systems toward Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0: Correlation and Comparison”, Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4: 653-661.
  • Toprak, M.; Bayraktar, Y. & Özyılmaz, A. (2020), “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Digital Transformation in Turkish Higher Education: An Evaluation from the Perspective of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0”, The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Economic, Social, and Political Impacts, (Eds. D. Demirtaş, V. Bozkurt & S. Yorğun), İstanbul University Press: İstanbul: 167-185.
  • Trehan, R.; Machhan, R.; Singh, P. & Sangwan, K.S. (2022), “Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0: Drivers and Challenges”, IUP Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1: 40–58.
  • Tufekci, Z. (2014), “Engineering the Public: Big Data, Surveillance and Computational Politics”, First Monday, Vol. 19, No. 7.
  • Xu, L.D.; Xu, E.L. & Li, L. (2018), “Industry 4.0: State of the Art and Future Trends”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 56, No. 8: 2941-2962.
  • Xu, X.; Lu, Y.; Vogel-Heuser, B. & Wang, L. (2021), “Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—Inception, conception and perception”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 61: 530–535.
  • Yıkılmaz, İ. (2020), “New Era: The Transformation from the Information Society to Super Smart Society (Society 5.0)”, Data, Information and Knowledge Management, (Eds. G. Mert, E. Şen & O. Yılmaz), Nobel: Ankara: 85–112.

Toplum 5.0’da Toplumsal İktidarın Yeniden İnşası: Foucaultcu Bir Yaklaşım

Year 2024, , 923 - 935, 01.12.2024


Toplum 5.0 yapay zekâ, akıllı sistemler ve robotlar gibi yüksek teknolojilerin hayatın her alanına nüfus etmesinin amaçlandığı yeni bir toplumsal paradigmadır. Toplum 5.0’la birlikte yüksek teknolojiyi üreten şirketlerin yalnızca üretici rolüyle sınırlı kalmayıp aynı zamanda kullanıcı verilerine erişebilmesi ve bu verilerin mülkiyetine sahip olması endişe uyandıran bir konudur. Bu çalışma da toplum 5.0’la birlikte veri mülkiyeti ile iktidar yapıları arasında yeni bir ilişki biçiminin ortaya çıkacağı hipotezinden hareketle Michel Foucault'un iktidar kavramına ilişkin teorilerinden yola çıkarak veri mülkiyetinin toplumsal iktidar üzerindeki olası etkilerini tartışmaktadır. Çalışmanın vardığı sonuçlar toplum 5.0 çağında veri mülkiyetinin Foucault'un biyoiktidar biçimine denk düştüğünü ortaya koymuştur.


  • Ahad, M.A.; Tripathi, G.; Zafar, S. & Doja, F. (2020), “IoT Data Management – Security Aspects of Information Linkage in IoT Systems”, Principles of Internet of Things (IoT) Ecosystem: Insight Paradigm, (Eds. S-L. Peng, S. Pal & L. Huang), Springer: Cham, Switzerland: 439-466.
  • Andrejevic, M. (2013), “Surveillance in the Big Data Era”, Emerging Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies (PICT), (Ed. K.D. Pimple), Springer: New York: 55-69.
  • Berawi, M.A. (2019), “Managing Nature 5.0 in Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 Era”, International Journal of Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2: 222-225.
  • Brayne, S. (2017), “Big Data Surveillance: The Case of Policing”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 82, No. 5: 977-1008.
  • Damiani, L.; Demartini, M.; Guizzi, G.; Revetria, R. & Tonelli, F. (2018), “Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications in Industrial Systems: A Qualitative Review towards in Industry 4.0 Era”, IFAC-PapersOnline, Vol. 51, No. 11: 624-630.
  • Deguchi, A.; Hirai, C.; Matsuoka, H.; Nakano, T.; Oshima, K.; Tai, M. & Tani, S. (2020), “What Is Society 5.0?”, Society 5.0: A People-Centric Super-Smart Society, (Ed. Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory), Springer: Singapore: 1–23.
  • Foucault, M. (2011), Büyük Kapatılma (Çev. I. Ergüden & F. Keskin), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2012), İktidarın Gözü: Seçme Yazılar 4 (Çev. I. Ergüden), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2014), Özne ve İktidar: Seçme Yazılar 2 (Çev. I. Ergüden & O. Akınhay), İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Foucault, M. (2015), Biyopolitikanın Doğuşu: College de France Dersleri 1978-1979 (Çev. A. Tayla), İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Fukuda, K. (2020), “Science, technology and innovation ecosystem transformation toward society 5.0”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 220: 107460.
  • Gladden, M.E. (2019), “Who Will Be the Members of Society 5.0? Towards an Anthropology of Technologically Posthumanized Future Societies”, Social Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 5:148.
  • Harayama, Y. (2017), “Society 5.0: Aiming for a new human-centered society. Japan’s science and technology policies for addressing global social challenges”, Hitachi Review, Vol. 66, No. 6: 556-557.
  • Kaur, M.J.; Riaz, S. & Mushtaq, A. (2020), “Cyber-Physical Cloud Computing Systems and Internet of Everything”, Principles of Internet of Things (IoT) Ecosystem: Insight Paradigm, (Eds. S-L. Peng, S. Pal & L. Huang), Springer: Cham, Switzerland: 210-228.
  • Keidanren (2018), “Society 5.0 - CoCreating the Future”., (Erişim: 26.01.2024).
  • Lasi, H.; Fettke, P.; Feld, T. & Hoffman, M. (2014), “Industry 4.0”, Business & Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4: 239-242.
  • Lele, A. (2019), “Industry 4.0”, Disruptive Technologies for the Militaries and Security. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer: Singapore: 205-215.
  • Lu, Y. (2017), “Industry 4.0: A survey on technologies, applications and open research issues”, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Vol. 6: 1-10.
  • Lyon, D. (2019), “Surveillance capitalism, surveillance culture and data politics”, Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights, (Eds. D. Bigo, E. Isin & E. Ruppert), Routledge: Abingdon: 64–77.
  • Medina-Borja, A. (2017), “Smart Human-Centered Service Systems of the Future”, Future Services & Societal Systems in Society 5.0, (Eds. K. Iwano, Y. Kimura, Y. Takashima, S. Bannai & N. Yamada), Japan Science and Technology Agency: Tokyo: 235–239.
  • Morrar, R.; Arman, H. & Mousa, S. (2017), “The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0): A Social Innovation Perspective”, Technology Innovation Management Review, Vol. 7, No. 11: 12-20.
  • Mourtzis, D.; Angelopoulos, J. & Panopoulos, N. (2023), “The Future of the Human–Machine Interface (HMI) in Society 5.0”, Future Internet, Vol. 15, No. 5: 162.
  • Narvaez Rojas, C.; Alomia Peñafiel, G.A.; Loaiza Buitrago, D.F.; Tavera Romero, C.A. (2021), “Society 5.0: A Japanese Concept for a Superintelligent Society”, Sustainability, Vol. 13, No. 12: 6567.
  • Onday, O. (2019), “Japan’s Society 5.0: Going Beyond Industry 4.0”, Business and Economics Journal, Vol. 10, No: 2: 389.
  • Özmakas, U. (2012), “Foucault: İktidardan Biyoiktidara”, Cogito, No. 70-71: 53-81.
  • Pereira, A.G.; Lima, T.M. & Santos, F.C. (2020), “Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0: Opportunities and Threats”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 5: 3305–3308.
  • Potočan, V.; Mulej, M. & Nedelko, Z. (2020), “Society 5.0: Balancing of Industry 4.0, Economic Advancement and Social Problems”, Kybernetes, Vol. 50, No. 3: 794–811.
  • Rojko, A. (2017), “Industry 4.0 Consept: Background and Overview”, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, Vol. 11, No. 5: 77-90.
  • Rosenstand, C.A.G.F.; Brix, J. & Nielsen, C. (2023), “Metaverse and Society 5.0: Pivotal for Future Business Model Innovation”, Journal of Business Models, Vol. 11, No. 3: 62-76.
  • Salgues, B. (2018), Society 5.0: Industry of the Future, Technologies, Methods and Tools, New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Statcounter (2024), “Search Engine Market Share Worldwide”,, (Erişim: 29.01.2024).
  • Tao, F.; Qi, Q.; Wang, L. & Nee, A.Y.C. (2019), “Digital Twins and Cyber–Physical Systems toward Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0: Correlation and Comparison”, Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4: 653-661.
  • Toprak, M.; Bayraktar, Y. & Özyılmaz, A. (2020), “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Digital Transformation in Turkish Higher Education: An Evaluation from the Perspective of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0”, The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Economic, Social, and Political Impacts, (Eds. D. Demirtaş, V. Bozkurt & S. Yorğun), İstanbul University Press: İstanbul: 167-185.
  • Trehan, R.; Machhan, R.; Singh, P. & Sangwan, K.S. (2022), “Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0: Drivers and Challenges”, IUP Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1: 40–58.
  • Tufekci, Z. (2014), “Engineering the Public: Big Data, Surveillance and Computational Politics”, First Monday, Vol. 19, No. 7.
  • Xu, L.D.; Xu, E.L. & Li, L. (2018), “Industry 4.0: State of the Art and Future Trends”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 56, No. 8: 2941-2962.
  • Xu, X.; Lu, Y.; Vogel-Heuser, B. & Wang, L. (2021), “Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—Inception, conception and perception”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 61: 530–535.
  • Yıkılmaz, İ. (2020), “New Era: The Transformation from the Information Society to Super Smart Society (Society 5.0)”, Data, Information and Knowledge Management, (Eds. G. Mert, E. Şen & O. Yılmaz), Nobel: Ankara: 85–112.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Fuat Boğaç Evren 0000-0003-1325-3878

Publication Date December 1, 2024
Submission Date January 31, 2024
Acceptance Date April 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Evren, F. B. (2024). Toplum 5.0’da Toplumsal İktidarın Yeniden İnşası: Foucaultcu Bir Yaklaşım. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(3), 923-935.