Research Article
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Happiness and International Migration: An Overview

Year 2020, , 371 - 387, 01.04.2020


In recent happiness economy studies, it has been found that objective criteria such as absolute income is not the only effect on the life satisfaction of individuals. Socio-demographic characteristics such as age, gender, employment status, education, marital status neglected by neo-classical theory and many other factors like relative income, institutional factors, ethnic identity, discrimination etc. influence life satisfaction. There are many factors which effect immigration decision of individual. One of the most important ones is the economic improvement that they hope to obtain after migration. However, even if there is an absolute increase in the income of the individuals after the migration, their life satisfaction may decrease on the contrary to expectations. Post-migration individuals tend to compare themselves economically and socially with individuals in the country of destination or the country they left behind. Previous studies reveal that relative income is decisive on happiness of immigrants instead of absolute income. This study is a literature review regarding happiness-migration relation.


  • Amit, Karin; Howard Litwin (2010), "The Subjective Well-Being Of İmmigrants Aged 50 And Older İn Israel." Social İndicators Research. Vol.98 No.1: 89-104.Bălţătescu, Sergiu (2005), “Subjective Well-Being Of İmmigrants İn Europe. A Comparative Study, Europe and Their Evaluation of Societal Conditions. An Exploratory Study”, University of Oradea Publishing House, Oradea, 128-143.Bartram, David (2010), "International Migration, Open Borders Debates, And Happiness", International Studies Review Vol.12, No.3: 339-361.Bartram, David (2013a), "Happiness Among North-To-South Migrants İn Europe", Available at SSRN: or, (Erişim: 30.10.2018).Bartram, David (2013b), "Happiness And 'Economic Migration': A Comparison of Eastern European Migrants And Stayers", Migration Studies, Vol.1 No.2: 156-175. Bartram, David (2013c), “"Migration, return, and happiness in Romania", European Societies, Vol. 15 No. 3: 408-422.Bartram, David (2015), "Inverting the Logic of Economic Migration: Happiness Among Migrants Moving From Wealthier to Poorer Countries in Europe", Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol.16 No. 5: 1211-1230.Blanchflower, David G; Andrew J. Oswald (2004), "Well-Being Over Time İn Britain And The USA", Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 88: 1359-1386. Boyce, Christopher J; Gordon DA Brown; Simon C. Moore (2010), "Money and Happiness: Rank of Income, Not Income, Affects Life Satisfaction", Psychological Science, Vol. 21 No. 4: 471–5.Clark, Andrew E.; Frijters, Paul; Shields, Michael A (2008) "Relative İncome, Happiness, And Utility: An Explanation For The Easterlin Paradox And Other Puzzles", Journal of Economic Literature, Vol.46 No.1: 95-144.Claudia Senik (2009), "Direct Evidence On Income Comparisons And Their Welfare Effects", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol.72 No.1: 408-424.Easterlin, Richard A. (1974), "Does Economic Growth İmprove The Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence", Nations and Households in Economic Growth, Vol.89: 89-125.Easterlin, Richard. A. (2005), "Diminishing Marginal Utility Of İncome? Caveat Emptor", Social Indicators Research, Vol.70 No.3: 243-255.Erlinghagen, Marcel (2012), "Nowhere better than here? The subjective well-being of German emigrants and remigrants." Comparative Population Studies, Vol. 36 No. 4: 911-920.Gemlik, Nilay; Sığrı, Ünsal; Sur, Haydar (2007), "Sosyal Karşılaştırma ve Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük İlişkisinin Yönetsel Etkileri Hastane Yöneticileri ve Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Çalışma", Yönetim İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi İktisadı Enstitüsü Dergisi, C.17 No.57: 55-66.Gökdemir Dumludağ, Özge (20119, "Mutluluk ve İktisadi Parametreler Üzerine Bir İnceleme", Yayınlanmamamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi SBE.Hendriks, Martijn (2015), "The Happiness of International Migrants: A Review of Research Findings", Migration Studies, Vol.3, No.3: 343-369.Knight, John; Gunatilaka, Ramani (2010), "Great Expectations? The Subjective Well-Being Of Rural–Urban Migrants İn China", World Development, Vol.38 No.1: 113-124.Luhmann, Maike; Wilhelm, Hofmann; Michael, Eid; Richard E., Lucas (2012), "Subjective Well-Being And Adaptation To Life Events: A Meta-Analysis", Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Vol.102 No.3: 592.Lykken, David; Auke Tellegen (1996), "Happiness is a Stochastic Phenomenon", Psychological Science, Vol.7, No.3, 186-189.Mahonen, Tuuli Anna; Leinonen, Elina; Jasinskaja-Lahti Inga (2013), “Met Expectations and the Wellbeing of Diaspora Immigrants: A Longitudinal Study”, International Journal of Psychology, Vol.48 No.3: 324-33.Melzer, Silvia Maja (2011),"Does Migration Make You Happy? The İnfluence Of Migration On Subjective Wellbeing", Journal of Social Research and Policy, Vol.2 No.2: 73–92.Melzer, Silvia; Ruud Muffels (2012), "Migrant's Pursuit of Happiness-The Impact of Adaptation, Social Comparison and Relative Deprivation: Evidence from a 'Natural'Experiment", German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), 2-9.Polgreen, Linnea; Nicole B. Simpson (2011), "Happiness and International Migration", Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol.12 No.5: 819-840.Ratha, Dilip ve William Shaw (2007), “South‐South Migration and Remittances”, Washington, DC: World Bank Development Prospects Group, Working Paper.Safi, Mirna (2006), "Immigrants' Life Satisfaction İn Europe: Between Assimilation And Discrimination", European Sociological Review, Vol.26 No. 2: 159-176.Schündeln, M; Nicola, Fuchs-Schündeln (2009), "Who Stays, Who Goes, Who Returns? East-West Migration Within Germany Since Reunification", Economics of Transition, Vol.17 No.3: 703-738. Senik, Claudia (2011), "The French Unhappiness Puzzle: The Cultural Dimension of Happiness," IZA Working Paper,No. 6175., (Erişim: 27.10.2018).Simpson, Nicole B. (2012), "Happiness and Migration", (Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann and Amelie F. Constant), International Handbook on The Economics of Migration, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 10-18.Stillman, Steven; Gibson, John; McKenzie, David; Rohorua, Halahingano (2015), "Miserable Migrants? Natural Experiment Evidence on International Migration and Objective and Subjective Well-Being'", World Development, No.65: 79-93.Ullman, Chana; Moshe Tatar (2001), 'Psychological Adjustment among Israeli Adolescent Immigrants: A Report on Life Satisfaction, Self-Concept, and Self-Esteem', Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Vol.30 No.4: 449-463.

Mutluluk ve Uluslararası Göç: Genel Bir Bakış

Year 2020, , 371 - 387, 01.04.2020


Son yıllarda mutluluk ekonomisi adı altında yapılan çalışmalarda bireylerin yaşam memnuniyeti üzerinde yalnızca mutlak gelir gibi nesnel kriterlerin etkisinin olmadığı, Neo-klasik kuramın ihmal ettiği bireyin yaş, cinsiyet, istihdam durumu, eğitim, medeni durum gibi sosyo-demografik özelliklerinin yanı sıra nispi gelir, kurumsal faktörler, etnik kimlik, ayrımcılık vb. pek çok faktörün de etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bireyin göç kararının altında birçok etken yatmaktadır. Bunlardan en önemlilerinden birisi göç sonrası elde etmeyi umdukları ekonomik iyileşmedir. Ancak bireylerin gelirlerinde göç sonrası mutlak anlamda bir artış yaşansa bile yaşam memnuniyetleri beklenilenin aksine azalabilir. Göç sonrası bireyler kendilerini varış ülkesindeki veya geride bıraktığı ülkedeki bireylerle ekonomik ve sosyal açıdan kıyaslama eğilimindedirler. Yapılan çalışmalarda göç eden bireylerin mutluluğu üzerinde mutlak gelir yerine nispi gelirin daha belirleyici olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışma mutluluk-göç ilişkisi üzerine yapılan bir literatür araştırmasıdır.  


  • Amit, Karin; Howard Litwin (2010), "The Subjective Well-Being Of İmmigrants Aged 50 And Older İn Israel." Social İndicators Research. Vol.98 No.1: 89-104.Bălţătescu, Sergiu (2005), “Subjective Well-Being Of İmmigrants İn Europe. A Comparative Study, Europe and Their Evaluation of Societal Conditions. An Exploratory Study”, University of Oradea Publishing House, Oradea, 128-143.Bartram, David (2010), "International Migration, Open Borders Debates, And Happiness", International Studies Review Vol.12, No.3: 339-361.Bartram, David (2013a), "Happiness Among North-To-South Migrants İn Europe", Available at SSRN: or, (Erişim: 30.10.2018).Bartram, David (2013b), "Happiness And 'Economic Migration': A Comparison of Eastern European Migrants And Stayers", Migration Studies, Vol.1 No.2: 156-175. Bartram, David (2013c), “"Migration, return, and happiness in Romania", European Societies, Vol. 15 No. 3: 408-422.Bartram, David (2015), "Inverting the Logic of Economic Migration: Happiness Among Migrants Moving From Wealthier to Poorer Countries in Europe", Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol.16 No. 5: 1211-1230.Blanchflower, David G; Andrew J. Oswald (2004), "Well-Being Over Time İn Britain And The USA", Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 88: 1359-1386. Boyce, Christopher J; Gordon DA Brown; Simon C. Moore (2010), "Money and Happiness: Rank of Income, Not Income, Affects Life Satisfaction", Psychological Science, Vol. 21 No. 4: 471–5.Clark, Andrew E.; Frijters, Paul; Shields, Michael A (2008) "Relative İncome, Happiness, And Utility: An Explanation For The Easterlin Paradox And Other Puzzles", Journal of Economic Literature, Vol.46 No.1: 95-144.Claudia Senik (2009), "Direct Evidence On Income Comparisons And Their Welfare Effects", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol.72 No.1: 408-424.Easterlin, Richard A. (1974), "Does Economic Growth İmprove The Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence", Nations and Households in Economic Growth, Vol.89: 89-125.Easterlin, Richard. A. (2005), "Diminishing Marginal Utility Of İncome? Caveat Emptor", Social Indicators Research, Vol.70 No.3: 243-255.Erlinghagen, Marcel (2012), "Nowhere better than here? The subjective well-being of German emigrants and remigrants." Comparative Population Studies, Vol. 36 No. 4: 911-920.Gemlik, Nilay; Sığrı, Ünsal; Sur, Haydar (2007), "Sosyal Karşılaştırma ve Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük İlişkisinin Yönetsel Etkileri Hastane Yöneticileri ve Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Çalışma", Yönetim İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi İktisadı Enstitüsü Dergisi, C.17 No.57: 55-66.Gökdemir Dumludağ, Özge (20119, "Mutluluk ve İktisadi Parametreler Üzerine Bir İnceleme", Yayınlanmamamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi SBE.Hendriks, Martijn (2015), "The Happiness of International Migrants: A Review of Research Findings", Migration Studies, Vol.3, No.3: 343-369.Knight, John; Gunatilaka, Ramani (2010), "Great Expectations? The Subjective Well-Being Of Rural–Urban Migrants İn China", World Development, Vol.38 No.1: 113-124.Luhmann, Maike; Wilhelm, Hofmann; Michael, Eid; Richard E., Lucas (2012), "Subjective Well-Being And Adaptation To Life Events: A Meta-Analysis", Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Vol.102 No.3: 592.Lykken, David; Auke Tellegen (1996), "Happiness is a Stochastic Phenomenon", Psychological Science, Vol.7, No.3, 186-189.Mahonen, Tuuli Anna; Leinonen, Elina; Jasinskaja-Lahti Inga (2013), “Met Expectations and the Wellbeing of Diaspora Immigrants: A Longitudinal Study”, International Journal of Psychology, Vol.48 No.3: 324-33.Melzer, Silvia Maja (2011),"Does Migration Make You Happy? The İnfluence Of Migration On Subjective Wellbeing", Journal of Social Research and Policy, Vol.2 No.2: 73–92.Melzer, Silvia; Ruud Muffels (2012), "Migrant's Pursuit of Happiness-The Impact of Adaptation, Social Comparison and Relative Deprivation: Evidence from a 'Natural'Experiment", German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), 2-9.Polgreen, Linnea; Nicole B. Simpson (2011), "Happiness and International Migration", Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol.12 No.5: 819-840.Ratha, Dilip ve William Shaw (2007), “South‐South Migration and Remittances”, Washington, DC: World Bank Development Prospects Group, Working Paper.Safi, Mirna (2006), "Immigrants' Life Satisfaction İn Europe: Between Assimilation And Discrimination", European Sociological Review, Vol.26 No. 2: 159-176.Schündeln, M; Nicola, Fuchs-Schündeln (2009), "Who Stays, Who Goes, Who Returns? East-West Migration Within Germany Since Reunification", Economics of Transition, Vol.17 No.3: 703-738. Senik, Claudia (2011), "The French Unhappiness Puzzle: The Cultural Dimension of Happiness," IZA Working Paper,No. 6175., (Erişim: 27.10.2018).Simpson, Nicole B. (2012), "Happiness and Migration", (Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann and Amelie F. Constant), International Handbook on The Economics of Migration, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 10-18.Stillman, Steven; Gibson, John; McKenzie, David; Rohorua, Halahingano (2015), "Miserable Migrants? Natural Experiment Evidence on International Migration and Objective and Subjective Well-Being'", World Development, No.65: 79-93.Ullman, Chana; Moshe Tatar (2001), 'Psychological Adjustment among Israeli Adolescent Immigrants: A Report on Life Satisfaction, Self-Concept, and Self-Esteem', Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Vol.30 No.4: 449-463.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Songül Gül 0000-0002-0310-4310

Publication Date April 1, 2020
Submission Date November 10, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Gül, S. (2020). Mutluluk ve Uluslararası Göç: Genel Bir Bakış. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 15(1), 371-387.