The Impact of Organizational Resources on Competitive Strategies within the Scope of Resource Based View: A Research in Top 1000 Industrial Enterprises of Turkey
Year 2020,
, 1019 - 1042, 30.11.2020
Burak Özdemir
Deniz Taşcı
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of organizational resources on competitive strategies in resource-based view context. In addition, according to technological classification of the industry and the ownership structure of the firms, it is examined whether their organizational resources and competitive strategies differ. Turkey’s first 1000 major industrial firm specified by Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) determined as population of study and data obtained from those firms by full counting method. The first finding from this research is that structural capital affects the differentiation strategy positively. Besides, firms’ social capital varies up to firm’s ownership structure. Furthermore, differentiation strategy and social capital of firms differ significantly with regards to technological classification of the industry.
- Andrikopoulos, Andreas (2010), “Accounting for Intellectual Capital: on The Elusive Path from Theory to Practice”, Knowledge and Process Management, C. 17, S. 4: 180-187.
- Barca, Mehmet (2017). Economic Foundations of Strategic Management, Routledge: New York.
- Baron, Angela; Armstrong, Michael (2007). Human Capital Management: Achieving Added Value Through People, London: Kogan Page.
- Barney, Jay Bryan (1986). “Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategy”, Management Science, C. 32, S. 10: 1231-1241.
- Barney, Jay Bryan (1991). “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, C. 17, S. 1: 99-120.
- Barney, Jay Bryan; Hesterly, William (1999). “Organizational Economics: Understanding the Relationship Between Organizations and Economic Analysis”, Studying Organization: Theory and Method, (Ed. Steward Clegg; Cynthia Hardy), London: Sage Publication: London: 109-141.
- Barney, Jay Bryan; Wright, Mike; Ketchen, David Jr. (2001). “The Resource –based View of The Firm: Ten Years After 1991”, Journal of Management, C. 27, S. 6: 625-641.
- Barney, Jay Bryan; Clark, Delwyn (2007). Resource-Based Theory: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Bharadwaj, Sundar (1994). Industry Structure, Competitive Strategy, And Firm-Specific Intangibles as Determinants of Business Unit Performance: Towards an Integrative Model, Doktora Tezi, Texas: Texas A&M University.
- Bridoux, Flore (2004). A Resource-Based Approach to Performance and Competition: An Overview of the Connections Between Resources and Competition, SMS Conference, Porto Rico.
- Bontis, Nick; Dragonetti, Nicola; Jacobsen, Kristine; Roos, Göran (1999). “The Knowledge Toolbox: A Review of the Tools Available to Measure and Manage Intangible Resources”, European Management Journal, C. 17, S. 4: 391-402.
- Broadbent, Micheal; Cullen John (2003). Managing Financial Resources, Burlington: Butterworth Heinemann.
- Brooking, Annie (1996), Intellectual Capital, London: Thomas Business Press.
- Burt, Ronald (1992). Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Büyüköztürk, Şener, Kılıç Çakmak, Ebru, Akgün, Özcan Erkan, Karadeniz, Şirin; Demirel, Funda (2008). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
- Cater, Tomaz; Cater, Barbara (2009). “(In)tangible Resources as Antecedents of a Company’s Competitive Advantage and Performance”, Journal of East European Management Studies, C. 14, S. 2: 186-209.
- Chakravarthy, Balaji; Doz, Yves (1992). “Strategy Process Research: Focusing on Corporate Self-Renewal”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 13: 5-14.
- Choong, Keong (2008). “Intellectual Capital: Definitions, Categorization and Reporting Models”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, C. 9, S. 4: 609-638.
- Collis, David; Montgomery, Cynthia (1995), “Competing on Resources: Strategy in the 1990s”, Harvard Business Review, C. 73, S. 4: 118-128.
- Conner, Kathleen (1991). “A Historical Comprasion of Resource-Based Tehory and Five Schools of Thought Within Industrial Organization Economics: Do We Have a New Theory of Firm?” Journal of Management, C. 17, S. 1: 121-154.
- Çokluk, Ömay; Şekercioğlu, Güçlü; Büyüköztürk, Şener (2010). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Daou, Alain; Egide, Karuranga; Su, Zhan (2013). “Intellectual Capital in Mexican SMEs From The Perspective of the Resource-Based and Dynamic Capabilities Views”, The Journal of Applied Business Research, C. 29, S. 6: 1673-1688.
- Davenport, Thomas; Prusak, Laurence (1998). Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
- Dierickx, Ingemar ve Cool, Karel (1989). “Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competıtıve Advantage”, Management Science, C. 35, S. 12: 1504-1511.
- Eurostat, (2009). “Glossary: High-tech Classification of Manufacturing Industries”, , (Erişim: 01.02.2019).
- Fernandez, Esteban; Montes, Jose; Vazquez, Camilo (2000). “Typology and Strategic Analysis of Intangibles: A Resource-Based Approach”, Technovation, C. 20, S.2 : 81-92.
- Ford, David; Mahieu, Laurent (1998). Operationalising The Resource-Based View of The Firm, International System Dynamics Conference, Quebec.
- Foss, Nicolai; Robertson, Paul (2005). “Introduction: Resources, Technology and Strategy”, Resources, Technology and Strategy, (Ed. Nicolai Foss; Paul Robertson), Taylor & Francis: New York: 1-10.
- Furrer, Oliver; Sudharshan, Devanathan; Thomas, Howard; Alexandre, Maria Tereza (2008). “Resource Configurations, Generic Strategies, and Firm Performance: Exploring The Parallels Between Resource-Based and Competitive Strategy Theories in a New Industry”, Journal of Strategy and Management, C. 1, S. 1: 15-40.
- Grant, Robert (1991). “The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Strategy Formulation”, California Management Review, C. 33, S. 3: 114-135.
- Grant, Robert (2013). Contemporary Strategy Analysis Concepts, Techniques, Applications, Cambridge: Blackwell Publishing.
- Grimm, Curtis; Lee, Hun; Smith, Ken (2006). Strategy as Action: Competitive Dynamics and Competitive Advantage, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Gupta, Anil; Govindarajan, Vijay (2000). “Knowledge Management’s Social Dimension: Lessons from Nucor Steel”, Sloan Management Review, C. 42, S. 1: 71-79.
- Hambeton, Ronald (1996). “Guidelines for Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests”, , (Erişim: 01.02.2019).
- Hambleton, Ronald; Patsula, Liane (1999). “Increasing the Validity Of Adapted Tests: Myths to be Avoided and Guidelines for Improving Test Adaptation Practices”, Journal of Applied Testing Technology, C. 1, S. 1, 1-30.
- Hambleton, Ronald (2005). “Issues, Designs, and Technical Guidelines for Adapting Tests into Multiple Languages and Cultures”, Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests for Cross-Cultural Assessment, (Ed. Ronald Hambleton, Peter Francis Merenda, & Charles Donald Spielberger), Lawrence Erlbaum: NJ : 3-38.
- Harrison, Jeffrey; John, Caron St. (2010). Foundations in Strategic Management, Mason: Cengage Learning.
- Hitt, Micheal; Ireland, Duane; Hoskisson, Robert (2009). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, Mason: Cengage Learning.
- Hoopes, David; Madsen, Tammy; Walker, Gordon (2003); “Guest Editors’ Introductıon to the Special Issue: Why is There a Resource-based View? Toward a Theory of Competitive Heterogeneity,” Strategic Management Journal, C. 24, S. 10: 889-902.
- Hsieh, Yi Hua; Chen, Hai Ming (2011). “Strategic Fit Among Business Competitive Strategy, Human Resource Strategy, and Reward System” Academy of Strategic Management Journal, C. 10, S. 2: 11-32.
- Husnah; Subroto, Bambang; Aisjah, Siti; Djumahir (2013). “Intangible Assets, Competitive Strategy and Financial Performance: Study on Rattan SMEs in Palu City of Central Sulawesi (Indonesia)”, Journal of Business and Management, C. 7, S. 4: 14-27.
- Kabue, Lydiah Wanjiru; Kilika, James (2016). “Firm Resources, Core Competencies and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: An Integrative Theoretical Framework”, Journal of Management and Strategy, C. 7, S. 1: 98-108.
- Kaleka, Anna (2002). “Resources and Capabilities Driving Competitive Advantage in Export Markets: Guidelines for İndustrial Exporters”, Industrial Marketing Management, C. 31, S. 3: 273-283.
- Kittikunchotiwut, Ploychompoo (2015). “The Role of Social Capital on Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Innovation”, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, C. 10, S. 1: 27-39.
- Kostopoulos, Konstantinos; Spanos, Yiannis; Prastacos, Gregory (2002). The Resource-Based View of the Firm and Innovation: Identification of Critical Linkages, 2nd European Academy of Management Conference, Stockholm.
- Kraaijenbrink, Jeroen; Spender, John; Groen, Aard (2010). “The Resource-Based View: A Review and Assessment of Its Critiques”, Journal of Management, C. 36, S. 1: 349-372.
- Kristandl, Gerhard; Bontis, Nick (2007), “Defining Intangible Assets and Intellectual Capital”, Management Decision, C. 45, S. 9: 1510-24.
- Lev, Baruch (2001). Intangibles: Management, Measurement and Reporting, Washington: Brookings Institution Press.
- Lo, Yin-Hsi (2012). “Managerial Capabilities, Organizational Culture and Organizational Performance: The Resource-based Perspective in Chinese Lodging Industry”, The Journal of International Management Studies, C. 7, S. 1: 151-157.
- Luo, Yadong; Zhao, Hongxin (2004), “Corporate Link and Competitive Strategy in Multinational Enterprises: A Perspective From Subsidiaries Seeking Host Market Penetration”, Journal of International Management, C. 10, S. 1: 77-105.
- Meyer, Chris; Skaggs, Bruce; Youndt, Mark (2014). “Developing and Deploying Organizational Capital in Services vs. Manufacturing”, Journal of Managerial Issues, C. 26, S. 4, 326-344.
- Montgomery, Cynthia; Wernerfelt, Birger; Balakrishnan, Srinivasan (1989). “Strategy Content and the Research Process: A Critique and Commentary”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 10, S. 2: 189-197.
- Moon, Yun Ji; Kym, Hyo Gun (2006), “A Model For The Value of Intellectual Capital”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, C. 23, S. 3, 253-269.
- Ni, Na (2008). Configurations of Competitive Strategies and Resources: A Set-theoretic Approach, Doktora Tezi, Manitoba: University of Manitoba.
- Parnell, John (2011). “Strategic Capabilities, Competitive Strategy, and Performance Among Retailers in Argentina, Peru and the United States”, Management Decision, C. 49, S. 1: 130-155.
- Pearce, John; Robinson, Richard (2015). Stratejik Yönetim: Geliştirme, Uygulama ve Kontrol, (Çev. Mehmet Barca), Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
- Peter, Paul (1979). “Reliability: A Review Of Psychometric Basics and Recent Marketing Practices”, Journal of Marketing Research, C. 16, S. 1: 6-17.
- Peteraf, Margeret (1993). “The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 14, S. 3: 179-191.
- Porter, Michael (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: The Free Press.
- Porter, Michael (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, , New York: The Free Press.
- Powell, Thomas (2001). “Competitive Advantage: Logical and Philosophical Considerations”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 22, S. 9: 875-888.
- Priem, Richard; Butler, John (2001). “Is the Resource-Based ‘View’ a Useful Perspective for Strategic Management Research?”, The Academy of Management Review, C. 26, S. 1: 22-40.
- Rivard, Suzanne; Raymond, Louis; Verreault, David (2006). “Resource-Based View and Competitive Strategy: An Integrated Model of The Contribution of Information Technology to Firm Performance”, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, C. 15, S. 1: 29-50.
- Rumelt, Richard (1984). “Towards a Strategic Theory of the Firm", Competitive Strategic Management, (Ed. Robert Boyden Lamb), Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey: 556-570.
- Sanchez, Paloma; Chamichade, Cristina; Olea, Marta (2000). “Management of Intangibles: An Attempt to Build a Theory”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, C. 1, S. 4: 188-209.
- Schultz, Theodore (1961). “Investment in Human Capital”, The American Economic Review, C. 51, S. 1: 1-17.
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Kaynak Temelli Görüş Ekseninde Örgütsel Kaynakların Rekabet Stratejileri Üzerindeki Etkisi: Türkiye’nin İlk 1000 Büyük Sanayi Kuruluşu’nda Bir Araştırma
Year 2020,
, 1019 - 1042, 30.11.2020
Burak Özdemir
Deniz Taşcı
Bu araştırmanın amacı, kaynak temelli görüş ekseninde firmaların sahip olduğu örgütsel kaynakların rekabet stratejileri üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Bunun yanı sıra, firmaların faaliyet gösterdiği sektörün teknolojik sınıflamasına ve firmaların ortaklık yapısına göre örgütsel kaynaklarının ve rekabet stratejilerinin farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı incelenmiştir. İstanbul Sanayi Odası (İSO) tarafından belirlenen Türkiye’nin ilk 1000 büyük sanayi firması araştırmanın evrenini oluşturmaktadır ve firmalardan tam sayım yöntemi ile veriler elde edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen ilk bulgu, yapısal sermayenin farklılaşma stratejisini pozitif etkilediğidir. Ayrıca, ortaklık yapısına göre sosyal sermaye; faaliyet gösterilen sektörün teknolojik sınıflamasına göre farklılaşma stratejisi ve sosyal sermayenin anlamlı şekilde farklılaştığı belirlenmiştir.
- Andrikopoulos, Andreas (2010), “Accounting for Intellectual Capital: on The Elusive Path from Theory to Practice”, Knowledge and Process Management, C. 17, S. 4: 180-187.
- Barca, Mehmet (2017). Economic Foundations of Strategic Management, Routledge: New York.
- Baron, Angela; Armstrong, Michael (2007). Human Capital Management: Achieving Added Value Through People, London: Kogan Page.
- Barney, Jay Bryan (1986). “Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategy”, Management Science, C. 32, S. 10: 1231-1241.
- Barney, Jay Bryan (1991). “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, C. 17, S. 1: 99-120.
- Barney, Jay Bryan; Hesterly, William (1999). “Organizational Economics: Understanding the Relationship Between Organizations and Economic Analysis”, Studying Organization: Theory and Method, (Ed. Steward Clegg; Cynthia Hardy), London: Sage Publication: London: 109-141.
- Barney, Jay Bryan; Wright, Mike; Ketchen, David Jr. (2001). “The Resource –based View of The Firm: Ten Years After 1991”, Journal of Management, C. 27, S. 6: 625-641.
- Barney, Jay Bryan; Clark, Delwyn (2007). Resource-Based Theory: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Bharadwaj, Sundar (1994). Industry Structure, Competitive Strategy, And Firm-Specific Intangibles as Determinants of Business Unit Performance: Towards an Integrative Model, Doktora Tezi, Texas: Texas A&M University.
- Bridoux, Flore (2004). A Resource-Based Approach to Performance and Competition: An Overview of the Connections Between Resources and Competition, SMS Conference, Porto Rico.
- Bontis, Nick; Dragonetti, Nicola; Jacobsen, Kristine; Roos, Göran (1999). “The Knowledge Toolbox: A Review of the Tools Available to Measure and Manage Intangible Resources”, European Management Journal, C. 17, S. 4: 391-402.
- Broadbent, Micheal; Cullen John (2003). Managing Financial Resources, Burlington: Butterworth Heinemann.
- Brooking, Annie (1996), Intellectual Capital, London: Thomas Business Press.
- Burt, Ronald (1992). Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Büyüköztürk, Şener, Kılıç Çakmak, Ebru, Akgün, Özcan Erkan, Karadeniz, Şirin; Demirel, Funda (2008). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
- Cater, Tomaz; Cater, Barbara (2009). “(In)tangible Resources as Antecedents of a Company’s Competitive Advantage and Performance”, Journal of East European Management Studies, C. 14, S. 2: 186-209.
- Chakravarthy, Balaji; Doz, Yves (1992). “Strategy Process Research: Focusing on Corporate Self-Renewal”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 13: 5-14.
- Choong, Keong (2008). “Intellectual Capital: Definitions, Categorization and Reporting Models”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, C. 9, S. 4: 609-638.
- Collis, David; Montgomery, Cynthia (1995), “Competing on Resources: Strategy in the 1990s”, Harvard Business Review, C. 73, S. 4: 118-128.
- Conner, Kathleen (1991). “A Historical Comprasion of Resource-Based Tehory and Five Schools of Thought Within Industrial Organization Economics: Do We Have a New Theory of Firm?” Journal of Management, C. 17, S. 1: 121-154.
- Çokluk, Ömay; Şekercioğlu, Güçlü; Büyüköztürk, Şener (2010). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Daou, Alain; Egide, Karuranga; Su, Zhan (2013). “Intellectual Capital in Mexican SMEs From The Perspective of the Resource-Based and Dynamic Capabilities Views”, The Journal of Applied Business Research, C. 29, S. 6: 1673-1688.
- Davenport, Thomas; Prusak, Laurence (1998). Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
- Dierickx, Ingemar ve Cool, Karel (1989). “Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competıtıve Advantage”, Management Science, C. 35, S. 12: 1504-1511.
- Eurostat, (2009). “Glossary: High-tech Classification of Manufacturing Industries”, , (Erişim: 01.02.2019).
- Fernandez, Esteban; Montes, Jose; Vazquez, Camilo (2000). “Typology and Strategic Analysis of Intangibles: A Resource-Based Approach”, Technovation, C. 20, S.2 : 81-92.
- Ford, David; Mahieu, Laurent (1998). Operationalising The Resource-Based View of The Firm, International System Dynamics Conference, Quebec.
- Foss, Nicolai; Robertson, Paul (2005). “Introduction: Resources, Technology and Strategy”, Resources, Technology and Strategy, (Ed. Nicolai Foss; Paul Robertson), Taylor & Francis: New York: 1-10.
- Furrer, Oliver; Sudharshan, Devanathan; Thomas, Howard; Alexandre, Maria Tereza (2008). “Resource Configurations, Generic Strategies, and Firm Performance: Exploring The Parallels Between Resource-Based and Competitive Strategy Theories in a New Industry”, Journal of Strategy and Management, C. 1, S. 1: 15-40.
- Grant, Robert (1991). “The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Strategy Formulation”, California Management Review, C. 33, S. 3: 114-135.
- Grant, Robert (2013). Contemporary Strategy Analysis Concepts, Techniques, Applications, Cambridge: Blackwell Publishing.
- Grimm, Curtis; Lee, Hun; Smith, Ken (2006). Strategy as Action: Competitive Dynamics and Competitive Advantage, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Gupta, Anil; Govindarajan, Vijay (2000). “Knowledge Management’s Social Dimension: Lessons from Nucor Steel”, Sloan Management Review, C. 42, S. 1: 71-79.
- Hambeton, Ronald (1996). “Guidelines for Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests”, , (Erişim: 01.02.2019).
- Hambleton, Ronald; Patsula, Liane (1999). “Increasing the Validity Of Adapted Tests: Myths to be Avoided and Guidelines for Improving Test Adaptation Practices”, Journal of Applied Testing Technology, C. 1, S. 1, 1-30.
- Hambleton, Ronald (2005). “Issues, Designs, and Technical Guidelines for Adapting Tests into Multiple Languages and Cultures”, Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests for Cross-Cultural Assessment, (Ed. Ronald Hambleton, Peter Francis Merenda, & Charles Donald Spielberger), Lawrence Erlbaum: NJ : 3-38.
- Harrison, Jeffrey; John, Caron St. (2010). Foundations in Strategic Management, Mason: Cengage Learning.
- Hitt, Micheal; Ireland, Duane; Hoskisson, Robert (2009). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, Mason: Cengage Learning.
- Hoopes, David; Madsen, Tammy; Walker, Gordon (2003); “Guest Editors’ Introductıon to the Special Issue: Why is There a Resource-based View? Toward a Theory of Competitive Heterogeneity,” Strategic Management Journal, C. 24, S. 10: 889-902.
- Hsieh, Yi Hua; Chen, Hai Ming (2011). “Strategic Fit Among Business Competitive Strategy, Human Resource Strategy, and Reward System” Academy of Strategic Management Journal, C. 10, S. 2: 11-32.
- Husnah; Subroto, Bambang; Aisjah, Siti; Djumahir (2013). “Intangible Assets, Competitive Strategy and Financial Performance: Study on Rattan SMEs in Palu City of Central Sulawesi (Indonesia)”, Journal of Business and Management, C. 7, S. 4: 14-27.
- Kabue, Lydiah Wanjiru; Kilika, James (2016). “Firm Resources, Core Competencies and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: An Integrative Theoretical Framework”, Journal of Management and Strategy, C. 7, S. 1: 98-108.
- Kaleka, Anna (2002). “Resources and Capabilities Driving Competitive Advantage in Export Markets: Guidelines for İndustrial Exporters”, Industrial Marketing Management, C. 31, S. 3: 273-283.
- Kittikunchotiwut, Ploychompoo (2015). “The Role of Social Capital on Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Innovation”, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, C. 10, S. 1: 27-39.
- Kostopoulos, Konstantinos; Spanos, Yiannis; Prastacos, Gregory (2002). The Resource-Based View of the Firm and Innovation: Identification of Critical Linkages, 2nd European Academy of Management Conference, Stockholm.
- Kraaijenbrink, Jeroen; Spender, John; Groen, Aard (2010). “The Resource-Based View: A Review and Assessment of Its Critiques”, Journal of Management, C. 36, S. 1: 349-372.
- Kristandl, Gerhard; Bontis, Nick (2007), “Defining Intangible Assets and Intellectual Capital”, Management Decision, C. 45, S. 9: 1510-24.
- Lev, Baruch (2001). Intangibles: Management, Measurement and Reporting, Washington: Brookings Institution Press.
- Lo, Yin-Hsi (2012). “Managerial Capabilities, Organizational Culture and Organizational Performance: The Resource-based Perspective in Chinese Lodging Industry”, The Journal of International Management Studies, C. 7, S. 1: 151-157.
- Luo, Yadong; Zhao, Hongxin (2004), “Corporate Link and Competitive Strategy in Multinational Enterprises: A Perspective From Subsidiaries Seeking Host Market Penetration”, Journal of International Management, C. 10, S. 1: 77-105.
- Meyer, Chris; Skaggs, Bruce; Youndt, Mark (2014). “Developing and Deploying Organizational Capital in Services vs. Manufacturing”, Journal of Managerial Issues, C. 26, S. 4, 326-344.
- Montgomery, Cynthia; Wernerfelt, Birger; Balakrishnan, Srinivasan (1989). “Strategy Content and the Research Process: A Critique and Commentary”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 10, S. 2: 189-197.
- Moon, Yun Ji; Kym, Hyo Gun (2006), “A Model For The Value of Intellectual Capital”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, C. 23, S. 3, 253-269.
- Ni, Na (2008). Configurations of Competitive Strategies and Resources: A Set-theoretic Approach, Doktora Tezi, Manitoba: University of Manitoba.
- Parnell, John (2011). “Strategic Capabilities, Competitive Strategy, and Performance Among Retailers in Argentina, Peru and the United States”, Management Decision, C. 49, S. 1: 130-155.
- Pearce, John; Robinson, Richard (2015). Stratejik Yönetim: Geliştirme, Uygulama ve Kontrol, (Çev. Mehmet Barca), Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
- Peter, Paul (1979). “Reliability: A Review Of Psychometric Basics and Recent Marketing Practices”, Journal of Marketing Research, C. 16, S. 1: 6-17.
- Peteraf, Margeret (1993). “The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 14, S. 3: 179-191.
- Porter, Michael (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: The Free Press.
- Porter, Michael (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, , New York: The Free Press.
- Powell, Thomas (2001). “Competitive Advantage: Logical and Philosophical Considerations”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 22, S. 9: 875-888.
- Priem, Richard; Butler, John (2001). “Is the Resource-Based ‘View’ a Useful Perspective for Strategic Management Research?”, The Academy of Management Review, C. 26, S. 1: 22-40.
- Rivard, Suzanne; Raymond, Louis; Verreault, David (2006). “Resource-Based View and Competitive Strategy: An Integrated Model of The Contribution of Information Technology to Firm Performance”, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, C. 15, S. 1: 29-50.
- Rumelt, Richard (1984). “Towards a Strategic Theory of the Firm", Competitive Strategic Management, (Ed. Robert Boyden Lamb), Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey: 556-570.
- Sanchez, Paloma; Chamichade, Cristina; Olea, Marta (2000). “Management of Intangibles: An Attempt to Build a Theory”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, C. 1, S. 4: 188-209.
- Schultz, Theodore (1961). “Investment in Human Capital”, The American Economic Review, C. 51, S. 1: 1-17.
- Segev, Eli (1989). “A Systematic Comparative Analysis and Synthesis of Two Business-Level Strategic Typologies”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 10, S. 5: 487-505.
- Seppanen, Marko (2009). “Empirical Classification of Resources in a Business Model Concept”, Intangible Capital, C. 5, S. 2: 102-124.
- Snell, Scott; Dean, James Jr. (1992). “Integrated Manufacturing and Human Resources Management: A Human Capital Perspective”, Academy of Management Journal, C. 35, S. 3: 467-504.
- Spanos, Yiannis; Lioukas, Spyros, (2001), “An Examination into the Causal Logic of Rent Generation: Contrasting Porter’s Competitive Strategy Framework and Resource Based Perspective”, Strategic Management Journal, C. 22, S. 10: 907-934.
- Subramaniam, Mohan ve Youndt, Mark (2005). “The Influence of Intellectual Capital On The Types of Innovative Capabilities”, Academy of Management Journal, C. 48 S. 3: 450-463.
- Sveiby, Karl Erik (1997), The New Organizational Wealth–Managing and Measuring Knowledge-Based Assets, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
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