Örgütsel Alanda Kurumsal Mantıklar Arası Oluşan Çelişki: Türk Askerlik Hizmeti Alanı Örneği
Year 2015,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 153 - 176, 01.08.2015
Rabia Arzu Kalemci
Mustafa Mehmet Gökoğlu
İpek Kalemci Tüzün
Bu çalışmada farklı kurumsal mantıkların birlikte var olduğu Türk askerlik hizmeti alanında egemen mantığın etkisini sürdürdüğü dönem içerisinde alternatif mantıkların etkinleştirilmesine yol açan koşulların neler olduğu açıklığa kavuşturulmaktadır. Ayrıca Türk askerlik hizmeti alanında örgütsel faaliyetleri yönlendiren egemen bir mantık olan zorunlu askerlik hizmeti mantığının, profesyonel askerlik hizmeti mantığı ve bedelli askerlik hizmeti mantığı olarak tanımlanan alternatif mantıklar ile ilişkisi incelenmektedir. Bu anlamda Türk askerlik hizmeti alanının incelenmesi, egemen ve alternatif mantıkların birbirlerini desteklemeleri sayesinde örgütsel alanda oluşabilecek kalıcı bir dönüşümden ziyade, alanın durağanlığını ve sürdürülebilirliğini nasıl koruduklarının anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunması açısından önemli görülmektedir.
- Altınay, A. (2004), The Myth of the Military-Nation: Militarism, Gender and Education in Turkey. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press.
- Altınay, A., Bora, T. (2002), Ordu Militarizm ve Milliyetçilik. T. Bora (Der.) Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 140–154.
- Andrews, K. R. (1971), The concept of corporate strategy. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.
- Askerlik Kanununun Geçici 37. Maddesinin Uygulanmasına Dair Usul ve Esaslar, (1999), T.C. Resmi Gazete. 23876, 14.11.1999.
- Askerlik Kanununa Bir Geçici Madde Eklenmesi Hakkında Kanun Tasarısı, (1999), http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/sirasayi/donem21/yil01/ss188m.htm, 18.09.2009.
- Audia, P., Freeman, J., Reynolds, P. (2006), Organizational foundings in community context: Instruments manufacturers and their interrelationship with other organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 51: 381-419.
- Blatter, J. (2003), Beyond Hierarchies and Networks: Institutional Logics and Change in Transboundary Spaces. Governance, 16 (4): 503-526.
- Bourdieu, P. (1990), The logic of practice. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press. Bulger, S. L. (1996), Performance Management: The Foundation for a High – Performance Organization. National Productivity Review, 1995/96: 101-109.
- Campbell, J. (2004), Institutional Change and Globalization. New Jersey: Princeton.
- Collins, J. C., Porras, J. I. (1994), Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. New York: Harper Business.
- Çatışmayı Önle, Gerginliği Azalt, İstikrarı Yükselt, (1999), Genelkurmay Başkanı Org. Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu ile Söyleşi. Ulusal Strateji, (5): 18-26.
- Çörekçi, A. (2001), Silahlı Kuvvetler’de Yeniden Yapılanma. Ulusal Strateji, 18: 37- 41.
- DiMaggio, P. (1997), Culture and cognition. Annual Review of Sociology, 23: 263- 287.
- DiMaggio, P., Powell, W. (1991), Introduction. W. Powell ve P. DiMaggio, (Der.), The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1-38.
- Erözden, O. (1997), Ulus-Devlet. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi Yayınları.
- Fligstein, N. (1985), The spread of the multidivisional form among large firms, 1919- 1979. American Sociological Review, 50: 377-91.
- Fligstein, N. (1987), The Interorganizational Power Struggle: The Rise of Finance Personel to Top Leadership in Large Corporations, 1919- 1979. American Sociological Review, 52: 44-58.
- Fligstein, N. (1990), The transformation of corporate control. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Fligstein, N. (1997), Social skill and institutional theory. American Behavioral Scientist, 40: 397-405.
- Fligstein, N. (2002), The architecture of markets: an economic sociology of twentyfirst-century capitalist societies. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Friedland, R., Alford, R. (1991), Bringing society back in: Symbols, practices, and institutional contradictions. W. Powell ve P. DiMaggio (Der.), The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 232-26.
- Greenwood, R., Raynard, M., Kodeih, F., Micelotta, E., Lounsbury, M. (2011), Institutional Complexity and Organizational Responses. J. P. Walsh ve A. P. Brief (Der.), Academy of Managament Annals, Vol. 5: 317-371. Essex, UK: Routledge.
- Greenwood, R., Diaz, A. M., Li, S. X., Lorente, J. C. (2010), The Multiplicity of Institutional Logics and The Heterogenity of Organizational Responses. Organization Science, 21(2): 521-539.
- Işıklar, C. (2008), Kamu Hizmeti ve İdari İşlem Alanı Olarak Zorunlu Askerlik. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Hukuku Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
- İnan, A. (1930), Askerlik Vazifesi. İstanbul: Devlet Matbaası.
- Leblebici, H., Salancik, G., Copay, A., King, T. (1991), Institutional change and the transformation of interorganizational history of the U.S. radio broadcasting industry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36 (3): 333-363.
- Lippi, A. (2000), One Theory, many practises. Institutional allomorphism in the managerialist reorganization of Italian governments. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 16: 455-477.
- Lounsbury, M. (2007), A tale of two cities: Competing logics and practice variation in the professionalizing of mutual funds. Academy of Management Journal, 50(2): 289-307.
- March, J. G., Sutton, R. I. (1997), Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable. Organization Science, 8(6): 698-706.
- Marquis, C., Lounsbury, M. (2007), Vive la resistance: Competing logics and the consolidation of U.S. community banking. Academy of Management Journal, 50(4): 799-820.
- Marquis, C., Glynn, M. A., Davis, G. (2007), Community isomorphism and corporate social action. Academy of Management Review, 32(3): 925-945.
- Mattingly, J., Hall, H. (2008), Who Gets to Decide? The Role of Institutional Logics in Shaping Stakeholder Politics and Insurgency. Business and Society Review, 113(1): 63-89.
- Meyer, J., Scott, R. (1992), Organizational Environments: Ritual and Rationality. London: SAGE.
- Misangyi, V., Weaver, G., Elms, H. (2008), Ending Corruption: The Interplay among Institutional Logics, Resources and Institutional Entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Review, 33(3): 750-770.
- Mizruchi, M., Fein, L. (1999), The social construction of organizational knowledge: A study of the uses of coercive, mimetic, and normative isomorphism. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44: 653-683.
- Özen, Ş., Akkemik, K. Ali. (2012), Does Illegitimate Corporate Behaviour Follow the Forms of Polity? The, Turkish Experience. Journal of Management Studies, 49(3): 515-537.
- Özgen, C. (2006), Türkiye’de Zorunlu Askerlik ve Profesyonel Ordu. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslar arası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
- Pache, A. C., Santos, F. (2013), Inside the Hybrid Organization: Selective Coupling as a Response to Competing Institutional Logics. Academy of Management Journal, 56(4): 972-1001.
- Ramirez, F., Sosyal, Y., Shanahan, S. (1997), The Changing Logic of Political Citizenship: Cross- National Acquisition of Womens’s Suffrage Rights, 1890-1990. American Sociological Review, 62: 735-745.
- Reay, T., Hinings, C. R. (2009), Managing the Rivalry of Competing Institutional Logics. Organization Studies, 30(6): 629-652.
- Sargut, S. (2015), Lider Yöneticinin Benliğine Yolculuk. İstanbul: Beta
- Saxenian, A. (1996), Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Scott, R. (1992), Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- Scott, R. (2001), Institutions and organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
- Scott, R., Ruef, M., Mendel, P., Caronna, C. (2000), Institutional change and healthcare organizations: From professional dominance to managed care. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Sutton, J., Dobbin, F. (1996), The Two Faces of Governance: Responses to Legal Uncertanity in U.S. Firms, 1955 to 1985. American Sociological Review, 61: 794- 811.
- Thornton, P. (2002), The Rise of the Corporation in a Craft Industry: Conflict and Conformity in Institutional Logics. Academy of Management Journal, 45(1): 81-101.
- Thornton, P. (2004), Markets From Culture. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Thornton, P., Ocasio, W. (1999), Institutional Logics and the Historical Contingency of Power in Organizations: Executive Sıccessions in the Higher Education Publishing Industry, 1958 – 1990. American Journal of Sociology, 105(3): 801-843.
- Thornton, P., Ocasio, W. (2008), Institutional logics. R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, R. Suddaby ve K. Sahlin-Andersson (Der.), Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. Thousand Oaks: SAGE, 99-129.
- Thornton P., Ocasio, W., Lounsbury, M. (2012), The Institutional Logics Perspective: A New Approach to Culture, Structure, and Process. New York: Oxford University Press
- Tolbert P., Zucker, L. (1983), Institutional sources of change in the formal structure of organizations: the diffusion of civil service reform, 1880-1935. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28: 22-39.
- Tolbert, P. (1985), Institutional Environments and Resource Dependence: Sources of Administrative Structure in Institutions of Higher Education. Administrative Science Quarterly, 30(1): 1-13.
The Paradox Between Institutional Logics In Organizational Fields: The Case of Turkish Military Service Field
Year 2015,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 153 - 176, 01.08.2015
Rabia Arzu Kalemci
Mustafa Mehmet Gökoğlu
İpek Kalemci Tüzün
Turkish military services field can be conceptualized for embracing two distinct and inconsistent types of institutional logics, namely; mandatory military service logic as the dominant and pragmatic logics as the alternatives. We examine the relationship between the dominant logic which determines legitimate organizational activities and alternative logics which are activated sporadically in the field of Turkish military services. From this standpoint, the circumstances whereby pragmatic logics as alternative institutional logics become effective in the field without devitalizing the dominant logic is explored. Broadly, the results indicate that dominant and alternative logics can support each other in order to preserve field’s static condition, rather than interfere with each other so as to induce a permanent transformation.
- Altınay, A. (2004), The Myth of the Military-Nation: Militarism, Gender and Education in Turkey. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press.
- Altınay, A., Bora, T. (2002), Ordu Militarizm ve Milliyetçilik. T. Bora (Der.) Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 140–154.
- Andrews, K. R. (1971), The concept of corporate strategy. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.
- Askerlik Kanununun Geçici 37. Maddesinin Uygulanmasına Dair Usul ve Esaslar, (1999), T.C. Resmi Gazete. 23876, 14.11.1999.
- Askerlik Kanununa Bir Geçici Madde Eklenmesi Hakkında Kanun Tasarısı, (1999), http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/sirasayi/donem21/yil01/ss188m.htm, 18.09.2009.
- Audia, P., Freeman, J., Reynolds, P. (2006), Organizational foundings in community context: Instruments manufacturers and their interrelationship with other organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 51: 381-419.
- Blatter, J. (2003), Beyond Hierarchies and Networks: Institutional Logics and Change in Transboundary Spaces. Governance, 16 (4): 503-526.
- Bourdieu, P. (1990), The logic of practice. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press. Bulger, S. L. (1996), Performance Management: The Foundation for a High – Performance Organization. National Productivity Review, 1995/96: 101-109.
- Campbell, J. (2004), Institutional Change and Globalization. New Jersey: Princeton.
- Collins, J. C., Porras, J. I. (1994), Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. New York: Harper Business.
- Çatışmayı Önle, Gerginliği Azalt, İstikrarı Yükselt, (1999), Genelkurmay Başkanı Org. Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu ile Söyleşi. Ulusal Strateji, (5): 18-26.
- Çörekçi, A. (2001), Silahlı Kuvvetler’de Yeniden Yapılanma. Ulusal Strateji, 18: 37- 41.
- DiMaggio, P. (1997), Culture and cognition. Annual Review of Sociology, 23: 263- 287.
- DiMaggio, P., Powell, W. (1991), Introduction. W. Powell ve P. DiMaggio, (Der.), The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1-38.
- Erözden, O. (1997), Ulus-Devlet. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi Yayınları.
- Fligstein, N. (1985), The spread of the multidivisional form among large firms, 1919- 1979. American Sociological Review, 50: 377-91.
- Fligstein, N. (1987), The Interorganizational Power Struggle: The Rise of Finance Personel to Top Leadership in Large Corporations, 1919- 1979. American Sociological Review, 52: 44-58.
- Fligstein, N. (1990), The transformation of corporate control. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Fligstein, N. (1997), Social skill and institutional theory. American Behavioral Scientist, 40: 397-405.
- Fligstein, N. (2002), The architecture of markets: an economic sociology of twentyfirst-century capitalist societies. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Friedland, R., Alford, R. (1991), Bringing society back in: Symbols, practices, and institutional contradictions. W. Powell ve P. DiMaggio (Der.), The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 232-26.
- Greenwood, R., Raynard, M., Kodeih, F., Micelotta, E., Lounsbury, M. (2011), Institutional Complexity and Organizational Responses. J. P. Walsh ve A. P. Brief (Der.), Academy of Managament Annals, Vol. 5: 317-371. Essex, UK: Routledge.
- Greenwood, R., Diaz, A. M., Li, S. X., Lorente, J. C. (2010), The Multiplicity of Institutional Logics and The Heterogenity of Organizational Responses. Organization Science, 21(2): 521-539.
- Işıklar, C. (2008), Kamu Hizmeti ve İdari İşlem Alanı Olarak Zorunlu Askerlik. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Hukuku Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
- İnan, A. (1930), Askerlik Vazifesi. İstanbul: Devlet Matbaası.
- Leblebici, H., Salancik, G., Copay, A., King, T. (1991), Institutional change and the transformation of interorganizational history of the U.S. radio broadcasting industry. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36 (3): 333-363.
- Lippi, A. (2000), One Theory, many practises. Institutional allomorphism in the managerialist reorganization of Italian governments. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 16: 455-477.
- Lounsbury, M. (2007), A tale of two cities: Competing logics and practice variation in the professionalizing of mutual funds. Academy of Management Journal, 50(2): 289-307.
- March, J. G., Sutton, R. I. (1997), Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable. Organization Science, 8(6): 698-706.
- Marquis, C., Lounsbury, M. (2007), Vive la resistance: Competing logics and the consolidation of U.S. community banking. Academy of Management Journal, 50(4): 799-820.
- Marquis, C., Glynn, M. A., Davis, G. (2007), Community isomorphism and corporate social action. Academy of Management Review, 32(3): 925-945.
- Mattingly, J., Hall, H. (2008), Who Gets to Decide? The Role of Institutional Logics in Shaping Stakeholder Politics and Insurgency. Business and Society Review, 113(1): 63-89.
- Meyer, J., Scott, R. (1992), Organizational Environments: Ritual and Rationality. London: SAGE.
- Misangyi, V., Weaver, G., Elms, H. (2008), Ending Corruption: The Interplay among Institutional Logics, Resources and Institutional Entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Review, 33(3): 750-770.
- Mizruchi, M., Fein, L. (1999), The social construction of organizational knowledge: A study of the uses of coercive, mimetic, and normative isomorphism. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44: 653-683.
- Özen, Ş., Akkemik, K. Ali. (2012), Does Illegitimate Corporate Behaviour Follow the Forms of Polity? The, Turkish Experience. Journal of Management Studies, 49(3): 515-537.
- Özgen, C. (2006), Türkiye’de Zorunlu Askerlik ve Profesyonel Ordu. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslar arası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
- Pache, A. C., Santos, F. (2013), Inside the Hybrid Organization: Selective Coupling as a Response to Competing Institutional Logics. Academy of Management Journal, 56(4): 972-1001.
- Ramirez, F., Sosyal, Y., Shanahan, S. (1997), The Changing Logic of Political Citizenship: Cross- National Acquisition of Womens’s Suffrage Rights, 1890-1990. American Sociological Review, 62: 735-745.
- Reay, T., Hinings, C. R. (2009), Managing the Rivalry of Competing Institutional Logics. Organization Studies, 30(6): 629-652.
- Sargut, S. (2015), Lider Yöneticinin Benliğine Yolculuk. İstanbul: Beta
- Saxenian, A. (1996), Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Scott, R. (1992), Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- Scott, R. (2001), Institutions and organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
- Scott, R., Ruef, M., Mendel, P., Caronna, C. (2000), Institutional change and healthcare organizations: From professional dominance to managed care. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Sutton, J., Dobbin, F. (1996), The Two Faces of Governance: Responses to Legal Uncertanity in U.S. Firms, 1955 to 1985. American Sociological Review, 61: 794- 811.
- Thornton, P. (2002), The Rise of the Corporation in a Craft Industry: Conflict and Conformity in Institutional Logics. Academy of Management Journal, 45(1): 81-101.
- Thornton, P. (2004), Markets From Culture. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Thornton, P., Ocasio, W. (1999), Institutional Logics and the Historical Contingency of Power in Organizations: Executive Sıccessions in the Higher Education Publishing Industry, 1958 – 1990. American Journal of Sociology, 105(3): 801-843.
- Thornton, P., Ocasio, W. (2008), Institutional logics. R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, R. Suddaby ve K. Sahlin-Andersson (Der.), Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. Thousand Oaks: SAGE, 99-129.
- Thornton P., Ocasio, W., Lounsbury, M. (2012), The Institutional Logics Perspective: A New Approach to Culture, Structure, and Process. New York: Oxford University Press
- Tolbert P., Zucker, L. (1983), Institutional sources of change in the formal structure of organizations: the diffusion of civil service reform, 1880-1935. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28: 22-39.
- Tolbert, P. (1985), Institutional Environments and Resource Dependence: Sources of Administrative Structure in Institutions of Higher Education. Administrative Science Quarterly, 30(1): 1-13.