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65 Yaş ve Üzeri Yaşlı Yatan Hastaların Hasta Tatmininin Değerlendirmesi: İzmir İli Örneği

Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 103 - 138, 01.04.2011


Bu araştırmada, İzmir’de bulunan Sağlık Bakanlığı hastanelerinde yataklı sağlık hizmeti alan yaşlı hastaların hasta tatmin düzeylerini belirlemek, hastaların hasta tatmin düzeylerinin bazı özelliklere göre anlamlı farklılıklar gösterip göstermediğini açıklamak, servis hastalarının hasta tatmininin temel belirleyicilerinin neler olduğunu incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca hastaların hastane genel kalitesi ve servisteki hekimler ve hemşireler arasındaki ekip çalışması düzeyine ilişkin değerlendirmeleri de incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın ham veri seti Sağlık Bakanlığı Performans Yönetimi ve Kalite Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığından temin edilmiştir. Bu veri seti Yataklı Servis Hizmetlerini Değerlendirme Anketi‐Yatan Hasta Araştırma Anketi ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamına alınan hastalar, 23 Temmuz 2007‐ 20 Ağustos 2007 tarihleri arasında kliniklerde sağlık hizmeti almış olan hastalardır. 615 yaşlı hastaya ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda hasta tatmini boyutlarında ortalama skorların 2,71 ile 4,19 arasında değişmekte olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Has‐ tane türüne, hastaların eğitim durumuna, cin‐ siyetine ve yaşına göre genel hasta tatmini düzeyleri arasında anlamlı farklılıklar vardır. Hasta tatmini, hastane genel kalitesi ve serviste‐ ki hekimler ve hemşireler arasındaki ekip çalışması arasında anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü ilişki bulunmuştur.


  • Andaleeb, S. S. (2001), “Service Quality Perceptions and Patient Satisfaction: A Study of Hospital in A Developing Country”, Social Science and Medicine, 52 (9), 1359‐1370.
  • Andaleeb, S. S., N. Siddiqui, S. Khandakar (2007), “Patient Satisfaction With Health Services in Bangladesh”, Health Policy and Planning, 22 (2), 263‐273.
  • Anderson, R., F. Camacho, R. Balkrishnan, (2007), “Willing To Wait?: The Influence of Patient Wait Time on Satisfaction With Primary Care”, BMC Health Services Research, 7: 31 (doi:10.1186/1472‐6963‐7‐31).
  • Ardıç, K. ve T. Baş, (2001) “Sağlık Sektöründe Hizmet Kalitesinin (Müşteri Tatminin Ölçülmesi): Sakarya Doğum ve Çocuk Bakımevi Hastanesinde Bir uygulama”, Bilgi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4: 69‐83.
  • Avis, M., B. Bond, A. Artur, (1995), “Exploring Patient Satisfaction with Out‐Patient Services”, Journal of Nursing Manegement, 3(2), 59‐65.
  • Ayaz, H. ve A. Soykan (2002), “Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Sağlık Sektörü”, Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Psychiatry, 3(1), 19‐26.
  • Bautista, D., E. T Glen, N. K. Shetty, (2007), “Factors Associated with Satisfaction with Care Among Patients With Epilepsy”, Epilepsy and Behavior, 11 (4), 518‐524.
  • Bearden, W. O. ve J. E. Teel (1983), “Selected Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaint Reports”, Journal of Marketing Research, 20, 21‐28.
  • Bendall‐Lyon, D. ve T. L. Powers (2004), “The Impact of Structure and Process Attributes on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Services Marketing, 18(2), 114‐121.
  • Bolton, R. N. ve J. H. Drew (1991) “Multistage Model of Customers Assessment of Service Quality and Value”, Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4), 375‐384.
  • Camacho, F., R. Anderson, A. Safrit, S. Jones, P. Hoffmann, (2006), “The Relationship Between Patient’s Perceived Waiting Time and Office‐Based Practice Satisfaction”, North Carolina Medical Journal, 67(6), 409‐413.
  • Carr‐Hill, A. R. (1992), “The Measurement of Patient Satisfaction”, Journal of Public Health Medicine, 14(3), 236‐249.
  • Cheng, S.; M. Yang ve T. Chiang, (2003), “Patient Satisfaction with and Recommendation Of A Hospital: Effects of Interpersonel and Technical Aspects of Hospital Care”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 5(4), 345‐355.
  • Choi, K., C. Woo‐Hyun, L. Sunhee, L. Hanjoon, ve K. Chankon, (2004), “The Relationships among Quality, Value, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention in Health Care Provider Choice: A South Korean Study”, Journal of Business Research, 57, 913‐921.
  • Christopher, M., A. Payne, D. Ballantyne, (1996), Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Clays Ltd., GB.
  • Churchill, G. A. ve C. Surprenant, (1982), “An Inverstigation into the Determinants of Customer Satisfaction”, Journal of Marketing Research, 19, 491‐504.
  • Crow, R., H. Gage, S. Hampson, J. Hart, A. Kimber, L. Storey ve H. Thomas, (2002), “The Measurement of Satisfaction with Healthcare: Implications for Practice from A Systematic Review of the Literature”, Health Technology Assessment, 6 (32), 1‐ 244.
  • Çatı, K. ve A. Yılmaz (2002), “Hastaların Hastane Hizmetlerinin Kalitesini Algılama Düzeylerinin Ölçümüne Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Pazarlama Dünyası, 16(4), 46‐53.
  • De Man, S., P. Gemmel, P. De Man Stefanielerick, P. Van Rijk ve R. Dierckx (2002), “Patients’ and Personnel’s Perceptions of Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction in Nuclear Medicine”, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 29(9), September, 1109‐1117.
  • Devebakan, N. ve M. Aksaraylı (2003), “Sağlık İşletmelerinde Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesinin Ölçümünde Servqual Skorlarının Kullanımı ve Özel Altınordu Hastanesi Uygulaması”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(1), 38‐ 54.
  • Draper, M., P. Cohen ve H. Buchan, (2001), “Seeking Consumer Views: What Use are Results of Hospital Patient Satisfaction Surveys?”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13 (6), 463‐468.
  • Erbil, N., T. Y. Marangoz, A. Şen ve H. Kılıç (2009), “Kadın Doğum Hastanesinde Hemşirelik Bakımı ile İlgili Hasta Memnuniyeti ve Deneyimlerinin Ölçülmesi”, Türkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst, 19 (3), 122‐130.
  • Ersöz, S., M. Pınarbası, A. K. Türker ve M. Yüzükırmızı (2009), “Hizmet Kalitesinin SERVQUAL Metodu ile Ölçümü ve Sonuçların Yapısal Eşitlik Modelleriyle Analizi: Öğretmen Evi Uygulaması”, Int.J.Eng.Research & Development,1 (1), 19‐27.
  • Fisk, T. A., C.J. Brown, K. Cannizzaro ve B. Naftal, (1990), “Creating Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 10(2), June, 5‐15.
  • Ghobadian, A., S. Speller ve M. Jones, (1994), “Service Quality: Concepts and Models”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 11(9), 43‐ 66.
  • Hair, J., R. Anderson, R. Tatham ve W. Black (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis, 5. Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Hall, J. S. Ve K. C. Dorman (1990), “Patients Osciodemographics as Peredictors of Satisfaction with Medical Care”, Social Science and Medicine, 6, 811‐818.
  • Ham, C. L., W. Johnson, A. Weinstein, R. Plank ve P. L. Johnson, (2003), ”Analyzing the Gap Between Expectations and Perceptions of Service Quality”, International Journal of Value ‐Based Management , 16(2), 197‐203.
  • Hendriks, A., E. M. Smets, M. R. Vrielink, S. VanEs ve J. DeHaes (2006), “Is Personality a Determinant of Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Care?”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 18 (2), 152–158.
  • Huang, J., C. Lai, W. Tsai, R. Weng, W. Hu ve D. Yang (2004), “Determining Factors of Patient Satisfaction for Frequent Users of Emergency Services in a Medical Center”, Journal of Chinical Medical Association, 67(3), 403‐410.
  • Jaipaul, J. K., ve G. E. Rosenthal (2003), “Are Older Patients More Satisfied with Hospital Care Than Younger Patients?” J Gen Internal Med, 18, 23‐30.
  • John, J. (1992), “Patient Satisfaction: The Impact of Past Experience”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 12(3), 56‐64.
  • Kartaloğlu, Ç., H. Harmancı, T. Aytekin ve A. Akdaş, (2002), “Dr. Siyami Ersek Göğüs‐Kalp ve Damar Cerrahi Merkezinde Yatarak Tedavi Gören Hastaların Tatmin Düzeyleri ve Bunu Etkileyen Bazı Faktörler”. IV.Ulusal Sağlık Kuruluşları ve Hastane Yönetimi Sempozyum Kitabı, Eskişehir, 225‐237.
  • Kersnik, J. (2000), “Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Care: Effects of Demographic and Institutional Characteristics”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 12 (2), 143‐147.
  • Kunts, P., ve J. Lemming, (1996), “Managing Service Quality”, London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd. Lovelock, C. H. ve S. George (1996), “Developing Global Strategies for Service Business”, California Management Review, 38 (2), 64‐86.
  • Meterko, M., D. C. Mohr ve G. J.Young, (2004), “Teamwork Culture and Patient Satisfaction in Hospitals”, Medical Care, 42(5), 492‐498.
  • Ofowve, C. E., ve A. N. Ofili (2005), “Indices of Patient Satisfaction in an African Population”, Public Health, 119 (3), 582–586.
  • Oswald, T., L. Sharon, E. Douglas, R. L. Snipes ve D. Butler (1998), “Quality Determinants and Hospital Satisfaction: Perceptions of the Facility and Staff Might Be Key Influencing Factors”, Marketing Health Services, 18 (1), 18‐22.
  • Otani, K. (2004), “The Impact of Nursing Care and Other Healthcare Attributes on Hospitalized Patient Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Healthcare Management, 49 (3), 181‐197.
  • Önsüz, M. F., A. Topuzoğlu, U. C. Cöbek, S. Ertürk, F. Yılmaz ve S. Birol (2008), “İstanbul’da Bir Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesinde Yatan Hastaların Hasta Memnuniyet Düzeyi”, Marmara Medical Journal, 21(1) 33‐49.
  • Parasuraman, A., V. A. Zeithaml ve L. L. Berry (1985), ”A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implicatications for Future Research”, Journal of Marketing, 49 (4): 41‐50
  • Press, I. (2002), Patient Satisfaction: Defining, Measuring and Improving the Experience of Care, Chicago: Health Administration Pres.
  • Quintana, J. M., N. González ve A. Bilbao (2006), “Predictors of Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Health Care”, BMC Health Services Research, 6: 102‐110.
  • Reidenbach, R. E., ve S. Beverly, (1990), “Exploring Perceptions of Hospital Operations by a Modified SERVQUAL Approach”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 10, 47‐55.
  • Robledo, M. A. (2001), “Measuring and Managing Service Quality: Integrating Customer Expectations”, Managing Service Quality, 11(1), 22–31.
  • Royne, S. M. (1996) “Demographic Discriminators of Service Quality in the Banking Industry”, The Journal of Service Marketing, 10(4), 8.
  • Sarp, N. ve B. Tükel (1999), “İbn‐i Sina Hastanesi’nde Hasta Memnuniyeti Araştırması”. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 52: 147‐151.
  • Sitzia, J. ve N. Wood (1997), “Patient Satisfaction: A Review of Issues and Concepts”, Social Science Medicine, 45(12), 1829 –1843.
  • Şahin, B. ve M. Tatar (2006), “Analysis of Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction: Focus on Asthma Patients”, Disease Management and Health Outcomes, 14(3), 171‐183.
  • Taylor S. A. ve J. Cronin (1994), “Modeling Patient Satisfaction and Service Quality”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 14(1), 34‐44.
  • Theodosopoulou, E., V. Raftopoulos, E. Krajewska, I. Wronska, A. Chatzapulu, T. Nikolaos, E. Kotrosiou, T. Paralikas, E. Konstantinou ve G.Tsavelas, (2007), “A Study to Ascertain The Patients’ Satisfaction of the Quality Of Hospitlas Care in Greece Compared with the Patients’ Satisfaction in Poland”, Advances in Medicine Sciences, 52(1), 136‐139.
  • Tütüncü, Ö. (2001), Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Müşteri Tatminin Ölçülmesi. Ankara: Turhan Kitapevi Yayınları.
  • Uyguç, N. (1998) Hizmet Kalitesi Olgusunun Analitik Bir Yaklaşımla İncelenmesi (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Varinli, İ. ve A. Çakır (2004) “Hizmet Kalitesi, Değer, Hasta Tatmini ve Davranışsal Niyetler Arasındaki İlişki ‐Kayseri'de Poliklinik Hastalarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(2), 33‐52.
  • Woodside, A. G., L. L. Frey ve R. T. Daly (1989), “Linking Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 9: 5‐17.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2002), “Ameliyat Öncesi Öğretimin Ameliyat Sonrası Komplikasyonlara ve Hasta Memnuniyetine Etkisi”, Hemşirelik Araştırma Dergisi, 4(1), 40‐51.
  • Young, G. J., M. Materko ve R. K. Desai (2000), “Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Care: Effects of Demographic and Institutional Characteristics”, Medical Care, 38(3), 325‐334.
  • Zeithaml, V. A. (1988), “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality and Value: A Means‐End Model and Synthesis of Evidence”, Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2‐22.
  • Zerenler, M. ve A. Öğüt (2007), “Sağlık Sektöründe Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesi ve Hastane Tercih Nedenleri Araştırması: Konya Örneği”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18: 501‐519.

Assessment of Elderly 65 Age and a Top Inpatients’ Patient Satisfaction: The Example of İzmir Province

Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 103 - 138, 01.04.2011


The purposes of this study are to measure and analyze satisfaction levels of the elderly patients received inpatient health care services from Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health hospitals in İzmir province; to analyze differencies of patient satisfaction by patients’ some socio‐demografic variables, perdictors of inpatient satisfaction. Also perceptions about hospital genarral quality and workteam levels among physicians and nurses in clinics of patients were investigated in this research. The data of the study was obta‐ nied from Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health Performance Management and Quality Imrove‐ ment Department. This data set was gathered by using Evaluation of Inpatient Services Questtion‐ naire‐Inpatient Survey Questionnaire. The patients involved in this study who received health services from hospital clinics in July 23, 2007 ‐ August 20, 2007. 615 patients were reached. It was found at late of study that mean scores of patient satisfaction dimensions are about 2.71 ‐ 4.19. There are significant differnces among perceived patient satisfaction scores of inpatients who used health services in terms of gender, age, hospital type, patient edutaional level. It was explored that there were significant positive correlations among perceived patient satisfaction, hospital general quality and team‐ work leveles of physicians and nurses in clinics.


  • Andaleeb, S. S. (2001), “Service Quality Perceptions and Patient Satisfaction: A Study of Hospital in A Developing Country”, Social Science and Medicine, 52 (9), 1359‐1370.
  • Andaleeb, S. S., N. Siddiqui, S. Khandakar (2007), “Patient Satisfaction With Health Services in Bangladesh”, Health Policy and Planning, 22 (2), 263‐273.
  • Anderson, R., F. Camacho, R. Balkrishnan, (2007), “Willing To Wait?: The Influence of Patient Wait Time on Satisfaction With Primary Care”, BMC Health Services Research, 7: 31 (doi:10.1186/1472‐6963‐7‐31).
  • Ardıç, K. ve T. Baş, (2001) “Sağlık Sektöründe Hizmet Kalitesinin (Müşteri Tatminin Ölçülmesi): Sakarya Doğum ve Çocuk Bakımevi Hastanesinde Bir uygulama”, Bilgi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4: 69‐83.
  • Avis, M., B. Bond, A. Artur, (1995), “Exploring Patient Satisfaction with Out‐Patient Services”, Journal of Nursing Manegement, 3(2), 59‐65.
  • Ayaz, H. ve A. Soykan (2002), “Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Sağlık Sektörü”, Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Psychiatry, 3(1), 19‐26.
  • Bautista, D., E. T Glen, N. K. Shetty, (2007), “Factors Associated with Satisfaction with Care Among Patients With Epilepsy”, Epilepsy and Behavior, 11 (4), 518‐524.
  • Bearden, W. O. ve J. E. Teel (1983), “Selected Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaint Reports”, Journal of Marketing Research, 20, 21‐28.
  • Bendall‐Lyon, D. ve T. L. Powers (2004), “The Impact of Structure and Process Attributes on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Services Marketing, 18(2), 114‐121.
  • Bolton, R. N. ve J. H. Drew (1991) “Multistage Model of Customers Assessment of Service Quality and Value”, Journal of Consumer Research, 17(4), 375‐384.
  • Camacho, F., R. Anderson, A. Safrit, S. Jones, P. Hoffmann, (2006), “The Relationship Between Patient’s Perceived Waiting Time and Office‐Based Practice Satisfaction”, North Carolina Medical Journal, 67(6), 409‐413.
  • Carr‐Hill, A. R. (1992), “The Measurement of Patient Satisfaction”, Journal of Public Health Medicine, 14(3), 236‐249.
  • Cheng, S.; M. Yang ve T. Chiang, (2003), “Patient Satisfaction with and Recommendation Of A Hospital: Effects of Interpersonel and Technical Aspects of Hospital Care”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 5(4), 345‐355.
  • Choi, K., C. Woo‐Hyun, L. Sunhee, L. Hanjoon, ve K. Chankon, (2004), “The Relationships among Quality, Value, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention in Health Care Provider Choice: A South Korean Study”, Journal of Business Research, 57, 913‐921.
  • Christopher, M., A. Payne, D. Ballantyne, (1996), Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Clays Ltd., GB.
  • Churchill, G. A. ve C. Surprenant, (1982), “An Inverstigation into the Determinants of Customer Satisfaction”, Journal of Marketing Research, 19, 491‐504.
  • Crow, R., H. Gage, S. Hampson, J. Hart, A. Kimber, L. Storey ve H. Thomas, (2002), “The Measurement of Satisfaction with Healthcare: Implications for Practice from A Systematic Review of the Literature”, Health Technology Assessment, 6 (32), 1‐ 244.
  • Çatı, K. ve A. Yılmaz (2002), “Hastaların Hastane Hizmetlerinin Kalitesini Algılama Düzeylerinin Ölçümüne Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Pazarlama Dünyası, 16(4), 46‐53.
  • De Man, S., P. Gemmel, P. De Man Stefanielerick, P. Van Rijk ve R. Dierckx (2002), “Patients’ and Personnel’s Perceptions of Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction in Nuclear Medicine”, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 29(9), September, 1109‐1117.
  • Devebakan, N. ve M. Aksaraylı (2003), “Sağlık İşletmelerinde Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesinin Ölçümünde Servqual Skorlarının Kullanımı ve Özel Altınordu Hastanesi Uygulaması”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(1), 38‐ 54.
  • Draper, M., P. Cohen ve H. Buchan, (2001), “Seeking Consumer Views: What Use are Results of Hospital Patient Satisfaction Surveys?”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13 (6), 463‐468.
  • Erbil, N., T. Y. Marangoz, A. Şen ve H. Kılıç (2009), “Kadın Doğum Hastanesinde Hemşirelik Bakımı ile İlgili Hasta Memnuniyeti ve Deneyimlerinin Ölçülmesi”, Türkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst, 19 (3), 122‐130.
  • Ersöz, S., M. Pınarbası, A. K. Türker ve M. Yüzükırmızı (2009), “Hizmet Kalitesinin SERVQUAL Metodu ile Ölçümü ve Sonuçların Yapısal Eşitlik Modelleriyle Analizi: Öğretmen Evi Uygulaması”, Int.J.Eng.Research & Development,1 (1), 19‐27.
  • Fisk, T. A., C.J. Brown, K. Cannizzaro ve B. Naftal, (1990), “Creating Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 10(2), June, 5‐15.
  • Ghobadian, A., S. Speller ve M. Jones, (1994), “Service Quality: Concepts and Models”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 11(9), 43‐ 66.
  • Hair, J., R. Anderson, R. Tatham ve W. Black (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis, 5. Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Hall, J. S. Ve K. C. Dorman (1990), “Patients Osciodemographics as Peredictors of Satisfaction with Medical Care”, Social Science and Medicine, 6, 811‐818.
  • Ham, C. L., W. Johnson, A. Weinstein, R. Plank ve P. L. Johnson, (2003), ”Analyzing the Gap Between Expectations and Perceptions of Service Quality”, International Journal of Value ‐Based Management , 16(2), 197‐203.
  • Hendriks, A., E. M. Smets, M. R. Vrielink, S. VanEs ve J. DeHaes (2006), “Is Personality a Determinant of Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Care?”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 18 (2), 152–158.
  • Huang, J., C. Lai, W. Tsai, R. Weng, W. Hu ve D. Yang (2004), “Determining Factors of Patient Satisfaction for Frequent Users of Emergency Services in a Medical Center”, Journal of Chinical Medical Association, 67(3), 403‐410.
  • Jaipaul, J. K., ve G. E. Rosenthal (2003), “Are Older Patients More Satisfied with Hospital Care Than Younger Patients?” J Gen Internal Med, 18, 23‐30.
  • John, J. (1992), “Patient Satisfaction: The Impact of Past Experience”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 12(3), 56‐64.
  • Kartaloğlu, Ç., H. Harmancı, T. Aytekin ve A. Akdaş, (2002), “Dr. Siyami Ersek Göğüs‐Kalp ve Damar Cerrahi Merkezinde Yatarak Tedavi Gören Hastaların Tatmin Düzeyleri ve Bunu Etkileyen Bazı Faktörler”. IV.Ulusal Sağlık Kuruluşları ve Hastane Yönetimi Sempozyum Kitabı, Eskişehir, 225‐237.
  • Kersnik, J. (2000), “Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Care: Effects of Demographic and Institutional Characteristics”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 12 (2), 143‐147.
  • Kunts, P., ve J. Lemming, (1996), “Managing Service Quality”, London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd. Lovelock, C. H. ve S. George (1996), “Developing Global Strategies for Service Business”, California Management Review, 38 (2), 64‐86.
  • Meterko, M., D. C. Mohr ve G. J.Young, (2004), “Teamwork Culture and Patient Satisfaction in Hospitals”, Medical Care, 42(5), 492‐498.
  • Ofowve, C. E., ve A. N. Ofili (2005), “Indices of Patient Satisfaction in an African Population”, Public Health, 119 (3), 582–586.
  • Oswald, T., L. Sharon, E. Douglas, R. L. Snipes ve D. Butler (1998), “Quality Determinants and Hospital Satisfaction: Perceptions of the Facility and Staff Might Be Key Influencing Factors”, Marketing Health Services, 18 (1), 18‐22.
  • Otani, K. (2004), “The Impact of Nursing Care and Other Healthcare Attributes on Hospitalized Patient Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Healthcare Management, 49 (3), 181‐197.
  • Önsüz, M. F., A. Topuzoğlu, U. C. Cöbek, S. Ertürk, F. Yılmaz ve S. Birol (2008), “İstanbul’da Bir Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesinde Yatan Hastaların Hasta Memnuniyet Düzeyi”, Marmara Medical Journal, 21(1) 33‐49.
  • Parasuraman, A., V. A. Zeithaml ve L. L. Berry (1985), ”A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implicatications for Future Research”, Journal of Marketing, 49 (4): 41‐50
  • Press, I. (2002), Patient Satisfaction: Defining, Measuring and Improving the Experience of Care, Chicago: Health Administration Pres.
  • Quintana, J. M., N. González ve A. Bilbao (2006), “Predictors of Patient Satisfaction with Hospital Health Care”, BMC Health Services Research, 6: 102‐110.
  • Reidenbach, R. E., ve S. Beverly, (1990), “Exploring Perceptions of Hospital Operations by a Modified SERVQUAL Approach”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 10, 47‐55.
  • Robledo, M. A. (2001), “Measuring and Managing Service Quality: Integrating Customer Expectations”, Managing Service Quality, 11(1), 22–31.
  • Royne, S. M. (1996) “Demographic Discriminators of Service Quality in the Banking Industry”, The Journal of Service Marketing, 10(4), 8.
  • Sarp, N. ve B. Tükel (1999), “İbn‐i Sina Hastanesi’nde Hasta Memnuniyeti Araştırması”. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 52: 147‐151.
  • Sitzia, J. ve N. Wood (1997), “Patient Satisfaction: A Review of Issues and Concepts”, Social Science Medicine, 45(12), 1829 –1843.
  • Şahin, B. ve M. Tatar (2006), “Analysis of Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction: Focus on Asthma Patients”, Disease Management and Health Outcomes, 14(3), 171‐183.
  • Taylor S. A. ve J. Cronin (1994), “Modeling Patient Satisfaction and Service Quality”, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 14(1), 34‐44.
  • Theodosopoulou, E., V. Raftopoulos, E. Krajewska, I. Wronska, A. Chatzapulu, T. Nikolaos, E. Kotrosiou, T. Paralikas, E. Konstantinou ve G.Tsavelas, (2007), “A Study to Ascertain The Patients’ Satisfaction of the Quality Of Hospitlas Care in Greece Compared with the Patients’ Satisfaction in Poland”, Advances in Medicine Sciences, 52(1), 136‐139.
  • Tütüncü, Ö. (2001), Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Müşteri Tatminin Ölçülmesi. Ankara: Turhan Kitapevi Yayınları.
  • Uyguç, N. (1998) Hizmet Kalitesi Olgusunun Analitik Bir Yaklaşımla İncelenmesi (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Varinli, İ. ve A. Çakır (2004) “Hizmet Kalitesi, Değer, Hasta Tatmini ve Davranışsal Niyetler Arasındaki İlişki ‐Kayseri'de Poliklinik Hastalarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(2), 33‐52.
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There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Top This is me

Menderes Tarcan This is me

Sabahattin Tekingündüz This is me

Hasan Güler This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Top, M., Tarcan, M., Tekingündüz, S., Güler, H. (2011). 65 Yaş ve Üzeri Yaşlı Yatan Hastaların Hasta Tatmininin Değerlendirmesi: İzmir İli Örneği. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 103-138.