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Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu

Year 2008, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 103 - 123, 30.06.2008


Bu calısmanın amacı, ufalanmıs minerallerin tane seklini kantitatif olarak karakterize etmek ve tane sekli uzerine cevher olusum tipi ve tane boyutunun etkisini arastırmaktır. Bu amac doğrultusunda, goruntu analiz tekniği kullanılarak tane sekli yuvarlaklık, puruzluluk ve uzunluk oranı tanımlarıyla karakterize edilmistir. Tanelerin kantitatif karakterizasyonu Leco 2001 Otomatik goruntu analizörü kullanılarak gerceklestirilmistir. Ufalama aleti olarak ceneli kırcı, cevher olarak da farklı olusum gosteren bes kromit cevheri (Bantlı, Dereboyu, Kef, Lasir ve Yunuskuyu) calısmalarda kullanılmıstır. Sonuclar tane boyutunun fonksiyonu olarak sunulmustur. Aynı ufalama cihazında kırılan cevherlerin tane seklinin cevherin olusum tipine ve tane boyutuna bağlı olduğu bulunmustur. Ayrıca her tane sekil parametresi icin ceneli kırıcıda tum cevherleri kapsayan genel eğilim grafikleri elde edilmistir.


  • [1] Meloy, T.P., “Geometry for characterizing fractured particle shape”, Powder Technology, 55, 285-291, 1980.
  • [2] Tang, S., McFarlane, C.M., Paul, G.C. and Thomas, C.R., “Characterizing latex particles and fractal aggregates using image analysis”, Colloid P. Sci. 277, 325-333, 1999.
  • [3] Kaye, B. H, Junkala, J. And Clark, G. G., “Domain plotting as a technique for summarizing fine particle shape, Texture and Size Information”, Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 15, 180-190, 1998.
  • [4] Podzeck, F., “A shape factor to assess the shape of particles using image analysis”, Powder Technology, 93, 47-53, 1997.
  • [5] Pons, M.N., Vivier, H., Belaroui, K., Bernard-Michael, B., Cordier, F. and Oulhana, D., “Particle morphology: from visualisation to measurement”, Powder Tech., 103, 44-57, 1999.
  • [6] Frances, C., Bolay, N. L., Belaroui, K., and Pons, M. N., “Particle morphology of ground gibbsite in different grinding environments”, Int. J. Min. Proc., 61, 41-56, 2001
  • [7] Kaya, E., Hogg. R., and Kumar, S.R., “Particle shape modification in comminution”, KONA, No 20, 2002.
  • [8] Oliver, J.F., Huh, C. ve Mason, S.G., “An experimental study of some effects of solid surface roughness on wetting”. Colloids Surf. 1, 79–104, 1980.
  • [9] Oja, M. and Tuunila, R., “The Influence of cominution method to particle shape”, Proceedings of the XXI International Mineral Processing Congress, C4, 64-70, 2000.
  • [10] Meloy, T.P. and Clark, N.N., Modern shape analysis: Its meaning, relevance and problems”, Advances in Mineral Processing, A Half of Progress in Aplication of Theory to Practice, New Orleans, Lousiana, March 3-5, 67-79, 1986.
  • [11] Durney, T. E., Meloy, T.P., “Particle shape effects due to crushing method and size”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 16, 109-123, 1986.
  • [12] Ferlund, J. M. R., “The effect of particle form on sieve analysis: a test by image analysis”, Engineering Geology, 50, 111-124, 1998.
  • [13] Forssberg, E. and Zhai, H., “Shape and surface properties of particles liberated by autogenous grinding”, Scand. J. Metallurgy, 1, 14, 25-32, 1985.
  • [14] Hiçyılmaz, C. Bilgen, S., Akdoğan, G., Ulusoy, U., “Role of shape and morphological properties of particles on floatability-pyrite example”, Balkan Kongresi, 26-30 Mayıs, Varta Dornei, Romanya, 127-133, 1997.
  • [15] Ulusoy, U., Hiçyılmaz, C., ve Yekeler, M., “Role of shape properties of calcite and barite particles on apparent hydrophobicity”, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 43, 1047–1053, 2004.
  • [16] Ulusoy, U., Yekeler, M., ve Hiçyılmaz, C., Kalsit mineralinin sekil, pürüzlülük ve ıslanabilirliğinin karakterizasyonu”, Madencilik, 11-24, 2004,
  • [17] Hiçyılmaz, C., Ulusoy, U., and Yekeler, M., “Flotation responses to the morphological properties of particles measured with three-dimensional approach”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 75, 229-239, 2005.
  • [18] Kaya, E., Kumar, S.R. and Hogg, R., “Particle shape characterization using ımage analysis technique”, Chancing Scopes in Mineral Processing, Kemal,Arslan,Akar& Canbazoğlu (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 47-52, 1996.
  • [19] Tsubaki. J. and Jimbo, G., “A Proposed new characterization of particle shape and its application”, Powder Technology, 22, 161-169, 1979.
  • [20] Holt, C.B., “The shape of particles produced by comminution: A Review”, Powder Technology, 59-63, 1981.
  • [21] Ulusoy, U., Hiçyılmaz, C., ve Yekeler, M., “Determination of the shape, morphological and wettability properties of quartz and their correlations”, Minerals Engineering, 951–964, 2003.
  • [22] Hiçyılmaz, C., Ulusoy, U., and Yekeler, M., “Effects of the shape properties of talc and quartz particles on the wettability based separation processes”, Applied Surface Science, 233, 204–212, 2004.
  • [23] Yekeler, M., Ulusoy, A., ve Hiçyılmaz, C., “Effect of particle shape and roughness of talc mineral ground by different mills on the wettability and floatability”, Powder Technology, 140, 68– 78, 2004.
  • [24] Hosten, Ç., ve Özbay, C., “A Comparison of particle bed breakage and rod mill grindıng with regard to mineral liberation and particle shape effects”, Minerals Enginering, Vol.11, No.9, 871-874, 1998.
  • [25] Tasdemir, A., Görüntü analizi yöntemi ile ufalanmıs minerallerin tane sekil karakterizasyonu, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, 2005.
  • [26] Leco 2001 Image Analysis System Operator’s Manual, 1992.

Particle Shape Characterization Of Chromites Commiınuted In Jaw Crusher

Year 2008, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 103 - 123, 30.06.2008


The aim of this study is to characterize the shape of comminuted

mineral particles quantitatively and to determine the effects of ore characteristics

and particle size on particle shape. Particle shape is characterized as roundness,

roughness and aspect ratio definitions by using image analysis technique. The

quantitative characterization of particles is achieved by using Leco 2001 automatic

image analyzer. Jaw crusher is used as comminution machine and five types of

chromite ores bedded differently (Bantlı, Dereboyu, Kef, Lasir and Yunuskuyu) were

used in the studies. The results are given as a function of particle size. It was found

that particle shape of ores comminuted in same device was dependent on type of ore

and particle size. Futhermore, general trend graphics for each particle shape

parameter in jaw crusher were obtained.


  • [1] Meloy, T.P., “Geometry for characterizing fractured particle shape”, Powder Technology, 55, 285-291, 1980.
  • [2] Tang, S., McFarlane, C.M., Paul, G.C. and Thomas, C.R., “Characterizing latex particles and fractal aggregates using image analysis”, Colloid P. Sci. 277, 325-333, 1999.
  • [3] Kaye, B. H, Junkala, J. And Clark, G. G., “Domain plotting as a technique for summarizing fine particle shape, Texture and Size Information”, Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 15, 180-190, 1998.
  • [4] Podzeck, F., “A shape factor to assess the shape of particles using image analysis”, Powder Technology, 93, 47-53, 1997.
  • [5] Pons, M.N., Vivier, H., Belaroui, K., Bernard-Michael, B., Cordier, F. and Oulhana, D., “Particle morphology: from visualisation to measurement”, Powder Tech., 103, 44-57, 1999.
  • [6] Frances, C., Bolay, N. L., Belaroui, K., and Pons, M. N., “Particle morphology of ground gibbsite in different grinding environments”, Int. J. Min. Proc., 61, 41-56, 2001
  • [7] Kaya, E., Hogg. R., and Kumar, S.R., “Particle shape modification in comminution”, KONA, No 20, 2002.
  • [8] Oliver, J.F., Huh, C. ve Mason, S.G., “An experimental study of some effects of solid surface roughness on wetting”. Colloids Surf. 1, 79–104, 1980.
  • [9] Oja, M. and Tuunila, R., “The Influence of cominution method to particle shape”, Proceedings of the XXI International Mineral Processing Congress, C4, 64-70, 2000.
  • [10] Meloy, T.P. and Clark, N.N., Modern shape analysis: Its meaning, relevance and problems”, Advances in Mineral Processing, A Half of Progress in Aplication of Theory to Practice, New Orleans, Lousiana, March 3-5, 67-79, 1986.
  • [11] Durney, T. E., Meloy, T.P., “Particle shape effects due to crushing method and size”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 16, 109-123, 1986.
  • [12] Ferlund, J. M. R., “The effect of particle form on sieve analysis: a test by image analysis”, Engineering Geology, 50, 111-124, 1998.
  • [13] Forssberg, E. and Zhai, H., “Shape and surface properties of particles liberated by autogenous grinding”, Scand. J. Metallurgy, 1, 14, 25-32, 1985.
  • [14] Hiçyılmaz, C. Bilgen, S., Akdoğan, G., Ulusoy, U., “Role of shape and morphological properties of particles on floatability-pyrite example”, Balkan Kongresi, 26-30 Mayıs, Varta Dornei, Romanya, 127-133, 1997.
  • [15] Ulusoy, U., Hiçyılmaz, C., ve Yekeler, M., “Role of shape properties of calcite and barite particles on apparent hydrophobicity”, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 43, 1047–1053, 2004.
  • [16] Ulusoy, U., Yekeler, M., ve Hiçyılmaz, C., Kalsit mineralinin sekil, pürüzlülük ve ıslanabilirliğinin karakterizasyonu”, Madencilik, 11-24, 2004,
  • [17] Hiçyılmaz, C., Ulusoy, U., and Yekeler, M., “Flotation responses to the morphological properties of particles measured with three-dimensional approach”, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 75, 229-239, 2005.
  • [18] Kaya, E., Kumar, S.R. and Hogg, R., “Particle shape characterization using ımage analysis technique”, Chancing Scopes in Mineral Processing, Kemal,Arslan,Akar& Canbazoğlu (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 47-52, 1996.
  • [19] Tsubaki. J. and Jimbo, G., “A Proposed new characterization of particle shape and its application”, Powder Technology, 22, 161-169, 1979.
  • [20] Holt, C.B., “The shape of particles produced by comminution: A Review”, Powder Technology, 59-63, 1981.
  • [21] Ulusoy, U., Hiçyılmaz, C., ve Yekeler, M., “Determination of the shape, morphological and wettability properties of quartz and their correlations”, Minerals Engineering, 951–964, 2003.
  • [22] Hiçyılmaz, C., Ulusoy, U., and Yekeler, M., “Effects of the shape properties of talc and quartz particles on the wettability based separation processes”, Applied Surface Science, 233, 204–212, 2004.
  • [23] Yekeler, M., Ulusoy, A., ve Hiçyılmaz, C., “Effect of particle shape and roughness of talc mineral ground by different mills on the wettability and floatability”, Powder Technology, 140, 68– 78, 2004.
  • [24] Hosten, Ç., ve Özbay, C., “A Comparison of particle bed breakage and rod mill grindıng with regard to mineral liberation and particle shape effects”, Minerals Enginering, Vol.11, No.9, 871-874, 1998.
  • [25] Tasdemir, A., Görüntü analizi yöntemi ile ufalanmıs minerallerin tane sekil karakterizasyonu, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, 2005.
  • [26] Leco 2001 Image Analysis System Operator’s Manual, 1992.
There are 26 citations in total.


Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Adem Taşdemir

Bahri Öteyaka This is me

Hüseyin Özdağ This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2008
Acceptance Date June 29, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


APA Taşdemir, A., Öteyaka, B., & Özdağ, H. (2008). Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 103-123.
AMA Taşdemir A, Öteyaka B, Özdağ H. Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. June 2008;21(1):103-123.
Chicago Taşdemir, Adem, Bahri Öteyaka, and Hüseyin Özdağ. “Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 21, no. 1 (June 2008): 103-23.
EndNote Taşdemir A, Öteyaka B, Özdağ H (June 1, 2008) Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 21 1 103–123.
IEEE A. Taşdemir, B. Öteyaka, and H. Özdağ, “Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu”, ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 103–123, 2008.
ISNAD Taşdemir, Adem et al. “Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 21/1 (June 2008), 103-123.
JAMA Taşdemir A, Öteyaka B, Özdağ H. Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. 2008;21:103–123.
MLA Taşdemir, Adem et al. “Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 1, 2008, pp. 103-2.
Vancouver Taşdemir A, Öteyaka B, Özdağ H. Çeneli Kırıcıda Ufalanan Kromitlerin Tane Sekil Karakterizasyonu. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. 2008;21(1):103-2.

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