Adsorpiion ofNOj m packed colvmııs 'was investigaîed by îising beıge sepioliîe
and regenerated belge sepioliSe as adsorbents. For ihis purpose, NO: was produced by reacting
copper with nitı'ic acid The prochiced gas was mixed \viîh air and îhe mixture . was sent to a
packed colvmn.. Remainmg NO: wthın fhe gas mıxfure leavmg îhe column uiîadsorbed on
packfng, \vc{s furthef absorbed by passmg it fhroiigh a series ofgas washmg boffles fılîeü \vifh the
soiufson ofNaOH. The amount of N0^ in fhe absorpUon solution \vas determined by photometrıc
method. The resulîs \vere phtted.