Ne» walw-soluble potymers of polyelectrolyle nalure have bern
obtained on the teü o/ acrylic acid, propylme oxide. epıchhrohydrm and vaı-ious
ammes as well as ıheir dematives mlh ıhe aid of reaclions of potymemation,
copoiymmsatıo^ o-cypropylation, chloro-cypropylaUon, neutrali:ation~~"a'nd
î"T''. "T"°"; w"h r<!sf"!ct'""" chc"'se ofPoly""-rcham. synlhesKed polynu-rs may
differenl mılııre, i. e. they may be amom-aclive, cationo'-active oraniom-catiom
active. Compositioıı and stnıclure ofthe obtained polyeleclrolytes have been'identif,
by variovs complex physico-chemical methods.