A-RestIe. J-c0^ a"d P. AIbrecht. "Occurrence ^d-foTtion oft,ri<:yclicandtetracyclic terPanes m sediments-andpeü'oîeum^:"'İn'MC ^OTZLP:A!bereSht\c;, comford'K-deGroot- a EEli°ton"et alJJv^T^ .'^ geochemislry, 1981, Wiley, p. 659-667, 1983. " " ' "' ~"" />
Research Article
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Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî

Year 1999, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 58 - 76, 30.06.1999


Zey-1 ve 'iey-2 kmvlarmdaki Koraboğaz formasyonmun jeotimyasal özellikleri
falifilmifl:r Kuyulardaki Karabogaz formasyonundan almaıı örneklerden yapılan organik
jeokimyasal analizler yardımıyla birimin kaynak kaya potaılsiyeline yönelik parametreler re
değişimleri saplanmıştır. Bu amaçla 3 adet Toplam organik karbon, 3 adet f'iroliz, her
kuyudan l' er Ozvtleme, ince kolon kromatografisi. Kolon kromatagrafisi. Gaz h-omalogra/lsi
analizleri ve Zey-I kuyıısmdan I adet Gaz h-omatograjîsi-Külte spektrometresi analizi
somıcumla Tuplam Organik Karbon (TOK) degerlermin 1. 18-1. 75 arasinda, Tmca. 'm 437-441
V. Hl 166-1011 mgHC/gCorg arasinda değiştiği ve birimin genel oiarat TİP Ildenize! organik
madde içerdiği ve olgun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Orgmrik madde miktar:. organik madde tipi ve
olgunlaşma düzeyi cıçısmdm ayrıntılı olarak degerlendirllen Karatogaz formasyonunun İyi bir
kaynak kaya putansiyeîme sahip olduğu saptanmîşîır.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Organik Jeokimya. Kaynak Kaya. Pirola, GC, GC-MS


  • [l] B.Tissot. and D. Welte, "Petroleum fomıalion and occun-ence" , second edition. Springer-Verlag, 699 p, 1984. ' -.--..
  • [2] A.B. Ronov, "Organic carbon in sedimentary rocks" (in relation to presence of petroleum), No. 5, p. 510-536, 1958.
  • %?'M' Jr' Gehman- "°rS- mat.in limestones", Geo. Cos. Açta, Vol. 26, p.885-897, 1962.
  • l4] P-H. Welte, "Relation bet. pet. and source rock", AAPG, Vol. 49, p. 2246-2267, , ?, ^M'., H"?'.. "J!"L("?8!" of Petroleum i" carbonate rocks", in O.V. chilingar,
  • H JBissel and R.W. Farbridges eds, Carbonate Rocks, N.York. Elsevier, p.225-25] 1967.
  • [6] E.J. Ebukanson, and R.R.F. Kinghron., "Oil and gas accumulations and their possible source rock in southem Englaııd", J.of I'el. Geoİogy, Vol.9 No. 4, p.4-13-428,
  • [7] C. Soylu, H. İztan, B. Harput, İ. H. ÎIleez, T. Tekin, "Adıyaman bölgesinde bulunan Kretase yaşlı birimlerin petrol lüriün pol. " TPAO Rap No . 3375, 180 s., 1993.
  • [8] C.G.J. Demaison and Moore, G.T., "Anoxic environments and oil source bed genesıs" , AAPG BulL, C. 64, No 8, p. l 179-1203, 1980.
  • [9]^ G.R.Heath, T.C. Moore and J.P. Dauphin, "Org.Car.in deep-sea sed.-in
  • R^Andersen (Ed.), The fate offossil fuel CO, in the oceans : plenuem press", N.Yorlc,' îln1lc soylu' "petrol aramacılığında org. jeokimya" TPAO Arm. R. No. 3345, p. 106,
  • [U] B. P. Tissot, B. Durand, J. Espitalie and A. Cambaz, "Influence ofthe nature and diagenesis oforganic matteı in formation ofpet. ", AAPG fiu//., VoL58, p.499-506, 1974.
  • H 2] J. Espitalie, J.L. La Porte, M. Madec, F. Marquis, P. Leplal, J. Paulet and A.. Boutefeu, "Methode rapide de characterisation des roches meres de lcur potentiaİ petroller et de kur degre d'evolution". rev. ınsl. fran. pet.,\oî3'i, p. 23-42, 1977.
  • [13] F.F. Langford and M.M. Blanc-Valleron. /'tnterpreting Rock Ev. Pyr. data sing graphs of pyrolizable hydrocarbons u.s. total ors". Car. AAPG Bul, Vol.74, p. 799-804, 1990.
  • [14] J.M. Hunt, "Petroleum geoch. and geo. " W.H.Freeman co., sanfransisco. 617 p., 1979.
  • [15] P. AIbrecht, M. Vanderbroucke and M. Mandengue, "Geochemical studies on the org. Mat, from the Douala Basin (Cameroon) part l" : Evoiution of the extractable orgaııicmatterandtheformationofpet. GeocAf'm. Cos. Açta., Vo'l.40, p. 791-799, 1976.
  • [16] E.E. Bray and E.D. Evans, "Distribution ofn-paraffins as a clue to recognilion of soureebeds". Geochim. Cosmochim. Açta, Vol. 22, p.2-15, İ961.
  • [17} B. Tissot, R. Pelet, J. Rouccache and A. Combaz, "UlilisatioM des alcams comme fossiles geochımiyues des enviroanemenls geologiaues". in. Advances in organic geochemislry 1975. Combos, R and Goni, J. (eds), Madrid, 1977.
  • [18] J. G. Palacas, D.E. Anders and J.D. King, "South Florida basin-a prime example of carbonate sourcc rocks of petroleum" : in petrolcum geochemistry and source rock potential ofcarbonate rocks : AAPG Studies in gc'ology, VoL l 8, p.71 -96, 1984.
  • [19] H. Gooseas, J. W. De Leeuw, P. A. Schenk and S. C. Brassel, "Tocopherols as likely precurcors ofpristane in andent scd.and emde oils" Nal., Vol. 312, p. 440-442, 1984.
  • [20] G.T. Powell and D.M.Mckirday., "Relationship between ratio of pr. to phytane, emde oil composiiion and geo. env. ", m Australia: Nat.phy. selence, Voi. 243, p. 37-39, 1973. ' - ^ ^. ... --. -, . -... -. -, r.-. -. -,
  • [21] J.M. Moldowan, W.K. Seifert and E.J.Gallegos, "Relationship betn'een pet. Comp. and depositional env. ofpet. source rocks" AAPG Bu!., Vol.69 p. 1255-1268, 1985.
  • [22] D. E. Anders and W. E. Robinson, "Cycloalkane constıtuents of bitumens from Green River Shale" Oeochim. Cosmochim. Açta, Vol. 35, p. 661-678, 1971.
  • [23] F.R. Aquino Neto, A. Restle, J.Connan, P. Albrecht and G. Oumsson, "Novel tricyclic terpanes (Cıı-Czo) in sed. and pet. ", Tetrahedron Lelters. Vol. 23. p.2027- 2030. 1982.
  • [24LF^Aqu"lo. Neto'..-'-M' Trendel> A-RestIe. J-c0^ a"d P. AIbrecht. "Occurrence ^d-foTtion oft,ri<:yclicandtetracyclic terPanes m sediments-andpeü'oîeum^:"'İn'MC ^OTZLP:A!bereSht\c;, comford'K-deGroot- a EEli°ton"et alJJv^T^ .'^ geochemislry, 1981, Wiley, p. 659-667, 1983. " " ' "' ~"
  • [25LJ'M. Moldowan- W'K-seifert and EJ- Galle8°s, "Indentification of an extended senes ol tncyclıc terpanes in petroleum", Geo. Cos. Ada, Vol. 47, p. 1531-1534, İ983.
  • K^SXS:Extended hop"es up to C4° in thom'on bitufflen"' l271 A's'- Ma<:kenzie' "Applications of biomarkers in petroieunı geochemistrv-". ^mW'" ol'san":s eochemis'ry'V OUEdJ .B"'°I",D .WeIteAcademirpres7, "pTi'5^
  • [28]A^MackTie' s:c-,Baren-se'. G. Eglinton, J.R. Maxwell, "Chemical fossils : The ıgıcal fate ofsteroids" science 1982, Vol. 217, p.491-505, 1982. - -" -"~" ' "'
  • [29]Y. W. Huang, W. G._Meinschein, "Sterols as ccologica! indicators", Geochimica et cosmoc/!m;ca^cto, 1979, Vol. 43, p. 739-745, 1979. " -- ... .
  • PO]^W.K. Seifert, M J. Moldowan, "Paleoreconstnıction by biological markers" 'ochimıcaetcosmochimicaActa, W.. 45, p. 783-794, 198!.
  • [31.1J-W^HUa"8' w:°'. Me"'''<;hei", ;-SteroIs as source indicatore of organik materials in seaıments", (jeochimica el cosmochimica Açta, 1976, Vol. 40, p. 323-330, 1976.
  • £2,]İESP!taIIe: J;.G-Der00 and F- M"quis.,"La pyrolyse Rock-EvaI et ses applications" Kmt l'I"s""" Fra"c"is dupet- VOL40, P. 563-'579, 755-784',' VoL4irp"?3t'-'89"l'98'5-
  • Q3,J,W'G' Dow- "Kerogcn studies and geo. interpretations", J. Pet £ç?., Vol. 7, p. 79-99, 1977.
  • p4 LaT:..I'hilippi' "on the. depth-time i"ld mechanism of peıroleum generation", um. co.tBiocA;mac(a, Vol. 29, p. l021-1049. 1965. " -- c,--..-,
  • L35LW;K_-seifert. and J'M- . MOI<i<>Tn, -AppIication of sterans, terpanes aı.d monoaraomatıcs to the^ maturation, migration aııd souece of crude oils",' Geochim. ı, Vol. 42, p. 77-95, 1978. - ---, -.-....,..
  • [36] A. S. Mackenzie, R.L. Patiance, J.R. Maxwell, M. Vanderbroucke and B. Durand, "Molecular parametıes of maturation in the Toarcian shales, Paris Basin, France-1. Changes in the confıguration of acyclic isoprenoid alkanes, steranes and triterpanes" Geochim. Cosmochim Açta, Vol. 44, p. 1709-1721, 1980.
Year 1999, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 58 - 76, 30.06.1999



  • [l] B.Tissot. and D. Welte, "Petroleum fomıalion and occun-ence" , second edition. Springer-Verlag, 699 p, 1984. ' -.--..
  • [2] A.B. Ronov, "Organic carbon in sedimentary rocks" (in relation to presence of petroleum), No. 5, p. 510-536, 1958.
  • %?'M' Jr' Gehman- "°rS- mat.in limestones", Geo. Cos. Açta, Vol. 26, p.885-897, 1962.
  • l4] P-H. Welte, "Relation bet. pet. and source rock", AAPG, Vol. 49, p. 2246-2267, , ?, ^M'., H"?'.. "J!"L("?8!" of Petroleum i" carbonate rocks", in O.V. chilingar,
  • H JBissel and R.W. Farbridges eds, Carbonate Rocks, N.York. Elsevier, p.225-25] 1967.
  • [6] E.J. Ebukanson, and R.R.F. Kinghron., "Oil and gas accumulations and their possible source rock in southem Englaııd", J.of I'el. Geoİogy, Vol.9 No. 4, p.4-13-428,
  • [7] C. Soylu, H. İztan, B. Harput, İ. H. ÎIleez, T. Tekin, "Adıyaman bölgesinde bulunan Kretase yaşlı birimlerin petrol lüriün pol. " TPAO Rap No . 3375, 180 s., 1993.
  • [8] C.G.J. Demaison and Moore, G.T., "Anoxic environments and oil source bed genesıs" , AAPG BulL, C. 64, No 8, p. l 179-1203, 1980.
  • [9]^ G.R.Heath, T.C. Moore and J.P. Dauphin, "Org.Car.in deep-sea sed.-in
  • R^Andersen (Ed.), The fate offossil fuel CO, in the oceans : plenuem press", N.Yorlc,' îln1lc soylu' "petrol aramacılığında org. jeokimya" TPAO Arm. R. No. 3345, p. 106,
  • [U] B. P. Tissot, B. Durand, J. Espitalie and A. Cambaz, "Influence ofthe nature and diagenesis oforganic matteı in formation ofpet. ", AAPG fiu//., VoL58, p.499-506, 1974.
  • H 2] J. Espitalie, J.L. La Porte, M. Madec, F. Marquis, P. Leplal, J. Paulet and A.. Boutefeu, "Methode rapide de characterisation des roches meres de lcur potentiaİ petroller et de kur degre d'evolution". rev. ınsl. fran. pet.,\oî3'i, p. 23-42, 1977.
  • [13] F.F. Langford and M.M. Blanc-Valleron. /'tnterpreting Rock Ev. Pyr. data sing graphs of pyrolizable hydrocarbons u.s. total ors". Car. AAPG Bul, Vol.74, p. 799-804, 1990.
  • [14] J.M. Hunt, "Petroleum geoch. and geo. " W.H.Freeman co., sanfransisco. 617 p., 1979.
  • [15] P. AIbrecht, M. Vanderbroucke and M. Mandengue, "Geochemical studies on the org. Mat, from the Douala Basin (Cameroon) part l" : Evoiution of the extractable orgaııicmatterandtheformationofpet. GeocAf'm. Cos. Açta., Vo'l.40, p. 791-799, 1976.
  • [16] E.E. Bray and E.D. Evans, "Distribution ofn-paraffins as a clue to recognilion of soureebeds". Geochim. Cosmochim. Açta, Vol. 22, p.2-15, İ961.
  • [17} B. Tissot, R. Pelet, J. Rouccache and A. Combaz, "UlilisatioM des alcams comme fossiles geochımiyues des enviroanemenls geologiaues". in. Advances in organic geochemislry 1975. Combos, R and Goni, J. (eds), Madrid, 1977.
  • [18] J. G. Palacas, D.E. Anders and J.D. King, "South Florida basin-a prime example of carbonate sourcc rocks of petroleum" : in petrolcum geochemistry and source rock potential ofcarbonate rocks : AAPG Studies in gc'ology, VoL l 8, p.71 -96, 1984.
  • [19] H. Gooseas, J. W. De Leeuw, P. A. Schenk and S. C. Brassel, "Tocopherols as likely precurcors ofpristane in andent scd.and emde oils" Nal., Vol. 312, p. 440-442, 1984.
  • [20] G.T. Powell and D.M.Mckirday., "Relationship between ratio of pr. to phytane, emde oil composiiion and geo. env. ", m Australia: Nat.phy. selence, Voi. 243, p. 37-39, 1973. ' - ^ ^. ... --. -, . -... -. -, r.-. -. -,
  • [21] J.M. Moldowan, W.K. Seifert and E.J.Gallegos, "Relationship betn'een pet. Comp. and depositional env. ofpet. source rocks" AAPG Bu!., Vol.69 p. 1255-1268, 1985.
  • [22] D. E. Anders and W. E. Robinson, "Cycloalkane constıtuents of bitumens from Green River Shale" Oeochim. Cosmochim. Açta, Vol. 35, p. 661-678, 1971.
  • [23] F.R. Aquino Neto, A. Restle, J.Connan, P. Albrecht and G. Oumsson, "Novel tricyclic terpanes (Cıı-Czo) in sed. and pet. ", Tetrahedron Lelters. Vol. 23. p.2027- 2030. 1982.
  • [24LF^Aqu"lo. Neto'..-'-M' Trendel> A-RestIe. J-c0^ a"d P. AIbrecht. "Occurrence ^d-foTtion oft,ri<:yclicandtetracyclic terPanes m sediments-andpeü'oîeum^:"'İn'MC ^OTZLP:A!bereSht\c;, comford'K-deGroot- a EEli°ton"et alJJv^T^ .'^ geochemislry, 1981, Wiley, p. 659-667, 1983. " " ' "' ~"
  • [25LJ'M. Moldowan- W'K-seifert and EJ- Galle8°s, "Indentification of an extended senes ol tncyclıc terpanes in petroleum", Geo. Cos. Ada, Vol. 47, p. 1531-1534, İ983.
  • K^SXS:Extended hop"es up to C4° in thom'on bitufflen"' l271 A's'- Ma<:kenzie' "Applications of biomarkers in petroieunı geochemistrv-". ^mW'" ol'san":s eochemis'ry'V OUEdJ .B"'°I",D .WeIteAcademirpres7, "pTi'5^
  • [28]A^MackTie' s:c-,Baren-se'. G. Eglinton, J.R. Maxwell, "Chemical fossils : The ıgıcal fate ofsteroids" science 1982, Vol. 217, p.491-505, 1982. - -" -"~" ' "'
  • [29]Y. W. Huang, W. G._Meinschein, "Sterols as ccologica! indicators", Geochimica et cosmoc/!m;ca^cto, 1979, Vol. 43, p. 739-745, 1979. " -- ... .
  • PO]^W.K. Seifert, M J. Moldowan, "Paleoreconstnıction by biological markers" 'ochimıcaetcosmochimicaActa, W.. 45, p. 783-794, 198!.
  • [31.1J-W^HUa"8' w:°'. Me"'''<;hei", ;-SteroIs as source indicatore of organik materials in seaıments", (jeochimica el cosmochimica Açta, 1976, Vol. 40, p. 323-330, 1976.
  • £2,]İESP!taIIe: J;.G-Der00 and F- M"quis.,"La pyrolyse Rock-EvaI et ses applications" Kmt l'I"s""" Fra"c"is dupet- VOL40, P. 563-'579, 755-784',' VoL4irp"?3t'-'89"l'98'5-
  • Q3,J,W'G' Dow- "Kerogcn studies and geo. interpretations", J. Pet £ç?., Vol. 7, p. 79-99, 1977.
  • p4 LaT:..I'hilippi' "on the. depth-time i"ld mechanism of peıroleum generation", um. co.tBiocA;mac(a, Vol. 29, p. l021-1049. 1965. " -- c,--..-,
  • L35LW;K_-seifert. and J'M- . MOI<i<>Tn, -AppIication of sterans, terpanes aı.d monoaraomatıcs to the^ maturation, migration aııd souece of crude oils",' Geochim. ı, Vol. 42, p. 77-95, 1978. - ---, -.-....,..
  • [36] A. S. Mackenzie, R.L. Patiance, J.R. Maxwell, M. Vanderbroucke and B. Durand, "Molecular parametıes of maturation in the Toarcian shales, Paris Basin, France-1. Changes in the confıguration of acyclic isoprenoid alkanes, steranes and triterpanes" Geochim. Cosmochim Açta, Vol. 44, p. 1709-1721, 1980.
There are 35 citations in total.


Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Orhan Kavak

Publication Date June 30, 1999
Acceptance Date January 3, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Kavak, O. (1999). Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1), 58-76.
AMA Kavak O. Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. June 1999;12(1):58-76.
Chicago Kavak, Orhan. “Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 12, no. 1 (June 1999): 58-76.
EndNote Kavak O (June 1, 1999) Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 12 1 58–76.
IEEE O. Kavak, “Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî”, ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 58–76, 1999.
ISNAD Kavak, Orhan. “Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 12/1 (June 1999), 58-76.
JAMA Kavak O. Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. 1999;12:58–76.
MLA Kavak, Orhan. “Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 1999, pp. 58-76.
Vancouver Kavak O. Zey-1 Ve Zey-2 Kuyularındakî Karaboğaz Formasyonunun Organik Jeokîmyasal Açıdan 1ncelenmesî. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. 1999;12(1):58-76.

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