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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 1 - 24, 01.06.2007


By employing alternative VAR models, this study is aimed at exploring the effects of monetary and fiscal policy shocks to national income for 1987-2006 period. 


  • Akat, A, S, (2004), Dalgalı Kur ve Para Politikası: Bir Parasal Kural Önerisi, erişim 24 Şubat 2007 http://akat,bilgi,edu,tr/others/0404_ kural,pdf:
  • Alesine, A, ve Drazen, A, (1991), “Why are Stabilizations Delayed?” American Economic Review, 81, 1170–1188,
  • Andersen C,, Jordan J,L, (1968), “Monetary and Fiscal Actions; A Test of Their Relative Importance in Economic Stabilization”, Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St, Louise, 50, 11-24,
  • Ataç, B, (2005), Maliye Politikası: Gelişimi, Amaçları, Araçları ve Uygulama Sorunları, Eskişehir: 6, Baskı Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eğitim, Sağlık ve Bilimsel Araştırma Çalışmalar Vakfı Yayınları, No: 86, Anadolu Üniversitesi Basımevi,
  • Ball, L,, ve Romer, D, (1990), “Real Rigidities and the Non-Neutrality of Money”, Review of Economic Studies, 57, 183–203,
  • Barro, R,J, (1977), “Unanticipated Money Growth and Unemployment in the United States”, American Economic Review, 67, 101–115,
  • Baxter M,, King R, (1993), “Fiscal Policy in General Equilibrium”, American Economic Review, 83, 315–334,
  • Bernanke, B, S,, Gertler, M, (1989), “Agency Cost, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations”, American Economic Review, 79, 14-31,
  • Braun, R, A, (1994), “ax Disturbances and Real Economic Activity in the Postwar United States”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 33, 441–462
  • Bulow, J,and Klemperer, P, (1999),”The Generalized War of Attrition”, American Economic Review, 89, 175–189,
  • Bynoe,A,J, (1994), “Monetary and Fiscal Influences on Economic Activity in African Countries”, African Review of Money, Finance and Banking, 10, 87–107,
  • Chari, V,V,, ve Kehoe, P,J, (1999), Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy, içinde Taylor, J,B, ve Micheal W, , ed,, Handbook of Macroeconomics, The Netherlands, Elsevie Science, 1671-1745
  • Chowdhury, A, (1988), “Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Economic Activity: Some Further Evidence”, Applied Economics, 20, 63–71,
  • Christiano, L,, and Eichenbaum, M, (1992), “Current Real Business Cycle Theories and Aggregate Labor Market Fluctuations”, American Economic Review, 82, 430–50,
  • Darrat, A,F, (1984), “The Dominant Influence of Fiscal Actions in Developing Countries”, Eastern Economic Journal, 10, 271–284,
  • de Haan,J, Sturm, J,E,, Beehuis, G, (1999), “The Weak Government Thesis Some New Evidence”, Public Choice, 101, 163–176,
  • Dornbusch, R, Park, Y-Ch, Ve Claessens (2000), Contagion: How It Spreads and How It Can Be Stopped, World Bank Research Observer,
  • Enders, W, (1995), Applied Econometric Time Series, New York: Wiley,
  • Friedman, M, (1959), A Program for Monetary Stability, New York: Fordham University Pres,
  • Friedman, M,, Schwartz, A,J, (1963), A Monetart History of the United States 1867-1960, Princeton University Pres,
  • Gertler, M,, ve Hubbard, G, (1988), Financial Factors in Business Fluctuations Financial Market Volatility, Kansas City: Federal Reserve Banks of Kansas City,
  • Herslag, Z,Y, (1988), The Contemporary Turkish Economy, London: Routledge,
  • Jayaraman, T,K, (2001), “Efficacy of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in the South Pacific Island Countries: Some Empirical Evidence”, Indian Economic Journal, 49, 63–72,
  • Kashyap, A, K,, ve Stein J,C, (1995), The Impact of Monetary Policy on Bank Balance Sheets, Cornegie-Rochester Conference of Public Policy 42, pg, 151–195,
  • Keynes, J,M, (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 1964 reprint, New York: Harcourt Brace,
  • Kibritçioğlu, A, (2001), Türkiye’de Ekonomik Krizler ve Hükümetler, 1969-2001, erişim 14 Şubat 2007 http://politics,ankara,edu,tr/%7Ekibritci/ytd-kibritcioglu,pdf,
  • Kmainsky,G, Ve Reinhart, C, (2000), “On Crisis, Contagion and Confusion”, Journal of International Economics, 51, 145–168,
  • Köe, N, (1998), Vektör Otoregressif Modeller Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Anakara: Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Krugman, P,, (1979), A Model of Balance of Payment Crisis, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 11, 311–332,
  • Lucas, R, E, (1972), Expectations and the Neutrality of Money, Journal of Economic Theory, 4, 103–124,
  • Lucas, R, E, (1973), Some International Evidence of Output-Inflation Trade-off, American Economic Review, 63, 326–334,
  • Mankiw, N,G, (1985), Small Menu Costs and Large Business Cycles, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100, 529–39,
  • McCallum, B,T, (1984), Monetary versus Fiscal Policy Effects: A Review of the Debate, Federal Reserve of St, Louise Review, December, ,9–29,
  • Meyer, L, H, and Varvares, C, (1981), A Comparison of St, Louis Model and Two Variations: Predictive Performance and Policy Implications, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, 63, 13–25,
  • Önis, Z,, Riedel, J, (1993), Economic Crises and Long-Term Growth in Turkey, Washington, D,C,: World Bank Publications,
  • Öniş Z,, Şenses F, (2003), Rethinking the Emerging Post-Washington Consensus: A Critical Appraisal, ERC Working Paper in Economics November,
  • Roubini, N, Ve Sacks, J,D, (1989), Political Economic Determinants of Budget Deficits in Industrial Democracies, European Economic Review, 33, 903–938,
  • Sargent, T, J,, ve Wallace, N, (1975), ‘Rational Expectations’ and the Optimal Monetary Instrument and Optimal Money Supply Rule, Journal of Political Economy, 83, 241–254,
  • Snowdon, B,, Vane, H,R,, ve Wynarczyk, P, (1994), A Modern Guide to Macroeconomics: An Introduction to Competing Schools f Thought, Edward Elgar Publication,
  • Stadler G,W, (1994), Real Business Cycles, Journal of Economic Literature, 32, 1750–1783,
  • Şenses F, (1989), 1980 Sonrası Ekonomi Politikaları Işığında Türkiye’de Sanayileşme: Bugün ve Yarın, V Yayinlari, Ankara,
  • TCMB (1998) ParaPolitikası Raporlar; http://www,tcmb,gov,tr/research/ yillik/98turkce/98RAPOR1,html
  • Tutar, İ,, ve Tansel A, (2000), Political Business Cycles, Institutional Structure and Budget Deficit in Turkey, METU, Economic Research,
  • Yeldan, E, (1999), The Impact of Financial Liberalization and the Rise of the Financial Rent on Income Inequality: The Case of Turkey, UNU/WIDER, erişim 24 Şubat 2007 http://www,wider,unu,edu/ publications/wp206,pdf,
  • Yeldan, E, (2003), Küreselleşmenin Neresindeyiz? Türkiye Ekonomisi Borç Sorunu ve IMF Politikaları (1), STRADİGMA, 10, erişim 24 Şubat 2007: http://www,stradigma,com/turkce/kasim2003/ makale_06,html,


Yıl 2007, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 1 - 24, 01.06.2007


Bu çalışmanın amacı, 1987–2006 arası dönem için, para ve maliye politikası şoklarının milli gelire olan etkisini alternatif VAR sistemi analizleri kullanarak araştırmaktır


  • Akat, A, S, (2004), Dalgalı Kur ve Para Politikası: Bir Parasal Kural Önerisi, erişim 24 Şubat 2007 http://akat,bilgi,edu,tr/others/0404_ kural,pdf:
  • Alesine, A, ve Drazen, A, (1991), “Why are Stabilizations Delayed?” American Economic Review, 81, 1170–1188,
  • Andersen C,, Jordan J,L, (1968), “Monetary and Fiscal Actions; A Test of Their Relative Importance in Economic Stabilization”, Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St, Louise, 50, 11-24,
  • Ataç, B, (2005), Maliye Politikası: Gelişimi, Amaçları, Araçları ve Uygulama Sorunları, Eskişehir: 6, Baskı Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eğitim, Sağlık ve Bilimsel Araştırma Çalışmalar Vakfı Yayınları, No: 86, Anadolu Üniversitesi Basımevi,
  • Ball, L,, ve Romer, D, (1990), “Real Rigidities and the Non-Neutrality of Money”, Review of Economic Studies, 57, 183–203,
  • Barro, R,J, (1977), “Unanticipated Money Growth and Unemployment in the United States”, American Economic Review, 67, 101–115,
  • Baxter M,, King R, (1993), “Fiscal Policy in General Equilibrium”, American Economic Review, 83, 315–334,
  • Bernanke, B, S,, Gertler, M, (1989), “Agency Cost, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations”, American Economic Review, 79, 14-31,
  • Braun, R, A, (1994), “ax Disturbances and Real Economic Activity in the Postwar United States”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 33, 441–462
  • Bulow, J,and Klemperer, P, (1999),”The Generalized War of Attrition”, American Economic Review, 89, 175–189,
  • Bynoe,A,J, (1994), “Monetary and Fiscal Influences on Economic Activity in African Countries”, African Review of Money, Finance and Banking, 10, 87–107,
  • Chari, V,V,, ve Kehoe, P,J, (1999), Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy, içinde Taylor, J,B, ve Micheal W, , ed,, Handbook of Macroeconomics, The Netherlands, Elsevie Science, 1671-1745
  • Chowdhury, A, (1988), “Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Economic Activity: Some Further Evidence”, Applied Economics, 20, 63–71,
  • Christiano, L,, and Eichenbaum, M, (1992), “Current Real Business Cycle Theories and Aggregate Labor Market Fluctuations”, American Economic Review, 82, 430–50,
  • Darrat, A,F, (1984), “The Dominant Influence of Fiscal Actions in Developing Countries”, Eastern Economic Journal, 10, 271–284,
  • de Haan,J, Sturm, J,E,, Beehuis, G, (1999), “The Weak Government Thesis Some New Evidence”, Public Choice, 101, 163–176,
  • Dornbusch, R, Park, Y-Ch, Ve Claessens (2000), Contagion: How It Spreads and How It Can Be Stopped, World Bank Research Observer,
  • Enders, W, (1995), Applied Econometric Time Series, New York: Wiley,
  • Friedman, M, (1959), A Program for Monetary Stability, New York: Fordham University Pres,
  • Friedman, M,, Schwartz, A,J, (1963), A Monetart History of the United States 1867-1960, Princeton University Pres,
  • Gertler, M,, ve Hubbard, G, (1988), Financial Factors in Business Fluctuations Financial Market Volatility, Kansas City: Federal Reserve Banks of Kansas City,
  • Herslag, Z,Y, (1988), The Contemporary Turkish Economy, London: Routledge,
  • Jayaraman, T,K, (2001), “Efficacy of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in the South Pacific Island Countries: Some Empirical Evidence”, Indian Economic Journal, 49, 63–72,
  • Kashyap, A, K,, ve Stein J,C, (1995), The Impact of Monetary Policy on Bank Balance Sheets, Cornegie-Rochester Conference of Public Policy 42, pg, 151–195,
  • Keynes, J,M, (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 1964 reprint, New York: Harcourt Brace,
  • Kibritçioğlu, A, (2001), Türkiye’de Ekonomik Krizler ve Hükümetler, 1969-2001, erişim 14 Şubat 2007 http://politics,ankara,edu,tr/%7Ekibritci/ytd-kibritcioglu,pdf,
  • Kmainsky,G, Ve Reinhart, C, (2000), “On Crisis, Contagion and Confusion”, Journal of International Economics, 51, 145–168,
  • Köe, N, (1998), Vektör Otoregressif Modeller Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Anakara: Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Krugman, P,, (1979), A Model of Balance of Payment Crisis, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 11, 311–332,
  • Lucas, R, E, (1972), Expectations and the Neutrality of Money, Journal of Economic Theory, 4, 103–124,
  • Lucas, R, E, (1973), Some International Evidence of Output-Inflation Trade-off, American Economic Review, 63, 326–334,
  • Mankiw, N,G, (1985), Small Menu Costs and Large Business Cycles, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100, 529–39,
  • McCallum, B,T, (1984), Monetary versus Fiscal Policy Effects: A Review of the Debate, Federal Reserve of St, Louise Review, December, ,9–29,
  • Meyer, L, H, and Varvares, C, (1981), A Comparison of St, Louis Model and Two Variations: Predictive Performance and Policy Implications, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, 63, 13–25,
  • Önis, Z,, Riedel, J, (1993), Economic Crises and Long-Term Growth in Turkey, Washington, D,C,: World Bank Publications,
  • Öniş Z,, Şenses F, (2003), Rethinking the Emerging Post-Washington Consensus: A Critical Appraisal, ERC Working Paper in Economics November,
  • Roubini, N, Ve Sacks, J,D, (1989), Political Economic Determinants of Budget Deficits in Industrial Democracies, European Economic Review, 33, 903–938,
  • Sargent, T, J,, ve Wallace, N, (1975), ‘Rational Expectations’ and the Optimal Monetary Instrument and Optimal Money Supply Rule, Journal of Political Economy, 83, 241–254,
  • Snowdon, B,, Vane, H,R,, ve Wynarczyk, P, (1994), A Modern Guide to Macroeconomics: An Introduction to Competing Schools f Thought, Edward Elgar Publication,
  • Stadler G,W, (1994), Real Business Cycles, Journal of Economic Literature, 32, 1750–1783,
  • Şenses F, (1989), 1980 Sonrası Ekonomi Politikaları Işığında Türkiye’de Sanayileşme: Bugün ve Yarın, V Yayinlari, Ankara,
  • TCMB (1998) ParaPolitikası Raporlar; http://www,tcmb,gov,tr/research/ yillik/98turkce/98RAPOR1,html
  • Tutar, İ,, ve Tansel A, (2000), Political Business Cycles, Institutional Structure and Budget Deficit in Turkey, METU, Economic Research,
  • Yeldan, E, (1999), The Impact of Financial Liberalization and the Rise of the Financial Rent on Income Inequality: The Case of Turkey, UNU/WIDER, erişim 24 Şubat 2007 http://www,wider,unu,edu/ publications/wp206,pdf,
  • Yeldan, E, (2003), Küreselleşmenin Neresindeyiz? Türkiye Ekonomisi Borç Sorunu ve IMF Politikaları (1), STRADİGMA, 10, erişim 24 Şubat 2007: http://www,stradigma,com/turkce/kasim2003/ makale_06,html,
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Murat Aslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, M. (2007). TÜRKİYE’DE 1987–2006 DÖNEMİNDE MALİYE VE PARA POLİTİKALARININ İKTİSADİ BÜYÜMEYE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(2), 1-24.
AMA Aslan M. TÜRKİYE’DE 1987–2006 DÖNEMİNDE MALİYE VE PARA POLİTİKALARININ İKTİSADİ BÜYÜMEYE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Haziran 2007;8(2):1-24.
Chicago Aslan, Murat. “TÜRKİYE’DE 1987–2006 DÖNEMİNDE MALİYE VE PARA POLİTİKALARININ İKTİSADİ BÜYÜMEYE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8, sy. 2 (Haziran 2007): 1-24.
EndNote Aslan M (01 Haziran 2007) TÜRKİYE’DE 1987–2006 DÖNEMİNDE MALİYE VE PARA POLİTİKALARININ İKTİSADİ BÜYÜMEYE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8 2 1–24.
IEEE M. Aslan, “TÜRKİYE’DE 1987–2006 DÖNEMİNDE MALİYE VE PARA POLİTİKALARININ İKTİSADİ BÜYÜMEYE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 1–24, 2007.
ISNAD Aslan, Murat. “TÜRKİYE’DE 1987–2006 DÖNEMİNDE MALİYE VE PARA POLİTİKALARININ İKTİSADİ BÜYÜMEYE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8/2 (Haziran 2007), 1-24.
MLA Aslan, Murat. “TÜRKİYE’DE 1987–2006 DÖNEMİNDE MALİYE VE PARA POLİTİKALARININ İKTİSADİ BÜYÜMEYE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, 2007, ss. 1-24.
Vancouver Aslan M. TÜRKİYE’DE 1987–2006 DÖNEMİNDE MALİYE VE PARA POLİTİKALARININ İKTİSADİ BÜYÜMEYE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE AMPİRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2007;8(2):1-24.