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Turizm ve Suç İlişkisinin Bibliyometrik Haritalama İle İncelenmesi

Year 2019, , 213 - 228, 29.04.2019


Turizm ülke
ve bölgelerin gelişimini sağlama konusunda önemli bir alan olarak
görülmektedir. Çünkü turizm pek çok sektörle iç içe bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle
de turizmin güvenlik/emniyet gibi bazı temel özelliklere sahip olması
gerekmektedir. Yapılan literatür incelemesine göre turistik bir destinasyonda
işlenen suç unsurunun önemli bir konu olduğu ifade edilebilir. Bu doğrultuda araştırmada,
1974-2018 yılları arasında turizm ve suç kavramlarını bir arada inceleyen uluslararası
akademik yayınların bibliyometriğini sütun ve ağ grafikleri ile sunmak amaçlanmıştır.
Bu doğrultuda WOS veri tabanından “turizm” ve “suç” kavramları birlikte
taranarak elde edilen 214 doküman (makale, bildiri vb.) değerlendirmeye
alınmıştır. Turizm ve suç bağlamındaki en fazla araştırmanın 2015-2017 yılları
arasında yapıldığı, en fazla atıfın “Annals of Tourism Research” ve “Tourism
Management” dergilerine yapıldığı ve ülkeler bazında Amerika’nın hem yayın
sayısı hem de aldığı atıf bakımından birinci sırada yer aldığı sonucuna
ulaşılmıştır. Dokümanların çoğunluğunda turizm, suç, güvenlik, şiddet, organ
nakli turizmi, organ kaçakçılığı, sosyal medya ve olimpik oyunlar gibi yazar
anahtar kelimelerin kullanıldığı dikkat çekmektedir.  Bahsi geçen kavramlarla yapılan çalışmalarda
en fazla atıf alan yazarın ise Lepp (2003) olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Adam, I., & Adongo, C. A. (2016). Do backpackers suffer crime? An empirical investigation of crime perpetrated against backpackers in Ghana. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 27, 60-67.
  • Ahmad, A. (2013). The constraints of tourism development for a cultural heritage destination: The case of Kampong Ayer (Water Village) in Brunei Darussalam. Tourism Management Perspectives, 8, 106-113.
  • Altindag, D. T. (2014). Crime and international tourism. Journal of Labor Research, 35(1), 1-14.
  • Ambagtsheer, F., Jong, J., Bramer, W. M., & Weimar, W. (2016). On patients who purchase organ transplants abroad. American Journal of Transplantation, 16(10), 2800-2815.
  • Ambagtsheer, F., Zaitch, D., & Weimar, W. (2013). The battle for human organs: organ trafficking and transplant tourism in a global context. Global Crime, 14(1), 1-26.
  • Aris-Anuar, A. N., Jaini, N., Kamarudin, H., & Nasir, R. A. (2011). Effectiveness evaluation of Safe City Programme in relation to the tourism industry. Procedia Engineering, 20, 407-414.
  • Bagheri, A. (2016). Child organ trafficking: global reality and inadequate international response. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 19(2), 239-246.
  • Barker, M., Page, S. J., & Meyer, D. (2002). Modeling tourism crime: The 2000 America's cup. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(3), 762-782.
  • Barker, M., Page, S. J., & Meyer, D. (2003). Urban visitor perceptions of safety during a special event. Journal of Travel Research, 41(4), 355-361.
  • Barrett, D. (2011). An opportunity or liability? London 2012 and security. Safer Communities, 10(3), 41-48.
  • Batra, A. (2008). Foreign tourists' perception towards personal safety and potential crime while visiting Bangkok. Anatolia, 19(1), 89-101.
  • Biagi, B., Brandano, M., & Detotto, C. (2012). The effect of tourism on crime in Italy: A dynamic panel approach.
  • Boas, H., Mor, E., Michowitz, R., Rozen‐Zvi, B., & Rahamimov, R. (2015). The Impact of the Israeli Transplantation Law on the Socio‐Demographic Profile of Living Kidney Donors. American Journal of Transplantation, 15(4), 1076-1080.
  • Botterill, D., Pointing, S., Hayes-Jonkers, C., Clough, A., Jones, T., & Rodriguez, C. (2013). Violence, backpackers, security and critical realism. Annals of tourism research, 42, 311-333.
  • Brown, C. B. (2015). Tourism, crime and risk perception: An examination of broadcast media's framing of negative Aruban sentiment in the Natalee Holloway case and its impact on tourism demand. Tourism Management Perspectives, 16, 266-277.
  • Brunt, P., & Hooton, N. (2010). Community responses to tourism and crime. Crime prevention and community safety, 12(1), 42-57.
  • Clayton, A., & Boxill, I. (2012). Conclusions: tourism, crime and terrorism: what are the risks, challenges and policy options?. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 4(1), 98-100.
  • Columb, S. (2015). Beneath the organ trade: a critical analysis of the organ trafficking discourse. Crime, law and social change, 63(1-2), 21-47.
  • De Albuquerque, K., & McElroy, J. (1999). Tourism and crime in the Caribbean. Annals of tourism research, 26(4), 968-984.
  • Dimanche, F., & Lepetic, A. (1999). New Orleans tourism and crime: A case study. Journal of travel research, 38(1), 19-23.
  • George, R. (2001). The impact of crime on international tourist numbers to Cape Town. Crime prevention and community safety, 3(3), 19-29.
  • George, R. (2003a). Tourists' fear of crime while on holiday in Cape Town. Crime prevention and community safety, 5(1), 13-25.
  • George, R. (2003b). Tourist's perceptions of safety and security while visiting Cape Town. Tourism Management, 24(5), 575-585.
  • George, R. (2010). Visitor perceptions of crime-safety and attitudes towards risk: The case of Table Mountain National Park, Cape Town. Tourism Management, 31(6), 806-815.
  • George, R. (2012). International tourists’ perceptions of crime-risk and their future travel intentions during the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ in South Africa. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 14(2), 79-103.
  • George, R., & Mawby, R. I. (2015). Security at the 2012 London Olympics: Spectators’ perceptions of London as a safe city. Security Journal, 28(1), 93-104.
  • Gürsakal, N. (2009). Sosyal ağ analizi: pajek Ucinet ve gmine uygulamalı. Dora yayınları.
  • Ho, T., Zhao, J., & Brown, M. P. (2009). Examining hotel crimes from police crime reports. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 11(1), 21-33.
  • Ho, T., Zhao, J., & Dooley, B. (2017). Hotel crimes: An unexplored victimization in the hospitality industry. Security Journal, 30(4), 1097-1111.
  • Holcomb, J., & Pizam, A. (2006). Do incidents of theft at tourist destinations have a negative effect on tourists’ decisions to travel to affected destinations. Tourism, security and safety: From theory to practice, 105-124.
  • Jud, G. D. (1975). Tourism and crime in Mexico. Social Science Quarterly, 324-330.
  • Lee, C. I., Felps, W., & Baruch, Y. (2014). Toward a taxonomy of career studies through bibliometric visualization. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 339-351.
  • Luukkonen, T., Tijssen, R., Persson, O., & Sivertsen, G. (1993). The measurement of international scientific collaboration. Scientometrics, 28(1), 15-36.
  • Mawby, R. I. (2000). Tourists' Perceptions of Security: The Risk—Fear Paradox. Tourism Economics, 6(2), 109-121.
  • Mawby, R. I., Tecău, A. S., Constantin, C. P., Chițu, I. B., & Tescașiu, B. (2016). Addressing the security concerns of locals and visitors for the sustainable development of tourist destinations. Sustainability, 8(6), 524.
  • Mehmood, S., Ahmad, Z., & Khan, A. A. (2016). Dynamic relationships between tourist arrivals, immigrants, and crimes in the United States. Tourism Management, 54, 383-392.
  • Ochrym, R. G. (1990). Street crime, tourism and casinos: An empirical comparison. Journal of Gambling Studies, 6(2), 127-138.
  • Park, M., & Stokowski, P. A. (2011). Casino gaming and crime: Comparisons among gaming counties and other tourism places. Journal of Travel Research, 50(3), 289-302.
  • Pizam, A. (1982). Tourism and crime: is there a relationship?. Journal of Travel Research, 20(3), 7-10.
  • Pizam, A., & Mansfeld, Y. (2006). Toward a theory of tourism security. Tourism, security and safety: From theory to practice, 1-28.
  • Rogerson, C. M. (2007). Backpacker tourism in South Africa: Challenges and strategic opportunities. South African Geographical Journal, 89(2), 161-171.
  • Ryan, C. (1993). Crime, violence, terrorism and tourism: an accidental or intrinsic relationship?. Tourism Management, 14(3), 173-183.
  • Schroeder, A., & Pennington-Gray, L. (2014). Perceptions of crime at the Olympic Games: What role does media, travel advisories, and social media play?. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20(3), 225-237.
  • Sinkovics, N. (2016). Enhancing the foundations for theorising through bibliometric mapping. International Marketing Review, 33(3), 327-350.
  • Swart, K., George, R., Cassar, J., & Sneyd, C. (2017). The 2014 FIFA World Cup™: Tourists’ satisfaction levels and likelihood of repeat visitation to Rio de Janeiro.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2009). How to normalize cooccurrence data? An analysis of some well‐known similarity measures. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(8), 1635-1651.
  • van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2017). Citation-based clustering of publications using CitNetExplorer and VOSviewer. Scientometrics, 111(2), 1053-1070.
  • Van Eck, N. J., Waltman, L., Dekker, R., & van den Berg, J. (2010). A comparison of two techniques for bibliometric mapping: Multidimensional scaling and VOS. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2405-2416.
  • Waltman, L., van Eck, N. J., & Noyons, E. C. (2010). A unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks. Journal of Informetrics, 4(4), 629-635.
  • Zitt, M., Bassecoulard, E., & Okubo, Y. (2000). Shadows of the past in international cooperation: Collaboration profiles of the top five producers of science. Scientometrics, 47(3), 627-657.

The Investigation of Crime and Tourism Association with Bibliometric Mapping

Year 2019, , 213 - 228, 29.04.2019


Tourism is
seen as an important area for the development of countries and regions. Because
tourism is intertwined with many sectors. For this reason, tourism must have
some basic features such as security / safety. According to literature review
it can be said that the crime factor committed in a tourist destination is an
important issue. In this respect, it was aimed to present the bibliometrics of
international academic publications that examined the concepts of tourism and
crime between 1974-2018 with columns and network graphics. Accordingly, 214
documents (articles, papers, etc.) obtained from the WOS database, were scanned
together with the concepts of “tourism” and “crime” were evaluated. It is
concluded that the most research in the context of tourism and crime was
conducted between 2015-2017 years, most of the citations were made to “Annals
of Tourism Research” and “Tourism Management” journals and America was the
first in terms of both the number of publications and the number of citations
it receives. It attracts attention that author keywords such as tourism, crime,
security, violence, organ transplant tourism, organ trafficking, social media
and Olympic Games were used in the majority of documents. Lepp (2003) were the
most cited authors in the studies with mentioned concepts.


  • Adam, I., & Adongo, C. A. (2016). Do backpackers suffer crime? An empirical investigation of crime perpetrated against backpackers in Ghana. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 27, 60-67.
  • Ahmad, A. (2013). The constraints of tourism development for a cultural heritage destination: The case of Kampong Ayer (Water Village) in Brunei Darussalam. Tourism Management Perspectives, 8, 106-113.
  • Altindag, D. T. (2014). Crime and international tourism. Journal of Labor Research, 35(1), 1-14.
  • Ambagtsheer, F., Jong, J., Bramer, W. M., & Weimar, W. (2016). On patients who purchase organ transplants abroad. American Journal of Transplantation, 16(10), 2800-2815.
  • Ambagtsheer, F., Zaitch, D., & Weimar, W. (2013). The battle for human organs: organ trafficking and transplant tourism in a global context. Global Crime, 14(1), 1-26.
  • Aris-Anuar, A. N., Jaini, N., Kamarudin, H., & Nasir, R. A. (2011). Effectiveness evaluation of Safe City Programme in relation to the tourism industry. Procedia Engineering, 20, 407-414.
  • Bagheri, A. (2016). Child organ trafficking: global reality and inadequate international response. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 19(2), 239-246.
  • Barker, M., Page, S. J., & Meyer, D. (2002). Modeling tourism crime: The 2000 America's cup. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(3), 762-782.
  • Barker, M., Page, S. J., & Meyer, D. (2003). Urban visitor perceptions of safety during a special event. Journal of Travel Research, 41(4), 355-361.
  • Barrett, D. (2011). An opportunity or liability? London 2012 and security. Safer Communities, 10(3), 41-48.
  • Batra, A. (2008). Foreign tourists' perception towards personal safety and potential crime while visiting Bangkok. Anatolia, 19(1), 89-101.
  • Biagi, B., Brandano, M., & Detotto, C. (2012). The effect of tourism on crime in Italy: A dynamic panel approach.
  • Boas, H., Mor, E., Michowitz, R., Rozen‐Zvi, B., & Rahamimov, R. (2015). The Impact of the Israeli Transplantation Law on the Socio‐Demographic Profile of Living Kidney Donors. American Journal of Transplantation, 15(4), 1076-1080.
  • Botterill, D., Pointing, S., Hayes-Jonkers, C., Clough, A., Jones, T., & Rodriguez, C. (2013). Violence, backpackers, security and critical realism. Annals of tourism research, 42, 311-333.
  • Brown, C. B. (2015). Tourism, crime and risk perception: An examination of broadcast media's framing of negative Aruban sentiment in the Natalee Holloway case and its impact on tourism demand. Tourism Management Perspectives, 16, 266-277.
  • Brunt, P., & Hooton, N. (2010). Community responses to tourism and crime. Crime prevention and community safety, 12(1), 42-57.
  • Clayton, A., & Boxill, I. (2012). Conclusions: tourism, crime and terrorism: what are the risks, challenges and policy options?. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 4(1), 98-100.
  • Columb, S. (2015). Beneath the organ trade: a critical analysis of the organ trafficking discourse. Crime, law and social change, 63(1-2), 21-47.
  • De Albuquerque, K., & McElroy, J. (1999). Tourism and crime in the Caribbean. Annals of tourism research, 26(4), 968-984.
  • Dimanche, F., & Lepetic, A. (1999). New Orleans tourism and crime: A case study. Journal of travel research, 38(1), 19-23.
  • George, R. (2001). The impact of crime on international tourist numbers to Cape Town. Crime prevention and community safety, 3(3), 19-29.
  • George, R. (2003a). Tourists' fear of crime while on holiday in Cape Town. Crime prevention and community safety, 5(1), 13-25.
  • George, R. (2003b). Tourist's perceptions of safety and security while visiting Cape Town. Tourism Management, 24(5), 575-585.
  • George, R. (2010). Visitor perceptions of crime-safety and attitudes towards risk: The case of Table Mountain National Park, Cape Town. Tourism Management, 31(6), 806-815.
  • George, R. (2012). International tourists’ perceptions of crime-risk and their future travel intentions during the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ in South Africa. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 14(2), 79-103.
  • George, R., & Mawby, R. I. (2015). Security at the 2012 London Olympics: Spectators’ perceptions of London as a safe city. Security Journal, 28(1), 93-104.
  • Gürsakal, N. (2009). Sosyal ağ analizi: pajek Ucinet ve gmine uygulamalı. Dora yayınları.
  • Ho, T., Zhao, J., & Brown, M. P. (2009). Examining hotel crimes from police crime reports. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 11(1), 21-33.
  • Ho, T., Zhao, J., & Dooley, B. (2017). Hotel crimes: An unexplored victimization in the hospitality industry. Security Journal, 30(4), 1097-1111.
  • Holcomb, J., & Pizam, A. (2006). Do incidents of theft at tourist destinations have a negative effect on tourists’ decisions to travel to affected destinations. Tourism, security and safety: From theory to practice, 105-124.
  • Jud, G. D. (1975). Tourism and crime in Mexico. Social Science Quarterly, 324-330.
  • Lee, C. I., Felps, W., & Baruch, Y. (2014). Toward a taxonomy of career studies through bibliometric visualization. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 339-351.
  • Luukkonen, T., Tijssen, R., Persson, O., & Sivertsen, G. (1993). The measurement of international scientific collaboration. Scientometrics, 28(1), 15-36.
  • Mawby, R. I. (2000). Tourists' Perceptions of Security: The Risk—Fear Paradox. Tourism Economics, 6(2), 109-121.
  • Mawby, R. I., Tecău, A. S., Constantin, C. P., Chițu, I. B., & Tescașiu, B. (2016). Addressing the security concerns of locals and visitors for the sustainable development of tourist destinations. Sustainability, 8(6), 524.
  • Mehmood, S., Ahmad, Z., & Khan, A. A. (2016). Dynamic relationships between tourist arrivals, immigrants, and crimes in the United States. Tourism Management, 54, 383-392.
  • Ochrym, R. G. (1990). Street crime, tourism and casinos: An empirical comparison. Journal of Gambling Studies, 6(2), 127-138.
  • Park, M., & Stokowski, P. A. (2011). Casino gaming and crime: Comparisons among gaming counties and other tourism places. Journal of Travel Research, 50(3), 289-302.
  • Pizam, A. (1982). Tourism and crime: is there a relationship?. Journal of Travel Research, 20(3), 7-10.
  • Pizam, A., & Mansfeld, Y. (2006). Toward a theory of tourism security. Tourism, security and safety: From theory to practice, 1-28.
  • Rogerson, C. M. (2007). Backpacker tourism in South Africa: Challenges and strategic opportunities. South African Geographical Journal, 89(2), 161-171.
  • Ryan, C. (1993). Crime, violence, terrorism and tourism: an accidental or intrinsic relationship?. Tourism Management, 14(3), 173-183.
  • Schroeder, A., & Pennington-Gray, L. (2014). Perceptions of crime at the Olympic Games: What role does media, travel advisories, and social media play?. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20(3), 225-237.
  • Sinkovics, N. (2016). Enhancing the foundations for theorising through bibliometric mapping. International Marketing Review, 33(3), 327-350.
  • Swart, K., George, R., Cassar, J., & Sneyd, C. (2017). The 2014 FIFA World Cup™: Tourists’ satisfaction levels and likelihood of repeat visitation to Rio de Janeiro.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2009). How to normalize cooccurrence data? An analysis of some well‐known similarity measures. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(8), 1635-1651.
  • van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2017). Citation-based clustering of publications using CitNetExplorer and VOSviewer. Scientometrics, 111(2), 1053-1070.
  • Van Eck, N. J., Waltman, L., Dekker, R., & van den Berg, J. (2010). A comparison of two techniques for bibliometric mapping: Multidimensional scaling and VOS. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2405-2416.
  • Waltman, L., van Eck, N. J., & Noyons, E. C. (2010). A unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks. Journal of Informetrics, 4(4), 629-635.
  • Zitt, M., Bassecoulard, E., & Okubo, Y. (2000). Shadows of the past in international cooperation: Collaboration profiles of the top five producers of science. Scientometrics, 47(3), 627-657.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gamze Alp 0000-0002-6925-280X

Birsen Çevik Ünlü 0000-0001-7595-9599

Publication Date April 29, 2019
Submission Date May 29, 2018
Acceptance Date April 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Alp, G., & Çevik Ünlü, B. (2019). Turizm ve Suç İlişkisinin Bibliyometrik Haritalama İle İncelenmesi. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 213-228.
Creative Commons Lisansı
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-AynıLisanslaPaylaş 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.