Kütahya İlinde Katı Atık Yönetiminin Maliyet ve Mekânsal Analizi
Year 2018,
Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 93 - 110, 11.02.2018
Özer Özçelik
Aysın Barut
Bu çalışmanın amacı Kütahya ilinde yer alan 13 ilçe özelinde belediye
tarafından verilen katı atık hizmetinin, maliyet ve mekânsal analizini
gerçekleştirmektir. Yapılan analizler ile daha verimli bir katı atık yönetimi
için gerekli şartlar ve mevcut çöp toplama ve taşıma sisteminde maliyet
azaltıcı öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
- Anselin, L. (1992), Spatial Data Analysis with GIS: An Introduction to Application in the Social Sciences. Santa Barbara: National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California.
- Anselin, L. (1995). Local Indicator of Spatial Association – LISA, Geographical Analysis, 27, pp.93-115.
- Anselin, L. (1988). Spatial Econometrics Methodsand Models, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Anselin, L. (1999). “Interactive Techniques and Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis”, P. A. Longley, M. F. Goodchild, D. J. Maguire, & D. W. Rhind, Geographical Information Systems: Principles, Techniques, Management and Application. pp. 251-264, New York: Wiley.
- Anselin, L., Syabri, I., &Kho, Y. (2006). GeoDa: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis, Geographical Analysis, 38, pp.5-22.
- Anselin, L., Srıdharan, S.,&Gholston, S. (2007). Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis to Leverage Social Indicator Database: the Discovery of Interesting Patterns, Social Indicators Research, 82, pp.287-309.
- Aydın, Mehmet,Kara, E. & G.(2003). Acil Durumlarda Katı Atık Yönetimi,V Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi,1-4 Ekim 2003, Ankara. ss.574-583.
- Bandara, Nilanthi J. G. J., Hettiaratchi, Patrick, A., Wirasinghe S. C.&Pilapiiya, S (2007). Relation of Waste Generation and Composition to Socio-Economic Factors: A Case Study, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 135, pp,31-39.
- Beigl, P. ve diğerleri (2004). Forecasting Municipal Solid Waste Generation in Major European Cities.In: Proceedings of the IEMSS International Conference on Complexity and Intagred Resources Management, 14-17 June 2004,Osnabrueck, Germany, http://www.iemss. org/iemss 2004 /pdf/ regional/beigfore.pdf, (14.01.2016).
- Celebioglu, F. &Dall’erba, S. (2010). Spatial Disparities Across the Regions of Turkey: An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, The Annals of Regional Science,pp.379-400.
- Dennison G.J., V.A., Dodd &B. Whelan, (1996). A Socio-Economic Based Survey of Household Waste Characteristics in The City of Dublin, Ireland: II. Waste Quantities.Resources, Conservation and Recyling,17, pp. 245-257.
- Keser, S., Düzgün, Ş.&Aksoy, A. (2012). Application of Spatial and Non-Spatial Data Analysis in Determination of The Factors That Impact Municipal Solid Waste Generation Rates in Turkey, Waste Management, 32, pp,359-371.
- Kütahya Valiliği Çevre Ve Şehircilik Müdürlüğü, (2011).Kütahya İl Çevre Durum Raporu,Kütahya.
- Ogwueleka, T. C. (2013). Survey of Household Waste Composition and Quantities in Abuja, Nigeria, Resources, Conservation and Recycling,77, pp:52-60.
Purcell, M.&Magette, W. L., (2009). Prediction of Household and Commercial BMW Generation According to Socio-Economic and Other Factors for the Dublin Region, Waste Management,29, Issue:4, pp:1237-1250.
- Tuncer, G., Yıldız, F. &Çelebioğlu, F. (2015).Kamu Maliyesi Coğrafyası, Academia Yayınevi.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (2006). Belediye Atık İstatistikleri, 2004, Haber Bülteni, Sayı:210.
- Yılmaz, A.&Bozkurt, Y. (2010). Türkiye’de Kentsel Katı Atık Yönetimi Uygulamaları ve Kütahya Katı Atık Birliği (KÜKAB) Örneği, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15, Sayı:1, ss:11-28.
- Zhang, G. ve diğerleri (2015). Spatial Characteristics of Munipical Solid Waste Generation and its Influential Spatial Factors on A City Scale: A Case Study of Xiamen, China.Journal of Material Cycles Waste Management, 17, pp:399-409.
- Zeren, F. (2010). Mekânsal Etkileşim Analizi, Ekonometri ve İstatistik,ss.18-39.
The Cost and Spatial Analysis of Solid Waste Management in Kutahya Province
Year 2018,
Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 93 - 110, 11.02.2018
Özer Özçelik
Aysın Barut
The aim of this
paper is to present cost and spatial analysis of solid waste served from
municipality specific to 13 sub-province in Kütahya. Suggestions have been
developed about necessary conditions for more productive solid waste management
and lower the cost on existing waste collection and transportation system with
applied analyses.
- Anselin, L. (1992), Spatial Data Analysis with GIS: An Introduction to Application in the Social Sciences. Santa Barbara: National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of California.
- Anselin, L. (1995). Local Indicator of Spatial Association – LISA, Geographical Analysis, 27, pp.93-115.
- Anselin, L. (1988). Spatial Econometrics Methodsand Models, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Anselin, L. (1999). “Interactive Techniques and Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis”, P. A. Longley, M. F. Goodchild, D. J. Maguire, & D. W. Rhind, Geographical Information Systems: Principles, Techniques, Management and Application. pp. 251-264, New York: Wiley.
- Anselin, L., Syabri, I., &Kho, Y. (2006). GeoDa: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis, Geographical Analysis, 38, pp.5-22.
- Anselin, L., Srıdharan, S.,&Gholston, S. (2007). Using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis to Leverage Social Indicator Database: the Discovery of Interesting Patterns, Social Indicators Research, 82, pp.287-309.
- Aydın, Mehmet,Kara, E. & G.(2003). Acil Durumlarda Katı Atık Yönetimi,V Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi,1-4 Ekim 2003, Ankara. ss.574-583.
- Bandara, Nilanthi J. G. J., Hettiaratchi, Patrick, A., Wirasinghe S. C.&Pilapiiya, S (2007). Relation of Waste Generation and Composition to Socio-Economic Factors: A Case Study, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 135, pp,31-39.
- Beigl, P. ve diğerleri (2004). Forecasting Municipal Solid Waste Generation in Major European Cities.In: Proceedings of the IEMSS International Conference on Complexity and Intagred Resources Management, 14-17 June 2004,Osnabrueck, Germany, http://www.iemss. org/iemss 2004 /pdf/ regional/beigfore.pdf, (14.01.2016).
- Celebioglu, F. &Dall’erba, S. (2010). Spatial Disparities Across the Regions of Turkey: An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, The Annals of Regional Science,pp.379-400.
- Dennison G.J., V.A., Dodd &B. Whelan, (1996). A Socio-Economic Based Survey of Household Waste Characteristics in The City of Dublin, Ireland: II. Waste Quantities.Resources, Conservation and Recyling,17, pp. 245-257.
- Keser, S., Düzgün, Ş.&Aksoy, A. (2012). Application of Spatial and Non-Spatial Data Analysis in Determination of The Factors That Impact Municipal Solid Waste Generation Rates in Turkey, Waste Management, 32, pp,359-371.
- Kütahya Valiliği Çevre Ve Şehircilik Müdürlüğü, (2011).Kütahya İl Çevre Durum Raporu,Kütahya.
- Ogwueleka, T. C. (2013). Survey of Household Waste Composition and Quantities in Abuja, Nigeria, Resources, Conservation and Recycling,77, pp:52-60.
Purcell, M.&Magette, W. L., (2009). Prediction of Household and Commercial BMW Generation According to Socio-Economic and Other Factors for the Dublin Region, Waste Management,29, Issue:4, pp:1237-1250.
- Tuncer, G., Yıldız, F. &Çelebioğlu, F. (2015).Kamu Maliyesi Coğrafyası, Academia Yayınevi.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (2006). Belediye Atık İstatistikleri, 2004, Haber Bülteni, Sayı:210.
- Yılmaz, A.&Bozkurt, Y. (2010). Türkiye’de Kentsel Katı Atık Yönetimi Uygulamaları ve Kütahya Katı Atık Birliği (KÜKAB) Örneği, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15, Sayı:1, ss:11-28.
- Zhang, G. ve diğerleri (2015). Spatial Characteristics of Munipical Solid Waste Generation and its Influential Spatial Factors on A City Scale: A Case Study of Xiamen, China.Journal of Material Cycles Waste Management, 17, pp:399-409.
- Zeren, F. (2010). Mekânsal Etkileşim Analizi, Ekonometri ve İstatistik,ss.18-39.