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Kurumsal bileşenler ışığında Avrupa Birliği diplomasisinin gelişimi

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 4, 759 - 782, 25.10.2022


Avrupa Birliği’ne Lizbon Antlaşması’yla getirilen düzenlemeler içinde öne çıkan yeniliklerin bir kısmı dış eylemlere ilişkindir. Birlik Dış ve Güvenlik Politikası Yüksek Temsilciliği ve Avrupa Dış Eylemler Servisi gibi oluşumlar, Avrupa Birliği diplomasisinin orijinallikleri olarak görülmektedir. Ancak bu kurumsal yapılar uzun süreli bir diplomatik gelişim sürecinin sonunda ortaya çıkmışlardır. Çalışmada bu gelişim süreci Avrupa Birliği’nin diplomatik varlığı ve Lizbon Antlaşması’yla doğan diplomatik kişiliği temelinde iki dönemde ele alınmaktadır. AB diplomatik sisteminin temel özelliklerinden biri olarak kurumsal bileşenler, tarihsel gelişimdeki etkileri itibariyle önemi olduğundan, hem en eski hem de iç-dış diplomatik sistem bileşen örnekleri olarak Coreper ve Avrupa Komisyonu/Birlik Delegasyonları incelenmektedir. İlgili literatürün ve AB hukuku kaynakları, resmi kararları ve raporları ışığında hazırlanan çalışmada, YT ve ADES gibi kurumsal yeniliklerin uzun bir tarihsel mücadelenin sonucunda var oldukları, ancak kendilerinden önceki iç ve dış boyutlarda işleyen kurumsal yapıların hazırladığı zeminde, yine sorunlu da olsa doğabildikleri sonucu ortaya konmaktadır.


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  • Austermann, F. (2012). Towards embassies for Europe? EU delegations in the Union’s diplomatic system. Policy Paper 8. The Diplomatic System of the EU Network.
  • Balfour, R. & Ojanen, H. (2011). does the European External Action Service represent a model for the challenges of global diplomacy?. IAI Working Papers 11/17. Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali.
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  • Bicchi, F. and Schade, D. (2022). Whither European diplomacy? Long-term trends and the impact of the Lisbon Treaty. Cooperation and Conflict, 57(1), 3-24.
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Evolution of European Union diplomacy in the light of institutional components

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 4, 759 - 782, 25.10.2022


Some of the prominent innovations brought to the European Union by the Lisbon Treaty are related to external actions. Institutions such as The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European External Actions Service are seen as originalities of European Union diplomacy. However, these institutions emerged as a result of a long-term diplomatic development process. In the study, this development process is discussed in two periods on the basis of the diplomatic entity and diplomatic personality born with the Lisbon Treaty. Since institutional components, as one of the main features of the EU diplomatic system, are important in terms of their effects on historical development, Coreper and European Commission/Union Delegations are examined as examples ofboth the oldest and internal-external diplomatic system components. In the study, which was prepared in the light of the relevant literature and EU official decisions and reports, it is concluded that institutional innovations such as the High Representative and the European External Actions Service have emerged as a result of a long historical struggle by the institutional structures operating in the internal and external dimensions.


  • Adler-Nissen, R. (2009). Late sovereign diplomacy. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, (4), 121-141.
  • Aissaoui, A. (2018). The Amarna diplomacy in IR perspective: A system of states in the making. Estudos Internacionais, 6(2), 9-29.
  • Austermann, F. (2012). Towards embassies for Europe? EU delegations in the Union’s diplomatic system. Policy Paper 8. The Diplomatic System of the EU Network.
  • Balfour, R. & Ojanen, H. (2011). does the European External Action Service represent a model for the challenges of global diplomacy?. IAI Working Papers 11/17. Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali.
  • Bátora, J. (2005). Does the European Union transform the ınstitution of diplomacy?. Journal of European Public Policy, 12(1), 44-66.
  • Bátora, J. (2013). The ‘mitrailleuse effect’: The EEAS as an interstitial organization and the dynamics of innovation in diplomacy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 51(4), 598-613.
  • Berridge, G. R. & James, A. (2003). A dictionary of diplomacy. Hampshire&New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bicchi, F. & Bremberg, N. (2016). European diplomatic practices: Contemporary challenges and innovative approaches. European Security, 25(4), 391-406.
  • Bicchi, F. and Schade, D. (2022). Whither European diplomacy? Long-term trends and the impact of the Lisbon Treaty. Cooperation and Conflict, 57(1), 3-24.
  • Black, J. (2010). A history of diplomacy, London: Reaktion Books.
  • Bruter, M. (1999). Diplomacy without a state: The external delegations of the European Commission. Journal of European Public Policy, 6(2), 183-205.
  • Can, H. (2013). Avrupa Birliği hukuku, İstanbul: Sürat Üniversite Yayınları.
  • Canali, S. (2019). European Union diplomats: an emerging epistemic community?. CEPOB 8.19. Bruges: College of Europe.
  • Comelli, M. & Matarazzo, R. (2011). Rehashed Commission delegations or real embassies? EU delegations post-Lisbon. IAI Working Papers 11. Rome: Istituto Affari Internazionali.
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  • Cornago, N.´ (2008). Diplomacy. In Lester K. (Ed), Encyclopedia of violence, peace, & conflict (pp. 574-580). Vol. 1. Oxford: Elsevier.
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  • Davis Cross, M. K. (2010). Sustainable diplomacy in the European Union”. In Constantinou, Costas M. and Der Derian, James (Eds.), Sustainable diplomacies (pp. 192-212). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Davis Cross, M. K. (2014). The Practice of Diplomacy and EU Security Policy. In Wilga, M. and Karolewski, I. P. (Eds.), New approaches to EU foreign policy (pp. 106-124). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Dermendzhiev, D. (2014). The emergence of a network of ‘European embassies’: Increasing cooperation between EU delegations and member state diplomatic missions. EU Diplomacy Papers 10. Bruges: College of Europe.
  • Dimier, V. & Mc Geever, M. (2006). Diplomats without a flag: The institutionalization of the delegations of the Commission in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(3), 483-505.
  • Drieskens, E. (2012). What’s in a name? Challenges to the creation of EU Delegations. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, (7), 51-64.
  • Duke, S. W. (2002). Preparing for European diplomacy?. Journal of Common Market Studies 40(5), 849-870.
  • Duke, S. W. (2013). European External Action Service and public diplomacy. Discussion Papers in Diplomacy. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’.
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  • Efe, H. (2010). Soğuk Savaş döneminde Avrupa’da ortak dış politika oluşturma çabaları. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 9(1), 37-62.
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  • Fernández, A. M. (2008). Consular affairs in the EU: Visa policy as a catalyst for integration?. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, (3), 21-35.
  • Goebel, R. J. (2013). Supranational? Federal? Intergovernmental? The governmental structure of the European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon. Columbia Journal of European Law, 20(1), 77-142.
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  • Hill, D. J. (1899). Course in European diplomacy. Washington: The Columbian University.
  • Hocking, B. & Smith, M. (2011). An emerging diplomatic system for the EU? Frameworks and issues. Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, (44), 19-42.
  • Hocking, B. & Spence, D. (2005). Towards a European diplomatic system?. Discussion Papers in Diplomacy. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Hocking, B., Melissen, J., Riordan, S. & Sharp, P. (2012). Futures of diplomacy: Integrative diplomacy in the 21st century. Report 1. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Hwee, Y. L. & Yeong, L. H. (2013). Who acts for the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty? The view through the media in Singapore and Thailand. Baltic Journal of European Studies, 3(3), 85-104.
  • James, A. (2016). Diplomatic relatons between states. In Constantinou, C. M., Kerr, P. And Sharp, P. (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of diplomacy (pp. 257-267). London: SAGE Publications.
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  • Jönsson, C. (2018). Diplomatic representation: states and beyond. In V. Stanzel (Ed.), New realities in foreign affairs: diplomacy in the 21st century (pp. 21-26). Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik.
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  • Keukeleire, S. (2003). The European union as a diplomatic actor: internal, traditional, and structural diplomacy. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 14(3), 31-56.
  • Laursen, F. (2012). The Lisbon Treaty: overview of institutional choices and beginning implementation. In Finn Laursen (Ed.), The EU’s Lisbon Treaty institutional choices and implementation (pp. 3-17). London and New York: Routledge.
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  • Lewis, J. (2017). Coreper: National interests and the logic of appropriateness. In D. Hodson & J. Peterson (Ed.), The institutions of the European Union (pp. 334-356). Fourth Edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Maurer, H. & Wright, N. (2021). Still governing in the shadows? Member states and the political and security committee in the Post‐Lisbon EU foreign policy architecture. Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(4), 856-872.
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There are 99 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Articles

Çiğdem Şahin 0000-0002-1728-3890

Early Pub Date October 26, 2022
Publication Date October 25, 2022
Submission Date August 15, 2022
Acceptance Date September 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 15 Issue: 4


APA Şahin, Ç. (2022). Kurumsal bileşenler ışığında Avrupa Birliği diplomasisinin gelişimi. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(4), 759-782.

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Ömer Halisdemir Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi (OHUIIBF) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Pseudonymity License 4.0 international license.