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Osmanlı Saray Hekimliğinden Papalığın Hizmetinde İbranice Kitap Sansürcülüğüne Bir Yahudi Âlimin Hayat Hikâyesi: Domenico Yeruşalmî (ö. 1622) ve Sefer ha-Zikuk

Year 2021, , 105 - 134, 31.12.2021


Katolik Kilisesi 16. yüzyılda Reform hareketlerine bir cevap olarak Hıristiyanlık inancı açısından sakıncalı görülen kitapların yasaklanması ve sansürden geçirilmesine önem göstermiştir. Bu çerçevede Index adı verilen listelerle yasaklı kitaplar ilan edilmeye başlanmış diğer taraftan da sansür komisyonları kurularak kitaplardaki sakıncalı ifadeler basılmadan önce çıkarılmış, basılanların da üzeri mürekkeple çizilmiştir. İtalya’nın farklı şehirlerinde sansür komisyonlarında genellikle Hıristiyanlığı kabul eden Yahudi dönmeleri istihdam edilmiştir. Bunun temel sebebi, bu dönmelerin İbranice bilgileri ve Yahudi dinî literatürüne olan aşinalıklarıdır. Bu sansürcülerin başında da Domenico Yeruşalmî gelmektedir. 1555 yılında Kudüs’te doğan Domenico, 1578/9-1588/9 yılları arasında İstanbul’da Sultan III. Murad’ın özel hekimi olarak görev yapmıştır. İstanbul’dan İtalya’ya giden Domenico, 1593 yılında Venedik’te Hıristiyan olmuştur. Domenico hem sansür kitabı hazırlamış hem de Yeni Ahit’i İbraniceye tercüme etmiştir. Domenico’dan günümüze gelen en önemli çalışma, sansür el kitabı olarak hazırladığı Sefer ha-Zikuk’tur. 1596 yılında Mantua’da sansür komisyonunda görevliyken hazırladığı bu eser, sansür tarihinin en ilginç örneklerinden biridir. Domenico, bu eserin girişinde sansürcüler için takip edilmesi gereken ilkeleri listelemektedir. Bu ilkelerde Hıristiyanlığa yönelik tahkir ifadelerinin silinmesi veya değiştirilmesi belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca reenkarnasyon gibi Kilise açısından sapkın olarak kabul edilen düşünceler de bu listede yer almaktadır. Domenico, bu eserinde yüzlerce eserin isimlerini ve basıldıkları yerleri vererek hangi sayfa ve hangi satırdaki hangi kelimenin silineceğini belirtmektedir. Bazı eserler farklı basım yerleri dikkate alınarak tekrar edilmiştir. Domenico’nun sansürcü olarak imzasının yer aldığı pek çok eser günümüze ulaşmıştır. Bu eserler incelendiğinde Domenico’nun kendisinin belirlediği esaslara uymada titiz olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu makalede Domenico’nun yaşam hikâyesi, Hıristiyan oluşu ve Sefer ha-Zikuk’un içeriği hakkında bilgi verilecektir.


Yazar, makaleyi okuyarak önemli düzeltme ve tashihler teklif eden Dr. Tolga Savaş Altınel, Dr. Abdullah Altuncu, Arş. Gör. Fatma Seda Şengül, Fatıma Betül Taş, Büşra Şahin ve Kübra Güneş’e teşekkür eder.


  • Austin, Michael. Domenico's Istanbul. Londra: E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust, 2001.
  • Shifra Baruchson-Arbib & Gila Prebor. “Sefer Ha-Ziquq (An Index of Forbidden Hebrew Books)-The Book’s use and its influence on Hebrew Printing”. La Bibliofilia 109:1 (2007): 3-31.
  • Blokland, Dina. The Gospel according to Matthew in the Translation of Domenico of Jerusalem, a Jew who Became a Christian. Doktora Tezi, Kudüs: Kudüs İbrani Üniversitesi, 2019.
  • Boxel, Piet van. “Hebrew Books and Censorship in Sixteenth-Century Italy”. Jewish Books and their Readers, ed. Scott Mandelbrote & Joanna Weinberg, Leiden: Brill, 2016, 75-99.
  • Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe. “External and Internal Censorship of Hebrew Books”. Jewish Book Annual 28 (1970): 9-16.
  • Corcos, David & Getzel Kressel. “Bibas”. Encyclopedia Judaica, MI: Thomson Gale, 2007, 3: 571-572.
  • Domenico Hierosolimitano. Bir Yahudi Doktorun Harem, Saray ve İstanbul Hatıraları. Çev. Esma Selçuk Demir, İstanbul: Yeditepe Yayınevi, 2017.
  • Finkelstein, Louis. Jewish Self-Government in the Middle Ages. New York: The Jewish Publication Society Press, 1924.
  • Francesconi, Federica. “This passage can also be read differently ...” How Jews and Christians censored Hebrew texts in early modern Modena”. Jewish History 26 (2012): 139-160.
  • Guidi, Ignazio. “Domenico Gerosolimitano”. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage A. Berliner's, ed. A. Freimann & M. Hildesheimer, Frankfurt, 1903, 176-179.
  • Horovitz, Marcus. Die Frankfurter Rabbinerversammlung vom Jahre 1603. Frankfurt: M. Slobotzky, 1897.
  • Ioly Zorattini, Pier Cesare. “Domenico Gerosolimitano a Venezia”. Sefarad 58 (1998): 107-115.
  • Marcus, Jacob Rader & Marc Saperstein. The Jews in Christian Europe: A Source Book 315-1791. Pittsburgh: Hebrew Union College Press, 2015.
  • Offenberg, Adri K., “The Censorship of Hebrew Books in Sixteenth-Century Italy”, Against the Law: Crime, Sharp Practice and the Control of Print, ed. Robin Myers, Michael Harris, and Giles Mandelbrote, Oak Knoll Press, New Castle, 2004, ss. 24-25.
  • Popper, William. The Censorship of Hebrew Books. Knickerbocker Press, New York 1899.
  • Porges, Nathan. “Censorship of Hebrew Books”. Jewish Encyclopedia, New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1903, 3: 642-650.
  • Porges, Nathan. “Der Hebräische Index Expurgatorius”. Festschrift zum Siebzigsten Geburtstage A. Berliner's, ed. A. Freimann ve M. Hildesheimer, Frankfurt: J. Kaufmann, 1903, 273-295.
  • Prebor, Gila. “Domenico Yerushalmi: His Life, Writings and Work as a Censor”. Materia Giudaica: Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo XV/XVI (2010/201): 467-481.
  • Prebor, Gila. “mi-Yeruşalayim le-Venetsiya: Hayav şel Dominiko Yeruşalmî, Hiburav ve-Peiluto ke-Tsentsor”. Pe'amim 111-112 (2007): 215-242.
  • Prebor, Gila. “Sefer ha-Zikuk ke-Makor Bibliyografî”. Aley Sefer 23 (2013): 63-80.
  • Prebor, Gila. “Sefer ha-Zikuk şel Dominiko Yeruşalmî”. Italia 18 (2008): 7-302.
  • Putnam, George Haven. The Censorship of the Church of Rome. New York & Londra: The Kneckerbocker Press, 1906-1907.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon. “Censorship, Editing, and the Reshaping of Jewish Identity: the Catholic Church and Hebrew Literature in the Sixteenth Century”. Hebraica Veritas? Christian Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in Early Modern Europe, ed. Allison P. Coudert & Jeffrey S. Shoulson, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, 125-155.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon. “The Censor as a Mediator: Printing, Censorship and the Shaping of Hebrew Literature”. The Roman Inquisition, the Index and the Jews, ed. Stephan Wendehorst, Brill, Leiden 2004, ss. 35-57.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon. ha-Tsentsor, ha-Oreh ve-ha-Tekst: ha-Tsentsura ha-Katolit ve-ha-Defus ha-İvrî be-Mea ha-Şeş Esra. Kudüs: Magnes Press, 2005.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon. The Censor, the Editor, and the Text: The Catholic Church and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon in the Sixteenth Century. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007.
  • Rostagno, Lucia. “Note su Domenico Gerosolimitano. A Proposito del Recente Saggio di M. Austin. Parte I”. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 76 (2002): 231-262.
  • Sacerdote, Gustavo. I Codici Ebraici della Pia Casa dei Neofiti in Roma. Roma: Tipografia della R. Accademia dei Lincei, 1893.
  • Simonsohn, Shlomo. “Sfarim ve-Sifriyot şel Yehudey Mantuva, 1595”. Kiryat Sefer 37:1 (1961): 103-122.
  • Sonne, Isaiah. Expurgation of Hebrew Books-the Work of Jewish Scholars: A Contribution to the History of the Censorship of Hebrew Books in Italy in the Sixteenth Century. New York: New York Public Library, 1943.
  • Stow, Kenneth R. “The Burning of the Talmud in 1553, in the Light of Sixteenth Century Catholic Attitudes Toward the Talmud”. Bibliotheque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 34:3 (1972): 435-459.
  • Stow, Kenneth. The Jews in Rome. Leiden: Brill, 1997.
  • Wagenseil, Johann Christoph. Tela ignea Satanae. Altdorf, 1681.
  • Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, “Neofiti.33”. Erişim: 3.11.2021,
  • Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, “Neofiti.34”. Erişim: 3.11.2021,
  • Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, “Neofiti.36”. Erişim: 3.11.2021,

The Life Story of a Jewish Scholar from a Physcian of Ottoman Palace to Hebrew Book Censorship in the Service of the Papacy: Domenico Yerushalmi (d. 1622) and Sefer ha-Zikuk

Year 2021, , 105 - 134, 31.12.2021


In the 16th century, in response to the Reform movements, the Catholic Church emphasized banning and censoring books deemed objectionable in Christianity. In this framework, banned books were announced with lists called Index; on the other hand, censorship commissions were established, offensive statements in the books were removed before they were printed, and the printed ones were scratched out with ink. In censorship commissions in different cities of Italy, the employees were generally Jews who converted to Christianity. The main reason for this is their knowledge of Hebrew and their familiarity with Jewish religious literature. Domenico Yerushalmi is one of these censors. Born in Jerusalem in 1555, Domenico lived in Istanbul between the years 1578/9-1588/9. He served as Sultan Murad's private physician. Domenico, who went to Italy from Istanbul, converted to Christianity in Venice in 1593. He both prepared a censorship book and translated the New Testament into Hebrew. The most significant work of Domenico is Sefer ha-Zikuk, prepared as a censorship handbook. This work, which he prepared while he was on the censorship commission in Mantua in 1596, is one of the most interesting examples in the history of censorship. In the introduction to this work, Domenico lists the principles for censors. These principles specify the deletion or modification of insulting statements against Christianity. In addition, thoughts considered heretical for the Church, such as reincarnation, are also included in this list. In this work, Domenico gives the names of hundreds of Hebrew works and the places they were printed, indicating which word on which page and which line will be deleted. Some works have been repeated considering different publication places. Many works that include Domenico's signature as a censor have survived. When these works are examined, it is seen that Domenico was not meticulous in complying with the principles set by himself. Giving information about the life story of Domenico and his conversion to Christianity, this article examines the content of Sefer ha-Zikuk.


  • Austin, Michael. Domenico's Istanbul. Londra: E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust, 2001.
  • Shifra Baruchson-Arbib & Gila Prebor. “Sefer Ha-Ziquq (An Index of Forbidden Hebrew Books)-The Book’s use and its influence on Hebrew Printing”. La Bibliofilia 109:1 (2007): 3-31.
  • Blokland, Dina. The Gospel according to Matthew in the Translation of Domenico of Jerusalem, a Jew who Became a Christian. Doktora Tezi, Kudüs: Kudüs İbrani Üniversitesi, 2019.
  • Boxel, Piet van. “Hebrew Books and Censorship in Sixteenth-Century Italy”. Jewish Books and their Readers, ed. Scott Mandelbrote & Joanna Weinberg, Leiden: Brill, 2016, 75-99.
  • Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe. “External and Internal Censorship of Hebrew Books”. Jewish Book Annual 28 (1970): 9-16.
  • Corcos, David & Getzel Kressel. “Bibas”. Encyclopedia Judaica, MI: Thomson Gale, 2007, 3: 571-572.
  • Domenico Hierosolimitano. Bir Yahudi Doktorun Harem, Saray ve İstanbul Hatıraları. Çev. Esma Selçuk Demir, İstanbul: Yeditepe Yayınevi, 2017.
  • Finkelstein, Louis. Jewish Self-Government in the Middle Ages. New York: The Jewish Publication Society Press, 1924.
  • Francesconi, Federica. “This passage can also be read differently ...” How Jews and Christians censored Hebrew texts in early modern Modena”. Jewish History 26 (2012): 139-160.
  • Guidi, Ignazio. “Domenico Gerosolimitano”. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage A. Berliner's, ed. A. Freimann & M. Hildesheimer, Frankfurt, 1903, 176-179.
  • Horovitz, Marcus. Die Frankfurter Rabbinerversammlung vom Jahre 1603. Frankfurt: M. Slobotzky, 1897.
  • Ioly Zorattini, Pier Cesare. “Domenico Gerosolimitano a Venezia”. Sefarad 58 (1998): 107-115.
  • Marcus, Jacob Rader & Marc Saperstein. The Jews in Christian Europe: A Source Book 315-1791. Pittsburgh: Hebrew Union College Press, 2015.
  • Offenberg, Adri K., “The Censorship of Hebrew Books in Sixteenth-Century Italy”, Against the Law: Crime, Sharp Practice and the Control of Print, ed. Robin Myers, Michael Harris, and Giles Mandelbrote, Oak Knoll Press, New Castle, 2004, ss. 24-25.
  • Popper, William. The Censorship of Hebrew Books. Knickerbocker Press, New York 1899.
  • Porges, Nathan. “Censorship of Hebrew Books”. Jewish Encyclopedia, New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1903, 3: 642-650.
  • Porges, Nathan. “Der Hebräische Index Expurgatorius”. Festschrift zum Siebzigsten Geburtstage A. Berliner's, ed. A. Freimann ve M. Hildesheimer, Frankfurt: J. Kaufmann, 1903, 273-295.
  • Prebor, Gila. “Domenico Yerushalmi: His Life, Writings and Work as a Censor”. Materia Giudaica: Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo XV/XVI (2010/201): 467-481.
  • Prebor, Gila. “mi-Yeruşalayim le-Venetsiya: Hayav şel Dominiko Yeruşalmî, Hiburav ve-Peiluto ke-Tsentsor”. Pe'amim 111-112 (2007): 215-242.
  • Prebor, Gila. “Sefer ha-Zikuk ke-Makor Bibliyografî”. Aley Sefer 23 (2013): 63-80.
  • Prebor, Gila. “Sefer ha-Zikuk şel Dominiko Yeruşalmî”. Italia 18 (2008): 7-302.
  • Putnam, George Haven. The Censorship of the Church of Rome. New York & Londra: The Kneckerbocker Press, 1906-1907.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon. “Censorship, Editing, and the Reshaping of Jewish Identity: the Catholic Church and Hebrew Literature in the Sixteenth Century”. Hebraica Veritas? Christian Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in Early Modern Europe, ed. Allison P. Coudert & Jeffrey S. Shoulson, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, 125-155.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon. “The Censor as a Mediator: Printing, Censorship and the Shaping of Hebrew Literature”. The Roman Inquisition, the Index and the Jews, ed. Stephan Wendehorst, Brill, Leiden 2004, ss. 35-57.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon. ha-Tsentsor, ha-Oreh ve-ha-Tekst: ha-Tsentsura ha-Katolit ve-ha-Defus ha-İvrî be-Mea ha-Şeş Esra. Kudüs: Magnes Press, 2005.
  • Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon. The Censor, the Editor, and the Text: The Catholic Church and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon in the Sixteenth Century. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007.
  • Rostagno, Lucia. “Note su Domenico Gerosolimitano. A Proposito del Recente Saggio di M. Austin. Parte I”. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 76 (2002): 231-262.
  • Sacerdote, Gustavo. I Codici Ebraici della Pia Casa dei Neofiti in Roma. Roma: Tipografia della R. Accademia dei Lincei, 1893.
  • Simonsohn, Shlomo. “Sfarim ve-Sifriyot şel Yehudey Mantuva, 1595”. Kiryat Sefer 37:1 (1961): 103-122.
  • Sonne, Isaiah. Expurgation of Hebrew Books-the Work of Jewish Scholars: A Contribution to the History of the Censorship of Hebrew Books in Italy in the Sixteenth Century. New York: New York Public Library, 1943.
  • Stow, Kenneth R. “The Burning of the Talmud in 1553, in the Light of Sixteenth Century Catholic Attitudes Toward the Talmud”. Bibliotheque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 34:3 (1972): 435-459.
  • Stow, Kenneth. The Jews in Rome. Leiden: Brill, 1997.
  • Wagenseil, Johann Christoph. Tela ignea Satanae. Altdorf, 1681.
  • Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, “Neofiti.33”. Erişim: 3.11.2021,
  • Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, “Neofiti.34”. Erişim: 3.11.2021,
  • Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, “Neofiti.36”. Erişim: 3.11.2021,
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Articles

Yasin Meral 0000-0001-5794-721X

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date November 7, 2021
Acceptance Date November 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


ISNAD Meral, Yasin. “Osmanlı Saray Hekimliğinden Papalığın Hizmetinde İbranice Kitap Sansürcülüğüne Bir Yahudi Âlimin Hayat Hikâyesi: Domenico Yeruşalmî (ö. 1622) Ve Sefer Ha-Zikuk”. Oksident 3/2 (December 2021), 105-134.