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An Evaluation of the Imitation of the Divinity of Jesus Christ and Its Reflections in Medieval Christianity

Year 2022, , 113 - 145, 21.07.2022


Jesus Christ has been widely discussed in Christianity in terms of his identity, personality, and position, and this has led to the emergence of a branch of science called Christology. Jesus has been seen as different from others because of his birth, earthly actions, and death on the cross. Because of these differences, the subject that he is not a mere human being but can also be God has been one of the most preoccupying issues for Christians. In addition, Christians have discussed the issue of how to model or imitate him as a human or God. In this context, Paul, who is accepted as the founder of today’s Christianity, has been the initiator of the “Imitatio Christi” issue in Christianity with the words “As I imitate Christ, you also imitate me.” The imitation or follow-up of Christ has been a subject discussed in the Christian world since him. The article discusses the imitation of the divinity of Jesus Christ and its reflections in the medieval Christian world.


  • A Religious of C.S.M.V. (çev.). St. Athanasius on the Incarnation: The Treatise De Incarnatione Verbi Dei. New York: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, 1953.
  • Akalın, Kürşat Haldun. “Yunan-Roma Uygarlığında İnsan-Tanrılara Tapınma Töreni Olarak: Kilise Ekmek-Şarap Ayini”. Atatürk Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 41 (2014): 129-160.
  • Althoff, Gerd. Otto III. Çev. Phyllis G. Jestice, University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003.
  • Billy, Dennis J. The Imitation of Christ Thomas à Kempis: A Spiritual Commentary and Reader’s Guide. Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 2005.
  • Bromiley, Geoffrey W. Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1979.
  • Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo: A Biography. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2000.
  • Climacus, John. The Ladder of Divine Ascent. Çev. Colm Luibheid & Norman Russell, Londra: SPCK, 1982.
  • Constable, Giles. Three Studies in Medieval Religious and Social Thought: The Interpretation of Mary and Martha, the Ideal of the Imitation of Christ, the Orders of Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Erigena, Johannes Scotus. Periphyseon: The Division of Nature. Çev. I. P. Sheldon Williams, Montreal: Dumbarton Oaks, 1987.
  • Eroğlu, Ahmet Hikmet. “Ekmek-Şarap Ayini (Evharistiya) Konusunda Katolikler Ve Protestanlar Arasındaki Anlayış Farklılıkları”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 39/1 (1999): 439-453.
  • Eusebius Pamphili. Ecclesiastical History: Books 1-5. Çev. Roy J. Deferrari, Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 2005.
  • Fichtenau, Heinrich. The Carolingian Empire: The Age of Charlemagne. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.
  • Garland, Anthony C. A Testimony of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation. 2 cilt, Washington: Spirit and Truth, 2004.
  • Graham, Ward. Christ and Culture. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005.
  • Grun, Anselm. Seven Sacraments. New York: Continuum, 2003.
  • Guenon, Rene. Alemin Hükümdarı Dinlerde Merkez Sembolizmi. Çev. İsmail Taşpınar, İnsan Yayınları, 2014.
  • Halliwell, Stephen. The Aesthetics of Mimesis: Ancient Texts and Modern Problems. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.
  • Hans, Schwarz. The Trinity:The Central Mystery of Christianity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017.
  • Hillyer, Philip H. Imitatio Christi in the Spirituality of Charles De Foucauld. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1979.
  • Johnson, Keith L. Karl Barth and the Analogia Entis. Londra: T&T Clark, 2010.
  • Johnson, William Stacy. The Mystery of God: Karl Barth and the Postmodern Foundations of Theology Columbia Series in Reformed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1997.
  • Jungmann, Josef A. The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Development. Çev. Francis A. Brunner, 2 cilt, Allen: Christian Classics, 1986.
  • Kantorowicz, Ernst H. The King’s Two Bodies: A Study in Mediaeval Political Theology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957.
  • Kelly, J. N. D. Early Christian Creeds. 3. bs., Great Britain: Longman Group Limited, 1972.
  • Kempis, Thomas a’. The Imitation of Christ. New York: TAN Books, 2010.
  • Kendall, R.T. Imitating Christ: Becoming More Like Jesus. Florida: Charisma House, 2007.
  • Kuehn, Manfred. “Kant’s Jesus”. Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason: A Critical Guide, ed. Gordon E. Michalson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 156-174.
  • Kutsal Kitap: Tevrat, Zebur, İncil İstanbul: Kitabı Mukaddes Şirketi & Yeni Yaşam Yayınları, 2013.
  • Laux, Fr. John. Mass and the Sacraments: A Course in Religion Book II. Charlotte: TAN Books, 2013.
  • Macy, Gary. The Theologies of the Eucharist in the Early Scholastic Period: A Study of the Salvific Function of the Sacrament According to the Theologians c.1080-c.1220. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.
  • Marenbon, John. The Philosophy of Peter Abelard. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • Martens, John W. One God, One Law: Philo of Alexandria on the Mosaic and Greco-Roman Law. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2003.
  • Mengel, David & Lisa Wolverton. Christianity and Culture in the Middle Ages: Essays to Honor John Van Engen. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2014.
  • Morrison, Karl F. Tradition and Authority in the Western Church, 300-1140. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969.
  • Murdoch, Iris. Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals. New York: Penguin Books, 1993.
  • Nees, Lawrence. “Carolingian Art and Politics”. Gentle Voices of Teachers: Aspects of Learning in the Carolingian Age, ed. Richard E. Sullivan, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1995, 186-226.
  • Noble, Thomas F. X. “Tradition and Learning in Search of Ideology:The Libri Carolini”. Gentle Voices of Teachers: Aspects of Learning in the Carolingian Age, ed. Richard E. Sullivan, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1995, 227-260.
  • Nock, Arthur Darby. Conversion: The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo. Oxford: University Press of America, 1988.
  • Ong, Walter J. “Mimesis and the Following of Christ”. Religion & Literature 26/2 (Summer 1994): 73-77.
  • Osborn, Eric. Clement of Alexandria. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Osborn, Eric. Ethical Patterns in Early Christian Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
  • Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. 5 cilt, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971-1978.
  • Pettis, Jeffrey B. “Ordination”. The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, ed. John Anthony McGuckin, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 2: 425-427.
  • Rahner, Karl. Practice of Faith: A Handbook of Contemporary Spirituality. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1983.
  • Schramm, Percy Ernst. Kaiser, Könige und Päpste: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Band 1: Von der Spätantike bis zum Tode Karls des Großen (814). Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1968.
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet. St. Thomas Aquinas. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2006.
  • Temiztürk, Halil. Hıristiyan Mistisizmine Giriş. Ankara: Eskiyeni Yayınları, 2021.
  • Ullmann, Walter. Growth of Papal Government in Middle Ages: Study in Ideological Relation of Clerical to Lay Power. Londra: Bradford & Dickens, 1962.
  • Volf, Miroslav. After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity. Michigan: William. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998.
  • Whistler, Daniel. “Kant’s Imitatio Christi”. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 67 (2010): 17-36.
  • Whistler, Daniel. “The Abandoned Fiancée, or Against Subjection”. New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Contestations and Transcendence Incarnate, ed. Pamela Sue Anderson, Londra & New York: Springer, 2010, 127-145.

İsa Mesih’in Tanrısallığının Taklidi ve Bunun Orta Çağ Hıristiyan Dünyasındaki Yansımaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2022, , 113 - 145, 21.07.2022


Hıristiyanlıkta İsa Mesih, kimliği, kişiliği ve konumu açısından çokça tartışılmış, bu durum kristoloji adında bir bilim dalının ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. İsa, doğumuyla, yaşadığı dönemdeki eylemleriyle ve de çarmıhtaki ölümüyle diğer insanlardan oldukça farklı bir konumda görülmüştür. Bu farklılıklardan dolayı onun sadece bir insan değil, aynı zamanda Tanrı olabileceği konusu Hıristiyanları en çok meşgul eden konuların başında gelmiştir. Ayrıca onun bir insan veya Tanrı olarak nasıl modelleneceği veya taklit edileceği konusu da Hıristiyanların tartıştığı konulardandır. Bu bağlamda günümüz Hıristiyanlığının kurucusu kabul edilen Pavlus “Mesih’i taklit ettiğim gibi, siz de beni taklit edin” sözüyle Hıristiyanlıktaki “Mesih’in Taklidi” (Imitatio Christi) konusunun başlatıcısı olmuş; ondan itibaren Mesih’in taklidi ve takibi Hıristiyan dünyasında tartışıla gelen bir konu haline gelmiştir. Bu makalede, Hıristiyanlara göre İsa Mesih’in nasıl taklit edildiği ve bunun Orta Çağ Hıristiyan dünyasındaki yansımaları ele alınmaktadır.


  • A Religious of C.S.M.V. (çev.). St. Athanasius on the Incarnation: The Treatise De Incarnatione Verbi Dei. New York: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, 1953.
  • Akalın, Kürşat Haldun. “Yunan-Roma Uygarlığında İnsan-Tanrılara Tapınma Töreni Olarak: Kilise Ekmek-Şarap Ayini”. Atatürk Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 41 (2014): 129-160.
  • Althoff, Gerd. Otto III. Çev. Phyllis G. Jestice, University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003.
  • Billy, Dennis J. The Imitation of Christ Thomas à Kempis: A Spiritual Commentary and Reader’s Guide. Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 2005.
  • Bromiley, Geoffrey W. Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1979.
  • Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo: A Biography. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2000.
  • Climacus, John. The Ladder of Divine Ascent. Çev. Colm Luibheid & Norman Russell, Londra: SPCK, 1982.
  • Constable, Giles. Three Studies in Medieval Religious and Social Thought: The Interpretation of Mary and Martha, the Ideal of the Imitation of Christ, the Orders of Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Erigena, Johannes Scotus. Periphyseon: The Division of Nature. Çev. I. P. Sheldon Williams, Montreal: Dumbarton Oaks, 1987.
  • Eroğlu, Ahmet Hikmet. “Ekmek-Şarap Ayini (Evharistiya) Konusunda Katolikler Ve Protestanlar Arasındaki Anlayış Farklılıkları”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 39/1 (1999): 439-453.
  • Eusebius Pamphili. Ecclesiastical History: Books 1-5. Çev. Roy J. Deferrari, Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 2005.
  • Fichtenau, Heinrich. The Carolingian Empire: The Age of Charlemagne. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.
  • Garland, Anthony C. A Testimony of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation. 2 cilt, Washington: Spirit and Truth, 2004.
  • Graham, Ward. Christ and Culture. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005.
  • Grun, Anselm. Seven Sacraments. New York: Continuum, 2003.
  • Guenon, Rene. Alemin Hükümdarı Dinlerde Merkez Sembolizmi. Çev. İsmail Taşpınar, İnsan Yayınları, 2014.
  • Halliwell, Stephen. The Aesthetics of Mimesis: Ancient Texts and Modern Problems. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.
  • Hans, Schwarz. The Trinity:The Central Mystery of Christianity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017.
  • Hillyer, Philip H. Imitatio Christi in the Spirituality of Charles De Foucauld. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1979.
  • Johnson, Keith L. Karl Barth and the Analogia Entis. Londra: T&T Clark, 2010.
  • Johnson, William Stacy. The Mystery of God: Karl Barth and the Postmodern Foundations of Theology Columbia Series in Reformed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1997.
  • Jungmann, Josef A. The Mass of the Roman Rite: Its Origins and Development. Çev. Francis A. Brunner, 2 cilt, Allen: Christian Classics, 1986.
  • Kantorowicz, Ernst H. The King’s Two Bodies: A Study in Mediaeval Political Theology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957.
  • Kelly, J. N. D. Early Christian Creeds. 3. bs., Great Britain: Longman Group Limited, 1972.
  • Kempis, Thomas a’. The Imitation of Christ. New York: TAN Books, 2010.
  • Kendall, R.T. Imitating Christ: Becoming More Like Jesus. Florida: Charisma House, 2007.
  • Kuehn, Manfred. “Kant’s Jesus”. Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason: A Critical Guide, ed. Gordon E. Michalson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 156-174.
  • Kutsal Kitap: Tevrat, Zebur, İncil İstanbul: Kitabı Mukaddes Şirketi & Yeni Yaşam Yayınları, 2013.
  • Laux, Fr. John. Mass and the Sacraments: A Course in Religion Book II. Charlotte: TAN Books, 2013.
  • Macy, Gary. The Theologies of the Eucharist in the Early Scholastic Period: A Study of the Salvific Function of the Sacrament According to the Theologians c.1080-c.1220. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.
  • Marenbon, John. The Philosophy of Peter Abelard. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • Martens, John W. One God, One Law: Philo of Alexandria on the Mosaic and Greco-Roman Law. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2003.
  • Mengel, David & Lisa Wolverton. Christianity and Culture in the Middle Ages: Essays to Honor John Van Engen. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2014.
  • Morrison, Karl F. Tradition and Authority in the Western Church, 300-1140. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969.
  • Murdoch, Iris. Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals. New York: Penguin Books, 1993.
  • Nees, Lawrence. “Carolingian Art and Politics”. Gentle Voices of Teachers: Aspects of Learning in the Carolingian Age, ed. Richard E. Sullivan, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1995, 186-226.
  • Noble, Thomas F. X. “Tradition and Learning in Search of Ideology:The Libri Carolini”. Gentle Voices of Teachers: Aspects of Learning in the Carolingian Age, ed. Richard E. Sullivan, Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1995, 227-260.
  • Nock, Arthur Darby. Conversion: The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo. Oxford: University Press of America, 1988.
  • Ong, Walter J. “Mimesis and the Following of Christ”. Religion & Literature 26/2 (Summer 1994): 73-77.
  • Osborn, Eric. Clement of Alexandria. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • Osborn, Eric. Ethical Patterns in Early Christian Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
  • Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. 5 cilt, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971-1978.
  • Pettis, Jeffrey B. “Ordination”. The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, ed. John Anthony McGuckin, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 2: 425-427.
  • Rahner, Karl. Practice of Faith: A Handbook of Contemporary Spirituality. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1983.
  • Schramm, Percy Ernst. Kaiser, Könige und Päpste: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, Band 1: Von der Spätantike bis zum Tode Karls des Großen (814). Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1968.
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet. St. Thomas Aquinas. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2006.
  • Temiztürk, Halil. Hıristiyan Mistisizmine Giriş. Ankara: Eskiyeni Yayınları, 2021.
  • Ullmann, Walter. Growth of Papal Government in Middle Ages: Study in Ideological Relation of Clerical to Lay Power. Londra: Bradford & Dickens, 1962.
  • Volf, Miroslav. After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity. Michigan: William. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998.
  • Whistler, Daniel. “Kant’s Imitatio Christi”. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 67 (2010): 17-36.
  • Whistler, Daniel. “The Abandoned Fiancée, or Against Subjection”. New Topics in Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Contestations and Transcendence Incarnate, ed. Pamela Sue Anderson, Londra & New York: Springer, 2010, 127-145.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Articles

Zekiye Sönmez 0000-0003-1672-4823

Publication Date July 21, 2022
Submission Date June 19, 2022
Acceptance Date July 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


ISNAD Sönmez, Zekiye. “İsa Mesih’in Tanrısallığının Taklidi Ve Bunun Orta Çağ Hıristiyan Dünyasındaki Yansımaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”. Oksident 4/1 (July 2022), 113-145.