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Modern Dönem Yahudilikte Süleyman Mabedi'ni Yeniden İnşa Girişimi: III. Mabet Hareketi'nin Doğuşu

Year 2020, , 221 - 257, 31.12.2020


Yahudi geleneği içerisinde, M.S. 70 yılında Süleyman Mabedi'nin yıkılmasının ardından III. Mabet’in mesihî kurtuluş döneminde Tanrı tarafından gönderilecek bir Mesih öncülüğünde mucizevi bir biçimde yeniden inşa edileceği inancı kabul edilmiştir. Yahudiler bu inanç doğrultusunda XX. yüzyıla kadar pasif bir bekleyiş süreci içerisine girmişlerdir. XX. yüzyılda yaşanan gelişmeler, Dini Siyonizm’in İsrail Devleti’nin mesihî kurtuluşun bir aracı olduğu kabulüne dayanan doktrininin geniş kitleler tarafından benimsenmesiyle sonuçlanmıştır. Ancak bu dönemde İsrail Devleti tarafından yürütülen politikaların dindar Siyonistler tarafından hayal kırıklığıyla karşılanması, III. Mabet Hareketi olarak adlandırılan fundamentalist bir hareketin doğmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu hareket Kudüs’te bulunan Mabet Tepesi’ndeki İslami mirası yok ederek yerine III. Mabet’i inşa etmeyi hedeflemektedir. III. Mabet Hareketi'ne mensup aktivistlerin nihai amacı ise bölgede teokratik düzene dayalı bir krallık kurmaktır. Geleneksel Yahudi inancında Mesih geldikten sonra gerçekleşmesi beklenen bu hadise, III. Mabet aktivistleri tarafından, Tanrı’nın tarihe mucizevi bir biçimde müdahalesi reddedilip kurtuluşun insan eliyle gerçekleşeceği kabulü esas alınarak tamamlanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, günümüzde Kudüs'te ortaya çıkan siyasi krizlerde önemli bir pay sahibi olan III. Mabet Hareketi’nin doğuşuna zemin hazırlayan tarihsel sürecin ve hareketin genel özelliklerinin ortaya konulması hedeflenmiştir.


  • Altınel, Tolga Savaş. “Guş Emunim”. Yeni Dini Hareketler Ansiklopedisi, ed. Süleyman Turan & Emine Battal, İstanbul: Okur Akademi, 2020, 196-198.
  • Armstrong, Karen. “The Holiness of Jerusalem: Asset or Burden?”. Journal of Palestine Studies 27/3 (1998): 5-19.
  • Aydın, Fuat. Yahudilik: Tarih, İnanç, İbadet, Kültür. 3. bs., İstanbul: Mahya Yayıncılık, 2018.
  • Azaryahu, Maoz. “(Re)Locating Redemption. Jerusalem: The Wall, Two Mountains, a Hill and the Narrative Construction of the Third Temple”. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 1/1 (2002): 22-35.
  • Bağır, Muhammed Ali. Yahudi Düşünür Saadia Gaon. İstanbul: Gözlem Yayıncılık, 2015.
  • Baker, Eric W. The Eschatological Role of the Jerusalem Temple: An Examination of the Jewish Writings dating from 586 BCE to 70 CE. Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing, 2015.
  • Batuk, Cengiz. Tarihin Sonunu Beklemek: Ortadoğu Dinlerinde Eskatoloji Mitosları. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2003.
  • Batuk, Cengiz & Rabia Mert. “Çatışan Kutsalların Ortasındaki Şehir: Kudüs”. Dinbilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi 17/2 (2017): 129-149.
  • Baybal, Sami. “Modern Yahudilikte Mesih İnancı Üzerine Bazı Mülâhazalar”. Bütün Yönleriyle Yahudilik, Ankara: Türkiye Dinler Tarihi Derneği Yayınları, 2012, 341-359.
  • Be’er, Yizhar. “Dangerous Liaison: The Dynamics of the Rise of the Temple Movements and Their Implications”. Ir Amim, çev. Shoshana London Sappir, erişim: 22.11.2020,
  • Blau, Uri. “Netanyahu allies donated to groups pushing for Third Temple”. Haaretz, erişim: 23.11.2020,
  • Borschel-Dan, Amanda. “As support widens for Jewish prayer on Temple Mount, should we fear apocalyptic consequences?”. The Times of Israel, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Boyer, Alain. Siyonizmin Kökenleri. Çev. Volkan Aytar, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1992.
  • Cattan, Henry. Palestine, the Arabs and Israel: The Search for Justice. Londra: Longman, 1969.
  • Çapa, Yılmaz. Yahudilikte Mesih İnancı; Hıristiyan ve İslam Kültürüne Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Isparta: Süleyman Demirel Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018.
  • Elmas, Büşra. Evanjelik Hıristiyanlarda Kıyamet İnancı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bursa: Uludağ Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017.
  • “Emet ve’Emunah: Statement of Principles of Conservative Judaism”. Erişim: 20.11.2020,
  • Feldman, Rachel Z. “Putting Messianic Femininity into Zionist Political Action: The Race-Class and Ideological Normativity of Women for the Temple in Jerusalem”. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 13/3 (Kasım 2017): 395-415.
  • Feldman, Rachel Z. “Temple Mount Pilgrimage in the Name of Human Rights: The Use of Piety Practice and Liberal Discourse to Carry out Proxy-State Conquest”. Settler Colonial Studies 8/4 (2018): 537-558.
  • Feldman, Rachel Z. “The Children of Noah: Has Messianic Zionism Created a New World Religion?”, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, 22/1 (2018): 115-128.
  • Feldman, Rachel Z. “Third Temple Movement”. World Religions and Spirituality, erişim: 18.11.2020.
  • Fischer, Shlomo. “From Yehuda Etzion to Yehuda Glick: From Redemptive Revolution to Human Rights on the Temple Mount”. Israel Studies Review 32/1 (2017): 67-87.
  • Goldhill, Simon. Kudüs Tapınağı. Çev. İbrahim Şener, İstanbul: Doruk Yayınları, 2011.
  • Gorenberg, Gershom. The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Greenstein, Ran. Zionism and Its Discontents: A Century of Radical Dissent in Israel/Palestine. Londra: Pluto Press, 2014.
  • Gürkan, Salime Leyla. Yahudilik., İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2012.
  • Harman, Ömer Faruk. “Kudüs”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 2001, 23: 323-338.
  • Hasson, Nir. “Number of Jews Visiting the Temple Mount Rising Fast, and So Is the Controversy”. Haaretz, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Hayes, Christine H. “Sanhedrin”. The Oxford Dictionary of Jewish Religion, New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, 606-607.
  • Herzl, Theodor. Yahudi Devleti. Çev. Yeşim Meriç, İstanbul: Milenyum Yayınları, 2018.
  • Inbari, Motti. “Fundamentalism in Crisis: The Response of the Gush Emunim Rabbinical Authorities to the Theological Dilemmas Raised by Israel’s Disengagement Plan”. Journal of Church and State 49/4 (Ekim 2007): 697-717.
  • Inbari, Motti. Jewish Fundamentalism and the Temple Mount: Who Will Build the Third Temple? Çev. Shaul Vardi, Albany: Sunny Press, 2009.
  • Inbari, Motti. “Messianic Religious Zionism and the Reintroduction of Sacrifice: The Case of the Temple Institute”. Rethinking the Messianic Idea in Judaism, ed. Michael L. Morgan & Steven Weitzman, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2015, 256-273.
  • Inbari, Motti. “The Oslo Accords and the Temple Mount A Case Study: The Movement for the Establishment of the Temple”. Hebrew Union College Annual 74 (2003): 279-323.
  • Inbari, Motti. “When Prophecy Fails? The Theology of the Oslo Process: Rabbinical Responses to a Crisis of Faith”. Modern Judaism 29/3 (Eylül 2009): 303-325.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty”. Erişim: 22.11.2020,
  • İbn Meymûn, Musa. Mishneh Torah: Sefer Shoftim. Çev. Eliyahu Touger, New York: Moznaim Publishing, 2010.
  • Karaman, Lütfullah M. “Siyonizm”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 2009, 37: 329-335.
  • Kashti, Or. “Religious Public Schools Teach Children to Long for the Third Temple”. Haaretz, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Knibb, Michael A. “Apocalypticism and Messianism”. The Oxford Handbook of the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. John J. Collins & Timothy H. Lim, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 403-432.
  • Kurt, Ali Osman. “Yahudi Aydınlanma Hareketi: Haskala”. Milel ve Nihal 7/1 (2010): 33-59.
  • Meral, Yasin. “İbn Meymun’a Göre Yahudilikte İman Esasları”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 52/2 (2011): 243-266.
  • Meral, Yasin. Yahudi Dinî Literatüründe Mesih, Deccal ve Gog-Magog. Ankara: Ankara Okulu Yayınları, 2019.
  • Meral, Yasin. Yahudilerin Ahir Zamanı: Yahudilikte Gog-Magog, Deccal ve Mesih. Ankara: Ankara Okulu Yayınları, 2019.
  • Mert, Rabia. “İslam Geleneği Açısından Kudüs”. Sinop Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 1/2 (Aralık 2017): 257-272.
  • Montet, E. v.dğr. Tarihte ve Günümüzde Siyonizm ve Yahudilik. Çev. Adnan Yazıcı v.dğr., İstanbul: Örgün Yayınevi, 2006.
  • Nachshoni, Kobi. “More than 12.000 Jews Visit Temple Mount since September”., erişim: 24.11.2020,,7340,L-5181367,00.html.
  • Naor, Arye. “‘Behold, Rachel, Behold’: The Six Day War as a Biblical Experience and Its Impact on Israel’s Political Mentality”. Journal of Israeli History 24/2 (2005): 229-250.
  • Newman, Marissa. “Temple Mount Activists Convene in Knesset, Urge PM to ‘Open Gates’ to Jewish Prayer”. The Times of Israel, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Özalkan, Seda. Siyonizm Karşıtı Yahudiler. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2018.
  • Persico, Tomer. “The End Point of Zionism: Ethnocentrism and the Temple Mount”. Israel Studies Review 32/1 (2017): 104-122.
  • Pew Research Center. “Israel’s Religiously Divided Society”. Erişim: 20.11.2020,
  • Prior, Michael. Zionism and the State of Israel: A Moral Inquiry. Londra/New York: Routledge, 1999.
  • Rabkin, Yakov M. Yahudilerin Siyonizm Karşıtlığı. Çev. Şahika Tokel, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2014.
  • Ravitzky, Aviezer. Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Religious Radicalism. Çev. Michael Swirsky & Jonathan Chipman, Şikago/Londra: The University of Chicago Press, 1996.
  • Rubenberg, Cheryl A. (ed.). “Al-Haram ash-Sharif”. Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Londra/Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010, 496-497.
  • Rubenberg, Cheryl A. (ed.). “Third Temple Movement”. Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Londra/Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010, 1451-1463.
  • Shahak, Israel & Norton Mezvinsky. İsrail’de Yahudi Fundamentalizmi. Çev. Ahmet Emin Dağ, İstanbul: Anka Yayınları, 2002.
  • Sharon, Jeremy. “Jewish Visitation to Temple Mount Highest Since Jerusalem’s Unification”. The Jerusalem Post, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Sharon, Jeremy. “Participants in paschal lamb ceremony voice hope to one day raze Temple Mount”. The Jerusalem Post, erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Sheen, David. “Video: Temple movement rabbi proselytizes for genocide”. The Electronic Intifada, erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Shragai, Nadav. “Present-day Sanhedrin Court Seeks to Revive Ancient Temple Rituals”. Haaretz, erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Shragai, Nadav. “Third Temple Culture”. Haaretz, erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Shragai, Nadav. “Yesha Rabbis to Jews: Visit Temple Mount”. Haaretz, erişim: 23.11.2020,
  • Smith, Henry Preserverd. “The Red Heifer”. The American Journal of Theology 13/2 (1909): 207-228.
  • Starr, Kelsey Jo & David Masci. “In Israel, Jews are united by homeland but divided into very different groups”. Pew Research Center, erişim: 20.11.2020,
  • Temple Institute. “About the Temple Institute”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Temple Institute. “Sacred Vessels and Vestments of the Holy Temple”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Temple Mount & Land of Israel Faithful Movement. “Vision of Redemption”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Taşpınar, İsmail. “Yahudilik ve Hristiyanlık’ta Kudüs”. Kudüs: Tarih, Şehir Toplum, ed. Yunus Çolak ve Latif Karagöz, İstanbul: İLEM Yayınları, 2019, 1-17.
  • The Knesset. “Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel”. Erişim: 22.11.2020,
  • The Messianic Prophecy Bible Project. “The Temple Vessels are Ready for the Rebuilding of Jerusalem’s Third Temple”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • The Temple Institute. “Red Heifer Update! (June 2020/Tammuz 5780)”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • The Temple Institute. “Shavuot Offering Reenactment”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Webb, Whitney. “From Fringe to Halls of Power: How the Third Temple Movement in Israel Rebranded Theocracy as ‘Civil Rights’”. MPN News, erişim: 22.11.2020,
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  • Verter, Yossi. “Temple Mount Extremists Making Inroads in Both Knesset and Israeli Government”. Haaretz, erişim: 24.11.2020,

An Attempt to Rebuild the Temple of Solomon in the Contemporary Judaism: the Emergence of the Third Temple Movement

Year 2020, , 221 - 257, 31.12.2020


In the Jewish tradition, after the destruction of the Temple of Solomon in 70 CE, it is accepted that the Third Temple will be miraculously rebuilt under the leadership of a Messiah who will be sent by God during the messianic salvation period. In this belief, Jews have entered a passive waiting period until the 20th century. That being said, developments in the 20th century led to the doctrine of Religious Zionism, which is based on the acceptance of the State of Israel being the instrument of the messianic salvation period, being widely adopted. However, the disillusionment of religious Zionists for the policies of the Israeli State has led to the emergence of a fundamentalist movement called the Third Temple Movement. This movement aims to destroy the Islamic heritage and build the Third Temple in its place on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The most important aim of the Third Temple activists is to establish a theocratic kingdom in the region. This event, which is expected to take place after the arrival of the Messiah according to the traditional Jewish belief, is trying to be realized by the activists of the Third Temple Movement. In this effort, they reject God's miraculous intervention in history, affirming instead that salvation will be realized by human hands. In this study, the emergence of the Third Temple Movement which continues to play a critical role in the current political crises being experienced in the region and the characteristics of the Third Temple Movement, have been put forth.


  • Altınel, Tolga Savaş. “Guş Emunim”. Yeni Dini Hareketler Ansiklopedisi, ed. Süleyman Turan & Emine Battal, İstanbul: Okur Akademi, 2020, 196-198.
  • Armstrong, Karen. “The Holiness of Jerusalem: Asset or Burden?”. Journal of Palestine Studies 27/3 (1998): 5-19.
  • Aydın, Fuat. Yahudilik: Tarih, İnanç, İbadet, Kültür. 3. bs., İstanbul: Mahya Yayıncılık, 2018.
  • Azaryahu, Maoz. “(Re)Locating Redemption. Jerusalem: The Wall, Two Mountains, a Hill and the Narrative Construction of the Third Temple”. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 1/1 (2002): 22-35.
  • Bağır, Muhammed Ali. Yahudi Düşünür Saadia Gaon. İstanbul: Gözlem Yayıncılık, 2015.
  • Baker, Eric W. The Eschatological Role of the Jerusalem Temple: An Examination of the Jewish Writings dating from 586 BCE to 70 CE. Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing, 2015.
  • Batuk, Cengiz. Tarihin Sonunu Beklemek: Ortadoğu Dinlerinde Eskatoloji Mitosları. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2003.
  • Batuk, Cengiz & Rabia Mert. “Çatışan Kutsalların Ortasındaki Şehir: Kudüs”. Dinbilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi 17/2 (2017): 129-149.
  • Baybal, Sami. “Modern Yahudilikte Mesih İnancı Üzerine Bazı Mülâhazalar”. Bütün Yönleriyle Yahudilik, Ankara: Türkiye Dinler Tarihi Derneği Yayınları, 2012, 341-359.
  • Be’er, Yizhar. “Dangerous Liaison: The Dynamics of the Rise of the Temple Movements and Their Implications”. Ir Amim, çev. Shoshana London Sappir, erişim: 22.11.2020,
  • Blau, Uri. “Netanyahu allies donated to groups pushing for Third Temple”. Haaretz, erişim: 23.11.2020,
  • Borschel-Dan, Amanda. “As support widens for Jewish prayer on Temple Mount, should we fear apocalyptic consequences?”. The Times of Israel, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Boyer, Alain. Siyonizmin Kökenleri. Çev. Volkan Aytar, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1992.
  • Cattan, Henry. Palestine, the Arabs and Israel: The Search for Justice. Londra: Longman, 1969.
  • Çapa, Yılmaz. Yahudilikte Mesih İnancı; Hıristiyan ve İslam Kültürüne Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Isparta: Süleyman Demirel Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018.
  • Elmas, Büşra. Evanjelik Hıristiyanlarda Kıyamet İnancı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bursa: Uludağ Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2017.
  • “Emet ve’Emunah: Statement of Principles of Conservative Judaism”. Erişim: 20.11.2020,
  • Feldman, Rachel Z. “Putting Messianic Femininity into Zionist Political Action: The Race-Class and Ideological Normativity of Women for the Temple in Jerusalem”. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 13/3 (Kasım 2017): 395-415.
  • Feldman, Rachel Z. “Temple Mount Pilgrimage in the Name of Human Rights: The Use of Piety Practice and Liberal Discourse to Carry out Proxy-State Conquest”. Settler Colonial Studies 8/4 (2018): 537-558.
  • Feldman, Rachel Z. “The Children of Noah: Has Messianic Zionism Created a New World Religion?”, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, 22/1 (2018): 115-128.
  • Feldman, Rachel Z. “Third Temple Movement”. World Religions and Spirituality, erişim: 18.11.2020.
  • Fischer, Shlomo. “From Yehuda Etzion to Yehuda Glick: From Redemptive Revolution to Human Rights on the Temple Mount”. Israel Studies Review 32/1 (2017): 67-87.
  • Goldhill, Simon. Kudüs Tapınağı. Çev. İbrahim Şener, İstanbul: Doruk Yayınları, 2011.
  • Gorenberg, Gershom. The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • Greenstein, Ran. Zionism and Its Discontents: A Century of Radical Dissent in Israel/Palestine. Londra: Pluto Press, 2014.
  • Gürkan, Salime Leyla. Yahudilik., İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2012.
  • Harman, Ömer Faruk. “Kudüs”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 2001, 23: 323-338.
  • Hasson, Nir. “Number of Jews Visiting the Temple Mount Rising Fast, and So Is the Controversy”. Haaretz, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Hayes, Christine H. “Sanhedrin”. The Oxford Dictionary of Jewish Religion, New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, 606-607.
  • Herzl, Theodor. Yahudi Devleti. Çev. Yeşim Meriç, İstanbul: Milenyum Yayınları, 2018.
  • Inbari, Motti. “Fundamentalism in Crisis: The Response of the Gush Emunim Rabbinical Authorities to the Theological Dilemmas Raised by Israel’s Disengagement Plan”. Journal of Church and State 49/4 (Ekim 2007): 697-717.
  • Inbari, Motti. Jewish Fundamentalism and the Temple Mount: Who Will Build the Third Temple? Çev. Shaul Vardi, Albany: Sunny Press, 2009.
  • Inbari, Motti. “Messianic Religious Zionism and the Reintroduction of Sacrifice: The Case of the Temple Institute”. Rethinking the Messianic Idea in Judaism, ed. Michael L. Morgan & Steven Weitzman, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2015, 256-273.
  • Inbari, Motti. “The Oslo Accords and the Temple Mount A Case Study: The Movement for the Establishment of the Temple”. Hebrew Union College Annual 74 (2003): 279-323.
  • Inbari, Motti. “When Prophecy Fails? The Theology of the Oslo Process: Rabbinical Responses to a Crisis of Faith”. Modern Judaism 29/3 (Eylül 2009): 303-325.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty”. Erişim: 22.11.2020,
  • İbn Meymûn, Musa. Mishneh Torah: Sefer Shoftim. Çev. Eliyahu Touger, New York: Moznaim Publishing, 2010.
  • Karaman, Lütfullah M. “Siyonizm”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 2009, 37: 329-335.
  • Kashti, Or. “Religious Public Schools Teach Children to Long for the Third Temple”. Haaretz, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Knibb, Michael A. “Apocalypticism and Messianism”. The Oxford Handbook of the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. John J. Collins & Timothy H. Lim, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 403-432.
  • Kurt, Ali Osman. “Yahudi Aydınlanma Hareketi: Haskala”. Milel ve Nihal 7/1 (2010): 33-59.
  • Meral, Yasin. “İbn Meymun’a Göre Yahudilikte İman Esasları”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 52/2 (2011): 243-266.
  • Meral, Yasin. Yahudi Dinî Literatüründe Mesih, Deccal ve Gog-Magog. Ankara: Ankara Okulu Yayınları, 2019.
  • Meral, Yasin. Yahudilerin Ahir Zamanı: Yahudilikte Gog-Magog, Deccal ve Mesih. Ankara: Ankara Okulu Yayınları, 2019.
  • Mert, Rabia. “İslam Geleneği Açısından Kudüs”. Sinop Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 1/2 (Aralık 2017): 257-272.
  • Montet, E. v.dğr. Tarihte ve Günümüzde Siyonizm ve Yahudilik. Çev. Adnan Yazıcı v.dğr., İstanbul: Örgün Yayınevi, 2006.
  • Nachshoni, Kobi. “More than 12.000 Jews Visit Temple Mount since September”., erişim: 24.11.2020,,7340,L-5181367,00.html.
  • Naor, Arye. “‘Behold, Rachel, Behold’: The Six Day War as a Biblical Experience and Its Impact on Israel’s Political Mentality”. Journal of Israeli History 24/2 (2005): 229-250.
  • Newman, Marissa. “Temple Mount Activists Convene in Knesset, Urge PM to ‘Open Gates’ to Jewish Prayer”. The Times of Israel, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Özalkan, Seda. Siyonizm Karşıtı Yahudiler. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2018.
  • Persico, Tomer. “The End Point of Zionism: Ethnocentrism and the Temple Mount”. Israel Studies Review 32/1 (2017): 104-122.
  • Pew Research Center. “Israel’s Religiously Divided Society”. Erişim: 20.11.2020,
  • Prior, Michael. Zionism and the State of Israel: A Moral Inquiry. Londra/New York: Routledge, 1999.
  • Rabkin, Yakov M. Yahudilerin Siyonizm Karşıtlığı. Çev. Şahika Tokel, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2014.
  • Ravitzky, Aviezer. Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Religious Radicalism. Çev. Michael Swirsky & Jonathan Chipman, Şikago/Londra: The University of Chicago Press, 1996.
  • Rubenberg, Cheryl A. (ed.). “Al-Haram ash-Sharif”. Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Londra/Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010, 496-497.
  • Rubenberg, Cheryl A. (ed.). “Third Temple Movement”. Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Londra/Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010, 1451-1463.
  • Shahak, Israel & Norton Mezvinsky. İsrail’de Yahudi Fundamentalizmi. Çev. Ahmet Emin Dağ, İstanbul: Anka Yayınları, 2002.
  • Sharon, Jeremy. “Jewish Visitation to Temple Mount Highest Since Jerusalem’s Unification”. The Jerusalem Post, erişim: 24.11.2020,
  • Sharon, Jeremy. “Participants in paschal lamb ceremony voice hope to one day raze Temple Mount”. The Jerusalem Post, erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Sheen, David. “Video: Temple movement rabbi proselytizes for genocide”. The Electronic Intifada, erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Shragai, Nadav. “Present-day Sanhedrin Court Seeks to Revive Ancient Temple Rituals”. Haaretz, erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Shragai, Nadav. “Third Temple Culture”. Haaretz, erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Shragai, Nadav. “Yesha Rabbis to Jews: Visit Temple Mount”. Haaretz, erişim: 23.11.2020,
  • Smith, Henry Preserverd. “The Red Heifer”. The American Journal of Theology 13/2 (1909): 207-228.
  • Starr, Kelsey Jo & David Masci. “In Israel, Jews are united by homeland but divided into very different groups”. Pew Research Center, erişim: 20.11.2020,
  • Temple Institute. “About the Temple Institute”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Temple Institute. “Sacred Vessels and Vestments of the Holy Temple”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Temple Mount & Land of Israel Faithful Movement. “Vision of Redemption”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Taşpınar, İsmail. “Yahudilik ve Hristiyanlık’ta Kudüs”. Kudüs: Tarih, Şehir Toplum, ed. Yunus Çolak ve Latif Karagöz, İstanbul: İLEM Yayınları, 2019, 1-17.
  • The Knesset. “Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel”. Erişim: 22.11.2020,
  • The Messianic Prophecy Bible Project. “The Temple Vessels are Ready for the Rebuilding of Jerusalem’s Third Temple”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • The Temple Institute. “Red Heifer Update! (June 2020/Tammuz 5780)”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • The Temple Institute. “Shavuot Offering Reenactment”. Erişim: 22.12.2020,
  • Webb, Whitney. “From Fringe to Halls of Power: How the Third Temple Movement in Israel Rebranded Theocracy as ‘Civil Rights’”. MPN News, erişim: 22.11.2020,
  • Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi & Geoffrey Wigoder (ed.). “Zion”. The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, 761.
  • Verter, Yossi. “Temple Mount Extremists Making Inroads in Both Knesset and Israeli Government”. Haaretz, erişim: 24.11.2020,
There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Kübra Baktemur 0000-0002-0685-5371

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date November 29, 2020
Acceptance Date December 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


ISNAD Baktemur, Hatice Kübra. “Modern Dönem Yahudilikte Süleyman Mabedi’ni Yeniden İnşa Girişimi: III. Mabet Hareketi’nin Doğuşu”. Oksident 2/2 (December 2020), 221-257.