The testing aspect of Satan is present in many religious narratives. Satan has tried to mislead many religious leaders chosen by God. However, Satan is also seen as the real reason for humanity’s earthly life and for being sinners. In the Christian religious tradition, Satan is known for this feature, and when we look at the Gospels, it is seen that Jesus encountered such a situation. At first, Satan deceives Adam and his wife, Eve, causing them to fall from heaven. The dialogue with Jesus, on the other hand, contains a paradise depiction of Jesus being with wild animals. Satan, a being depicted in Jewish tradition by his evil qualities in God’s service, has been positioned before God along with the Christian tradition. Satan subjected Jesus to an important test in the desert. Jesus’ resistance to forty days of hunger and thirst is similar to the attitude of the Jews during their forty years in the desert. In this process, Jesus, unlike the Jews, frustrated Satan’s efforts in the face of being tested by being the sinless Son. The accounts of Satan’s testing of Jesus in the Canonical Gospels contain variances as well as similarities. This article discusses baptism, the tearing of the sky, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ testing in the desert, Satan’s approach to Jesus, and Satan’s despair. The article provides a table that summarizes and describes the discrepancies and inconsistencies in the Gospels concerning Satan’s testing of Jesus. It used a comparative method to reveal and evaluate the differences between the Gospels and contribute to a better understanding of the narrations.