Research Article
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Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center with a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM

Year 2023, , 476 - 492, 10.03.2023


The first step to take when a healthcare facility investment is planned is to choose the most appropriate facility location. This important selection process is a planning process that takes into account economic, ecological and environmental effects, and it is necessary for managers who are decision-makers at the establishment stage to carry out the settlement planning of their organizations using analytical methods. In this study, Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) and Interative Multi-criteria Decision Making (TODIM) methods with a help of Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) step, which are among the multi-criteria decision-making techniques, have been applied to the solution of the location selection problem, which can be considered as the first step of health sector investments for an international dental clinic. Within the scope of the study, a multi-criteria decision-making model consisting of 4 main criteria, 17 sub-criteria and 6 alternative countries has been proposed. Alternative countries including Germany, Spain, Netherlands, England, Ireland, and Belgium were evaluated on the basis of criteria gathered under the headings of country structure, demographic structure of the country, cost and risk. By solving the proposed model with the proposed sequential method, Germany was found to be the most suitable location for such a dental health center investment.


  • Aydoğan EK., Özmen M. Travel and Tourism Competitiveness of Economies Around the World Using Rough SWARA and TODIM Method. In: Kavoura A., Kefallonitis E., Theodoridis P. (eds). Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer 2020: 765-774.
  • Chiu JE., Tsai HH. Applying analytic hierarchy process to select optimal expansion of hospital location: The case of a regional teaching hospital in Yunlin. 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2013: 603-606.
  • Dahooie JH., Dehghan MM. Proposing a Framework to Rank and Select Volleyball Players using SWARA and TODIM Methods (Case Study: Selected Team of the World in 2015). Journal of Sport Management 2018; 10(2): 312-295.
  • Eldemir F., Önden I. GIS and multi-criteria decisions integration approach for hospital location selection. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 2016; 15(05).
  • Frisbee SJ., Chambers CB., Frisbee JC., Goodwill AG., Crout RJ. Association between Dental Hygiene, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Systemic Inflammation in Rural Adults. American Dental Hygienists' Association 2010; 84(4): 177-184.
  • Gomes LFAM., Lima MMPP. TODIM: Basics and application to multi criteria ranking of projects with environmental impacts. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 1992; 16(4): 113–127.
  • Guo J., Yin J., Zhang L., Lin Z., Li X. Extended TODIM method for CCUS storage site selection under probabilistic hesitant fuzzy environment. Applied Soft Computing 2020; 93: 106381.
  • Hosseinpoor AR., İtani L., Petersen PE. Socio-economic inequality in oral healthcare coverage: results from the World Health Survey. Journal of Dental Research 2012; 91(3): 275-281.
  • Kahneman D., Tversky A. Prospect Theory: An analysis of decision of under risk. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society 1979; 47(2): 263-264.
  • Kaveh M., Kaveh M., Mesgari MS., Paland RS. Multiple criteria decision-making for hospital location-allocation based on improved genetic algorithm. Applied Geomatics 2020; 12: 291–306.
  • Kenealy PM., Kingdon A., Richmond S., Shaw WC. The Cardiff dental study: A 20‐year critical evaluation of the psychological health gain from orthodontic treatment. British Journal of Health Psycholog 2007; 12(1): 17-49.
  • Keršulienė V., Zavadskas EK., Turkis Z. Selection of Rational Dispute Resolution Method by applying Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA). Journal of Business Economics & Management 2012: 3-6.
  • Miç P., Antmen ZF. A Healthcare Facility Location Selection Problem with Fuzzy TOPSIS Method for a Regional Hospital. European Journal of Science and Technology 2019; 16: 750-757.
  • Mostafaeipour A., Dehshiri SJH., Dehshiri SSH. Ranking locations for producing hydrogen using geothermal energy in Afghanistan. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45(32): 15924-15940.
  • Mostafaeipour A., Dehshiri SJH., Dehshiri SSH., Jahangiri M. Prioritization of potential locations for harnessing wind energy to produce hydrogen in Afghanistan. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45(58): 33169-33184.
  • Murray CJ., Callender CS., Kulikoff XR., Srinivasan V., Abate D., Abate KH. Population and fertility by age and sex for 195 countries and territories, 1950–2017: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet 2018; 392(10159): 1995-2051.
  • Popovic G., Stanujkic D., Brzakovic M., Karabasevic D. A multiple-criteria decision-making model for the selection of a hotel location. Land Use Policy 2019; 84: 49-58.
  • Rezaeisabzevar Y., Bazargan A., Zohourian B. Landfill site selection using multi criteria decision making: Influential factors for comparing locations. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2020; 93: 170-184.
  • Ruzgys A., Volvaciovas R., Ignatavicius C., Turskis, Z. Integrated evaluation of external wall insulation in residential buildings using SWARA-TODIM MCDM method. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 2014; 20(1): 103-110.
  • Salminen P. Solving the discrete multiple criteria problem using linear prospect theory. European Journal of Operational Research 1994; 72: 146-154.
  • Sen DK., Datta S., Mahapatra SS. Extension of TODIM combined with grey numbers: an integrated decision making module. Grey Systems: Theory and Application 2015; 5(3): 367-391.
  • Senvar O., Otay I., Bolturk E. Hospital Site Selection via Hesitant Fuzzy TOPSIS. IFAC-PapersOnLine 2016; 49(12): 1140-1145.
  • Şahin T., Ocak S., Top M. Analytic hierarchy process for hospital site selection. Health Policy and Technology 2019; 8(1): 42-50.
  • Ulutas A., Karakus CB., Topal A. Location selection for logistics center with fuzzy SWARA and CoCoSo methods. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2020; 38(1): 1-17.
  • Zavadskas EK., Stevic Ž., Tanackov I., Prentkovskis O. A Novel Multicriteria Approach- Rough Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis Method (R-SWARA) and Its application in Logistics. Studies in Informatics and Control 2018; 27(1): 97-106.
  • Zolfani SH., Yazdani M, Torkayesh AE., Derakhti A. Application of a Gray-Based Decision Support Framework for Location Selection of a Temporary Hospital during COVID-19 Pandemic. Symmetry 2020; 12(6): 886.
  • Wu CR., Lin CT., Chen HC. Optimal selection of location for Taiwanese hospitals to ensure a competitive advantage by using the analytic hierarchy process and sensitivity analysis. Building and Environment 2007; 42(3): 1431-1444.
  • Wu Y., Zhang T., Xu C., Zhang B., Li L., Ke Y., Yan Y., Xu R. Optimal location selection for offshore wind-PV-seawater pumped storage power plant using a hybrid MCDM approach: A two-stage framework. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 199: 112066.

Ardışık SWARA TODIM Yöntemleri ile Bir Ağız Sağlığı Merkezi için Global Lokasyon Seçimi

Year 2023, , 476 - 492, 10.03.2023


Bir sağlık kuruluşu yatırımı yapılması planlandığında atılması gereken ilk adım, en doğru kuruluş yerinin seçilmesidir. Bu önemli seçim süreci ekonomik, ekolojik ve çevresel etkileri göz önünde bulunduran bir planlama süreci olup kuruluş aşamasında karar verici konumundaki yöneticilerin, kuruluşlarının yerleşim planlamasını analitik yöntemleri kullanarak gerçekleştirmeleri ise bir zorunluluktur. Bu çalışmada uluslararası bir diş kliniği yatırımı için sağlık sektörünün ilk adımı sayılabilecek yer seçimi probleminin çözümünde çok kriterli karar verme tekniklerinden Ağırlıklı Toplam Modeli ve Ağırlıklı Çarpım Modeli (Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment - WASPAS) adımı yardımıyla Adım Adım Ağırlık Değerlendirme Oran Analizi (Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis - SWARA) ve Etkileşimli ve Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemi (Interative Multi-criteria Decision Making - TODIM) yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında 4 ana kriter, 17 alt kriter ve 6 alternatif ülkeden oluşan çok kriterli karar verme modeli önerilmiştir. Almanya, İspanya, Hollanda, İngiltere, İrlanda ve Belçika’nın da aralarında bulunduğu alternatif ülkeler ülke yapısı, ülkenin demografik yapısı, maliyet ve risk başlıkları altında toplanan kriterler bazında değerlendirilmiştir. Önerilen modelin, önerilen sıralı yöntemle çözülmesi ile Almanya böylesi bir diş sağlığı merkezi yatırımı için en uygun lokasyon olarak bulunmuştur.


  • Aydoğan EK., Özmen M. Travel and Tourism Competitiveness of Economies Around the World Using Rough SWARA and TODIM Method. In: Kavoura A., Kefallonitis E., Theodoridis P. (eds). Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer 2020: 765-774.
  • Chiu JE., Tsai HH. Applying analytic hierarchy process to select optimal expansion of hospital location: The case of a regional teaching hospital in Yunlin. 10th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2013: 603-606.
  • Dahooie JH., Dehghan MM. Proposing a Framework to Rank and Select Volleyball Players using SWARA and TODIM Methods (Case Study: Selected Team of the World in 2015). Journal of Sport Management 2018; 10(2): 312-295.
  • Eldemir F., Önden I. GIS and multi-criteria decisions integration approach for hospital location selection. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 2016; 15(05).
  • Frisbee SJ., Chambers CB., Frisbee JC., Goodwill AG., Crout RJ. Association between Dental Hygiene, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Systemic Inflammation in Rural Adults. American Dental Hygienists' Association 2010; 84(4): 177-184.
  • Gomes LFAM., Lima MMPP. TODIM: Basics and application to multi criteria ranking of projects with environmental impacts. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 1992; 16(4): 113–127.
  • Guo J., Yin J., Zhang L., Lin Z., Li X. Extended TODIM method for CCUS storage site selection under probabilistic hesitant fuzzy environment. Applied Soft Computing 2020; 93: 106381.
  • Hosseinpoor AR., İtani L., Petersen PE. Socio-economic inequality in oral healthcare coverage: results from the World Health Survey. Journal of Dental Research 2012; 91(3): 275-281.
  • Kahneman D., Tversky A. Prospect Theory: An analysis of decision of under risk. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society 1979; 47(2): 263-264.
  • Kaveh M., Kaveh M., Mesgari MS., Paland RS. Multiple criteria decision-making for hospital location-allocation based on improved genetic algorithm. Applied Geomatics 2020; 12: 291–306.
  • Kenealy PM., Kingdon A., Richmond S., Shaw WC. The Cardiff dental study: A 20‐year critical evaluation of the psychological health gain from orthodontic treatment. British Journal of Health Psycholog 2007; 12(1): 17-49.
  • Keršulienė V., Zavadskas EK., Turkis Z. Selection of Rational Dispute Resolution Method by applying Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA). Journal of Business Economics & Management 2012: 3-6.
  • Miç P., Antmen ZF. A Healthcare Facility Location Selection Problem with Fuzzy TOPSIS Method for a Regional Hospital. European Journal of Science and Technology 2019; 16: 750-757.
  • Mostafaeipour A., Dehshiri SJH., Dehshiri SSH. Ranking locations for producing hydrogen using geothermal energy in Afghanistan. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45(32): 15924-15940.
  • Mostafaeipour A., Dehshiri SJH., Dehshiri SSH., Jahangiri M. Prioritization of potential locations for harnessing wind energy to produce hydrogen in Afghanistan. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45(58): 33169-33184.
  • Murray CJ., Callender CS., Kulikoff XR., Srinivasan V., Abate D., Abate KH. Population and fertility by age and sex for 195 countries and territories, 1950–2017: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet 2018; 392(10159): 1995-2051.
  • Popovic G., Stanujkic D., Brzakovic M., Karabasevic D. A multiple-criteria decision-making model for the selection of a hotel location. Land Use Policy 2019; 84: 49-58.
  • Rezaeisabzevar Y., Bazargan A., Zohourian B. Landfill site selection using multi criteria decision making: Influential factors for comparing locations. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2020; 93: 170-184.
  • Ruzgys A., Volvaciovas R., Ignatavicius C., Turskis, Z. Integrated evaluation of external wall insulation in residential buildings using SWARA-TODIM MCDM method. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 2014; 20(1): 103-110.
  • Salminen P. Solving the discrete multiple criteria problem using linear prospect theory. European Journal of Operational Research 1994; 72: 146-154.
  • Sen DK., Datta S., Mahapatra SS. Extension of TODIM combined with grey numbers: an integrated decision making module. Grey Systems: Theory and Application 2015; 5(3): 367-391.
  • Senvar O., Otay I., Bolturk E. Hospital Site Selection via Hesitant Fuzzy TOPSIS. IFAC-PapersOnLine 2016; 49(12): 1140-1145.
  • Şahin T., Ocak S., Top M. Analytic hierarchy process for hospital site selection. Health Policy and Technology 2019; 8(1): 42-50.
  • Ulutas A., Karakus CB., Topal A. Location selection for logistics center with fuzzy SWARA and CoCoSo methods. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2020; 38(1): 1-17.
  • Zavadskas EK., Stevic Ž., Tanackov I., Prentkovskis O. A Novel Multicriteria Approach- Rough Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis Method (R-SWARA) and Its application in Logistics. Studies in Informatics and Control 2018; 27(1): 97-106.
  • Zolfani SH., Yazdani M, Torkayesh AE., Derakhti A. Application of a Gray-Based Decision Support Framework for Location Selection of a Temporary Hospital during COVID-19 Pandemic. Symmetry 2020; 12(6): 886.
  • Wu CR., Lin CT., Chen HC. Optimal selection of location for Taiwanese hospitals to ensure a competitive advantage by using the analytic hierarchy process and sensitivity analysis. Building and Environment 2007; 42(3): 1431-1444.
  • Wu Y., Zhang T., Xu C., Zhang B., Li L., Ke Y., Yan Y., Xu R. Optimal location selection for offshore wind-PV-seawater pumped storage power plant using a hybrid MCDM approach: A two-stage framework. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 199: 112066.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English

G.nilay Yücenur 0000-0002-2670-6277

M.hakan Yazıcı 0000-0001-6393-8811

Publication Date March 10, 2023
Submission Date February 9, 2022
Acceptance Date July 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yücenur, G., & Yazıcı, M. (2023). Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center with a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 476-492.
AMA Yücenur G, Yazıcı M. Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center with a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. March 2023;6(1):476-492. doi:10.47495/okufbed.1070698
Chicago Yücenur, G.nilay, and M.hakan Yazıcı. “Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center With a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6, no. 1 (March 2023): 476-92.
EndNote Yücenur G, Yazıcı M (March 1, 2023) Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center with a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6 1 476–492.
IEEE G. Yücenur and M. Yazıcı, “Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center with a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 476–492, 2023, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.1070698.
ISNAD Yücenur, G.nilay - Yazıcı, M.hakan. “Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center With a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6/1 (March 2023), 476-492.
JAMA Yücenur G, Yazıcı M. Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center with a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2023;6:476–492.
MLA Yücenur, G.nilay and M.hakan Yazıcı. “Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center With a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, 2023, pp. 476-92, doi:10.47495/okufbed.1070698.
Vancouver Yücenur G, Yazıcı M. Global Location Selection for an Oral Health Center with a Sequential Method by SWARA&TODIM. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2023;6(1):476-92.



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