Siflutrinin Zebra Balıkları (Danio rerio)’nda Akut Toksisitesinin Araştırılması
Year 2024,
, 1021 - 1029, 25.06.2024
Gülsüm Koçak
Aysel Çağlan Günal
Aylin Sepici Dinçel
Siflutrin, su ekosistemlerini kirleten ve aynı zamanda potansiyel bir toksik kirletici olan sentetik bir piretroidtir. Bu çalışmada model bir organizma olan zebra balıklarında (Danio rerio) siflutrin kimyasalının 0,5, 1, 5, 10, 20 ve 50 µg/L olan dozlama çözeltilerinin 96 saat süreyle birikim değerlerinin hesaplanması amaçlanmıştır. Deneyler üç tekrarlı olarak yapılmış ve akut toksisite testinde statik test yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Aynı zamanda balıklarda tüm siflutrin konsantrasyonlarında yüzme hızında azalma, yan ve dip kısımda yüzme gibi davranış değişiklikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Siflutrinin akut toksisite testlerinden elde edilen veriler Probit Analizi İstatistik Yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Zebra balığının 96 saatlik LC50 değeri 3,61 µg/L olarak hesaplanmıştır.
Ethical Statement
Gazi Üniversitesi Hayvan Deneyleri Yerel Etik Kurulu tarafından ( Kod: G.Ü.ET-20.071) onaylanmıştır.
Supporting Institution
Gazi Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Proje Birimi
Project Number
- Ankley GT., Johnson RD. Small fish models for identifying and assessing the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. ILAR Journal/National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources 2004; 45(4): 469–483.
- Antwi FB., Reddy GV. Toxicological effects of pyrethroids on non-target aquatic ınsects. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2015; 40: 915–923.
- Bambino K., Chu J. Zebrafish in toxicology and environmental health. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 2017; 124: 331–367.
- Du G., Shen O., Sun H., Fei J., Lu C., Song L., Xia Y., Wang S., Wang X. Assessing hormone receptor activities of pyrethroid ınsecticides and their metabolites in reporter gene assays. Toxicol Science 2010; 116(1): 58–66.
- Fan R., Zhang W., Jia L., Li L., Zhao J., Zhao Z., Peng S., Chen Y., Yuan X. Combined developmental toxicity of the pesticides difenoconazole and dimethomorph on embryonic zebrafish. Toxins 2021; 13(12): 854.
- Greally JM., Jacobs MN. In vitro and in vivo testing methods of epigenomic endpoints for evaluating endocrine disruptors. Altex 2013; 30(4): 445–471.
- Hill IR. Aquatic organisms and pyrethroids. Pesticide Science 1989; 27(4): 429–457.
- Irons TD., Kelly PE., Hunter DL., Macphail RC., Padilla S. Acute administration of dopaminergic drugs has differential effects on locomotion in larval zebrafish. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 2013; 103(4): 792-813.
- Jokanovic M. Neurotoxic effects of organophosphorus pesticides and possible association with neurodegenerative diseases in man: A review. Toxicology 2018; 410, 125-131.
Investigation of Acute Toxicity of Cyfluthrin on Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Year 2024,
, 1021 - 1029, 25.06.2024
Gülsüm Koçak
Aysel Çağlan Günal
Aylin Sepici Dinçel
Cyfluthrin is a synthetic pyrethroid that pollutes aquatic ecosystems and is also a potential toxic pollutant. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) were used in acute toxicity tests for bioassays. 96-hour LC50 values were determined for zebrafish. Experiments were performed in triplicate and the static test method of acute toxicity test was used. At the same time, behavioral changes were observed at each cyfluthrin concentration in fish. Data from cyfluthrin acute toxicity tests were evaluated using the Probit Analysis Statistical Method. The 96-h LC50 value for zebrafish was calculated as 3.61 µg/L.
Project Number
- Ankley GT., Johnson RD. Small fish models for identifying and assessing the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. ILAR Journal/National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources 2004; 45(4): 469–483.
- Antwi FB., Reddy GV. Toxicological effects of pyrethroids on non-target aquatic ınsects. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2015; 40: 915–923.
- Bambino K., Chu J. Zebrafish in toxicology and environmental health. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 2017; 124: 331–367.
- Du G., Shen O., Sun H., Fei J., Lu C., Song L., Xia Y., Wang S., Wang X. Assessing hormone receptor activities of pyrethroid ınsecticides and their metabolites in reporter gene assays. Toxicol Science 2010; 116(1): 58–66.
- Fan R., Zhang W., Jia L., Li L., Zhao J., Zhao Z., Peng S., Chen Y., Yuan X. Combined developmental toxicity of the pesticides difenoconazole and dimethomorph on embryonic zebrafish. Toxins 2021; 13(12): 854.
- Greally JM., Jacobs MN. In vitro and in vivo testing methods of epigenomic endpoints for evaluating endocrine disruptors. Altex 2013; 30(4): 445–471.
- Hill IR. Aquatic organisms and pyrethroids. Pesticide Science 1989; 27(4): 429–457.
- Irons TD., Kelly PE., Hunter DL., Macphail RC., Padilla S. Acute administration of dopaminergic drugs has differential effects on locomotion in larval zebrafish. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 2013; 103(4): 792-813.
- Jokanovic M. Neurotoxic effects of organophosphorus pesticides and possible association with neurodegenerative diseases in man: A review. Toxicology 2018; 410, 125-131.