Research Article
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An Investigation of the Effects of Road Design and Operation Problems on Traffic Accidents: A Case of Buca Koop. Neighborhood

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 275 - 288, 10.03.2023


The effects of problems related to the design and operation characteristics of a road network determined in the Buca district of İzmir province on traffic safety were investigated in this study. The study includes field observations and accident analyses made in the light of the information obtained from these observations. The problems identified by field observations were collected under 12 main headings, and the relationship between these problems and traffic accidents and vehicle delays in the study area was investigated. During the period taken into consideration, 180 accidents occurred on the roads in the study area, and it was determined that 43,3% of these accidents were side collisions and 28,3% were pedestrian collisions. By identifying the problems associated with the types of accidents, regulations that increase road safety and improve traffic conditions are proposed for the solution of the problems.


  • Adanu, E. K., Li, X., Liu, J., Jones, S. An analysis of the effects of crash factors and precrash actions on side impact crashes at unsignalized intersections. Journal of advanced transportation, (2021); 2021.
  • Akalın, K., Kara, Ç., Özden, A. Erişilebilir Trafik Sakinleştirme ve Akım İyileştirme Uygulamalarının Trafiğe Olan Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, (2019); 4(2), 107-118.
  • Akbari, A., Haghighi, F. Traffic calming measures: An evaluation of four low-cost TCMs' effect on driving speed and lateral distance. IATSS research, (2020); 44(1), 67-74.
  • Ariën, C., Brijs, K., Brijs, T., Ceulemans, W., Vanroelen, G., Jongen, E. M., . . . Wets, G. Does the effect of traffic calming measures endure over time–A simulator study on the influence of gates. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, (2014); 22, 63-75.
  • Aydın, M. M., Akgöl, K., Günay, B. Trafik sakinleştirme çalışmalarında farklı kıvrımlama uygulamalarının sürüş simülatörü ortamında incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, (2019); 34(4), 1793-1806.
  • Belediyesi, B. (2021). Buca Hakkında. Erişim adresi:
  • Deng, Z., Ivan, J. N., Gårder, P. Analysis of factors affecting the severity of head-on crashes: two-lane rural highways in connecticut. Transportation Research Record, (2006); 1953(1), 137-146.
  • Distefano, N., Leonardi, S. Evaluation of the benefits of traffic calming on vehicle speed reduction. Civil Engineering and Architecture, (2019); 7(4), 200-214.
  • El-Basyouny, K., Barua, S., Islam, M. T., Li, R. Assessing the effect of weather states on crash severity and type by use of full Bayesian multivariate safety models. Transportation Research Record, (2014); 2432(1), 65-73.
  • Elander, J., West, R., French, D. Behavioral correlates of individual differences in road-traffic crash risk: an examination of methods and findings. Psychological bulletin, (1993); 113(2), 279.
  • Erjem, Y. Trafik Sisteminin İşleyişi ve Trafik Kazaları Üzerine Sosyolojik Bir Araştırma. Polis ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (2005); 3(1), 69-94.
  • Evans, L. Traffic safety and the driver. (1991).
  • Ewing, R. Traffic Calming: State of the Practice, ITE/FHWA, August 1999. Erişim adresi: (1999)
  • Ewing, R., Brown, S. J. US traffic calming manual. (2017).
  • Galante, F., Mauriello, F., Montella, A., Pernetti, M., Aria, M., D’Ambrosio, A. Traffic calming along rural highways crossing small urban communities: Driving simulator experiment. Accident Analysis and Prevention, (2010); 42(6), 1585-1594.
  • Harvey, T. A review of current traffic calming techniques. Leeds, UK: Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, (1992).
  • Hu, W., Cicchino, J. B. The effects of left-turn traffic-calming treatments on conflicts and speeds in Washington, DC. Journal of safety research, (2020); 75, 233-240.
  • Huang, H. F., Cynecki, M. J. Effects of traffic calming measures on pedestrian and motorist behavior. Transportation Research Record, (2000); 1705(1), 26-31.
  • Initiative, G. D. C., Officials, N. A. o. C. T. Global street design guide. (2016).
  • Jateikienė, L., Andriejauskas, T., Lingytė, I., Jasiūnienė, V. Impact assessment of speed calming measures on road safety. Transportation research procedia, (2016); 14, 4228-4236.
  • KGM. Trafik Kazaları Özeti 2020. Erişim adresi: (2020)
  • Kim, T.-H., Kim, E.-K., Rho, J.-H. Analysis of Old Driver's Accident Influencing Factors Considering Human Factors. Journal of the Korean society of safety, (2009); 24(1), 69-77.
  • Lajunen, T., Parker, D., Summala, H. The Manchester driver behaviour questionnaire: a cross-cultural study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, (2004); 36(2), 231-238.
  • Lee, G., Joo, S., Oh, C., Choi, K. An evaluation framework for traffic calming measures in residential areas. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, (2013); 25, 68-76.
  • Lewin, I. Driver training: a perceptual-motor skill approach. Ergonomics, (1982); 25(10), 917-924.
  • Lockwood, I. M. ITE traffic calming definition. Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal, (1997); 67(7), 22.
  • Moradi, A., Ameri, P., Rahmni, K., Najafi, M., Jamshidi, E., Fakhri, Y., . . . Amjadian, M. Factors affecting the severity of pedestrian traffic crashes. Archives of Trauma Research, (2019); 8(2), 46-56. Özinal, Y., Uz, V. E. Dönel Kavşak Geometrik Elemanlarının Kavşak Güvenliği Üzerine Etkisinin Literatür Işığında Değerlendirilmesi. Politeknik Dergisi, (2021); 24(1), 283-297.
  • Özkan, T., Lajunen, T. (2011). Person and environment: Traffic culture Handbook of traffic psychology (pp. 179-192): Elsevier.
  • Park, S., Lee, S., Eom, J. The effects of aberrant and positive driving behaviors on crashes: path models analysis. Korean J. Ind. Organ. Psychol, (2007); 20, 21-41.
  • Penmetsa, P., Pulugurtha, S. S. Risk factors attributed to fatal fixed-object crashes on noninterstate roads. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, (2019); 11(1), 102-116.
  • Rahman, F., Takemoto, A., Sakamoto, K., Kubota, H. (2005). Comparative study of design and planning process of traffic calming devices. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies.
  • Rodegerdts, L., Bansen, J., Tiesler, C., Knudsen, J., Myers, E., Johnson, M., . . . Hallmark, S. Roundabouts: An Informational Guide. NCHRP Report 672. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, (2010).
  • Sun, M., Sun, X., Shan, D. Pedestrian crash analysis with latent class clustering method. Accident Analysis and Prevention, (2019); 124, 50-57.
  • Üzümcüoğlu, Y., Özkan, T., Wu, C., Zhang, H. How drivers perceive traffic? How they behave in traffic of Turkey and China? Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, (2019); 64, 463-471.
  • Warner, H. W., Özkan, T., Lajunen, T., Tzamalouka, G. Cross-cultural comparison of drivers’ tendency to commit different aberrant driving behaviours. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, (2011); 14(5), 390-399.

Yol Tasarım ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 275 - 288, 10.03.2023


Bu çalışmada, İzmir ili Buca ilçesinde belirlenen bir yol ağına ait tasarım ve işletme özelliklerine ilişkin sorunların trafik güvenliği üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışma arazi gözlemleri ve bu gözlemlerden elde edilen bilgiler ışığında yapılan kaza analizlerini içermektedir. Arazi gözlemleri ile tespit edilen sorunlar 12 ana başlık altında toplanmış ve bu sorunların çalışma bölgesinde oluşan trafik kazaları ve araç gecikmeleri üzerindeki ilişkisi araştırılmıştır. Değerlendirmeye alınan süre içerisinde çalışma alanında bulunan yollarda 180 adet kaza meydana gelmiş, bu kazalarının %43,3’ünün yandan çarpma, %28,3’ünün ise yayaya çarpma şeklinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kaza türleri ile ilişkili bulunan sorunlar tespit edilerek sorunların çözümüne yönelik yol güvenliğini artıran ve trafik koşullarını iyileştiren düzenlemeler önerilmiştir.


  • Adanu, E. K., Li, X., Liu, J., Jones, S. An analysis of the effects of crash factors and precrash actions on side impact crashes at unsignalized intersections. Journal of advanced transportation, (2021); 2021.
  • Akalın, K., Kara, Ç., Özden, A. Erişilebilir Trafik Sakinleştirme ve Akım İyileştirme Uygulamalarının Trafiğe Olan Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, (2019); 4(2), 107-118.
  • Akbari, A., Haghighi, F. Traffic calming measures: An evaluation of four low-cost TCMs' effect on driving speed and lateral distance. IATSS research, (2020); 44(1), 67-74.
  • Ariën, C., Brijs, K., Brijs, T., Ceulemans, W., Vanroelen, G., Jongen, E. M., . . . Wets, G. Does the effect of traffic calming measures endure over time–A simulator study on the influence of gates. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, (2014); 22, 63-75.
  • Aydın, M. M., Akgöl, K., Günay, B. Trafik sakinleştirme çalışmalarında farklı kıvrımlama uygulamalarının sürüş simülatörü ortamında incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, (2019); 34(4), 1793-1806.
  • Belediyesi, B. (2021). Buca Hakkında. Erişim adresi:
  • Deng, Z., Ivan, J. N., Gårder, P. Analysis of factors affecting the severity of head-on crashes: two-lane rural highways in connecticut. Transportation Research Record, (2006); 1953(1), 137-146.
  • Distefano, N., Leonardi, S. Evaluation of the benefits of traffic calming on vehicle speed reduction. Civil Engineering and Architecture, (2019); 7(4), 200-214.
  • El-Basyouny, K., Barua, S., Islam, M. T., Li, R. Assessing the effect of weather states on crash severity and type by use of full Bayesian multivariate safety models. Transportation Research Record, (2014); 2432(1), 65-73.
  • Elander, J., West, R., French, D. Behavioral correlates of individual differences in road-traffic crash risk: an examination of methods and findings. Psychological bulletin, (1993); 113(2), 279.
  • Erjem, Y. Trafik Sisteminin İşleyişi ve Trafik Kazaları Üzerine Sosyolojik Bir Araştırma. Polis ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (2005); 3(1), 69-94.
  • Evans, L. Traffic safety and the driver. (1991).
  • Ewing, R. Traffic Calming: State of the Practice, ITE/FHWA, August 1999. Erişim adresi: (1999)
  • Ewing, R., Brown, S. J. US traffic calming manual. (2017).
  • Galante, F., Mauriello, F., Montella, A., Pernetti, M., Aria, M., D’Ambrosio, A. Traffic calming along rural highways crossing small urban communities: Driving simulator experiment. Accident Analysis and Prevention, (2010); 42(6), 1585-1594.
  • Harvey, T. A review of current traffic calming techniques. Leeds, UK: Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, (1992).
  • Hu, W., Cicchino, J. B. The effects of left-turn traffic-calming treatments on conflicts and speeds in Washington, DC. Journal of safety research, (2020); 75, 233-240.
  • Huang, H. F., Cynecki, M. J. Effects of traffic calming measures on pedestrian and motorist behavior. Transportation Research Record, (2000); 1705(1), 26-31.
  • Initiative, G. D. C., Officials, N. A. o. C. T. Global street design guide. (2016).
  • Jateikienė, L., Andriejauskas, T., Lingytė, I., Jasiūnienė, V. Impact assessment of speed calming measures on road safety. Transportation research procedia, (2016); 14, 4228-4236.
  • KGM. Trafik Kazaları Özeti 2020. Erişim adresi: (2020)
  • Kim, T.-H., Kim, E.-K., Rho, J.-H. Analysis of Old Driver's Accident Influencing Factors Considering Human Factors. Journal of the Korean society of safety, (2009); 24(1), 69-77.
  • Lajunen, T., Parker, D., Summala, H. The Manchester driver behaviour questionnaire: a cross-cultural study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, (2004); 36(2), 231-238.
  • Lee, G., Joo, S., Oh, C., Choi, K. An evaluation framework for traffic calming measures in residential areas. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, (2013); 25, 68-76.
  • Lewin, I. Driver training: a perceptual-motor skill approach. Ergonomics, (1982); 25(10), 917-924.
  • Lockwood, I. M. ITE traffic calming definition. Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal, (1997); 67(7), 22.
  • Moradi, A., Ameri, P., Rahmni, K., Najafi, M., Jamshidi, E., Fakhri, Y., . . . Amjadian, M. Factors affecting the severity of pedestrian traffic crashes. Archives of Trauma Research, (2019); 8(2), 46-56. Özinal, Y., Uz, V. E. Dönel Kavşak Geometrik Elemanlarının Kavşak Güvenliği Üzerine Etkisinin Literatür Işığında Değerlendirilmesi. Politeknik Dergisi, (2021); 24(1), 283-297.
  • Özkan, T., Lajunen, T. (2011). Person and environment: Traffic culture Handbook of traffic psychology (pp. 179-192): Elsevier.
  • Park, S., Lee, S., Eom, J. The effects of aberrant and positive driving behaviors on crashes: path models analysis. Korean J. Ind. Organ. Psychol, (2007); 20, 21-41.
  • Penmetsa, P., Pulugurtha, S. S. Risk factors attributed to fatal fixed-object crashes on noninterstate roads. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, (2019); 11(1), 102-116.
  • Rahman, F., Takemoto, A., Sakamoto, K., Kubota, H. (2005). Comparative study of design and planning process of traffic calming devices. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies.
  • Rodegerdts, L., Bansen, J., Tiesler, C., Knudsen, J., Myers, E., Johnson, M., . . . Hallmark, S. Roundabouts: An Informational Guide. NCHRP Report 672. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, (2010).
  • Sun, M., Sun, X., Shan, D. Pedestrian crash analysis with latent class clustering method. Accident Analysis and Prevention, (2019); 124, 50-57.
  • Üzümcüoğlu, Y., Özkan, T., Wu, C., Zhang, H. How drivers perceive traffic? How they behave in traffic of Turkey and China? Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, (2019); 64, 463-471.
  • Warner, H. W., Özkan, T., Lajunen, T., Tzamalouka, G. Cross-cultural comparison of drivers’ tendency to commit different aberrant driving behaviours. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, (2011); 14(5), 390-399.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Civil Engineering

Yağmur Özinal Avşar

Zeynel Baran Yıldırım 0000-0003-4068-7161

S.pelin Çalışkanelli 0000-0002-0530-3276

Publication Date March 10, 2023
Submission Date April 29, 2022
Acceptance Date September 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Özinal Avşar, Y., Yıldırım, Z. B., & Çalışkanelli, S. (2023). Yol Tasarım ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 275-288.
AMA Özinal Avşar Y, Yıldırım ZB, Çalışkanelli S. Yol Tasarım ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. March 2023;6(1):275-288. doi:10.47495/okufbed.1110969
Chicago Özinal Avşar, Yağmur, Zeynel Baran Yıldırım, and S.pelin Çalışkanelli. “Yol Tasarım Ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6, no. 1 (March 2023): 275-88.
EndNote Özinal Avşar Y, Yıldırım ZB, Çalışkanelli S (March 1, 2023) Yol Tasarım ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6 1 275–288.
IEEE Y. Özinal Avşar, Z. B. Yıldırım, and S. Çalışkanelli, “Yol Tasarım ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 275–288, 2023, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.1110969.
ISNAD Özinal Avşar, Yağmur et al. “Yol Tasarım Ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6/1 (March 2023), 275-288.
JAMA Özinal Avşar Y, Yıldırım ZB, Çalışkanelli S. Yol Tasarım ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2023;6:275–288.
MLA Özinal Avşar, Yağmur et al. “Yol Tasarım Ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, 2023, pp. 275-88, doi:10.47495/okufbed.1110969.
Vancouver Özinal Avşar Y, Yıldırım ZB, Çalışkanelli S. Yol Tasarım ve İşletme Sorunlarının Trafik Kazaları Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Buca Koop. Mahallesi Örneği. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2023;6(1):275-88.



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