Optical, Structural and Morphological Properties of Ni Doped α-Fe2O3 Thin Film Grown by RF and DC Magnetron Co-Sputtering Technique
Year 2025,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 580 - 597, 12.03.2025
Maryam Abdolahpour Salari
Günay Merhan Muğlu
Volkan Şenay
Sevda Sarıtaş
In this research, Ni-doped hematite (α-Fe2O3) thin film was synthesized on glass substrate using direct current (DC) and radio frequency (RF) magnetron co-sputtering technique and some physical properties were investigated. Optical, structural and morphological analysis of the obtained Ni-doped α-Fe2O3 thin film was determined using UV-VIS spectroscopy, EDX, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Based on the absorption measurement, the band gap energy value of the thin film was estimated and the result was determined as 2.12 eV. X-ray diffraction analysis showed a nanocrystalline structure in the thin film under investigation. According to SEM image, thin film exhibits a smooth surface morphology along the substrate. Additionally, AFM images revealed a low RMS roughness value, indicating a smooth surface for the Ni-doped Fe2O3 thin layer.
- Abdolahpour Salari M., Merhan Muğlu G., Şenay V., Sarıtaş S., Kundakçı M. Analysis of optical, structural, and morphological properties of a Ti-doped α-Fe2O3 thin film produced through RF and DC magnetron Co-sputtering. Ceramics International 2024; 50(20): 39221-39225.
- Al-Gaashani R., Radiman S., Tabet N., Daud A. Rapid synthesis and optical properties of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanostructures using a simple thermal decomposition method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2013; 550: 395-401.
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- Annamalai A., Shinde PS., Subramanian A., Kim JY., Kim JH., Choi SH., Lee JS., Jang JS. Bifunctional TiO2 underlayer for α-Fe2O3 nanorod based photoelectrochemical cells: enhanced interface and Ti4+ doping. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015; 3(9): 5007-5013.
- Aragón FF., Ardisson JD., Aquino JC., Gonzalez I., Macedo WA., Coaquira JA., Mantilla J., da Silva SW., Morais PC. Effect of the thickness reduction on the structural, surface and magnetic properties of α-Fe2O3 thin films. Thin Solid Films 2016; 607: 50-54.
- Ateş T., Köytepe S., Bulut N., & Kaygili O. Ni katkısının Fe2O3’ün yapısal özellikleri üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications, 2021; 5(2), 81-87.
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- Basavegowda N., Mishra K., Lee YR. Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic applications of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles as reusable nanocatalyst. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2017; 8(2): 025017.
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RF ve DC Magnetron Püskürtme Tekniği ile Büyütülmüş Ni Katkılı α-Fe2O3 İnce Filmin Optik, Yapısal ve Morfolojik Özellikleri
Year 2025,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 580 - 597, 12.03.2025
Maryam Abdolahpour Salari
Günay Merhan Muğlu
Volkan Şenay
Sevda Sarıtaş
Bu araştırmada, doğru akım (DC) ve radyo frekansı (RF) magnetron püskürtme tekniği kullanılarak cam alttaş üzerinde Ni katkılı hematit (α-Fe2O3) ince film sentezlenmiştir ve bazı fiziksel özellikler araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen Ni katkılı α-Fe2O3 ince filmin optik, yapısal ve morfolojik analizi, UV-VIS spektroskopisi, EDX, X-ışını kırınımı, taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve atomik kuvvet mikroskobu kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Absorbsiyon ölçümüne dayanarak ince filmin bant aralığı enerji değeri hesap edilmiştir ve sonuç 2,12 eV olarak belirlenmiştir. X-ışını kırınım analizi, incelenen ince filmin nanokristal bir yapıya sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. SEM görüntüsüne göre ince film alttaş boyunca düzgün bir yüzey morfolojisi sergilemiştir. Ayrıca AFM görüntüleri, Ni:Fe2O3 ince filminin pürüzsüz bir yüzeye sahip olduğunu gösteren düşük bir RMS pürüzlülük değeri ortaya koymuştur.
Ethical Statement
Bu çalışmanın, özgün bir çalışma olduğunu; çalışmanın hazırlık, veri toplama, analiz ve bilgilerin sunumu olmak üzere tüm aşamalarından bilimsel etik ilke ve kurallarına uygun davrandığımızı; bu çalışma kapsamında elde edilmeyen tüm veri ve bilgiler için kaynak gösterdiğimizi ve bu kaynaklara kaynakçada yer verdiğimizi; kullanılan verilerde herhangi bir değişiklik yapmadığımızı beyan ederim. Herhangi bir zamanda, çalışmayla ilgili yaptığımız bu beyana aykırı bir durumun saptanması durumunda, ortaya çıkacak tüm ahlaki ve hukuki sonuçlara razı olduğumuzu bildiririm.
Sorumlu Yazar
Doç. Dr. Volkan ŞENAY
- Abdolahpour Salari M., Merhan Muğlu G., Şenay V., Sarıtaş S., Kundakçı M. Analysis of optical, structural, and morphological properties of a Ti-doped α-Fe2O3 thin film produced through RF and DC magnetron Co-sputtering. Ceramics International 2024; 50(20): 39221-39225.
- Al-Gaashani R., Radiman S., Tabet N., Daud A. Rapid synthesis and optical properties of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanostructures using a simple thermal decomposition method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2013; 550: 395-401.
- Al-Kuhaili M., Saleem M., Durrani S. Optical properties of iron oxide (α-Fe2O3) thin films deposited by the reactive evaporation of iron. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012; 521: 178-182.
- Annamalai A., Shinde PS., Subramanian A., Kim JY., Kim JH., Choi SH., Lee JS., Jang JS. Bifunctional TiO2 underlayer for α-Fe2O3 nanorod based photoelectrochemical cells: enhanced interface and Ti4+ doping. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015; 3(9): 5007-5013.
- Aragón FF., Ardisson JD., Aquino JC., Gonzalez I., Macedo WA., Coaquira JA., Mantilla J., da Silva SW., Morais PC. Effect of the thickness reduction on the structural, surface and magnetic properties of α-Fe2O3 thin films. Thin Solid Films 2016; 607: 50-54.
- Ateş T., Köytepe S., Bulut N., & Kaygili O. Ni katkısının Fe2O3’ün yapısal özellikleri üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması. International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications, 2021; 5(2), 81-87.
- Aydın C., Mansour SA., Alahmed Z., Yakuphanoğlu F. Structural and optical characterization of sol–gel derived boron doped Fe2O3 nanostructured films. Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology 2012; 62: 397-403.
- Basavegowda N., Mishra K., Lee YR. Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic applications of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles as reusable nanocatalyst. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2017; 8(2): 025017.
- Beermann N., Vayssieres L., Lindquist SE., Hagfeldt A. Photoelectrochemical studies of oriented nanorod thin films of hematite. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2000; 147(7): 2456.
- Bhowmik R., Choudhary R., Mitra P., Reddy V., Sinha A. Dimensionality induced enhancement of ferromagnetic spin order and ferroelectric polarization in Ga doped α-Fe2O3 thin films. Applied Surface Science 2022; 573: 151609.
- Bohra M., Venkataramani N., Prasad S., Kumar N., Misra DS., Sahoo SC., Krishnan R. RF sputter deposited nanocrystalline (110) magnetite thin film from α-Fe2O3 target. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2007; 7(6): 2055.
- Can MM., Coşkun M., Fırat TA. Comparative study of nanosized iron oxide particles; magnetite (Fe3O4), maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) and hematite (α-Fe2O3), using ferromagnetic resonance. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012; 542: 241-247.
- Can MM., Özcan Ş., Fırat T. Magnetic behaviour of iron nanoparticles passivated by oxidation. Physica Status Solidi C 2006; 3(5): 1271-1278.
- Chen J., Xu L., Li W., Gou X. α-Fe2O3 nanotubes in gas sensor and lithium-ion battery applications. Advanced Materials (Weinheim) 2005; 17: 582-586.
- Chiriță M., Grozescu I. Fe2O3-nanoparticles, physical properties and their photochemical and photoelectrochemical applications. Chemical Bulletin of Politehnica 2009; 54(68).
Chueh YL., Lai MW., Liang JQ., Chou LJ., Wang ZL. Systematic study of the growth of aligned arrays of α‐Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 nanowires by a vapor–solid process. Advanced Functional Materials 2006; 16(17): 2243-2251.
- Congolo S., Madito M., Paradzah AT., Harrison AJ., Elnour HMAM., Krüger T., Diale M. Reduction of recombination rates due to volume increasing, annealing, and tetraethoxysilicate treatment in hematite thin films. Applied Nanoscience 2020; 10: 1957-1967.
- Dayanand Chahar, M., Pathak DK., Thakur O., Vankar V., Kumar, R. Deposition of single phase polycrystalline α-Fe2O3 thin film on silicon and silica substrates by spray pyrolysis. Silicon 2021; 13: 3361-3366.
- Demircioğlu A., Demir KÇ. Effects of annealing on structural, morphological, and corrosion properties of α-Fe2O3 thin films. Journal of Electronic Materials 2021; 50(5): 2750-2760.
- Dghoughi L., Elidrissi B., Bernede C., Addou M., Lamrani MA., Regragui M., Erguig H. Physico-chemical, optical and electrochemical properties of iron oxide thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis. Applied Surface Science 2006; 253(4): 1823-1829.
- Durães L., Moutinho A., Seabra IJ., Costa BF., de Sousa HC., Portugal A. Characterization of iron (iii) oxide/hydroxide nanostructured materials produced by sol–gel technology based on the fe (no3) 3· 9h2o–c2h5oh–ch3chch2o system. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2011; 130(1-2): 548-560.
- Emin S., De Respinis M., Mavrič T., Dam B., Valant M., Smith W. Photoelectrochemical water splitting with porous α-Fe2O3 thin films prepared from Fe/Fe-oxide nanoparticles. Applied Catalysis A: General 2016; 523: 130-138.
- Garrido-Ramírez E., Mora M., Marco J., Ureta-Zañartu M. Characterization of nanostructured allophane clays and their use as support of iron species in a heterogeneous electro-fenton system. Applied Clay Science 2013; 86: 153-161.
- Ge J., Tian J., Zhuo L., Chen H., Tang B. Fabrication of self-assembled iron oxide hierarchical nanostructures and their application in water treatment. Solid State Sciences 2011; 13(8): 1554-1559.
- Glasscock JA., Barnes PR., Plumb IC., Savvides N. Enhancement of photoelectrochemical hydrogen production from hematite thin films by the introduction of Ti and Si. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007; 111(44): 16477-16488.
- Gmucová K., Weis M., Nádaždy V., Capek I., Šatka A., Chitu L., Cirák J., Majkova E. Effect of charged deep states in hydrogenated amorphous silicon on the behavior of iron oxides nanoparticles deposited on its surface. Applied Surface Science 2008; 254(21): 7008-7013.
- Grine A., Zehani F., Khennaoui B., Bouremmad F., Zaioune H. Effect of precursor concentration and annealing temperature on the structural, optical and electrical properties of pure α-Fe2O3 thin films elaborated by the spin-coating method. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2022; 276: 125367.
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