BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster


Yıl 2004, Sayı: 9, 123 - 142, 01.05.2004



  • Akurgal 1956 Akurgal, E., “Foça Kaz›lar› ve Kyme Sondajlar›”, Anatolia I,1956, 34 vd.
  • Akurgal 1988 Akurgal, E., Anadolu Uygarl›klar›, 1988.
  • Bouzek 1990 Bouzek, J., Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Area, Prague, 1990.
  • Byvanck 1973 Byvanck, L.-Q. Van Ufford, “Un bol d’argent hellénique en Suede”, BCH 1973, 119-123.
  • Byvank 1953 Byvank, L.-Q. Van Ufford, “Les bols megariens”, BABesch 28, 1953, 1-21.
  • Callaghan 1981 Callaghan, P.J., “The Little Palace Well and Knossian Pottery of the Later Third and Second Centuries B.C.”, BSA 76, 1981, 35-58.
  • Edwards 1975 Edwards, G. R., Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Corinth VII, 3, Princeton, 1975.
  • Gürler 1994 Gürler, B., Metropolisin Hellenistik Dönem Serami¤i, E.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (doktora tezi), ‹zmir, 1994.
  • Hellström 1965 Hellström, P., Labraunda, Swedish Excavations and Researches, II, i, Pottery of Classical and Later Date, Terracotta Lamps and Glass, Lund, 1965.
  • Jones 1950 Jones, F.F., The Pottery in Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I, The Hellenistic and roman Periods, 1950.
  • Laumonier 1977 Laumonier, A., “Bols hellénistiques à reliefs”, BCH, Suppl. I, Paris, 1973, 253-262.
  • Laumonier 1978 Laumonier, A., La ceramique hellénistique à reliefs, 1, Ateliers “‹oniens”, Delos XXXI, Paris, 1978.
  • Luca 1968 Luca, G.-Ziegenaus O., Das Asklepieion, Pergamon XI,1, Berlin, 1968.
  • Mitsopoulos 1991 Mitsopoulos, V.-Leon, Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos Kleinfunde, Wien, 1991. Oliver 1969 Oliver, A., “A Gold-Glass Fragment in the Metropolitan Museum of Art”, JGS, 11, 1969, 9-16.
  • Oliver 1977 Oliver, A., Silver for the Gods: 800 Years of Greek and Roman Silver. Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio, 1977.
  • Özyi¤it 1990 Özyi¤it, Ö., “1989 Y›l› Phokaia Kaz›lar›”, XII. Uluslararas› Kaz›, Araflt›rma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, Ankara, 1990, 53-54.
  • Özyi¤it 1992 Özyi¤it, Ö., “1991 Y›l› Phokaia Kaz› Çal›flmalar›”, XIV. Kaz›, Araflt›rma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, Ankara, 1992.
  • Rotroff 1982 Rotroff, S. I., The Athenian Agora XXII, Hellenistic Pottery and Imported Moldmade Bowls, Princeton, 1982.
  • Schäfer Schäfer, J., Hellenistische Keramik aus Pergamon, Berlin, 1968.
  • Schwabacher Schwabacher, W., “Hellenistische Reliefkeramik am Kerameikos” AJA 45, 182-228.
  • Thompson 1934 Thompson, H., “Two Centuries of Hellenistic Pottery”, Hesperia 3, 1934, 311-480.
  • Tölle 1974 Tölle-Kastenbein, I., Das Kastro Tigani, Die bauten und funde griechischen römischen und byzantinischer zeit, Samos, XIV, Bonn, 1974.
  • Waáge 1948 Waáge, F. O., Hellenistic and Roman Tableware of North Syria in Antioch on the Orontes, IV,i, Ceramics and Islamic Coins, Princeton, 1948.
Yıl 2004, Sayı: 9, 123 - 142, 01.05.2004


The term Megarian bowl, is commonly used between the modern archaeologists. This means Hellenistic, hemispherical, moldmade bowls without foot andhandles, decorated all over exterior surface with relief figures and designs. In Hellenistic times called emitomos by the ancient Greeks, was an invention of Athenianpotters. Soon, local imitations sprang up on many sites, e.g. Korinth, Sparta,Pergamon, Kyme, Ephesos, Antiokhia on the Orontes. From the third century B.C.,they have been used as drinking vessels instead of kantharoi. Megarian bowls arenever reported from the contexts together with the Early Roman pottery.In ancient Phokaia, the Megarian bowls has been found at the top of the Maltepe Tumulus. In this study, the material has been grouped by the type of decoration : Imbricate bowls, net pattern bowls, concentric semi-circle bowls, figured andfloral bowls. The clay of the Phokaian material, is always micaceous and morecoarse-grained than the Attic one. The glaze is always matt grayish and orangebrownish colour. Large part of the fragments found at Phokaia, belongs to the socalled Delian type. They must have been produced in workshops of Phokaia. Thereare no imported fragments from Attica. The Megarian bowls of Phokaia, started tooccur from the beginning of the second century B.C. and continued to use until theend of the first century B.C


  • Akurgal 1956 Akurgal, E., “Foça Kaz›lar› ve Kyme Sondajlar›”, Anatolia I,1956, 34 vd.
  • Akurgal 1988 Akurgal, E., Anadolu Uygarl›klar›, 1988.
  • Bouzek 1990 Bouzek, J., Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Area, Prague, 1990.
  • Byvanck 1973 Byvanck, L.-Q. Van Ufford, “Un bol d’argent hellénique en Suede”, BCH 1973, 119-123.
  • Byvank 1953 Byvank, L.-Q. Van Ufford, “Les bols megariens”, BABesch 28, 1953, 1-21.
  • Callaghan 1981 Callaghan, P.J., “The Little Palace Well and Knossian Pottery of the Later Third and Second Centuries B.C.”, BSA 76, 1981, 35-58.
  • Edwards 1975 Edwards, G. R., Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery, Corinth VII, 3, Princeton, 1975.
  • Gürler 1994 Gürler, B., Metropolisin Hellenistik Dönem Serami¤i, E.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (doktora tezi), ‹zmir, 1994.
  • Hellström 1965 Hellström, P., Labraunda, Swedish Excavations and Researches, II, i, Pottery of Classical and Later Date, Terracotta Lamps and Glass, Lund, 1965.
  • Jones 1950 Jones, F.F., The Pottery in Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I, The Hellenistic and roman Periods, 1950.
  • Laumonier 1977 Laumonier, A., “Bols hellénistiques à reliefs”, BCH, Suppl. I, Paris, 1973, 253-262.
  • Laumonier 1978 Laumonier, A., La ceramique hellénistique à reliefs, 1, Ateliers “‹oniens”, Delos XXXI, Paris, 1978.
  • Luca 1968 Luca, G.-Ziegenaus O., Das Asklepieion, Pergamon XI,1, Berlin, 1968.
  • Mitsopoulos 1991 Mitsopoulos, V.-Leon, Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos Kleinfunde, Wien, 1991. Oliver 1969 Oliver, A., “A Gold-Glass Fragment in the Metropolitan Museum of Art”, JGS, 11, 1969, 9-16.
  • Oliver 1977 Oliver, A., Silver for the Gods: 800 Years of Greek and Roman Silver. Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio, 1977.
  • Özyi¤it 1990 Özyi¤it, Ö., “1989 Y›l› Phokaia Kaz›lar›”, XII. Uluslararas› Kaz›, Araflt›rma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, Ankara, 1990, 53-54.
  • Özyi¤it 1992 Özyi¤it, Ö., “1991 Y›l› Phokaia Kaz› Çal›flmalar›”, XIV. Kaz›, Araflt›rma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, Ankara, 1992.
  • Rotroff 1982 Rotroff, S. I., The Athenian Agora XXII, Hellenistic Pottery and Imported Moldmade Bowls, Princeton, 1982.
  • Schäfer Schäfer, J., Hellenistische Keramik aus Pergamon, Berlin, 1968.
  • Schwabacher Schwabacher, W., “Hellenistische Reliefkeramik am Kerameikos” AJA 45, 182-228.
  • Thompson 1934 Thompson, H., “Two Centuries of Hellenistic Pottery”, Hesperia 3, 1934, 311-480.
  • Tölle 1974 Tölle-Kastenbein, I., Das Kastro Tigani, Die bauten und funde griechischen römischen und byzantinischer zeit, Samos, XIV, Bonn, 1974.
  • Waáge 1948 Waáge, F. O., Hellenistic and Roman Tableware of North Syria in Antioch on the Orontes, IV,i, Ceramics and Islamic Coins, Princeton, 1948.
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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Sayı: 9

Kaynak Göster