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Year 2003, Issue: 8, 167 - 184, 01.11.2003


At Domuztepe in eastern Cilicia, about 12 km north of Castabala and
55 km inland, there is a late Roman country house. With no inscriptions
recovered from the site, we know little about the owners. Although the
house lay on the river Pyramus, it lay above the point where the river was
navigable. Nonetheless, the house owners were able to buy pottery imported
from other parts of the Mediterranean world. From western Anatolia they
received Phocaean red slip tableware and LR 3 amphorae, while from
North Africa they received more red slipped tableware.1 The imported
ceramics thus show links between Cilicia (here broadly defined as the area
between the river Melas in the west and the Amanus mountains in the east)
and the Mediterranean economy as a whole during the fourth to seventh
centuries AD. Domuztepe was not simply a residential site, but was also
involved in the production of olive oil. It had a large oil press with a tank
that seems too big for domestic needs (1.85 m in diameter, capacity 5000
litres). Domuztepe can be used not just to show links, but to outline a much
more complex understanding of the way in which Cilicia was integrated
into the Mediterranean economy.


  • Arthur 1998 Arthur, P., “Eastern Mediterranean amphorae between 500 and 700: a view from Italy”, Ceramica in Italia VI-VII secolo, ed. Saguì, L., Rome, 157-184.
  • Arthur and Oren 1998 Arthur, P. and Oren, E., “The N. Sinai survey and the evidence of transport amphorae for Roman and Byzantine trading patterns”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 11, 193-212.
  • Bailey 1988 Bailey, D.M., A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum, Vol. 3, London.
  • Bonifay 1986 Bonifay, M., “Observations sur les amphores tardives à Marseille d'après les fouilles de la Bourse (1980-1984)”, Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise 19, 269-305.
  • Broughton 1938 Broughton, T.R.S., “Roman Asia Minor”, Frank, T., ed., An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, vol. 4, New York, 499- 918.
  • Cockle 1981 Cockle, H., “Pottery Manufacture in Roman Egypt: a new papyrus”, Journal of Roman Studies 71, 87-97.
  • Empereur – Picon 1989 Empereur, J.-Y., – Picon, M., “Les régions de production d'amphores impériales en Méditerannée orientale”, Amphores Romaines et Histoire Economique: Dix Ans de Recherche, Rome, 223-248.
  • Fulford 1980 Fulford, M.G., “Carthage: Overseas trade and the political economy, c AD 400-700”, Reading Medieval Studies 6, 68-80.
  • Fulford – Peacock 1984 Fulford, M. – Peacock, D., Excavations at Carthage: The British Mission 1.2, Sheffield
  • Hayes 1992 Hayes, J., Excavations at Saraçhane in Istanbul, Princeton. Hild – Hellenkemper 1990
  • Hild, F. – Hellenkemper, H., Kilikien und Isaurien, TIB 5, Vienna. Kassab-Tezgör – Touma 2001
  • Kassab-Tezgör, D. – Touma, M., “Amphores exportées de mer noire en Syrie du nord”, Anatolia Antiqua 9, 105-115.
  • Kiingsley – Decker 2001 Kingsley, S. – Decker, M., “New Rome, New Theories on Inter-Regional Exchange”, in Kingsley, S. and Decker, M., eds., Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity, Oxford, 1-27.
  • Lauffer 1971 Lauffer, S., Diokletians Preisedikt, Berlin. Mango 2001 Mango, M.M., “Beyond the amphora; non-ceramic evidence for late antique industry and trade”, in Kingsley, S. and Decker, M., eds., Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity, Oxford, 87-106
  • Mayerson 1993 Mayerson, P., “The Use of Ascalon Wine in the Medical Writers of the Fourth to Sixth Centuries”, Israel Exploration Journal 43, 169-173.
  • Mayerson 2000 Mayerson, P., “The Value of the Maximian Cotyla in P.Oxy L 3595 and PSI XII 1252”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphie 131, 167-169.
  • Orton 2000 Orton, C., Sampling in Archaeology, Cambridge. Parker 1992 Parker, A.J., Ancient Shipwrecks of the Mediterranean and the Roman Provinces, BAR S580, Oxford.
  • Peacock – Williams 1986 Peacock, D.P.S. – Williams, D.F., Amphorae and the Roman Economy: An Introductory Guide, London.
  • Reynolds 1993 Reynolds, P., Settlement and Territory in the Vinalopó Valley (Alicante, Spain), AD 400-700, Oxford.
  • Reynolds 1995 Reynolds, P., Trade in the Western Mediterranean, AD 400- 700: The Ceramic Evidence, BAR S604, Oxford.
  • Reynolds 1997-8 Reynolds, P., “Pottery Production and Exchange in Second Century Berytus”, Berytus 43, 35-110.
  • Riley 1975 Riley, J.A., “The Pottery from the First Season of Excavation in the Caesarea Hippodrome”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 218, 25-63.
  • Rossiter – Freed 1991 Rossiter, J.J. – Freed, J., “Canadian-Turkish Excavations at Domuztepe, Cilicia (1989)”, Echoes du Monde Classique 10, 145-174.
  • fienol – Kerem 2000 fienol, A. – Kerem, F., “‹çel Müzesinde Bulunun Bir Grup Amphora”, Olba 3, 81-114 and pl. 14-20.
  • Sirks 1991 Sirks, B., Food for Rome, Amsterdam. Temin 2001 Temin, P., “A Market Economy in the Early Roman Empire”, Journal of Roman Studies 91, 169-181.
  • Thomas 1959 Thomas, A.C., “Imported Pottery in Dark-Age Western Britain”, Medieval Archaeology 3, 89-111.
  • Whittaker 1983 Whittaker, C.R., “Late Roman Trade and Traders”, in Garnsey, P. et al., eds., Trade in the Ancient Economy, Berkeley, 163-180, 208-211.
  • Wickham 1988 Wickham, C., “Marx, Sherlock Holmes and Late Roman Commerce”, Journal of Roman Studies 78, 183-193.
  • Williams 1989 Williams, C., Anemurium: The Roman and Early Byzantine Pottery, Toronto.
  • Williams – Taylor 1975 Williams, H. – Taylor, P., “A Byzantine Lamp Hoard from Anamur (Cilicia)”, Anatolian Studies 25, 77-84.


Year 2003, Issue: 8, 167 - 184, 01.11.2003



  • Arthur 1998 Arthur, P., “Eastern Mediterranean amphorae between 500 and 700: a view from Italy”, Ceramica in Italia VI-VII secolo, ed. Saguì, L., Rome, 157-184.
  • Arthur and Oren 1998 Arthur, P. and Oren, E., “The N. Sinai survey and the evidence of transport amphorae for Roman and Byzantine trading patterns”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 11, 193-212.
  • Bailey 1988 Bailey, D.M., A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum, Vol. 3, London.
  • Bonifay 1986 Bonifay, M., “Observations sur les amphores tardives à Marseille d'après les fouilles de la Bourse (1980-1984)”, Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise 19, 269-305.
  • Broughton 1938 Broughton, T.R.S., “Roman Asia Minor”, Frank, T., ed., An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, vol. 4, New York, 499- 918.
  • Cockle 1981 Cockle, H., “Pottery Manufacture in Roman Egypt: a new papyrus”, Journal of Roman Studies 71, 87-97.
  • Empereur – Picon 1989 Empereur, J.-Y., – Picon, M., “Les régions de production d'amphores impériales en Méditerannée orientale”, Amphores Romaines et Histoire Economique: Dix Ans de Recherche, Rome, 223-248.
  • Fulford 1980 Fulford, M.G., “Carthage: Overseas trade and the political economy, c AD 400-700”, Reading Medieval Studies 6, 68-80.
  • Fulford – Peacock 1984 Fulford, M. – Peacock, D., Excavations at Carthage: The British Mission 1.2, Sheffield
  • Hayes 1992 Hayes, J., Excavations at Saraçhane in Istanbul, Princeton. Hild – Hellenkemper 1990
  • Hild, F. – Hellenkemper, H., Kilikien und Isaurien, TIB 5, Vienna. Kassab-Tezgör – Touma 2001
  • Kassab-Tezgör, D. – Touma, M., “Amphores exportées de mer noire en Syrie du nord”, Anatolia Antiqua 9, 105-115.
  • Kiingsley – Decker 2001 Kingsley, S. – Decker, M., “New Rome, New Theories on Inter-Regional Exchange”, in Kingsley, S. and Decker, M., eds., Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity, Oxford, 1-27.
  • Lauffer 1971 Lauffer, S., Diokletians Preisedikt, Berlin. Mango 2001 Mango, M.M., “Beyond the amphora; non-ceramic evidence for late antique industry and trade”, in Kingsley, S. and Decker, M., eds., Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity, Oxford, 87-106
  • Mayerson 1993 Mayerson, P., “The Use of Ascalon Wine in the Medical Writers of the Fourth to Sixth Centuries”, Israel Exploration Journal 43, 169-173.
  • Mayerson 2000 Mayerson, P., “The Value of the Maximian Cotyla in P.Oxy L 3595 and PSI XII 1252”, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphie 131, 167-169.
  • Orton 2000 Orton, C., Sampling in Archaeology, Cambridge. Parker 1992 Parker, A.J., Ancient Shipwrecks of the Mediterranean and the Roman Provinces, BAR S580, Oxford.
  • Peacock – Williams 1986 Peacock, D.P.S. – Williams, D.F., Amphorae and the Roman Economy: An Introductory Guide, London.
  • Reynolds 1993 Reynolds, P., Settlement and Territory in the Vinalopó Valley (Alicante, Spain), AD 400-700, Oxford.
  • Reynolds 1995 Reynolds, P., Trade in the Western Mediterranean, AD 400- 700: The Ceramic Evidence, BAR S604, Oxford.
  • Reynolds 1997-8 Reynolds, P., “Pottery Production and Exchange in Second Century Berytus”, Berytus 43, 35-110.
  • Riley 1975 Riley, J.A., “The Pottery from the First Season of Excavation in the Caesarea Hippodrome”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 218, 25-63.
  • Rossiter – Freed 1991 Rossiter, J.J. – Freed, J., “Canadian-Turkish Excavations at Domuztepe, Cilicia (1989)”, Echoes du Monde Classique 10, 145-174.
  • fienol – Kerem 2000 fienol, A. – Kerem, F., “‹çel Müzesinde Bulunun Bir Grup Amphora”, Olba 3, 81-114 and pl. 14-20.
  • Sirks 1991 Sirks, B., Food for Rome, Amsterdam. Temin 2001 Temin, P., “A Market Economy in the Early Roman Empire”, Journal of Roman Studies 91, 169-181.
  • Thomas 1959 Thomas, A.C., “Imported Pottery in Dark-Age Western Britain”, Medieval Archaeology 3, 89-111.
  • Whittaker 1983 Whittaker, C.R., “Late Roman Trade and Traders”, in Garnsey, P. et al., eds., Trade in the Ancient Economy, Berkeley, 163-180, 208-211.
  • Wickham 1988 Wickham, C., “Marx, Sherlock Holmes and Late Roman Commerce”, Journal of Roman Studies 78, 183-193.
  • Williams 1989 Williams, C., Anemurium: The Roman and Early Byzantine Pottery, Toronto.
  • Williams – Taylor 1975 Williams, H. – Taylor, P., “A Byzantine Lamp Hoard from Anamur (Cilicia)”, Anatolian Studies 25, 77-84.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Hugh Elton This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Issue: 8
