Research Article
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Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.)

Year 2022, , 459 - 478, 31.10.2022


In the study carried out in Ankara conditions, the effect of pulse (intermittent) irrigation applications in subsurface drip irrigation on yield and quality parameters of silage maize was investigated. When 30% of the available water in the soil was consumed, the irrigation water required to bring the available moisture to the field capacity was applied with F0: one irrigation, F1: one cut F2: two cuts, F3: three cuts. Irrigation time was kept equal to the interruption period in intermittent irrigation. According to the two-year average findings, the differences between the applications in terms of water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). Accordingly, WUE and IWUE increased as the cut off time between two irrigations increased. While irrigation practices did not have a significant effect on fresh silage yield, statistical differences were found in some quality parameters (plant height, cob weight, stem weight, crude ash). Highest and lowest fresh silage yield, plant height, number of cob per plant, stem weight, leaf weight, dry mater ratio, crude ash ratio and crude protein ratio were obtained as 8768.9-8064.9 kg da-1, 2.44-2.34 m., 1.28-1.13, 0.438-0.374 kg., 0.234-0.212 kg, 41.5%-39.0%, 7.2%-5.2% and 7.0%-6.7%, respectively. In the study, it was determined that the best water distribution
was achieved in the F1 treatment, where the interval between irrigations was the longest, and this treatment was suggested.

Supporting Institution

General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Ankara


Part of the PhD Thesis has been used in this article. Study was supported by the Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Institute, Ankara Turkey. The authors thank the institution for their support.


  • Afzal, M., Nazir, Z., Bashir, M. H., & Khan, B. S., 2009. Analysis of host plant resistance in some genotypes of maize against Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(1), 421-428.
  • Akdeniz, H., Yılmaz, İ., Andiç, N., & Zorer, Ş., 2004. A research on yield and feed values in some corn varieties. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(1), 47-51.
  • Anonymous, 2020a. TMMOB Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, Corn Report - 2020. Access: Access date: 27.01.2020.
  • Anonymous, 2020b. Access: Access date: 10.11.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020c. Meteorology General Directorate. Access date: 22.11.2020
  • AOAC. 1995. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis (16th Edition), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
  • Arıtürk, M. E., 2008. Planning the irrigation time of second crop silage maize and determination of water-yield quality relationships. Master’s thesis, Namık Kemal University.
  • Bakeer, G. A. A., El-Ebabi, F. G., El-Saidi, M. T., & Abdelghany, A. R. E., 2009. Effect of pulse drip irrigation on yield and water use efficiency of potato crop under organic agriculture in sandy soils. Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 26(2), 736-765.
  • Bilgen, G., K., Kodal, S., 2019. Determination of Yield and Water Usage Efficiency of Grain Corn Irrigated by Subsurface Drip Irrigation Under Water Constraint Conditions. TAGEM result report. Project number: TAGEM/TSKAD/16/A13/P02/01
  • Biswas, S. K., Akanda, A. R., Rahman, M. S., & Hossain, M. A., 2015. Effect of drip irrigation and mulching on yield, water-use efficiency and economics of tomato. Plant, Soil and Environment, 61(3), 97-102.
  • Bouazzama, B., Xanthoulis, D., Bouaziz, A., Ruelle, P., & Mailhol, J. C., 2012. Effect of water stress on growth, water consumption and yield of silage maize under flood irrigation in semi-arid clilmate of Tadla (Morocco).
  • Bulut, S., Çağlar, Ö., & Öztürk, A., 2008. Growing possibilities of some silage maize varieties purposes in Erzurum plain conditions. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 39(1), 83-91.
  • Bulut, S., 2016. Adaptation of some silage maize varieties to Kayseri conditions. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science, 6(1), 117-126.
  • Camp, C. R., Lamm, F. R., Evans, R. G., & Phene, C. J. 2000. Subsurface drip irrigation–Past, present and future. In Proc. Fourth Decennial Nat’l Irrigation Symp., Nov (pp. 14-16).
  • Couto, A., Padín, A. R., & Reinoso, B., 2013. Comparative yield and water use efficiency of two maize hybrids differing in maturity under solid set sprinkler and two different lateral spacing drip irrigation systems in León, Spain. Agricultural water management, 124, 77-84.
  • Çakmak, B. ve Gökalp, Z. 2011, Climate Change and Efficient Water Use, Agricultural Sciences Research Journal, 4 (1): 87-95.
  • Çamoğlu, G., Levent, G. E. N. Ç., & Şerafettin, A. Ş. I. K., 2011. Effect of water stress on physiological and morphological parameters in sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt). Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Journal, 48(2), 141-149.
  • Çarpıcı, E. B., 2009. Evaluation of plant density and different amount of nitrogen applications in terms of stress physiology in silage corn cultivation. Doctoral Thesis. Uludag University.
  • Çarpıcı, E. B., Kușçu, H., Karasu, A., & Öz, M., 2017. Effect of drip irrigation levels on dry matter yield and silage quality of maize (Zea mays L.). Romanian Agricultural Research, (34), 293, 299.
  • Dağdelen, N., Akçay, H., Sezgin, F., Ünay, A., & Gürbüz, T., 2010. Determination of water production functions of silage maize under different irrigation regimes. Journal of ADU Faculty of Agriculture 2009; 7(1) : 55 – 64
  • Demir, Z., Özbahçe, A., Demir, Y., 2018. The effects of fertigation applications on the yield and quality of pepper in subsurface and surface drip irrigation systems under water constraint conditions. Project Final Report, Soil Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Institute, Ankara
  • Demir, Z., Keçeci, M., & Tunç, A. E., 2020. Effects of nitrogen fertigation on yield, quality components, water use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency of silage maize (Zea Mays L.) as the second crop. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 1-22.
  • Eralp, Ö., 2007. Determination of silage corn varieties suitable for second crop cultivation under Menemen conditions. Master’s thesis, Adnan Menderes University Institute of Science.
  • Erdal, Ş., Pamukçu, M., Ekiz, H., Soysal, M., Savur, O., & Toros, A., 2009. Determination of silage yield and quality characteristics of some silage maize varieties candidates. Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture Journal, 22(1), 75-81.
  • Ergül, Y., 2008, Determination of Important Agricultural and Quality Characteristics of Silage Corn Varieties. Selcuk University, Institute of Science, Field Crops Department Master’s Thesis. Konya
  • Gezer, E., 2012. The effect of using ISKI wastewater sludge in second crop maize production on soil properties, plant growth and water use. Doctoral dissertation. Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, Biosystem Engineering Department.
  • Griffiths, N., Mickan, F., Kaiser, A., 2004. Crops and by-products for silage. In: Kaiser A, Piltz J, Burns H, Griffiths N (eds) Successful silage. Dairy Australia and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales, pp 109–142
  • Güneş, A., 2004, Determination of Growing Opportunities of Hybrid Silage Corn Varieties and Hybrids Sorghum- Sudan Grass in Karaman Ecological Conditions. S.Ü Science Inst. Field Crops Department Master Thesis, Konya.
  • Güneş, A., 2017. Determination of silage yield and quality characteristics of some silage maize (Zea mays L.) varieties. Master’s thesis, Institute of Science.
  • Güney, E., Tan, M., Gül, Z. D., & Gül, İ., 2010. Determination of yield and silage qualities of some silage corn varieties 476 Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrıgaton on Yield and Quality in Erzurum conditions. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 41(2), 105-111.
  • Han, E., 2016. Determination of grain yield, silage and quality characteristics of some corn varieties. Master Thesis, Ordu University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Field Crops, Ordu.
  • Hasan, K. A. L. E., Kaplan, M., Ulger, I., Unlukara, A., & Taner, A. K. A. R., 2018. Feed value of maize (Zea mays var. indentata (Sturtev.) LH Bailey) grain under different irrigation levels and nitrogen doses. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 23(1), 56-61.
  • Jensen, M. E., Burman, R. D., & Allen, R. G., 1990. Evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirements. ASCE.
  • Karaşahin, M. 2014. Effects of different irrigation methods and plant density on silage yield and yield components of PR 31Y43 hybrid corn cultivar. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 38(2), 159-168.
  • Kiziloglu, F. M., Sahin, U., Kuslu, Y., & Tunc, T., 2009. Determining water–yield relationship, water use efficiency, crop and pan coefficients for silage maize in a semiarid region. Irrigation Science, 27(2), 129.
  • Korkmaz, Y., Ayaşan, T., Aykanat, S., Avcı, M., 2019. Evaluation of yield and silage quality performance of silage maize (Zea mays L.) varieties grown under Çukurova second crop conditions. Turkish Agriculture-Food Science and Technology magazine, 7(sp1), 13-19. DOI: 10.24925/turjaf.v7isp1.13-19.2673.
  • Lamm, F. R., Stone, L. R., Manges, H. L., & O’brien, D. M., 1997. Optimum lateral spacing for subsurface drip-irrigated corn. Transactions of the ASAE, 40(4), 1021-1027.
  • Lamm, F. R. 2002. Advantages and disadvantages of subsurface drip irrigation. In International Meeting on Advances in Drip/Micro Irrigation, Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands (p. 13).
  • Lamm, F.R. & Trooien, T.P. Irrig Sci 2003. 22: 195.
  • Marsalis, M. A., Angadi, S. V., & Contreras-Govea, F. E., 2010. Dry matter yield and nutritive value of corn, forage sorghum, and BMR forage sorghum at different plant populations and nitrogen rates. Field Crops Research, 116(1-2), 52–57. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2009.11.009
  • Mohammed, A. K., & Abed, B. S., 2020. Water distribution and interference of wetting front in stratified soil under a continues and an intermittent subsurface drip irrigation. Journal of Green Engineering, 10(2), 268-286.
  • Mok, H.-F., Dassanayake, K. B., Hepworth, G., & Hamilton, A. J., 2014. Field comparison and crop production modeling of sweet corn and silage maize (Zea mays L.) with treated urban wastewater and freshwater. Irrigation Science, 32(5), 351–368. doi:10.1007/s00271-014-0434-4
  • Moralar, E., 2011. Determination of Growth Process and Efficiency of Some Silage Corn Varieties Grown in Tekirdağ Province. Master Thesis, N.K.Ü. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, page 55, Tekirdağ.
  • Moussa, H. R., & Abdel-Aziz, S. M., 2008. Comparative response of drought tolerant and drought sensitive maize genotypes to water stress. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 1(1), 31-36.
  • Olgun, F., 2011. The effect of different harvest time of hybrid silage maize varieties on yield, yield components and quality (Doctoral Thesis, Selcuk University Institute of Science).
  • Özata E, Geçit H, Ünver İkincikarakaya S., 2016. Orta Karadeniz Ekolojik Koşullarında Şeker Mısırda (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) Değişik Ekim Sıklıkları ve Azot Dozlarının Verim Öğelerine Etkisi. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25 (Özel sayı-1):74-80
  • Öztürk, A., Bulut, S., & Boran, E., 2008. The effect of plant density on yield and some agronomic characters in silage maize. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 39(2), 217-224.
  • Sade, B., Akbudak, M. A., Acar, R. ve Arat, E. 2002. Determination of Corn Varieties Suitable for Silage in Konya Ecological Conditions. Livestock Research Journal 12 (1), s. 17-22. Konya.
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Yüzeyaltı Damla Sulamada Fasılalı Sulama Uygulamalarının Silajlık Mısırda Verim ve Kalite Parametrelerine Etkisi

Year 2022, , 459 - 478, 31.10.2022


Ankara koşullarında yürütülen çalışmada, yüzeyaltı damla sulamada fasılalı (kesintili) sulama uygulamalarının silajlık mısırda verim ve kalite parametrelerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Toprakta yarayışlı suyun %30’u tüketildiğinde mevcut nemi tarla kapasitesine getirmek için gerekli sulama suyu F0: tek seferde, F1: bir kesintiyle F2: iki kesintiyle, F3: üç kesintiyle uygulanmıştır. Toprakta nem dağılımını
izlemek için toprağın 0.35 m derinliğine gömülü lateral hattındaki damlatıcı noktasından 5-20-35 cm yatay uzaklıkta ve toprağın 0-30, 30-60, 60-90 cm derinliklerinden nötron metre cihazı ile her sulamadan bir gün sonra nem ölçümleri yapılmıştır. İki yıllık ortalamalara göre, su kullanım etkinliği (WUE) ve sulama suyu kullanım etkinliği (IWUE) açısından uygulamalar arasında farklar istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Buna göre iki sulama arası kesinti süresi arttıkça WUE ve IWUE de artmıştır. Sulama uygulamalarının silaj (yeşil ot) verimi üzerinde önemli bir etkisi bulunmazken, bazı kalite parametrelerinde (bitki boyu, koçan ağırlığı, gövde ağırlığı, ham kül) istatistiksel farklılıklar bulunmuştur. En yüksek ve en düşük taze silaj verimi, bitki boyu, bitki başına koçan sayısı, gövde ağırlığı, yaprak ağırlığı, kuru madde oranı, ham kül oranı ve ham protein oranı sırasıyla 8768.9-8064.9 kg da-1, 2.44-2.34 m., 1.28-1.13, 0.438-0.374 kg., 0.234-0.212 kg, 41.5%-39.0%, 7.2%-5.2% ve %7.0-6,7 olarak elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada en iyi su dağılımının iki sulama arası süresinin en fazla olduğu F1 uygulamasında sağlandığı belirlenmiş ve bu konu önerilmiştir.


  • Afzal, M., Nazir, Z., Bashir, M. H., & Khan, B. S., 2009. Analysis of host plant resistance in some genotypes of maize against Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(1), 421-428.
  • Akdeniz, H., Yılmaz, İ., Andiç, N., & Zorer, Ş., 2004. A research on yield and feed values in some corn varieties. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(1), 47-51.
  • Anonymous, 2020a. TMMOB Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, Corn Report - 2020. Access: Access date: 27.01.2020.
  • Anonymous, 2020b. Access: Access date: 10.11.2020
  • Anonymous, 2020c. Meteorology General Directorate. Access date: 22.11.2020
  • AOAC. 1995. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis (16th Edition), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
  • Arıtürk, M. E., 2008. Planning the irrigation time of second crop silage maize and determination of water-yield quality relationships. Master’s thesis, Namık Kemal University.
  • Bakeer, G. A. A., El-Ebabi, F. G., El-Saidi, M. T., & Abdelghany, A. R. E., 2009. Effect of pulse drip irrigation on yield and water use efficiency of potato crop under organic agriculture in sandy soils. Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 26(2), 736-765.
  • Bilgen, G., K., Kodal, S., 2019. Determination of Yield and Water Usage Efficiency of Grain Corn Irrigated by Subsurface Drip Irrigation Under Water Constraint Conditions. TAGEM result report. Project number: TAGEM/TSKAD/16/A13/P02/01
  • Biswas, S. K., Akanda, A. R., Rahman, M. S., & Hossain, M. A., 2015. Effect of drip irrigation and mulching on yield, water-use efficiency and economics of tomato. Plant, Soil and Environment, 61(3), 97-102.
  • Bouazzama, B., Xanthoulis, D., Bouaziz, A., Ruelle, P., & Mailhol, J. C., 2012. Effect of water stress on growth, water consumption and yield of silage maize under flood irrigation in semi-arid clilmate of Tadla (Morocco).
  • Bulut, S., Çağlar, Ö., & Öztürk, A., 2008. Growing possibilities of some silage maize varieties purposes in Erzurum plain conditions. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 39(1), 83-91.
  • Bulut, S., 2016. Adaptation of some silage maize varieties to Kayseri conditions. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science, 6(1), 117-126.
  • Camp, C. R., Lamm, F. R., Evans, R. G., & Phene, C. J. 2000. Subsurface drip irrigation–Past, present and future. In Proc. Fourth Decennial Nat’l Irrigation Symp., Nov (pp. 14-16).
  • Couto, A., Padín, A. R., & Reinoso, B., 2013. Comparative yield and water use efficiency of two maize hybrids differing in maturity under solid set sprinkler and two different lateral spacing drip irrigation systems in León, Spain. Agricultural water management, 124, 77-84.
  • Çakmak, B. ve Gökalp, Z. 2011, Climate Change and Efficient Water Use, Agricultural Sciences Research Journal, 4 (1): 87-95.
  • Çamoğlu, G., Levent, G. E. N. Ç., & Şerafettin, A. Ş. I. K., 2011. Effect of water stress on physiological and morphological parameters in sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt). Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Journal, 48(2), 141-149.
  • Çarpıcı, E. B., 2009. Evaluation of plant density and different amount of nitrogen applications in terms of stress physiology in silage corn cultivation. Doctoral Thesis. Uludag University.
  • Çarpıcı, E. B., Kușçu, H., Karasu, A., & Öz, M., 2017. Effect of drip irrigation levels on dry matter yield and silage quality of maize (Zea mays L.). Romanian Agricultural Research, (34), 293, 299.
  • Dağdelen, N., Akçay, H., Sezgin, F., Ünay, A., & Gürbüz, T., 2010. Determination of water production functions of silage maize under different irrigation regimes. Journal of ADU Faculty of Agriculture 2009; 7(1) : 55 – 64
  • Demir, Z., Özbahçe, A., Demir, Y., 2018. The effects of fertigation applications on the yield and quality of pepper in subsurface and surface drip irrigation systems under water constraint conditions. Project Final Report, Soil Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Institute, Ankara
  • Demir, Z., Keçeci, M., & Tunç, A. E., 2020. Effects of nitrogen fertigation on yield, quality components, water use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency of silage maize (Zea Mays L.) as the second crop. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 1-22.
  • Eralp, Ö., 2007. Determination of silage corn varieties suitable for second crop cultivation under Menemen conditions. Master’s thesis, Adnan Menderes University Institute of Science.
  • Erdal, Ş., Pamukçu, M., Ekiz, H., Soysal, M., Savur, O., & Toros, A., 2009. Determination of silage yield and quality characteristics of some silage maize varieties candidates. Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture Journal, 22(1), 75-81.
  • Ergül, Y., 2008, Determination of Important Agricultural and Quality Characteristics of Silage Corn Varieties. Selcuk University, Institute of Science, Field Crops Department Master’s Thesis. Konya
  • Gezer, E., 2012. The effect of using ISKI wastewater sludge in second crop maize production on soil properties, plant growth and water use. Doctoral dissertation. Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, Biosystem Engineering Department.
  • Griffiths, N., Mickan, F., Kaiser, A., 2004. Crops and by-products for silage. In: Kaiser A, Piltz J, Burns H, Griffiths N (eds) Successful silage. Dairy Australia and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales, pp 109–142
  • Güneş, A., 2004, Determination of Growing Opportunities of Hybrid Silage Corn Varieties and Hybrids Sorghum- Sudan Grass in Karaman Ecological Conditions. S.Ü Science Inst. Field Crops Department Master Thesis, Konya.
  • Güneş, A., 2017. Determination of silage yield and quality characteristics of some silage maize (Zea mays L.) varieties. Master’s thesis, Institute of Science.
  • Güney, E., Tan, M., Gül, Z. D., & Gül, İ., 2010. Determination of yield and silage qualities of some silage corn varieties 476 Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrıgaton on Yield and Quality in Erzurum conditions. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 41(2), 105-111.
  • Han, E., 2016. Determination of grain yield, silage and quality characteristics of some corn varieties. Master Thesis, Ordu University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Field Crops, Ordu.
  • Hasan, K. A. L. E., Kaplan, M., Ulger, I., Unlukara, A., & Taner, A. K. A. R., 2018. Feed value of maize (Zea mays var. indentata (Sturtev.) LH Bailey) grain under different irrigation levels and nitrogen doses. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 23(1), 56-61.
  • Jensen, M. E., Burman, R. D., & Allen, R. G., 1990. Evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirements. ASCE.
  • Karaşahin, M. 2014. Effects of different irrigation methods and plant density on silage yield and yield components of PR 31Y43 hybrid corn cultivar. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 38(2), 159-168.
  • Kiziloglu, F. M., Sahin, U., Kuslu, Y., & Tunc, T., 2009. Determining water–yield relationship, water use efficiency, crop and pan coefficients for silage maize in a semiarid region. Irrigation Science, 27(2), 129.
  • Korkmaz, Y., Ayaşan, T., Aykanat, S., Avcı, M., 2019. Evaluation of yield and silage quality performance of silage maize (Zea mays L.) varieties grown under Çukurova second crop conditions. Turkish Agriculture-Food Science and Technology magazine, 7(sp1), 13-19. DOI: 10.24925/turjaf.v7isp1.13-19.2673.
  • Lamm, F. R., Stone, L. R., Manges, H. L., & O’brien, D. M., 1997. Optimum lateral spacing for subsurface drip-irrigated corn. Transactions of the ASAE, 40(4), 1021-1027.
  • Lamm, F. R. 2002. Advantages and disadvantages of subsurface drip irrigation. In International Meeting on Advances in Drip/Micro Irrigation, Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands (p. 13).
  • Lamm, F.R. & Trooien, T.P. Irrig Sci 2003. 22: 195.
  • Marsalis, M. A., Angadi, S. V., & Contreras-Govea, F. E., 2010. Dry matter yield and nutritive value of corn, forage sorghum, and BMR forage sorghum at different plant populations and nitrogen rates. Field Crops Research, 116(1-2), 52–57. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2009.11.009
  • Mohammed, A. K., & Abed, B. S., 2020. Water distribution and interference of wetting front in stratified soil under a continues and an intermittent subsurface drip irrigation. Journal of Green Engineering, 10(2), 268-286.
  • Mok, H.-F., Dassanayake, K. B., Hepworth, G., & Hamilton, A. J., 2014. Field comparison and crop production modeling of sweet corn and silage maize (Zea mays L.) with treated urban wastewater and freshwater. Irrigation Science, 32(5), 351–368. doi:10.1007/s00271-014-0434-4
  • Moralar, E., 2011. Determination of Growth Process and Efficiency of Some Silage Corn Varieties Grown in Tekirdağ Province. Master Thesis, N.K.Ü. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, page 55, Tekirdağ.
  • Moussa, H. R., & Abdel-Aziz, S. M., 2008. Comparative response of drought tolerant and drought sensitive maize genotypes to water stress. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 1(1), 31-36.
  • Olgun, F., 2011. The effect of different harvest time of hybrid silage maize varieties on yield, yield components and quality (Doctoral Thesis, Selcuk University Institute of Science).
  • Özata E, Geçit H, Ünver İkincikarakaya S., 2016. Orta Karadeniz Ekolojik Koşullarında Şeker Mısırda (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) Değişik Ekim Sıklıkları ve Azot Dozlarının Verim Öğelerine Etkisi. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25 (Özel sayı-1):74-80
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There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Rohat Gültekin 0000-0001-9834-4765

Ahmet Ertek 0000-0003-1443-8815

Publication Date October 31, 2022
Acceptance Date February 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Gültekin, R., & Ertek, A. (2022). Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.). Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 37(3), 459-478.
AMA Gültekin R, Ertek A. Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.). ANAJAS. October 2022;37(3):459-478. doi:10.7161/omuanajas.1000915
Chicago Gültekin, Rohat, and Ahmet Ertek. “Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.)”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 37, no. 3 (October 2022): 459-78.
EndNote Gültekin R, Ertek A (October 1, 2022) Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.). Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 37 3 459–478.
IEEE R. Gültekin and A. Ertek, “Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.)”, ANAJAS, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 459–478, 2022, doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.1000915.
ISNAD Gültekin, Rohat - Ertek, Ahmet. “Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.)”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 37/3 (October 2022), 459-478.
JAMA Gültekin R, Ertek A. Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.). ANAJAS. 2022;37:459–478.
MLA Gültekin, Rohat and Ahmet Ertek. “Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.)”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 37, no. 3, 2022, pp. 459-78, doi:10.7161/omuanajas.1000915.
Vancouver Gültekin R, Ertek A. Effect of Pulse Subsurface Drip Irrigaton on Yield and Quality Parameters of Sillage Maize (Zea Mays L.). ANAJAS. 2022;37(3):459-78.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769