Research Article
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Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye)

Year 2024, , 143 - 162, 29.02.2024


The aim of this study was to determine the viticultural potential of Bafra plain based on viticulture climate indices. Bafra district was classified as warm-temperate according to Winkler and Huglin indices. The Winkler index (WI) 1969.0, Huglin index (HI) 2184.4 °C units, Branas Heliothermic Index (BHI) 4.5, and Branas Hydrothermal Index (HYI) 3423.6 were obtained for the Bafra region. Annual sunshine duration was calculated as 2295.5 hours, while sunshine duration during the growing period was 1715.0 hours. Considering the HYI value being somewhat high, this combined with the high air humidity in the summer months shows an increased risk of fungal diseases. The bud burst occurred in the second week of April and flowering occurred in the first week of June in all cultivars. The earliest veraison initiated with early ripening ‘Early Sweet’ and ‘Trakya İlkeren’ cultivars and the latest veraison was in ‘Ugni Blanc’ and ‘Red Globe’. The earliest ripening was determined in ‘Early Sweet’ with 937.7 GDD, and the latest ripening was determined in the ‘Ugni Blanc’ cultivar as 1729.2 GDD. The period from bud burst to maturity was 110 days in ‘Early Sweet’ and 170 days in the ‘Ugni Blanc’. Sites selected with high altitude, areas that slope slightly to the south sides, low humidity, and far from sea areas are suitable for early and mid-season ripening grape cultivars. The high humidity in the summer and heavy rain in the fall season increase fungal disease risks in the Bafra region.


  • Alenazi, M.M., Shafiq, M., Alobeed, R.S., Alsdon, A.A., Abbasi, N.A., Ali, I., Javed, I., 2019. Application of abscisic acid at veraison improves red pigmentation and accumulation of dietary antioxidants in red table grapes cv. Red Globe at harvest. Scientia Horticulturae. 257, 108672.
  • Altun, M.A., 2015. Adaptation of some important table grape varieties to Sakarya/Traklı ecology (Master’s Thesis). Gazi Osmanpaşa University. Nature Applied Sci Inst, 48p (in Turkish).
  • Amerine, M.A., Winkler AJ. 1944. Composition and quality of musts and wines of California grapes. Hilgardia. 15:493–675.
  • Arpacı, K., Yuksel, M., 1996. Classification of left coasts’ soils in Bafra plain. J Agric Sci. 2(02), 87-93 (in Turkish).
  • Atak, A. 2022. “New perspectives in grapevine breeding,” in Plant breeding - new perspectives. Ed. Wang, H. (Rijeka, Croatia: IntechOpen).
  • Atak, A., Ergönül, O., Dilli, Y., Kesgin, M., Altındişli, A., 2022. Grapevine breeding studies in Turkey. In XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on the Vitivinicultural Sector: Which Tools to 1370 (pp. 145-152).
  • Bahar, E., Korkutal, I., Öner, H. 2018. Terroir elements in viticulture. Bahçe. 47(2), 57-70.
  • Blanco-Ward, D., Queijeiro, J.G., Jones, G.V., 2007. Spatial climate variability and viticulture in the Miño River Valley of Spain. Vitis. 46:63–70.
  • Branas, J., Bernon, G., Levadoux, L., 1946. Élements de viticultura générale. Imp. Déhan, Bordeaux.
  • Brandt, M., Scheidweiler, M., Rauhut, D., Patz, C. D., Will, F., Zorn, H., Stoll, M., 2019. The influence of temperature and solar radiation on phenols in berry skin and maturity parameters of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Riesling: 21th GIESCO International Meeting, June 23-28 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. Oeno One. 53(2).
  • Cangi, R., 1999. Research to determine the ampelographic characteristics of grape varieties grown in Ordu. In: 3rd National Horticultural Congress. Ankara, Turkey, 14–17 September (in Turkish).
  • Cangi, R., Demir, E., 2019. Determination of phenological characters and effective heat summation values for some grape cultivars in Mecitözü/Çorum ecological condition. Fruit Sci. 6(2), 29-35 (in Turkish)
  • Cangi, R., Saracoglu, O., Uluocak, E., Kilic, D., Sen, A., 2011. The chemical changes of some wine grape varieties during ripening period in Kazova (Tokat) ecology. Igdir Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech. 1(3), 9-14 (in Turkish).
  • Cantürk, S., Kunter, B., 2021. Effects of Kaolin Treatment on Table Grape Characteristics of cv. Trakya Ilkeren (V. vinifera L.). KSU J. Agric Nat. 24(3): 522-528.
  • Coombe, B., Dry, P., 2004. Viticulture. Volume 1-Resources 2nd edition. Winetitles Pty Ltd.
  • Cortiñas Rodríguez, J.A., González-Fernández, E., Fernández-González, M., Vázquez-Ruiz, R.A., Aira, M.J., 2020. Fungal diseases in two north-west Spain vineyards: Relationship with meteorological conditions and predictive aerobiological model. Agronomy. 10(2), 219.
  • Çelik, H., 2004. Grape growing. Pazar Ofset, Rize (in Turkish).
  • Çelik, H., Ağaoğlu, Y.S., Fidan, Y., Marasalı, B., Söylemezoğlu, G., 1998. General viticulture. Sun Fidan Publication, Turkey, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Çelik, H., Çetiner, H., Söylemezoğlu, G., Kunter, B., Çakır, A., 2005. Determination of phenological properties and heat summation requirements of some grape varieties in Kalecik conditions. 6th Turkey Viticulture Symposium Proceedings 2:390–397 (in Turkish).
  • Çelik, S., 2007. Grapevine (Ampelology–I). Anadolu Press Volume I; 2nd Edition. Tekirdag. 423s (in Turkish).
  • Dengiz, O., Sarıoğlu, F.E., 2011. GIS analysis for topographic properties with some land properties and land use in Samsun province. J. Agric. Faculty Ege Univ. 48(1), 55-60 (in Turkish).
  • Dina, I., Ranca, A., Tănase, A., Ene, S.A., 2020. Behavior of some grapevine cultivars from Murfatlar vineyard in the special climatic conditions of the wine year 2019–2020. Romanian J Hortic. 1, 133–140.
  • Faostat, 2021. Crop statistics. QC. (Accessed: 25 January 2020).
  • González Fernández, E., Piña Rey, A., Fernández González, M., Rodríguez Rajo, F.J., 2019. Effect of environmental conditions and phenology in the dispersal of secondary Erysiphe necator conidia in a vineyard. Vitis 58 (Special Issue). 49–58.
  • Ferrara, G., Gallotta, A., Pacucci, C., Matarrese, A. M. S., Mazzeo, A., Giancaspro, A., Colelli, G., 2017. The table grape ‘Victoria’ with a long shaped berry: A potential mutation with attractive characteristics for consumers. J. Sci. Food Agric. 97(15), 5398-5405.
  • Huglin, P., 1978. Nouveau mode d’évaluluation des possibilites héliothermiques d’un milieo viticole. In: Proceedings of the Symposium International sur l’ecologie de la Vigne. Ministére de l’Agriculture et de l’Industrie Alimentaire, Contanca, pp 89–98.
  • Jones, G.V., 2006. Climate and terroir: Impacts of climate variability and change on wine. In Fine Wine and Terroir: The Geoscience Perspective. Geoscience Canada. R.W. Macqueen and L.D. Meinert (eds.), (Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s, Newfoundland), pp. 1-14.
  • Jones, G.V., 2007. Climate change: observations, projections and general implications for viticulture and wine production. Climate and Viticultural Congress, 10−14 April 2007, Zaragoza. OIV, Paris, p 55–66
  • Jones, G.V., Duff, A.A., Hall, A., Myers, J.W., 2010. Spatial analysis of climate in winegrape growing regions in the western United States. Amer J Enol Vitic. 61(3), 313-326.
  • Kamiloğlu, Ö., Atak, A., Kiraz, M.E., 2014. Performance of some grape cultivars and hybrid cultivar candidates in Hatay/Amik Plain conditions. Turkish J. Agric. Natur. Sci., 3(1); 413 – 420 (in Turkish).
  • Kandilli, G., Atak, A ., Doyğacı, Y., Candar, S., Söylemezoğlu, G., Yılmaz, E., 2022. Disease resistance and fruit quality characteristics of 12 Vitis spp. grown in a humid-like climate region. Int. J. Agric. Environ. Food Sci. 6(3), 457–470.
  • Kılıç, D., Kaya, Y., Başaran, B., Topal, H., Mutlu, N., Yağcı, A., Cangi, R., 2018. Adaptation of some table grape varieties in Tokat central ecological conditions. Bahçe 47 (Special Issue 1): Turkey 9th Viticulture Technologies Symposium: 187-194 (in Turkish).
  • Kök, D., 2021. Berry Growth and Biochemical Characteristics of cv. Trakya Ilkeren (V. vinifera L.) as Influenced by Various Doses of Pre-Harvest Hydrogen Peroxide and Phenylalanine Applications. Erwerbs-Obstbau. 60(1), 47–53.
  • Köse, B., Odabaş, F., Çelik, H., 2011. New approaches to declining tobacco fields in Samsun. Samsun Symposium, 13-16 October 2011, Samsun (in Turkish).
  • Köse, B. 2014. Phenology and ripening of Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis labrusca L. varieties in the maritime climate of Samsun in Turkey’s Black Sea Region. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. 35(1), 90-102.
  • Lorenzo, M.N., Ramos, A.M., Brands, S., 2016. Present and future climate conditions for winegrowing in Spain. Regional Environmental Change. 16, 617-627.
  • Malheiro, A.C., Santos, J.A., Fraga, H., Pinto, J.G., 2010. Climate change scenarios applied to viticultural zoning in Europe. Climate Res. 43(3), 163.
  • MBSDA, 2019. Middle Black Sea Development Agency. Evaluation of Bafra District in terms of Agricultural Product Potential. ( Access date: 19.01.2023)
  • Olivoto, T., Lúcio, A.D., 2020. Metan: An R package for multi‐environment trial analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 11(6): 783-789.
  • Özdemir, G., Tangolar, S., 2005. Determination of phenological stages and effective heat summation values and some quality characteristics of some table grape varieties in Diyarbakır and Adana conditions. 6th Turkey Viticulture Symposium Proceedings (2):446–453 (in Turkish).
  • Ribéreau-Gayon, P., Glories, Y., Maujean, A., Dubourdieu, D., 2006. Handbook of Enology (Volume 2). The Chemistry of Wine and Stabilization and Treatments. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Sağlam, M., Boz, Y., Kiracı, M.A., Aydın, S., 2009. Adaptation of table grape varieties to different ecological conditions in the Thrace region. 7th Turkey Viticulture and Technologies Symposium, Volume 2, 129-137 Manisa, 05-09 October, Manisa (in Turkish).
  • Santos, J.A., Fraga, H., Moutinho-Pereira, J., Malheiro, A.C., 2018. Impacts on the vitiviniculture geography in the world and in Portugal. El sector vitivinícola frente al desafío del cambio climático, Parte I. Enfoque territorial e institucional. 21-43.
  • Sentelhas, P.C., 1998. Aspectos climáticos para a viticultura tropical: Informe Agropecuário. 194, 9–14.
  • Uzun, H.İ., 1996. Heat summation requirements of crape cultivars. Proceedings of the 5. International Symposium on Temperate Zone Fruits in Tropics and Subtropics, Acta Hortic. No: 441 p 383-386, 29 May- 1 June, Adana.
  • Wei, T., Simko, V., 2021. R package ‘corrplot’: Visualization of a Correlation Matrix. (Version 0.92)
  • Yau, I.H., 2011. Developing a grape site selection GIS for the inland pacific Northwest. MSc thesis, Washington State University, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. Available at

Bazi Sofralık Ve Şaraplık Üzümlerin Fenolojik ve İklim Endeksleri ile Samsun-Bafra Ovasında Yetiştirilme Durumunun İncelenmesi

Year 2024, , 143 - 162, 29.02.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, bazı iklim indekslerine dayanarak Bafra ovasının bağcılık potansiyelini belirlemektir. Bafra ilçesi Winkler ve Huglin İndekslerine göre sıcak-ılıman bölge olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Bafra bölgesi için Winkler İndeksi (WI) 1969.0 gün.derece; Huglin İndeksi (HI) 21844 derece.birim; Branas Heliotermik İndeksi (BHI) 4.5 ve Branas Hidrotermik İndeksi (HYI) 3423.6 olarak elde edilmiştir. Yıllık güneşlenme süresi 2295.5 saat, yetiştirme dönemindeki güneşlenme süresi ise 1715.0 saat olarak hesaplanmıştır. HYI değerinin biraz yüksek olduğu göz önüne alındığında, bu durum yaz aylarında havadaki yüksek nem oranıyla birleştiğinde mantar hastalıkları riskinin arttığını göstermektedir. Tüm çeşitlerde gözlerin uyanması Nisan ayının ikinci haftasında, çiçeklenme ise Haziran ayının ilk haftasında gerçekleşmiştir. En erken ben düşme erken olgunlaşan 'Early Sweet' ve 'Trakya İlkeren' çeşitlerinde başlamış, en geç ise ‘Ugni Blanc’ ve ‘Red Globe’ çeşitlerinde gerçekleşmiştir. En erken olgunlaşma 937.7 gün.derece ile ‘Early Sweet’ çeşidinde, en geç olgunlaşma ise 1729.2 gün.derece ile ‘Ugni Blanc’ çeşidinde belirlendi. Gözlerin uyanmasından olgunluğa kadar geçen süre ‘Early Sweet’ çeşidinde 110 gün, ‘Ugni Blanc’ çeşidinde 170 gün olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bafra ilçesinde; yüksek rakımlı, güneye hafif eğimli, nem oranı düşük, denizden uzak seçilen alanlar erken ve orta sezonda olgunlaşan üzüm çeşitlerine uygun olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yazın nem oranının yüksek olması, sonbaharda ise yoğun yağışlar Bafra bölgesinde mantar hastalığı riskini artırmaktadır.


  • Alenazi, M.M., Shafiq, M., Alobeed, R.S., Alsdon, A.A., Abbasi, N.A., Ali, I., Javed, I., 2019. Application of abscisic acid at veraison improves red pigmentation and accumulation of dietary antioxidants in red table grapes cv. Red Globe at harvest. Scientia Horticulturae. 257, 108672.
  • Altun, M.A., 2015. Adaptation of some important table grape varieties to Sakarya/Traklı ecology (Master’s Thesis). Gazi Osmanpaşa University. Nature Applied Sci Inst, 48p (in Turkish).
  • Amerine, M.A., Winkler AJ. 1944. Composition and quality of musts and wines of California grapes. Hilgardia. 15:493–675.
  • Arpacı, K., Yuksel, M., 1996. Classification of left coasts’ soils in Bafra plain. J Agric Sci. 2(02), 87-93 (in Turkish).
  • Atak, A. 2022. “New perspectives in grapevine breeding,” in Plant breeding - new perspectives. Ed. Wang, H. (Rijeka, Croatia: IntechOpen).
  • Atak, A., Ergönül, O., Dilli, Y., Kesgin, M., Altındişli, A., 2022. Grapevine breeding studies in Turkey. In XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on the Vitivinicultural Sector: Which Tools to 1370 (pp. 145-152).
  • Bahar, E., Korkutal, I., Öner, H. 2018. Terroir elements in viticulture. Bahçe. 47(2), 57-70.
  • Blanco-Ward, D., Queijeiro, J.G., Jones, G.V., 2007. Spatial climate variability and viticulture in the Miño River Valley of Spain. Vitis. 46:63–70.
  • Branas, J., Bernon, G., Levadoux, L., 1946. Élements de viticultura générale. Imp. Déhan, Bordeaux.
  • Brandt, M., Scheidweiler, M., Rauhut, D., Patz, C. D., Will, F., Zorn, H., Stoll, M., 2019. The influence of temperature and solar radiation on phenols in berry skin and maturity parameters of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Riesling: 21th GIESCO International Meeting, June 23-28 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. Oeno One. 53(2).
  • Cangi, R., 1999. Research to determine the ampelographic characteristics of grape varieties grown in Ordu. In: 3rd National Horticultural Congress. Ankara, Turkey, 14–17 September (in Turkish).
  • Cangi, R., Demir, E., 2019. Determination of phenological characters and effective heat summation values for some grape cultivars in Mecitözü/Çorum ecological condition. Fruit Sci. 6(2), 29-35 (in Turkish)
  • Cangi, R., Saracoglu, O., Uluocak, E., Kilic, D., Sen, A., 2011. The chemical changes of some wine grape varieties during ripening period in Kazova (Tokat) ecology. Igdir Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech. 1(3), 9-14 (in Turkish).
  • Cantürk, S., Kunter, B., 2021. Effects of Kaolin Treatment on Table Grape Characteristics of cv. Trakya Ilkeren (V. vinifera L.). KSU J. Agric Nat. 24(3): 522-528.
  • Coombe, B., Dry, P., 2004. Viticulture. Volume 1-Resources 2nd edition. Winetitles Pty Ltd.
  • Cortiñas Rodríguez, J.A., González-Fernández, E., Fernández-González, M., Vázquez-Ruiz, R.A., Aira, M.J., 2020. Fungal diseases in two north-west Spain vineyards: Relationship with meteorological conditions and predictive aerobiological model. Agronomy. 10(2), 219.
  • Çelik, H., 2004. Grape growing. Pazar Ofset, Rize (in Turkish).
  • Çelik, H., Ağaoğlu, Y.S., Fidan, Y., Marasalı, B., Söylemezoğlu, G., 1998. General viticulture. Sun Fidan Publication, Turkey, Ankara (in Turkish).
  • Çelik, H., Çetiner, H., Söylemezoğlu, G., Kunter, B., Çakır, A., 2005. Determination of phenological properties and heat summation requirements of some grape varieties in Kalecik conditions. 6th Turkey Viticulture Symposium Proceedings 2:390–397 (in Turkish).
  • Çelik, S., 2007. Grapevine (Ampelology–I). Anadolu Press Volume I; 2nd Edition. Tekirdag. 423s (in Turkish).
  • Dengiz, O., Sarıoğlu, F.E., 2011. GIS analysis for topographic properties with some land properties and land use in Samsun province. J. Agric. Faculty Ege Univ. 48(1), 55-60 (in Turkish).
  • Dina, I., Ranca, A., Tănase, A., Ene, S.A., 2020. Behavior of some grapevine cultivars from Murfatlar vineyard in the special climatic conditions of the wine year 2019–2020. Romanian J Hortic. 1, 133–140.
  • Faostat, 2021. Crop statistics. QC. (Accessed: 25 January 2020).
  • González Fernández, E., Piña Rey, A., Fernández González, M., Rodríguez Rajo, F.J., 2019. Effect of environmental conditions and phenology in the dispersal of secondary Erysiphe necator conidia in a vineyard. Vitis 58 (Special Issue). 49–58.
  • Ferrara, G., Gallotta, A., Pacucci, C., Matarrese, A. M. S., Mazzeo, A., Giancaspro, A., Colelli, G., 2017. The table grape ‘Victoria’ with a long shaped berry: A potential mutation with attractive characteristics for consumers. J. Sci. Food Agric. 97(15), 5398-5405.
  • Huglin, P., 1978. Nouveau mode d’évaluluation des possibilites héliothermiques d’un milieo viticole. In: Proceedings of the Symposium International sur l’ecologie de la Vigne. Ministére de l’Agriculture et de l’Industrie Alimentaire, Contanca, pp 89–98.
  • Jones, G.V., 2006. Climate and terroir: Impacts of climate variability and change on wine. In Fine Wine and Terroir: The Geoscience Perspective. Geoscience Canada. R.W. Macqueen and L.D. Meinert (eds.), (Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s, Newfoundland), pp. 1-14.
  • Jones, G.V., 2007. Climate change: observations, projections and general implications for viticulture and wine production. Climate and Viticultural Congress, 10−14 April 2007, Zaragoza. OIV, Paris, p 55–66
  • Jones, G.V., Duff, A.A., Hall, A., Myers, J.W., 2010. Spatial analysis of climate in winegrape growing regions in the western United States. Amer J Enol Vitic. 61(3), 313-326.
  • Kamiloğlu, Ö., Atak, A., Kiraz, M.E., 2014. Performance of some grape cultivars and hybrid cultivar candidates in Hatay/Amik Plain conditions. Turkish J. Agric. Natur. Sci., 3(1); 413 – 420 (in Turkish).
  • Kandilli, G., Atak, A ., Doyğacı, Y., Candar, S., Söylemezoğlu, G., Yılmaz, E., 2022. Disease resistance and fruit quality characteristics of 12 Vitis spp. grown in a humid-like climate region. Int. J. Agric. Environ. Food Sci. 6(3), 457–470.
  • Kılıç, D., Kaya, Y., Başaran, B., Topal, H., Mutlu, N., Yağcı, A., Cangi, R., 2018. Adaptation of some table grape varieties in Tokat central ecological conditions. Bahçe 47 (Special Issue 1): Turkey 9th Viticulture Technologies Symposium: 187-194 (in Turkish).
  • Kök, D., 2021. Berry Growth and Biochemical Characteristics of cv. Trakya Ilkeren (V. vinifera L.) as Influenced by Various Doses of Pre-Harvest Hydrogen Peroxide and Phenylalanine Applications. Erwerbs-Obstbau. 60(1), 47–53.
  • Köse, B., Odabaş, F., Çelik, H., 2011. New approaches to declining tobacco fields in Samsun. Samsun Symposium, 13-16 October 2011, Samsun (in Turkish).
  • Köse, B. 2014. Phenology and ripening of Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis labrusca L. varieties in the maritime climate of Samsun in Turkey’s Black Sea Region. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. 35(1), 90-102.
  • Lorenzo, M.N., Ramos, A.M., Brands, S., 2016. Present and future climate conditions for winegrowing in Spain. Regional Environmental Change. 16, 617-627.
  • Malheiro, A.C., Santos, J.A., Fraga, H., Pinto, J.G., 2010. Climate change scenarios applied to viticultural zoning in Europe. Climate Res. 43(3), 163.
  • MBSDA, 2019. Middle Black Sea Development Agency. Evaluation of Bafra District in terms of Agricultural Product Potential. ( Access date: 19.01.2023)
  • Olivoto, T., Lúcio, A.D., 2020. Metan: An R package for multi‐environment trial analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 11(6): 783-789.
  • Özdemir, G., Tangolar, S., 2005. Determination of phenological stages and effective heat summation values and some quality characteristics of some table grape varieties in Diyarbakır and Adana conditions. 6th Turkey Viticulture Symposium Proceedings (2):446–453 (in Turkish).
  • Ribéreau-Gayon, P., Glories, Y., Maujean, A., Dubourdieu, D., 2006. Handbook of Enology (Volume 2). The Chemistry of Wine and Stabilization and Treatments. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Sağlam, M., Boz, Y., Kiracı, M.A., Aydın, S., 2009. Adaptation of table grape varieties to different ecological conditions in the Thrace region. 7th Turkey Viticulture and Technologies Symposium, Volume 2, 129-137 Manisa, 05-09 October, Manisa (in Turkish).
  • Santos, J.A., Fraga, H., Moutinho-Pereira, J., Malheiro, A.C., 2018. Impacts on the vitiviniculture geography in the world and in Portugal. El sector vitivinícola frente al desafío del cambio climático, Parte I. Enfoque territorial e institucional. 21-43.
  • Sentelhas, P.C., 1998. Aspectos climáticos para a viticultura tropical: Informe Agropecuário. 194, 9–14.
  • Uzun, H.İ., 1996. Heat summation requirements of crape cultivars. Proceedings of the 5. International Symposium on Temperate Zone Fruits in Tropics and Subtropics, Acta Hortic. No: 441 p 383-386, 29 May- 1 June, Adana.
  • Wei, T., Simko, V., 2021. R package ‘corrplot’: Visualization of a Correlation Matrix. (Version 0.92)
  • Yau, I.H., 2011. Developing a grape site selection GIS for the inland pacific Northwest. MSc thesis, Washington State University, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. Available at
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production (Other)
Journal Section Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Şinasi Karabektaşoğlu 0000-0001-8922-4315

Bülent Köse 0000-0002-7025-5696

Andrej Svyantek 0000-0001-9444-1250

Early Pub Date February 27, 2024
Publication Date February 29, 2024
Submission Date November 23, 2023
Acceptance Date January 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Karabektaşoğlu, Ş., Köse, B., & Svyantek, A. (2024). Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye). Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 39(1), 143-162.
AMA Karabektaşoğlu Ş, Köse B, Svyantek A. Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye). ANAJAS. February 2024;39(1):143-162. doi:10.7161/omuanajas.1394670
Chicago Karabektaşoğlu, Şinasi, Bülent Köse, and Andrej Svyantek. “Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye)”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 39, no. 1 (February 2024): 143-62.
EndNote Karabektaşoğlu Ş, Köse B, Svyantek A (February 1, 2024) Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye). Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 39 1 143–162.
IEEE Ş. Karabektaşoğlu, B. Köse, and A. Svyantek, “Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye)”, ANAJAS, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 143–162, 2024, doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.1394670.
ISNAD Karabektaşoğlu, Şinasi et al. “Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye)”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 39/1 (February 2024), 143-162.
JAMA Karabektaşoğlu Ş, Köse B, Svyantek A. Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye). ANAJAS. 2024;39:143–162.
MLA Karabektaşoğlu, Şinasi et al. “Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye)”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 39, no. 1, 2024, pp. 143-62, doi:10.7161/omuanajas.1394670.
Vancouver Karabektaşoğlu Ş, Köse B, Svyantek A. Investigation of the Phenological and Climate Indices of Some Table and Wine Grapes and Their Growing Status in the Samsun-Bafra Plain (Türkiye). ANAJAS. 2024;39(1):143-62.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769