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Fasulye üretim alanlarında hastalığa neden olan Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli ve Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola’nın izolasyonu ve tanılanması

Year 2018, , 105 - 115, 22.06.2018


2013-2014 yıllarında, Samsun ili fasulye üretim
alanlarında adi yanıklığa neden olan Xanthomonas
axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) ve hale
yanıklığına neden olan Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola (Psp)’nin
belirlenmesi için surveyler yapılmıştır. Elde edilen tek ve saf kolonilerle
yapılan biyokimyasal, patojenisite, moleküler ve 16S rDNA sekanslama
çalışmaları sonucunda 8 Xap ve 5 Psp izolatı tanılanmıştır. Xap ve Psp izolatları filogenetik ağaç analizinde tip kültürleri ile birlikte
yer almıştır. Göynük 98 fasulye çeşidi in vitro patojenisite denemelerinde en
hassas çeşit olarak belirlenmiştir ve virülens denemesi için kullanılmıştır.
Yapılan bu çalışmada, Türkiye taze fasulye üretiminin % 20’sinin gerçekleştiği
Samsun ilinde her iki hastalık etmenin varlığı moleküler çalışmalarla ilk kez
ortaya konmuştur.


  • Abeysinghe, S., 2003. Induction of systemic resistance in bean against Uromyces appendiculatus by different rhizobacteria. 6th Int. PGPR Workshop, 570-573, 5-10 October, Calcut, India.
  • Agrios, G.N., 1997. Plant pathology. Academic Press, San Diego. p. 635
  • Akhavan, A.M., Bahar, H, Askarian, M.R., Lak, A., Nazemi, Z., Zamani. 2013. Bean common bacterial blight: pathogen epiphytic life and effect of irrigation practices. Springer Plus, 2(1):1.
  • Allen, D.J., Buruchara, R.A, Smithson. J.B., 1998. Diseases of common bean. The Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes, CAB International, Wallingford.
  • Ariyarathne, H.M., Coyne, D.P. , Vidaver, A.K., Eskridge, K.M., 1994. Effect of prior inoculation of leaves of dry beans with the common blight pathogen on the disease reaction of subsequently inoculated leaves and pods and the reaction of detached versus attached pods. HortScience, 29:427–581.
  • Arnold, D.L., Lovell, H.C., Jackson, R.W., Mansfield, J.W., 2011. Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola: from ‘has bean’to supermodel. Molecular plant pathology, 12(7), 617-627.
  • Bastas, K. K., Sahin, F. 2017. Evaluation of seedborne bacterial pathogens on common bean cultivars grown in central Anatolia region, Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 147(2), 239-253.
  • Benlioglu, K., Ozakman, M, Onceler, Z., 1994. Bacterial blight of beans in Turkey and resistance to halo blight and common blight. In 9th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, September, 18-24.
  • Bozkurt, I.A., Soylu, S, 2001. Farklı fasulye çeşitlerinin fasulye hale yanıklığı etmeni p.s. pv. phaseolicola irklarına karşı gösterdiği reaksiyonların belirlenmesi. Türkiye IX. Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 3–8 Eylul, Tekirdağ, p 506–514.
  • Bozkurt, I. A. 2009. The control possibilities against bean common blıght (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli) with antogonistic bacteria. , PhD. Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Science, p153, Izmir.
  • Cafati, C.R., Saettler, A.W., 1980. Transmission of Xanthomonas phaseoli in seed of resistant and susceptible Phaseolus genotypes. Phytopathology, 70(7): 638-640.
  • Coyne, D.P., M.L. Schuster. 1976. “Great northern star dry bean tolerant to bacterial disease.” Hortscience, 11, 6, 621.
  • Coyne, D. P., D. S. Nuland, and D. T. Lindgren. 1994. “Effect of population X. c. pv. phaseoli in bean reproductive tissues on seed ınfection of resistant and susceptible bean genotypes”. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(2), 175–181.
  • Dye, D.W., 1968. A taxonomic study of the genus Erwinia I. The amylovora group. NZJ Sci., 11: 590-607.
  • Darrasse, A., Bureau, C., Samson, R., Morris, C. E., Jacques, M. A., 2007. Contamination of bean seeds by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli associated with low bacterial densities in the phyllosphere under field and greenhouse conditions. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 119(2), 203-215.
  • Demir, G., Gündogdu, M., 1994. Bacterial diseases of food legumes in Aegean region of Turkey and effectivity of some seed treatments against bean halo blight, Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 23(2):57-66.
  • Donmez, M.F., Sahin, F., Elkoca, E., 2013. Identification of bean genotypes from Turkey resistance to common bacterial blight and halo blight diseases. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus. 12(4):139-151.
  • Dursun, A., Dönmez, M.F. Şahin, F., 2002. Identification of resistance to common bacterial blight disease on bean genotypes grown in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 108: 811-813.
  • Ertugrul, D., K. Güven., 1998. Serological Properties of Pseudomonas syringae p.v phaseolicola Isolates Collected From Eskisehir. Turkish Journal of Biology, 22(2): 189-196.
  • FAO. 2014. URL: [accession date: 01.11.2015].
  • Felsenstein, J. 1985. Confidence limits on phylogeny:an appropriate use of the bootstrap. Evolution, 39:783-791.
  • Ferreira, C. F., Pereira, M.G., Dos Santos, A.D.S., Rodrigues, R., Bressan-Smith, R.E., PioViana, A., Daher, R.F,. 2003. Resistance to common bacterial blight in Phaseolus vulgaris L. recombinant inbred lines under natural infection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli. Euphytica. 134:43–46.
  • Fininsa, C. Tefera, T., 2001. Effect of primary inoculum sources of bean common bacterial blight on early epidemics, seed yield and quality aspects. International Journal of Pest Management, 47(3):221–225.
  • Fourie, D., 2002. Distribution and severity of bacterial diseases on dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in South Africa. Journal of Phytopathology, 150, 220–226.Gepts, P., 2001. Phaseolus vulgaris (Beans). Encyclopedia of Genetics. 1444-1445.
  • Gepts, P., Aragão, F.J., De Barros, E., Blair, M.W., Brondani, R., Broughton, W., ... McClean, P., 2008. Genomics of Phaseolus beans, a major source of dietary protein and micronutrients in the tropics. In Genomics of tropical crop plants (pp. 113-143). Springer, New York.
  • Gilbertson, R.L., R.E. Rand, E. Carlson and D.J. Hagedorn, 1988. “The use of dry-leaf inoculum for establishment of common bacterial blight of beans.” Plant Disease. 72:385–389.
  • Gilbertson, R.L., R.E. Rand, and D.J. Hagedorn. 1990. “Survival of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and pectolytic strains of X. campestris in bean debris.” Plant Disease. 74(4):322-327.
  • Güven, K., Jones, J.B., Momol, M.T., Dickstein, E.R., 2004. Phenotypic and genetic diversity among Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Journal of phytopathology, 152(11‐12), 658-666.
  • Hall, R., 1994. Compendium of Bean Diseases St. Paul, Minnesota, USA: The American Phytopathological Society, pp. 25–27.
  • Harveson, R.M., Schwartz, H.F., 2007. Bacterial diseases of dry edible beans in the Central High Plains.” Plant Health Prog.Jukes, T.H, C.R. Cantor. 1969. Evolution of protein molecules. In Munro H.N (ed.) Mammalian protein metabolism, Acedemic Press, New York. pp. 21-132.
  • Kahveci, E., Maden, S., 1994. Detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola by bacteriophages. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology. 23(2):79-85.
  • Kendi, D., Baştaş, K.K., 2010. İç Anadolu Bölgesinde Fasulye Tohumlarında Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola Bulaşıklılığının Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi. 25(2): 8-16, Konya, Türkiye.
  • Keen, N.T., 1990. Gene-for-gene complementarity in plant-pathogen interactions. Annual review of genetics. 24(1): 447-463.
  • Kimura, M., 1980. A simple method for estimating evolutionary rate of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences.” Journal of Molecular Evolution. 16:111-120.
  • Klement, Z., K. Rudolph, D.C. Sands., 1990. Methods in phytobacteriology. Akademiai Kiado.
  • Lak, M.R., Shamsbakhsh, M., Bahar, M. 2002. Identification of the bacterial agent of bean leaf and pod blight in Markazi province.” Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resource. 6(1): 231–243.
  • Lelliott, R.A., Billing, E., Hayward, A.C., 1966. A determinative scheme for the fluorescent plant pathogenic pseudomonads. Journal of applied bacteriology. 29(3): 470-489.
  • Lelliott, R.A., and D.E. Stead. 1987. Methods for the diagnosis of bacterial diseases of plants. Blackwell Scientific Publications.
  • Mohammed, A., 2013. An overview of distribution, biology and the management of common bean anthracnose. Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, 4(8), 1-6.Neergaard, P. 1979. Seed Pathology. London. MacMillan Press.
  • Opio, A.F., Allen, D.J., Teri, J.M., 1996. Pathogenic variation in Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli, the causal agent of common bacterial blight in Phaseolus beans. Plant Pathology. 45(6): 1126-1133.
  • Osdaghi, E., Alizadeh, A., Shams-Bakhsh, M., Lak., M.R., 2010. Evaluation of common bean lines for their reaction to the common bacterial blight pathogen. Phytopathologia Mediterranea. 48(3): 461-468.
  • Popović, T. 2008. Detection of phytopathogenic bacteria on bean seed and cultivar susceptibility. PhD Thesis, Serbia: University of Novi Sad.
  • Popović, T., Balaž, J., Nikolić, Z., Starović, M., Gavrilović, V., Aleksić, G., ... Živković, S., 2010. Detection and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli on bean seed collected in Serbia. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(19), 2730-2736.
  • Park, S. J., Dhanvantari, B. N. 1987. Transfer of common blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv phaseoli) resistance from Phaseolus coccineus Lam. to P. vulgaris L. through interspecific hybridization. Canadian journal of plant science, 67 (3): 685-695.
  • Ranalli, P., Parisi, B., 1998 Viral and Bacterial Disease of French Beans. Review of Plant Pathology, 77: p.416.
  • Reynoso-Camacho, R., M. Ramos-Gomez, and G. Loarca-Pina. 2006. 10 Bioactive components in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) In Advances in Agricultural and Food Biotechnology; Guevara-González, R., Torres-pacheco, I., Eds.; Research Signpost: Trivandrum, India. pp. 217–236.
  • Rodrigues, R., Leal, N.R., Pereira, M.G., Lam-Sánchez, A., 1999. Combining ability of Phaseolus vulgaris for resistance to common bacterial blight. Genetic and Molecular Biology. 22(4): 571–575.
  • Rosas, J. C., and R. A. Young., 1992.Response to selection for resistance to common bacterial blight in beans. Annual report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative, (USA).
  • Saettler, A.W. 1989. Common Bacterial Blight, in: Bean Production Problems in the Tropics Schwartz H.F., Pastor-Corrales M.A. (eds.), Centro International de Agriculture Tropical, Chapter 11:261–319.
  • Saettler, A.W., 1991. Diseases caused by bacteria: CBB. p29–30. In: R. Hall (Ed.) Compendium of bean diseases, APS Press, St. Paul.
  • Schaad, N. W., Cheong, S. S., Tamaki, S., Haziloukas, E., & Panopoulos, N. J. 1995. A combined biological and enzymatic amplification (BIO-PCR) technique to detect Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola in bean seed extracts. Phytopathology, 85, 243–248.
  • Schaad, N. W., Jones, J. B., Chun, W. 2001. Laboratory guide for identification of plant pathogenic bacteria(third edition) American Phytopathological society press (373p). USA: St Paul.
  • Schaad, N. W., Berthier‐Schaad, Y., and Knorr, D. 2007. A high throughput membrane BIO‐PCR technique for ultra‐sensitive detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Plant pathology, 56(1), 1-8.
  • Schuster, M. L. 1955. A method for testing resistance of beans to bacterial blights. Phytopathology, 45(9), 519-520.
  • Schuster, M.L., Coyne, D.P. 1981. Biology, epidemiology, genetics and breeding for resistance to bacterial blight pathogens of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Horticultural Reviews, 3, 28-58.
  • Schuster, M.L., Coyne, D.P., Behre, T., Leyna, H., 1983. Sources of Phaseolus species resistance and leaf and pod differential reactions to common blight. Hortscience, 18, 90-903.
  • Schwartz, H. F., Corrales, M.A.P., 1989. Bean production problems in the tropics. CIAT.
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Isolation and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola causing disease in common bean producing areas

Year 2018, , 105 - 115, 22.06.2018


In 2013-2014, surveys were conducted in order to
investigate the presence of Xanthomonas
axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) (common
blight) and Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola (Psp) (halo
blight) in common bean producing areas of Samsun province. Eight Xap and 5 Psp isolates were identified from single isolated pure colonies of
the bacteria by means of biochemical, pathogenicity, molecular and 16S rDNA
sequencing studies. Phylogenetic tree analysis demonstrated that the isolates
of Xap and Psp obtained were clustered with their type strains. Göynük 98 was
the most susceptible cultivar to Xap
and Psp isolates among the five
common bean cultivars tested in pathogenicity assays and selected for virulence
assays. This work proved the presence of both disease agents in Samsun
province, which supplies about 20 % of the total fresh bean production in
Turkey, with molecular studies for the first time.


  • Abeysinghe, S., 2003. Induction of systemic resistance in bean against Uromyces appendiculatus by different rhizobacteria. 6th Int. PGPR Workshop, 570-573, 5-10 October, Calcut, India.
  • Agrios, G.N., 1997. Plant pathology. Academic Press, San Diego. p. 635
  • Akhavan, A.M., Bahar, H, Askarian, M.R., Lak, A., Nazemi, Z., Zamani. 2013. Bean common bacterial blight: pathogen epiphytic life and effect of irrigation practices. Springer Plus, 2(1):1.
  • Allen, D.J., Buruchara, R.A, Smithson. J.B., 1998. Diseases of common bean. The Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes, CAB International, Wallingford.
  • Ariyarathne, H.M., Coyne, D.P. , Vidaver, A.K., Eskridge, K.M., 1994. Effect of prior inoculation of leaves of dry beans with the common blight pathogen on the disease reaction of subsequently inoculated leaves and pods and the reaction of detached versus attached pods. HortScience, 29:427–581.
  • Arnold, D.L., Lovell, H.C., Jackson, R.W., Mansfield, J.W., 2011. Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola: from ‘has bean’to supermodel. Molecular plant pathology, 12(7), 617-627.
  • Bastas, K. K., Sahin, F. 2017. Evaluation of seedborne bacterial pathogens on common bean cultivars grown in central Anatolia region, Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 147(2), 239-253.
  • Benlioglu, K., Ozakman, M, Onceler, Z., 1994. Bacterial blight of beans in Turkey and resistance to halo blight and common blight. In 9th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, September, 18-24.
  • Bozkurt, I.A., Soylu, S, 2001. Farklı fasulye çeşitlerinin fasulye hale yanıklığı etmeni p.s. pv. phaseolicola irklarına karşı gösterdiği reaksiyonların belirlenmesi. Türkiye IX. Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 3–8 Eylul, Tekirdağ, p 506–514.
  • Bozkurt, I. A. 2009. The control possibilities against bean common blıght (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli) with antogonistic bacteria. , PhD. Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Science, p153, Izmir.
  • Cafati, C.R., Saettler, A.W., 1980. Transmission of Xanthomonas phaseoli in seed of resistant and susceptible Phaseolus genotypes. Phytopathology, 70(7): 638-640.
  • Coyne, D.P., M.L. Schuster. 1976. “Great northern star dry bean tolerant to bacterial disease.” Hortscience, 11, 6, 621.
  • Coyne, D. P., D. S. Nuland, and D. T. Lindgren. 1994. “Effect of population X. c. pv. phaseoli in bean reproductive tissues on seed ınfection of resistant and susceptible bean genotypes”. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 103(2), 175–181.
  • Dye, D.W., 1968. A taxonomic study of the genus Erwinia I. The amylovora group. NZJ Sci., 11: 590-607.
  • Darrasse, A., Bureau, C., Samson, R., Morris, C. E., Jacques, M. A., 2007. Contamination of bean seeds by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli associated with low bacterial densities in the phyllosphere under field and greenhouse conditions. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 119(2), 203-215.
  • Demir, G., Gündogdu, M., 1994. Bacterial diseases of food legumes in Aegean region of Turkey and effectivity of some seed treatments against bean halo blight, Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 23(2):57-66.
  • Donmez, M.F., Sahin, F., Elkoca, E., 2013. Identification of bean genotypes from Turkey resistance to common bacterial blight and halo blight diseases. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus. 12(4):139-151.
  • Dursun, A., Dönmez, M.F. Şahin, F., 2002. Identification of resistance to common bacterial blight disease on bean genotypes grown in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 108: 811-813.
  • Ertugrul, D., K. Güven., 1998. Serological Properties of Pseudomonas syringae p.v phaseolicola Isolates Collected From Eskisehir. Turkish Journal of Biology, 22(2): 189-196.
  • FAO. 2014. URL: [accession date: 01.11.2015].
  • Felsenstein, J. 1985. Confidence limits on phylogeny:an appropriate use of the bootstrap. Evolution, 39:783-791.
  • Ferreira, C. F., Pereira, M.G., Dos Santos, A.D.S., Rodrigues, R., Bressan-Smith, R.E., PioViana, A., Daher, R.F,. 2003. Resistance to common bacterial blight in Phaseolus vulgaris L. recombinant inbred lines under natural infection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli. Euphytica. 134:43–46.
  • Fininsa, C. Tefera, T., 2001. Effect of primary inoculum sources of bean common bacterial blight on early epidemics, seed yield and quality aspects. International Journal of Pest Management, 47(3):221–225.
  • Fourie, D., 2002. Distribution and severity of bacterial diseases on dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in South Africa. Journal of Phytopathology, 150, 220–226.Gepts, P., 2001. Phaseolus vulgaris (Beans). Encyclopedia of Genetics. 1444-1445.
  • Gepts, P., Aragão, F.J., De Barros, E., Blair, M.W., Brondani, R., Broughton, W., ... McClean, P., 2008. Genomics of Phaseolus beans, a major source of dietary protein and micronutrients in the tropics. In Genomics of tropical crop plants (pp. 113-143). Springer, New York.
  • Gilbertson, R.L., R.E. Rand, E. Carlson and D.J. Hagedorn, 1988. “The use of dry-leaf inoculum for establishment of common bacterial blight of beans.” Plant Disease. 72:385–389.
  • Gilbertson, R.L., R.E. Rand, and D.J. Hagedorn. 1990. “Survival of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and pectolytic strains of X. campestris in bean debris.” Plant Disease. 74(4):322-327.
  • Güven, K., Jones, J.B., Momol, M.T., Dickstein, E.R., 2004. Phenotypic and genetic diversity among Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Journal of phytopathology, 152(11‐12), 658-666.
  • Hall, R., 1994. Compendium of Bean Diseases St. Paul, Minnesota, USA: The American Phytopathological Society, pp. 25–27.
  • Harveson, R.M., Schwartz, H.F., 2007. Bacterial diseases of dry edible beans in the Central High Plains.” Plant Health Prog.Jukes, T.H, C.R. Cantor. 1969. Evolution of protein molecules. In Munro H.N (ed.) Mammalian protein metabolism, Acedemic Press, New York. pp. 21-132.
  • Kahveci, E., Maden, S., 1994. Detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola by bacteriophages. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology. 23(2):79-85.
  • Kendi, D., Baştaş, K.K., 2010. İç Anadolu Bölgesinde Fasulye Tohumlarında Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola Bulaşıklılığının Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi. 25(2): 8-16, Konya, Türkiye.
  • Keen, N.T., 1990. Gene-for-gene complementarity in plant-pathogen interactions. Annual review of genetics. 24(1): 447-463.
  • Kimura, M., 1980. A simple method for estimating evolutionary rate of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences.” Journal of Molecular Evolution. 16:111-120.
  • Klement, Z., K. Rudolph, D.C. Sands., 1990. Methods in phytobacteriology. Akademiai Kiado.
  • Lak, M.R., Shamsbakhsh, M., Bahar, M. 2002. Identification of the bacterial agent of bean leaf and pod blight in Markazi province.” Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resource. 6(1): 231–243.
  • Lelliott, R.A., Billing, E., Hayward, A.C., 1966. A determinative scheme for the fluorescent plant pathogenic pseudomonads. Journal of applied bacteriology. 29(3): 470-489.
  • Lelliott, R.A., and D.E. Stead. 1987. Methods for the diagnosis of bacterial diseases of plants. Blackwell Scientific Publications.
  • Mohammed, A., 2013. An overview of distribution, biology and the management of common bean anthracnose. Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, 4(8), 1-6.Neergaard, P. 1979. Seed Pathology. London. MacMillan Press.
  • Opio, A.F., Allen, D.J., Teri, J.M., 1996. Pathogenic variation in Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli, the causal agent of common bacterial blight in Phaseolus beans. Plant Pathology. 45(6): 1126-1133.
  • Osdaghi, E., Alizadeh, A., Shams-Bakhsh, M., Lak., M.R., 2010. Evaluation of common bean lines for their reaction to the common bacterial blight pathogen. Phytopathologia Mediterranea. 48(3): 461-468.
  • Popović, T. 2008. Detection of phytopathogenic bacteria on bean seed and cultivar susceptibility. PhD Thesis, Serbia: University of Novi Sad.
  • Popović, T., Balaž, J., Nikolić, Z., Starović, M., Gavrilović, V., Aleksić, G., ... Živković, S., 2010. Detection and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli on bean seed collected in Serbia. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(19), 2730-2736.
  • Park, S. J., Dhanvantari, B. N. 1987. Transfer of common blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv phaseoli) resistance from Phaseolus coccineus Lam. to P. vulgaris L. through interspecific hybridization. Canadian journal of plant science, 67 (3): 685-695.
  • Ranalli, P., Parisi, B., 1998 Viral and Bacterial Disease of French Beans. Review of Plant Pathology, 77: p.416.
  • Reynoso-Camacho, R., M. Ramos-Gomez, and G. Loarca-Pina. 2006. 10 Bioactive components in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) In Advances in Agricultural and Food Biotechnology; Guevara-González, R., Torres-pacheco, I., Eds.; Research Signpost: Trivandrum, India. pp. 217–236.
  • Rodrigues, R., Leal, N.R., Pereira, M.G., Lam-Sánchez, A., 1999. Combining ability of Phaseolus vulgaris for resistance to common bacterial blight. Genetic and Molecular Biology. 22(4): 571–575.
  • Rosas, J. C., and R. A. Young., 1992.Response to selection for resistance to common bacterial blight in beans. Annual report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative, (USA).
  • Saettler, A.W. 1989. Common Bacterial Blight, in: Bean Production Problems in the Tropics Schwartz H.F., Pastor-Corrales M.A. (eds.), Centro International de Agriculture Tropical, Chapter 11:261–319.
  • Saettler, A.W., 1991. Diseases caused by bacteria: CBB. p29–30. In: R. Hall (Ed.) Compendium of bean diseases, APS Press, St. Paul.
  • Schaad, N. W., Cheong, S. S., Tamaki, S., Haziloukas, E., & Panopoulos, N. J. 1995. A combined biological and enzymatic amplification (BIO-PCR) technique to detect Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola in bean seed extracts. Phytopathology, 85, 243–248.
  • Schaad, N. W., Jones, J. B., Chun, W. 2001. Laboratory guide for identification of plant pathogenic bacteria(third edition) American Phytopathological society press (373p). USA: St Paul.
  • Schaad, N. W., Berthier‐Schaad, Y., and Knorr, D. 2007. A high throughput membrane BIO‐PCR technique for ultra‐sensitive detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Plant pathology, 56(1), 1-8.
  • Schuster, M. L. 1955. A method for testing resistance of beans to bacterial blights. Phytopathology, 45(9), 519-520.
  • Schuster, M.L., Coyne, D.P. 1981. Biology, epidemiology, genetics and breeding for resistance to bacterial blight pathogens of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Horticultural Reviews, 3, 28-58.
  • Schuster, M.L., Coyne, D.P., Behre, T., Leyna, H., 1983. Sources of Phaseolus species resistance and leaf and pod differential reactions to common blight. Hortscience, 18, 90-903.
  • Schwartz, H. F., Corrales, M.A.P., 1989. Bean production problems in the tropics. CIAT.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Plant Protection

Murat Ozturk

Hasan Murat Aksoy

Publication Date June 22, 2018
Acceptance Date April 26, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ozturk, M., & Aksoy, H. M. (2018). Isolation and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola causing disease in common bean producing areas. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 33(2), 105-115.
AMA Ozturk M, Aksoy HM. Isolation and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola causing disease in common bean producing areas. ANAJAS. June 2018;33(2):105-115. doi:10.7161/omuanajas.393903
Chicago Ozturk, Murat, and Hasan Murat Aksoy. “Isolation and Identification of Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv. Phaseoli and Pseudomonas Savastonoi Pv. Phaseolicola Causing Disease in Common Bean Producing Areas”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 33, no. 2 (June 2018): 105-15.
EndNote Ozturk M, Aksoy HM (June 1, 2018) Isolation and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola causing disease in common bean producing areas. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 33 2 105–115.
IEEE M. Ozturk and H. M. Aksoy, “Isolation and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola causing disease in common bean producing areas”, ANAJAS, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 105–115, 2018, doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.393903.
ISNAD Ozturk, Murat - Aksoy, Hasan Murat. “Isolation and Identification of Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv. Phaseoli and Pseudomonas Savastonoi Pv. Phaseolicola Causing Disease in Common Bean Producing Areas”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 33/2 (June 2018), 105-115.
JAMA Ozturk M, Aksoy HM. Isolation and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola causing disease in common bean producing areas. ANAJAS. 2018;33:105–115.
MLA Ozturk, Murat and Hasan Murat Aksoy. “Isolation and Identification of Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv. Phaseoli and Pseudomonas Savastonoi Pv. Phaseolicola Causing Disease in Common Bean Producing Areas”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 33, no. 2, 2018, pp. 105-1, doi:10.7161/omuanajas.393903.
Vancouver Ozturk M, Aksoy HM. Isolation and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli and Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. phaseolicola causing disease in common bean producing areas. ANAJAS. 2018;33(2):105-1.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769