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Nijerya'nın Güney Bölgesindeki Akwa Ibom Eyaletindeki Küçük Yapraklı Sebze Çiftçileri Arasında Pazarlama Satış Noktası Seçimi ve Belirleyicileri

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1, 115 - 138, 28.02.2025


Çalışma, Nijerya'nın güney bölgesindeki yapraklı kabak (yaprak kabak) çiftçileri arasında tercih edilen pazarlama satış noktalarını ve bunların belirleyicilerini belirledi. Amaçlı ve çok aşamalı rastgele örnekleme teknikleri kullanılarak iki yüz elli çiftçi seçildi. Toplanan bilgileri analiz etmek için tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve çok terimli logit modeli kullanıldı. Sosyoekonomik özelliklerin sonuçları, çiftçilerin çoğunluğunun kadın olduğunu, nispeten genç, eğitimli ve orta hane büyüklüğüne sahip olduklarını ancak sosyal sermayelerinin düşük olduğunu gösterdi. Çalışma, tercih edilen pazarlama satış noktaları olarak sözleşmeli satışları, yerel pazara doğrudan satışları ve aracılar/acenteler aracılığıyla yapılan satışları belirledi. Ayrıca çiftçilerin yaşı, çiftçilik tecrübesi, sosyal organizasyonda geçen süre, hane büyüklüğü, örgün eğitim yılı, çiftlik geliri, hane halkı harcamaları, tarımsal yayım hizmetine erişim, tarımsal bilgi kaynakları, çiftlik büyüklüğü ve çiftlik kapısı ile noktaya olan mesafe Satışların oranı, temel kategoriye göre yerel pazardaki doğrudan satışların önemli belirleyicileriydi. Ayrıca sosyal kuruluş üyeliği, örgün eğitim yılı, çiftlik geliri, tarım dışı gelir, hane halkı harcaması, çiftçi cinsiyeti, tarımsal bilgi kaynakları, çiftçinin yaşı, hane büyüklüğü, çiftlik büyüklüğü, vergiler ve çiftlik kapısına uzaklık satış noktasına kadar olan mesafe, aracı/acente seçeneğinin önemli belirleyicileriydi. Yaprak kabağı yetiştiricileri arasında pazarlama noktası seçiminde verimliliğin artırılması için çabalar, onların okuryazarlık seviyelerinin iyileştirilmesine, sosyal sermayenin oluşturulmasına, yerel pazarda ödenen vergilerin azaltılmasına, iyi bir yol ağının sağlanmasına ve bölgedeki tarımsal yayım hizmetlerinin güçlendirilmesine yönlendirilmelidir.

Proje Numarası



  • Abokyi, E., Strijker, D., Asiedu, K. F., Daams, M. N., 2020. The impact of output price support on smallholder farmers' income: evidence from maize farmers in Ghana. Heliyon, 6 (9): e05013,
  • Achille, B. A., Denis, A. H., Gervasio, S., 2020. Price risk and farmers’ decisions: A case study from Benin, Scientific African, Volume 8, Pages e00311,
  • Adams, A., Caesar, L. D., and Asafu-Adjaye, N. Y., 2022. What Informs Farmers’ Choice of Output Markets? The Case of Maize, Cowpea and Livestock Production in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Rural Management, 18(1); 56 –77.
  • Adugna, M., Ketema, M., Goshu, D., Debebe, S., 2019. Market outlet choice decision and its effect on income and productivity of smallholder vegetable producers in Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Acta Oeconomica et Informatica, 2 (1); 83-90, doi: 10.15414/raae.2019.22.01.83-90.
  • Akpan, S. B., 2010. Encouraging Youth Involvement in Agricultural Production and Processing in Nigeria. Policy Note No. 29: International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
  • Akpan, S. B., Okon, U. E., 2019. Vegetable Consumption Paradox: Has Domestic Consumption Match the International Recommended Minimum Standard in Nigeria?. International Journal of Advances in Agriculture Sciences; 4(3); pp. 1 – 7.
  • Akpan, S. B., Monday, I., 2021. Factors Productivity in small scale upland Vegetable Production in the South – South region of Nigeria. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 21(1); 35 – 45.
  • Akpan, S. B., Antia, E. J., Nkanta, V. S., 2022. Sustainable technical efficiency: evidence from vegetable (waterleaf: Talinum triangulare) production in southern Nigeria. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 66(4), 297–309.
  • Akpan, S. B., Aya, E. A., Essien, U. A., Akpan, O. D., and Bassey, N. E., (2011). Analysis of Total Factor Productivity among small-holder Vegetable Farmers in Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment. 7(4):68-74.
  • Akpan, S. B., Ini-mfon V. P., Samuel J. U., Edem A. O., Ubong E. E., 2013. Determinants of vegetable farmers’decision to use poultry litter in the southern region of Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, 2(2); 077-083.
  • Akpan, S. B., Monday, J., Okon, U. E., 2018. Factors that influence total factor productivity of Upland vegetable farmers in Oruk Anam local government area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. AKSU Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development; 1 (1):129 – 137.
  • Akpan, S. B., Udoh, E. J., Nkanta, V. S., 2023. The Pull and Push Factors of Farm Income Diversification among Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook) Farmers in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33(2): 207- 218. DOI:
  • Akpasi S. O., Oghenejoboh, K. M., Shoyiga, H. O., Kiambi, S. L., Mahlangu, T. P., 2023. Investigation of the Nutrient Composition of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) under Herbicide Treatment. Sustainability. 2023; 15(4):3383.
  • Arumugam, Z. S., Govindasamy, R., and Simon, J. E., Wyk, E. V., Ozkan, B., 2022. Agricultural and Food Economics, 10:28.‑022‑00235‑6.
  • Auwal, Y., Bardea, M. I., Imam, N., Murtala, A., 2023. Proximate Analysis of Telfairia Occidentalis (Fluted Pumpkin) and Telfairia Pedata (Oyster Nut) Leaves Consumed in Katsina Metropolis: A Comparative Study. Recent Advances in Natural Sciences, 8 (1):1-4.
  • Berhanu, D., Atinafu, A., 2022. Determinants of market outlet choices of pineapple producing farmers: A case of Chuko district, Sidama region, Southern Ethiopia. Advances in Agriculture, Food Science and Forestry, 10 (3); 08–26.
  • Borsellino, V., Schimmenti, E., El Bilali, H., 2020. Agri-food markets towards sustainable patterns. Sustainability, 12(6), 2193.
  • Chekol, F., Mazengia, T., 2022. Determinants of garlic producers market outlet choices in Goncha Siso Enese District, Northwest Ethiopia: A multivariate probit regression analysis. Advances in Agriculture, 2022(1), 6719106.
  • Christiaensen, L., Rutledge, Z., Taylor, J. E., 2021. Viewpoint: The future of work in agri-food. Food policy, 99, 101963.
  • Cochran, W. G., 1963. Sampling Techniques, 2nd Ed., New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  • Dessie, A. B., Abate, T. M., Mekie, T. M., 2018. Factors affecting market outlet choice of wheat producers in North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia. Agricultural & Food Security, 7:91.
  • Dube, A. K., Ozkan, B., Uygun, H., Gujrati, R., 2023. The determinants of market outlet choice of smallholder Vegetable and Fruit producers in Ethiopia. VIMARSH, 12(2):53-62.
  • Emegha-Okonkwo, K., Achoja, F. O., Okeke, D. C., 2019. Financial Benefit Analysis of Organic Farming of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook. F.): Evidence from Nigeria. Anadolu, J. of AARI, 29 (2): 93-102.
  • Emana, B., Ketema, M., Mutimba, J. K., Yousu, J., 2015. Factors Affecting Market Outlet Choice of Potato Producers in Eastern Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6(15); 159-172.
  • Ogundele, F., 2022. Post-Harvest Losses and Food Security in Nigeria: An Empirical Review. African Journal of Agriculture and Food Science 5(3), 77-89. DOI: 10.52589/AJAFS-C0442Z7J.
  • Geoffrey, S. K., Bett, K. H., Kiprop, K. J., Odipo, O. T., 2015. Factors Influencing the Choice of Marketing Outlets among Small-Scale Pineapple Farmers in Kericho County, Kenya. International Journal of Regional Development, 2 (2); 1-11.
  • Getahun, A., Goshu, D., Bekele, A., 2020. Determinants of Market Outlet Choices of Tef. Journal of World Economic Research, 9(2); 99-109. doi: 10.11648/j.jwer.20200902.14
  • Geza, W., Ngidi, M., Ojo, T., Adetoro, A. A., Slotow, R., Mabhaudhi, T., 2021. Youth Participation in Agriculture: A Scoping Review. Sustainability, 13(16), 9120.
  • Gujarati, D.N., Porter, D.C., 2011. Basic Econometrics. AMGH, Porto Alegre.
  • Haddabi, A. S., Ndehfru, N. J., Aliyu, A., 2019. Analysis of food security status among rural farming households in Mubi North local government area of Adamawa state, Nigeria. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 7(7), 226-246.
  • Ifeoma, O. N., Akoroda M.. O., Chukwunyem, O.E., 2018. Diversity and production methods of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.); Experience with vegetable farmers in Makurdi, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (8); 944-954.
  • Igbinidu, O., Egbodion, J., 2023. Economic Analysis of waterleaf and fluted pumpkin production in Benin Metropolis, Edo state, Nigeria. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. 27 (11); 2375-2379.
  • Igwegbe, N. I., Metu, A. G., 2021. Determinants of income inequality in Nigeria. Journal of Economic Studies (JES), 18 (1); 73-87.
  • Ketema, S., Lika, T., 2023. Determinants of market outlet choice by smallholder wheat producers in Arsi Zone of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 9(1), 2163578.
  • Kamara, A., Conteh, A., Rhodes, E. R., Cooke, R. A., 2019. The Relevance of Smallholder Farming to African Agricultural Growth and Development. Afr. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev. 2019; 19(1):14043-14065. DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.84.BLFB1010.
  • Kehinde, T., Favour, E., 2020. Food Insecurity and Nutrition Status of Farm Households in North-western Nigeria. Journal of Food Security, 8(3); 98-104.
  • Kropko, J., 2008. Choosing Between Multinomial Logit and Multinomial Probit Models for Analysis of Unordered Choice Data. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Magogo, J. R., Mshenga, P. M., Saidi, M., Nkurumwa, A., Oradu, S. I., 2015. Determinants of Choice of Marketing Outlets for African Indigenous Vegetables among the Agro-Pastoral Maasai of Narok and Kajiado Counties of Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6(8);29-42.
  • Morgan, A. E., Fanzo, J., 2020. Nutrition Transition and Climate Risks in Nigeria: Moving Towards Food Systems Policy Coherence. Current environmental health reports, 7(4), 392–403. 00292-3.
  • Mukaila, R., Egwue, L. O., 2022. Analysis of rural income inequality in Nigeria: before and during the democratic era. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 22 (4): 443-452.
  • Musara, J. P., Musemwa, L., Mutenje, M., Mushunje, A., Pfukwa, C., 2018. Market participation and marketing channel preferences by small scale sorghum farmers in semi-arid Zimbabwe. Agrekon 2018, 57, 64–77.
  • Ncube, D., 2020. The Importance of Contract Farming to Small-scale Farmers in Africa and the Implications for Policy: A Review Scenario. The Open Agriculture Journal, 14; 59-86. DOI: 10.2174/1874331502014010059.
  • Obiesie, C. I., Komolafe, O.J., Meludu, N. T., 2022. Profitability of organically produced fluted pumpkin among small holder farmers in Anambra State. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 15 (2); 09-17.
  • Oluwalana, T., Okeleke, S. O., Akinbosoye, T. B. S., 2019. Economics Analysis of Small-Scale Vegetable Production in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State. Direct Research Journal of Social Science and Educational Studies, 6 (9): 127-132.
  • Oluwasola, O., 2015. Vegetable Production, Livelihood Diversification and Employment Generation in Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Science, 7 (8); 165-174.
  • Opata, P. I., 2018. Determinants of the choice of marketing channel among cocoyam farmers in south east Nigeria. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 28(4): 1142-1151
  • Orhuamen, E. O., Orunmaiye, K. S., Adeyemi, C. O., 2012. Proximate Analysis of Fresh and Dry Leaves of Telfairia Occidentalis (Hook.f.) and Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd. Croatian Journal of Food Technology, Biotechnology and Nutrition 7 (3-4); 188-191.
  • Osuji E. E., Munonye J. O., Olaolu M. O., Onyemauwa C. S., Tim-Ashama A. C., Ibekwe C. C., Obasi I. O., Obike K. C., Ebe F. E., Onu S. E., Obi J. N., Izuogu C. U., Orji J. E., Inyang P., 2022. Econometric Analysis of Fluted Pumpkin Production in Nigeria; Empirical In-Depth Analysis. Journal of Agriculture and Crops, 8 (2); 105-114.
  • Ozkan, B., Dube, A.K., Govindasamy, R., 2022. Market Outlet Choice and Its Effects on the Welfare of Smallholder Vegetable and Fruit Producers in Ethiopia. Horticulturae, 8, 1148. 10.3390/horticulturae8121148.
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  • Udoh, E. J., Akpan, S. B., 2007. Measuring Technical Efficiency of Waterleaf (Talinum triangulure) production in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. American Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2 (5); 518 – 522.
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Marketing Outlet Choice and its Determinants among Smallholder Leafy Vegetable Farmers in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Region of Nigeria

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1, 115 - 138, 28.02.2025


The study identified preferred marketing outlets and their determinants among leafy fluted pumpkin (leaf gourd) farmers in the southern region of Nigeria. Two hundred and fifty farmers were selected using purposive and multi-stage random sampling techniques. Descriptive statistics and a multinomial logit model were used to analyze the information collected. The results of the socioeconomic characteristics showed that the majority of farmers were women, relatively young, educated and of medium household size, but had low social capital. The study identified contract sales, direct sales to the local market and sales through middlemen/agents as the preferred marketing outlets. Also, farmers' age, farming experience, years in social organization, household size, years of formal education, farm income, household expenditure, access to agricultural extension service, agricultural information sources, farm size and the distance from the farm gate to the point of sale were significant determinants of direct sales on the local market relative to the base category. In addition, social organization membership, years of formal education, farm income, non-farm income, household expenditure, farmer gender, sources of agricultural information, farmers’ age, household size, farm size, taxes, and the distance from the farm gate to the point of sale were significant determinants of middleman/agent option. For increase efficiency in the choice of marketing outlets among leaf gourd farmers, efforts should be directed towards improving their literacy level, building social capital, reducing taxes paid in the local market, providing a good road network and strengthening agricultural extension services in the region.

Etik Beyan


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the team is grateful to all respondents and the team members.


  • Abokyi, E., Strijker, D., Asiedu, K. F., Daams, M. N., 2020. The impact of output price support on smallholder farmers' income: evidence from maize farmers in Ghana. Heliyon, 6 (9): e05013,
  • Achille, B. A., Denis, A. H., Gervasio, S., 2020. Price risk and farmers’ decisions: A case study from Benin, Scientific African, Volume 8, Pages e00311,
  • Adams, A., Caesar, L. D., and Asafu-Adjaye, N. Y., 2022. What Informs Farmers’ Choice of Output Markets? The Case of Maize, Cowpea and Livestock Production in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Rural Management, 18(1); 56 –77.
  • Adugna, M., Ketema, M., Goshu, D., Debebe, S., 2019. Market outlet choice decision and its effect on income and productivity of smallholder vegetable producers in Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia. Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Acta Oeconomica et Informatica, 2 (1); 83-90, doi: 10.15414/raae.2019.22.01.83-90.
  • Akpan, S. B., 2010. Encouraging Youth Involvement in Agricultural Production and Processing in Nigeria. Policy Note No. 29: International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
  • Akpan, S. B., Okon, U. E., 2019. Vegetable Consumption Paradox: Has Domestic Consumption Match the International Recommended Minimum Standard in Nigeria?. International Journal of Advances in Agriculture Sciences; 4(3); pp. 1 – 7.
  • Akpan, S. B., Monday, I., 2021. Factors Productivity in small scale upland Vegetable Production in the South – South region of Nigeria. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 21(1); 35 – 45.
  • Akpan, S. B., Antia, E. J., Nkanta, V. S., 2022. Sustainable technical efficiency: evidence from vegetable (waterleaf: Talinum triangulare) production in southern Nigeria. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 66(4), 297–309.
  • Akpan, S. B., Aya, E. A., Essien, U. A., Akpan, O. D., and Bassey, N. E., (2011). Analysis of Total Factor Productivity among small-holder Vegetable Farmers in Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment. 7(4):68-74.
  • Akpan, S. B., Ini-mfon V. P., Samuel J. U., Edem A. O., Ubong E. E., 2013. Determinants of vegetable farmers’decision to use poultry litter in the southern region of Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, 2(2); 077-083.
  • Akpan, S. B., Monday, J., Okon, U. E., 2018. Factors that influence total factor productivity of Upland vegetable farmers in Oruk Anam local government area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. AKSU Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development; 1 (1):129 – 137.
  • Akpan, S. B., Udoh, E. J., Nkanta, V. S., 2023. The Pull and Push Factors of Farm Income Diversification among Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook) Farmers in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33(2): 207- 218. DOI:
  • Akpasi S. O., Oghenejoboh, K. M., Shoyiga, H. O., Kiambi, S. L., Mahlangu, T. P., 2023. Investigation of the Nutrient Composition of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) under Herbicide Treatment. Sustainability. 2023; 15(4):3383.
  • Arumugam, Z. S., Govindasamy, R., and Simon, J. E., Wyk, E. V., Ozkan, B., 2022. Agricultural and Food Economics, 10:28.‑022‑00235‑6.
  • Auwal, Y., Bardea, M. I., Imam, N., Murtala, A., 2023. Proximate Analysis of Telfairia Occidentalis (Fluted Pumpkin) and Telfairia Pedata (Oyster Nut) Leaves Consumed in Katsina Metropolis: A Comparative Study. Recent Advances in Natural Sciences, 8 (1):1-4.
  • Berhanu, D., Atinafu, A., 2022. Determinants of market outlet choices of pineapple producing farmers: A case of Chuko district, Sidama region, Southern Ethiopia. Advances in Agriculture, Food Science and Forestry, 10 (3); 08–26.
  • Borsellino, V., Schimmenti, E., El Bilali, H., 2020. Agri-food markets towards sustainable patterns. Sustainability, 12(6), 2193.
  • Chekol, F., Mazengia, T., 2022. Determinants of garlic producers market outlet choices in Goncha Siso Enese District, Northwest Ethiopia: A multivariate probit regression analysis. Advances in Agriculture, 2022(1), 6719106.
  • Christiaensen, L., Rutledge, Z., Taylor, J. E., 2021. Viewpoint: The future of work in agri-food. Food policy, 99, 101963.
  • Cochran, W. G., 1963. Sampling Techniques, 2nd Ed., New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  • Dessie, A. B., Abate, T. M., Mekie, T. M., 2018. Factors affecting market outlet choice of wheat producers in North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia. Agricultural & Food Security, 7:91.
  • Dube, A. K., Ozkan, B., Uygun, H., Gujrati, R., 2023. The determinants of market outlet choice of smallholder Vegetable and Fruit producers in Ethiopia. VIMARSH, 12(2):53-62.
  • Emegha-Okonkwo, K., Achoja, F. O., Okeke, D. C., 2019. Financial Benefit Analysis of Organic Farming of Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook. F.): Evidence from Nigeria. Anadolu, J. of AARI, 29 (2): 93-102.
  • Emana, B., Ketema, M., Mutimba, J. K., Yousu, J., 2015. Factors Affecting Market Outlet Choice of Potato Producers in Eastern Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6(15); 159-172.
  • Ogundele, F., 2022. Post-Harvest Losses and Food Security in Nigeria: An Empirical Review. African Journal of Agriculture and Food Science 5(3), 77-89. DOI: 10.52589/AJAFS-C0442Z7J.
  • Geoffrey, S. K., Bett, K. H., Kiprop, K. J., Odipo, O. T., 2015. Factors Influencing the Choice of Marketing Outlets among Small-Scale Pineapple Farmers in Kericho County, Kenya. International Journal of Regional Development, 2 (2); 1-11.
  • Getahun, A., Goshu, D., Bekele, A., 2020. Determinants of Market Outlet Choices of Tef. Journal of World Economic Research, 9(2); 99-109. doi: 10.11648/j.jwer.20200902.14
  • Geza, W., Ngidi, M., Ojo, T., Adetoro, A. A., Slotow, R., Mabhaudhi, T., 2021. Youth Participation in Agriculture: A Scoping Review. Sustainability, 13(16), 9120.
  • Gujarati, D.N., Porter, D.C., 2011. Basic Econometrics. AMGH, Porto Alegre.
  • Haddabi, A. S., Ndehfru, N. J., Aliyu, A., 2019. Analysis of food security status among rural farming households in Mubi North local government area of Adamawa state, Nigeria. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 7(7), 226-246.
  • Ifeoma, O. N., Akoroda M.. O., Chukwunyem, O.E., 2018. Diversity and production methods of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.); Experience with vegetable farmers in Makurdi, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (8); 944-954.
  • Igbinidu, O., Egbodion, J., 2023. Economic Analysis of waterleaf and fluted pumpkin production in Benin Metropolis, Edo state, Nigeria. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. 27 (11); 2375-2379.
  • Igwegbe, N. I., Metu, A. G., 2021. Determinants of income inequality in Nigeria. Journal of Economic Studies (JES), 18 (1); 73-87.
  • Ketema, S., Lika, T., 2023. Determinants of market outlet choice by smallholder wheat producers in Arsi Zone of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 9(1), 2163578.
  • Kamara, A., Conteh, A., Rhodes, E. R., Cooke, R. A., 2019. The Relevance of Smallholder Farming to African Agricultural Growth and Development. Afr. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev. 2019; 19(1):14043-14065. DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.84.BLFB1010.
  • Kehinde, T., Favour, E., 2020. Food Insecurity and Nutrition Status of Farm Households in North-western Nigeria. Journal of Food Security, 8(3); 98-104.
  • Kropko, J., 2008. Choosing Between Multinomial Logit and Multinomial Probit Models for Analysis of Unordered Choice Data. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Magogo, J. R., Mshenga, P. M., Saidi, M., Nkurumwa, A., Oradu, S. I., 2015. Determinants of Choice of Marketing Outlets for African Indigenous Vegetables among the Agro-Pastoral Maasai of Narok and Kajiado Counties of Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6(8);29-42.
  • Morgan, A. E., Fanzo, J., 2020. Nutrition Transition and Climate Risks in Nigeria: Moving Towards Food Systems Policy Coherence. Current environmental health reports, 7(4), 392–403. 00292-3.
  • Mukaila, R., Egwue, L. O., 2022. Analysis of rural income inequality in Nigeria: before and during the democratic era. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 22 (4): 443-452.
  • Musara, J. P., Musemwa, L., Mutenje, M., Mushunje, A., Pfukwa, C., 2018. Market participation and marketing channel preferences by small scale sorghum farmers in semi-arid Zimbabwe. Agrekon 2018, 57, 64–77.
  • Ncube, D., 2020. The Importance of Contract Farming to Small-scale Farmers in Africa and the Implications for Policy: A Review Scenario. The Open Agriculture Journal, 14; 59-86. DOI: 10.2174/1874331502014010059.
  • Obiesie, C. I., Komolafe, O.J., Meludu, N. T., 2022. Profitability of organically produced fluted pumpkin among small holder farmers in Anambra State. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 15 (2); 09-17.
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Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tarım Politikaları
Bölüm Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Glory Edet 0000-0002-9433-9579

Sunday Akpan 0000-0002-0458-028X

Proje Numarası NIL
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Şubat 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Edet, G., & Akpan, S. (2025). Marketing Outlet Choice and its Determinants among Smallholder Leafy Vegetable Farmers in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Region of Nigeria. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 40(1), 115-138.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769