Instructions for authors




A. Publication policy

The Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Anadolu J Agr Sci) is published three issues per year: February, June and October. The journal publishes original research articles in the field of agriculture. If a manuscript is produced from a thesis, this matter should be stated on the first page of the manuscript as a footnote, and footnote should be written with a font size of 7 pt.

The language of the journal is Turkish or English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original and not be published anywhere (except research results presented and printed as abstract in the conference books) or not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Authors are responsible for the scientific content of the published manuscript.

The names and addresses of author(s) and their institutions are required to be written in the metadata section during online submission both in Turkish and English by choosing form language of the metadata enter page existed on the top. Also, the metadata must include the abstract and reference list of the manuscript.

Submissions are expected to include a copy of the Research Ethics Board’s decision if necessary. Revisions in the manuscript or the order of authors are not allowed once a revised manuscript is accepted for publication.

Each submitted manuscript is pre-reviewed by the journal’s editor(s) for its suitability for the Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences. The manuscript may be rejected before peer review stage if it does not fit the scope of the journal. Also, the manuscript is sent back to author in case it is not well-written. Checking of manuscript by a native English speaker is recommended if it is written in English. If the manuscript is found to be suitable for peer review after first evaluation made by the editorial office, it is sent to at least two reviewers.

Manuscripts needing revision are electronically forwarded to the author(s). The author(s) should consider the reviewer's comments very carefully and explain each comments or criticisms one by one; they should also prepare a detailed explanation in case the author(s) do(es)n’t agree with the reviewer’s critics. The article is considered as a new submission, if it is not revised and returned to the editor within 30 days. The editor makes a final decision after consulted revisions and corrections made by author(s).


 B. Manuscript format

A title page should prepared for the manuscripts, but is required to be uploaded separately to journal’s online manuscript submission system on as a supplementary file. All information on this page should be written both in Turkish and English. Title page should include the following: The title of the manuscript written in lower case, list of author(s) in the order and without academic titles, the names and addresses of the institutional affiliation (s) where all or most of the research has been done during the period. Also, the name, telephone and fax numbers and email address of the corresponding author must be given.

Preparing the manuscript

Main text, uploaded on manuscript evaluation system for referee evaluation, should start with the title of the manuscript, but must not include the names of author(s) and their address(es). All manuscripts should be typewritten on A4 page with 2.5 cm margins on all sides and double spaced, using Microsoft Word 2007 (or upper versions) in Times New Roman style with 10 pt. All pages and also lines in each page of the the manuscript should be numbered.

The manuscript should be organized as following: Manuscript Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and/or Discussion, Conclusion (optional), Acknowledgement (if necessary), Abbreviations and/or symbols (if necessary), References, Figures (pictures, drawings, graphs, maps etc.) and Tables. Figures and Tables should be given after references. Section names of the manuscript should be written with bold letters.

Manuscript including reference list should not be exceed 20 pages. It is essential that authors prepare manuscripts according to the journal’s established format and style by checking the recent issues published. Main headings should be numbered in the order, written with bold letters and each words in the main headings should be started with capital letters. Subheadings should be written with lower case as italic. Paragraph indents should be 0.5 cm.

The authors should fill in the copyright transfer form during submission.

Title of the manuscript

Title of the manuscript should be concise, informative, centered and not exceed more than three lines. Titles should be bold, 14 pt and written with lower case except for proper nouns. Abbreviations and the authors for scientific taxonomic names should not be used in the title.

Main headings (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and/or Discussion, Conclusion) in the manuscript should be numbered in the order, written with 10 pt and bold letters as just first letters of the each words in the main headings should be written with capital letters. Subheadings should be written with 10 pt lower case as italic but not bold.


 Abstract and Keywords

The abstract should contain less than 250 words. Abstract should provide a brief summary of the research, including the purpose, methods, results, and major conclusions. Literature citations should be avoided in the abstract. Following the abstract, 3-6 keywords should be given in alphabetical order. The first letter of the keywords should be written in capital letters, each keyword should be separated with comma, not used in the title, but describing the study and useful for a literature search.

1. Introduction

This part should precisely represent the aim of the research, the hypothesis to be tested, and explain the general approach and objectives by giving related published literature.

2. Material and Methods

Materials and Methods used in the study should be given under this heading. If subheading would be given, it should be numbered with main heading number (for example 2.1.) and written in italic. A clear description of current, new or modified methods should be given to provide sufficient information and to allow someone to repeat the work. If a previously published method is used, relevant literature should be cited.

3. Results and/or Discussion

Results should be presented as concise and explanatory without interpretation, and complicated results should be explained by supporting with tables or figures. In statistical analysis, factors found to be significant should be presented by giving the details of experimental designs and statistical comparison methods. Editor may not consider the manuscript to evaluate when statistical analysis is wrong or insufficient. Results should be discussed comparing with the previous study results.

4. Conclusion

Obtained results should be presented as shortly and clearly by providing the reader scientific knowledge and practical contributions with a clear understanding of representative data obtained from the experiments. Duplicative words and sentences which are used in results and discussion sections or introduction should be avoided.


If necessary, a short acknowledgement for the help of all individuals or funding sources that have made a significant contribution during research and producing the manuscript should be expressed in this section.



All references cited in the text should also exist in the reference list (and vice versa). The reference list should be organized alphabetically by considering the authors’surname. References in the text should be written according to the author-year concept and arranged for years (Ayhan, 1995; Güler and Kaftanoğlu, 2001; Sökmen et al., 2001). References from the same year but with different authors should be arranged alphabetically (Ayhan, 2001; Pekşen et al., 2001; Sökmen et al., 2001). More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., placed after the year of publication. Web references are recommended to be limited.

Authors should not be cited unpublished results and personal communications unless it is necessary. Footnotes should be avoided. If necessary, they may be given shortly at the end of the page where their positions are indicated by asterisk in the text by separating a horizontal straight line.

References from different sources should be written according to following examples:

Reference to a journal article

Guo, Y.M., Turner, N.C., Chen, S., Nelson, M.N., Siddique, K.H.M., Cowling, W.A. 2015. Genotypic variation for tolerance to transient drought during the reproductive phase of Brassica rapa. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 201(4): 267-279. doi:10.1111/jac.12107.

Pekşen, E. 2007. Non-destructive leaf area estimation model for faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Sci. Hort. 113, 322-328. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2007.04.003


Reference to a conference paper

Ceyhan, E., Şimşek, D., Erdurmuş, D. 2013. Yeni geliştirilen yemeklik bezelye (Pisum sativum L.) hatlarının bazı tarımsal özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Türkiye X. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, Cilt 1, 951-956, 10-13 Eylül, Konya

Reference to a thesis

Açıkgöz, S., 1984. The identification of viruses on Phaseolus vulgaris L. and their distribution and damages in Erzincan ve Erzurum regions. PhD Thesis. Ataturk University, Institute of Science, p.75, Erzurum.

Pekşen, E., 1998. Mısır ve bodur fasulyenin karışık ekiminde en uygun ekim şekli, düzenlemesi ve zamanının belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma. Doktora Tezi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 188s, SamsunSamsun.


Reference to a book

Gülümser, A., Bozoğlu, H., Pekşen, E., 2006. Araştırma ve deneme metotları. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Ders Kitabı Yayın No: 48, İkinci Baskı, 264 s, Samsun.


Reference to a chapter in an edited book

Farooq, M., Siddique, K.H.M., 2015. Conservation agriculture: concepts, brief history and impacts on agricultural systems. In: Farooq, M., Siddique, K.H.M. (Eds). Conservation Agriculture. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp. 3-17


Reference to a paper or report available on the web

Smith, J., 2001. Emergence of infectious diseases. Reprod. Nutr. Dev. [serial online] 1 (2000) 15 screens. Available from URL: (Erişim tarihi: 24 Eylül 2002).

USDA, 2012. US Dept. of agriculture nutrient database for standard reference, Release 14. Available at (Erişim tarihi: 23 Mart 2012).


Figures and Tables

All illustrations (graphics, photographs, electronic artworks etc.) and tables should be given after the references section in the text. The size of figures or tables should be maximum 16x20 cm for single column fitting, and the figure or table width should be maximum 8 cm for double column fitting. Figure files should be provided in high resolution. Color or grayscale photographs (halftones) are required to be in JPG format, at between 300 and 600 dpi.

Vertical rules should be avoided in the tables. Each table and figure should be cited in the text, and they should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text (e.g. Table 1, Figure 1). Figure captions and table titles are required to be short and informative and also written with lower case. Figure captions, table titles and data presented in the tables and figures should be written with Times New Roman style in 10 pt font size. All symbols, abbreviations or any notes used in the tables should be explained below the table with a font size of 9 pt and marked with asterisk. Table titles should be placed over the tables, and figure captions should be given at the bottom of the figures. Figures should not be framed with a line. If any abbreviation used in the figure of table, meaning of this abbreviation should be given under the figure or table. Figure and table captions and also footnotes should not be ended with full stop. The point must be used as a decimal separator instead of comma in numerical values or means given in the tables and text.


Abbreviations and symbols

Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided in the article, if essential; they should be defined in their first mention (e.g., live weight gain (LWG). Using of International System of Units (SI) are preferred.


  1. SI (The International System of Units) should be used in all manuscripts. Use point (.) as a decimal mark (for example 1.25 instead of 1,25). The use of slash (/) should be avoided in units and leave a space between units (e.g. m s-1 instead of m/s, J s-1 instead of J/s, kg m s-2 instead of kg m/s2). Also leave a space between numbers and symbols (e.g. 4 kg N ha-1, 3 kg m-1 s -2, 20 N m, 1000 s-1, 100 kPa, 22 °C and 29 %), except for the symbols of degree, minute and second (°, ′ and ″). They should be used after numbers (10°, 45', 60" etc.). Abbreviation for liter should be “L” instead of “l”. Symbols must not end with full stop unless they are at the end of sentence (kg instead of kg.).


All equations should be numbered, and the numbers of equations should be placed in right side of the equation as right-aligned and written in the brackets. To write an equation in Word program, math processor should be used, and the main characters in 12 pt, variables in italics and math characters in regular styles should appear in the article.

Equations should be numbered consecutively in the text (.... related model is given in Equation 1), if they cited in the text.

Last Update Time: 11/20/19, 11:21:58 AM
Online ISSN: 1308-8769