
Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of the Faculty of Education (OMU-EFD) is a journal scanned in various national and international indexes in the field of educational sciences. Founded in 1986, this open access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal is published twice a year (June-December) in an "electronic" environment.
The publication language of our journal has been determined as English and Turkish. After the article process is completed, authors are requested to upload an English translation of their works which are in Turkish.. Therefore, after the referee process for Turkish articles is completed and publication approval is given, we ask our esteemed authors to upload the full English text of their article to the system. These full texts in English to be sent must be uploaded to the system together with the document received from a company providing certified editing services.
* Ethics Committee Permission Document is required in our journal
* The similarity result report (not exceeding 20%) created using one of the internationally accepted similarity scanning programs must be uploaded.