Writing Rules

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Rules for Authors

1.The author(s) who have been asked for corrections after referee’s evaluation must send back their writing in four months time. If the author(s) do not reply in the time given, their articles are not be evaluated.

2.The author(s) must update their articles in accordance with the referees’ suggestions. If they do not think a revision or addition offered by the referee is appropriate, they must inform the editorial board about this by specifying their reasons. The referee would be informed as well.

3.The author(s) can demand to withdraw their articles during the process of evaluation by e-mail, letter or fax. The acceptance for withdrawal depends on the verdict of the Editorial Board. The author(s) cannot send or publish the articles which have not been accepted for the withdrawal by the Editorial Board. The institutions which the author is working with and the related publisher would be informed about the issue.

4.During the make-up process, the author(s) must reply the prompts for check up and corrections in the time given. If the author(s)do not reply back in the time given, their articles will be postponed in order to be evaluated for the following copy.

5.Under no condition will the back dating demands be accepted.

6.Articles are not accepted for a specific copy in Optimum Journal Economics and Management Sciences. Authors are free to send their articles in any time. The articles, evaluation processes of which are over, are published in accordance with their arrival date.

7.In order for the authors to publish a new article, 3 new issues must be published.

8.Newly submitted articles will not be processed by the author (s) who have previously been rejected for ethical / plagiarism.

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