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Cultural Characteristics That Support Agility At Organizations

Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 18, 2422 - 2432, 30.06.2019


term of culture has Latin origin “cultura” that means cultivation. It is
generally used to define civilization. New and contemporary management approaches
are gaining importance in organizations. Those developments and changing
approaches lead businesses and make them more competitive. They can also be seen
as products and results that increase competition in business. Digitalization,
agility and agile organizations are very popular terms in today’s workplace.
Although those terms are mostly studied at software and IT literature, agility
can also be seen as a characteristic of an organizational culture. Organizational
culture is composed of organizational characteristics. Agility can be seen as
being able to understand, act and move quickly in business. In addition to that
definition, agility is standing up quickly after a failure. Competition brings
success and it sometimes brings failure. Organizations should be ready for a
competition by strengthening their agile characteristics.They should also adapt
agility as a characteristic of their culture.  In this article, literature on agile
organizational culture is reviewed and generally accepted cultural traits of
agile organizations are specified.


  • Ashrafi, N., Xu, P., Sathasivam, M., Kuilboer, J.P., Koelher, W., Heimann, D., Waage, F., (2005). A framework for implementing business agility through knowledge management systems: In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology Workshops, CEC 2005 Workshops, Munich, Germany, IEEE: New York, NY, USA, 116–121.
  • Beck, K. ve Andres C., (2005). Extreme programming explained: embrace change. 2 ed., Boston: AddisonWesley.
  • Chow, T. ve L. Cao, A., (2008). Survey of critical sucess factors in agile software projects. The Journal of Systems and Software, 81, 961-971.
  • Dybå, T. ve Dingsøyr, T., (2008). Empirical studies of agile software development: a systematic review. Information and Software Technology, 50, 833–859.
  • Felipe, C., Roldan, J. L ve Leal-Rodrigez, L., (2016). An explanatory and predictive model for organizational agility. Journal of Business Research, 69, 4624–4631.
  • Harraf, A., Wanasika, I., Tate, K. ve Talbott, K., (2015). Organizational agility. Journal of Applied Business Research, 31, 675–686.
  • Rizvi, B., (2013). A systematic review of distributed agile software engineering. Alberta: Athabasca University.
  • Schein, E.H., (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. 4th Edt.. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
  • Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W., Layer, J.K., (2007). A review of enterprise agility: Concepts, frameworks, and attributes. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37, 445–460.
  • Sorensen, J. (2002). The strength of corporate culture and the reliability of firm performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47(1), 70-91.
  • Strode, E. D., Sid, L. H. ve Tretiakov, A. (2009). The impact of organizational culture on agile method use, 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
  • “TDK’da çevik sözcüğünün anlamı aratıldı”, (2018). Erişim adresi: arama=gtsve guid=TDK.GTS.5c0d80d74efff6.09136703, 03.12.2018.
  • Zammuto, R.F., Gifford, B., Goodman, E.A., (2000). Managerial ideologies, organization culture and the outcomes of innovation: A competing values perspective. In Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate; Askhanasy, N.H., Wilderom, C.P.M., Peterson, M.F., Eds.; Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, 2000.

Çevikliği Destekleyen Örgütsel Kültür Özellikleri

Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 18, 2422 - 2432, 30.06.2019


hayatında değişen iş yapış şekilleri ile birlikte her geçen gün yeni yönetim yaklaşımları
da önemini artırmaktadır. Değişen iş yapış şekilleri iş hayatının gün geçtikçe
daha rekabetçi bir hale gelmesinin önünü açmaktadır.
Çeviklik de özellikle
dijital iş yaşamı ve dijitalleşen iş yapış biçimleri özelinde son zamanların en
önemli iş konularından biridir. Yazılım, bilgi işlem literatüründe daha çok
anılsa da çeviklik bir karakter özelliği olarak ele alınabilir. Çeviklik atik
olma, çabukluk ve değişimlere hızla ayak uydurabilme özelliği olarak
görülebilir. Bunlara ek olarak başarısızlıklardan ders alıp tekrar ayağa
kalkabilmek de çevikliğin bir unsurudur.
Rekabet hem kazanmayı hem de kaybetmeyi
beraberinde getirir. İyi ve güçlü bir rekabete girişmek için çevik olmak başarı
ve başarısızılıklara hazır olmak anlamına gelir.  Örgüt kültürü çevikliğin ortaya çıkmasına izin
verecek özellikleri ne kadar taşıyorsa bu özelliğin ortaya çıkması da o kadar
kolay olacaktır. Bu makalede örgüt kültürü seviyesinde çevik iş kültürlerinin
ne tür özellikleri olması gerektiğine yönelik yapılan gözden geçirme
çalışmaları ele alınmış ve bu çalışmalar ışığında çevik iş kültürlerin
özellikleri belirtilmiştir. 


  • Ashrafi, N., Xu, P., Sathasivam, M., Kuilboer, J.P., Koelher, W., Heimann, D., Waage, F., (2005). A framework for implementing business agility through knowledge management systems: In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology Workshops, CEC 2005 Workshops, Munich, Germany, IEEE: New York, NY, USA, 116–121.
  • Beck, K. ve Andres C., (2005). Extreme programming explained: embrace change. 2 ed., Boston: AddisonWesley.
  • Chow, T. ve L. Cao, A., (2008). Survey of critical sucess factors in agile software projects. The Journal of Systems and Software, 81, 961-971.
  • Dybå, T. ve Dingsøyr, T., (2008). Empirical studies of agile software development: a systematic review. Information and Software Technology, 50, 833–859.
  • Felipe, C., Roldan, J. L ve Leal-Rodrigez, L., (2016). An explanatory and predictive model for organizational agility. Journal of Business Research, 69, 4624–4631.
  • Harraf, A., Wanasika, I., Tate, K. ve Talbott, K., (2015). Organizational agility. Journal of Applied Business Research, 31, 675–686.
  • Rizvi, B., (2013). A systematic review of distributed agile software engineering. Alberta: Athabasca University.
  • Schein, E.H., (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. 4th Edt.. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
  • Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W., Layer, J.K., (2007). A review of enterprise agility: Concepts, frameworks, and attributes. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37, 445–460.
  • Sorensen, J. (2002). The strength of corporate culture and the reliability of firm performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47(1), 70-91.
  • Strode, E. D., Sid, L. H. ve Tretiakov, A. (2009). The impact of organizational culture on agile method use, 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
  • “TDK’da çevik sözcüğünün anlamı aratıldı”, (2018). Erişim adresi: arama=gtsve guid=TDK.GTS.5c0d80d74efff6.09136703, 03.12.2018.
  • Zammuto, R.F., Gifford, B., Goodman, E.A., (2000). Managerial ideologies, organization culture and the outcomes of innovation: A competing values perspective. In Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate; Askhanasy, N.H., Wilderom, C.P.M., Peterson, M.F., Eds.; Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, 2000.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Psychology
Journal Section Articles

Eyyüb Ensari Cicerali 0000-0001-5943-9972

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Acceptance Date April 17, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 11 Issue: 18


APA Cicerali, E. E. (2019). Çevikliği Destekleyen Örgütsel Kültür Özellikleri. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 11(18), 2422-2432.