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Denetimde Önemlilik Kavramı Üzerine Bir Literatür Taraması

Year 2019, 18. UİK Özel Sayısı, 1030 - 1051, 31.08.2019


sunmuş oldukları finansal tablolar, çok geniş bir finansal bilgi kullanıcı
kitlesinin (işetme yöneticileri, kredi sağlayıcılar, mevcut ve potansiyel
yatırımcılar, kamu kurumları, sendikalar vb.), işletmeler ile ilgili aldıkları
kararlarda rehber işlevi görmektedir. Arz ettiği bu önemli işlev nedeni ile
finansal tabloların bağımsız denetim sürecinden geçmesi, işletmeler ile ilgili
alınacak kararlara temel teşkil eden finansal tabloların güvenilirlik düzeyini
tesis etmektedir. Bağımsız denetim alanında önemlilik, finansal tablolarda yer
alan bilgilerdeki olası bir hata, hile ya da eksiklik, karar alıcıların
alacakları kararları etkileyecek düzeyde ise önemlidir şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır.
Bağımsız denetim süreci için hayati önem taşıyan önemlilik düzeyinin tespiti
denetçiler tarafından yapılmaktadır ve bu düzeyin ne olması gerektiği ile
ilgili genel kabul görmüş bir veri yoktur. Önemlilik düzeyi bazı durumlarda
denetçilerin muhakemesine göre bazı durumlarda da denetim sürecinden geçen
işletmenin yapısına ve bulunduğu sektöre göre değişiklik gösterebilmektedir.
Kuramsal açıdan yürütülen bu çalışmada görece değişebilen önemlilik düzeyi ile
ilgili olarak ulusal ve uluslararası literatür taraması yapılmıştır. 


  • Acevedo, A. (2005).How Sarbanes-Oxley should be used to expose the secrets of discretion, judgment, and materiality of the auditor's report. Depaul Business & Commercial Law Journal, 4(1), 1-53.
  • Barnes, J. (1973). More efficient auditing through an understanding of the materiaility concept.The Journal of Accountancy, Cilt(sayı), 78-80.
  • Bates, H.L., Ingram, R. W. ve Reckers, P. M. J. (1982). Auditor-client affiliation: The impacton "materiality" A study of the effect of audit or rotation on materiality judgments. Journal of Accountancy, 1, 60-63.
  • Bennett, G. B. ve Hatfield, R. C. (2017). Do approaching deadlines influence auditors’ materiality assessments?. Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 36(4,) 29–48.
  • Blokdijk, H., Drieenhuizen, F., Simunic, D. A. ve Stein M. T. (2003). Factors affecting auditors: assessments of planning materiality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 22(2), 297-307.
  • Bozkurt, N. (2018). Muhasebe denetimi. (8.baskı), İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayınları
  • Brody, R., Lowe, D., ve Pany, K. (2003). Could $51 million be immaterial when Enron reports income of $105 million?. Accounting Horizons, 17(2), 153-160.
  • Budescu, D., Peecher, M., ve Solomon, I. (2012).The joint influence of the extent and nature of audit evidence, materiality thresholds, and misstatement type on achieved audit risk. Auditing: A Journal Of Practice&Theory, 31(2), 19-41.
  • CanadianInstitute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) (1978). Materiality in auditing: an audit technique study (6.bsk). Toronto.
  • Chen, S., ve Tsay, B. (2017). Refer to materiality as a legal concept. Journal Of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 28(2), 55-61.
  • Chewning, E. G., Wheeler, S. W. ve Chan C. K. (1998).Evidence on auditor and investor materiality thresholds resulting from equity-for-debt swaps.Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 17(1), 51-53.
  • Christensen, B. E., Eilifsen, AA., Glover, S. M. ve Messier, J. W. F. (2018, 5 Şubat). Materiality disclosures and their effect on investors’ decisions.[Blog Yazısı], Columbia Law School's Blog On Corporations And The Capital Markets. 02 Ocak 2019 adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Cho, S., Hagerman, R. L., Nabar, S., ve Patterson, E. R. (2003).Measuring stockholder materiality. Accounting Horizons, 17(1), 63-76.
  • Comunale, C. L., ve Sexton, T. R. (2005). A fuzzy logic approach to assessing materiality. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 2(1), 1-15.
  • Cömert, N. (2012). Uluslararası denetim standartları kapsamında önemlilik düzeyinin belirlenmesinde kullanılabilecek yöntemler. İSMMMO Mali Çözüm, 109, 47-68.
  • Çakıcı, C. (2002). Temel muhasebe varsayımları ve muhasebe politikalarına yön veren kavramlar. Öneri, 17, 69-76.
  • Çil, S. (2003). Denetimde kanıt seçmede örnekleme ve diğer yöntemlerin kullanımı ve ISA No.530. GÜTTEF Dergisi, 2, 1-21.
  • Dutta, S., ve Graham, L. (1998). Considering multiple materialities for account combinations in audit planning and evaluation: a cost efficient approach. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 13(2), 151-171.
  • Douglas, R. (2017). Quantitative materiality disclosure and the impact on investor decisionmaking and perceptions of audit quality. Masters thesis. The University of Canterbury, Canterbury.
  • Eilifsen, AA. ve Mckee, T. E. (2000). What is all the fuss about materiality?. Ohio CPA Journal, 59(4), 49-52.
  • Eilifsen, AA. ve Mckee, T. E. (2000). Current materiality guidance in auditing. The CPA Journal. 70(7), 54-57.
  • Emby, C.,ve Pecchiari, N. (2013). An empirical investigation of the influence of qualitative risk factors on Canadian auditors’ determination of performance materiality. Accounting Perspectives, 12(4), 281-299.
  • Erdoğan, N. (2007). Muhasebe denetiminde niteliksel önemliliğin gerekliliği. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 31, 112-119.
  • Estes, R.,ve Reames, D. (1988). Effects of personal characteristics on materiality decisions: A multivariate analysis. Accounting And Business Research, 18(72), 291-296.
  • Kamu Gözetimi Kurumu. (2018). Finansal raporlamaya ilişkin kavramsal çerçeve. 02 Ocak 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Iskandar, T., ve Iselin, E. (1999). A review of materiality research. Accounting Forum, 23(3,) 209-239.
  • Jacoby, J. ve Levy, H. B. (2016). The materiality mystery-The gap in GAAS. The CPA Journal,Temmuz, 14-18.
  • Joldos, A. M., Stanciu, I. C. ve Grejdan,G. (2010). Pillars of the audit activity: materiality and audit risk. Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics, 10(2), 225-238.
  • Jordan C.E., Clark S. J. ve Pate G.R. (1995). Materiality guidelines for modifying audit reports. Journal of Accountancy, 180(1), 89-92.
  • Karavardar, A. (2014). Grup denetimlerinde bileşen önemlilik düzeylerinin belirlenmesinde GUAM modeli: MACM modeliyle karşılaştırmalı bir uygulama. Mali Çözüm Dergisi, 124, 149-178.
  • Kesimli, İ. (2018). External auditing and quality.In Accounting, finance, sustainability, governance&fraud: theory and application. Singapore: Springer
  • Kızılgöl, Ö. ve İşgüden, B. (2011). Denetim riskinin belirlenmesinde mesleki yargının denetçiler tarafından kullanılması. MÖDAV, 4, 1-33.
  • Mcconnell, D. K. ve Schweiger, C. H. (2007). Implementing the new AS6 risk assessment audit standards. The CPA Journal, Haziran, 20-26.
  • Messier, W., Martinov-Bennie, N., ve Eilifsen, AA. (2005). A review and integration of empirical research on materiality: two decades later. Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 24(2), 153-187.
  • Morris M. H. ve Nichol, W. D. (1988). Consistency exceptions: materiality judgments and audit firm structure. The Accounting Review 13 (2), 237-254.
  • Pany K. ve Wheeler S. (1989). Materiality: An inter-industry comparison of the magnitudes and stabilities of various quantitative measures. Accounting Horizons, 3(4), 71-78.
  • Park J. J. (2009). Assessing the materiality of financial misstatements. The Journal of Corporation Law, 34(2), 514-565.
  • Porter, B., Simon, J., ve Hatherly, D. (2003). Principles of external auditing. (2.bsk). Chichester: Wiley.
  • Price, R.,ve Wallace, W. (2002). An international comparison of materiality guidance for governments, public services and charities. Financial Accountability and Management, 18(3), 261-289.
  • Raman K. K. ve Van Daniker R. P. (1994). Materiality in government auditing. Journal of Accountancy, 177(2), 71-76.
  • Read, W. J., Mitchell J. E. ve Akresh, A. D. (1987). Planning materiality and SAS NO.47. Journal of Accountancy, Aralık, 72-79.
  • Roberts, R. W. ve Dwyer, P. D. (1998). An analysis of materiality and reasonable assurance: Professional mystification and paternalism in auditing. Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 569-578.
  • Seidler, L. J. (1999). Materiality decisions in the computer age. The CPA Journal, Mayıs, 22-24.
  • Socol, A. (2008). Materiality in the context of an audit between Professional judgment and subjectivism. Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics, 8(2), 209-216.
  • Street, D. L., Nichols, N. B., ve Gray, S. J. (2000). Assessing theacceptability of international accounting standards in the U.S.: An empirical study of the materiality of U.S. GAAP reconciliations by non-U.S.companies complying with IASC standards. The International Journal of Accounting, 35(1), 27–63.
  • Taş O. ve İnaltong, C. (2015). Bağımsız denetim sürecinde önemlilik düzeyinin belirlenmesi ve bir uygulama. Vergi Dünyası, 401, 73-89
  • Terzi, S. (2012). Önemlilik değerlendirmesinde bulanık mantık yönteminin kullanımı ve bir uygulama. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, Eylül, 125-149.
  • Thomas, C. W. ve Krogstad, J. L. (1979). Materiality guidance for auditors. The Journal of Accountancy, 14(2), 74-77
  • Tuttle B., Coller M. ve Plumlee R. D. (2002). The effect of misstatements on decisions of financial statement users: an experimental investigation of audit materiality thresholds. Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 21(1), 11-27.
  • Vaassen, E. H. J. (1994). Auditors' decision processes in audit planning stage materiality judgments. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Doctoral Thesis, Ekim, University of Limburg.
  • Vorhies, J. B. (2005). The new importance of materiality. Journal of Accountancy, Mayıs, 53-58.
  • Waters, J. M. ve Tiller, M. G. (1997). Auditor’s materiality thresholds: some empirical findings based on real data. American Business Review, 15(2), 115-119.

A Literature Review on Audit Materiality

Year 2019, 18. UİK Özel Sayısı, 1030 - 1051, 31.08.2019


The financial reports,
presented by the companies, lead a role of guiding for a vast number of
financial information users (Management, creditors, potential investors,
government bodies, labor unions etc.) on their decision-making processes. The
independent audit process of this vital function boosts the reliability of financial
statements which consists the basis for a decision-making. Materiality in audit
is described as; “a fraud, error or misstatement is material when it is at a
level where the decisions of the users are effected”. The materiality, which
poses a vital role in audit processes, is defined by the auditors and has not a
generally accepted formula. It depends sometimes on the professional judgement
of auditors, on the anatomy of the auditee and on the spesific features of the
industry at which the auditee performs. This study, being performed in a
conceptual way, has experienced a literature review of both national and global
sources on materiality.


  • Acevedo, A. (2005).How Sarbanes-Oxley should be used to expose the secrets of discretion, judgment, and materiality of the auditor's report. Depaul Business & Commercial Law Journal, 4(1), 1-53.
  • Barnes, J. (1973). More efficient auditing through an understanding of the materiaility concept.The Journal of Accountancy, Cilt(sayı), 78-80.
  • Bates, H.L., Ingram, R. W. ve Reckers, P. M. J. (1982). Auditor-client affiliation: The impacton "materiality" A study of the effect of audit or rotation on materiality judgments. Journal of Accountancy, 1, 60-63.
  • Bennett, G. B. ve Hatfield, R. C. (2017). Do approaching deadlines influence auditors’ materiality assessments?. Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 36(4,) 29–48.
  • Blokdijk, H., Drieenhuizen, F., Simunic, D. A. ve Stein M. T. (2003). Factors affecting auditors: assessments of planning materiality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 22(2), 297-307.
  • Bozkurt, N. (2018). Muhasebe denetimi. (8.baskı), İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayınları
  • Brody, R., Lowe, D., ve Pany, K. (2003). Could $51 million be immaterial when Enron reports income of $105 million?. Accounting Horizons, 17(2), 153-160.
  • Budescu, D., Peecher, M., ve Solomon, I. (2012).The joint influence of the extent and nature of audit evidence, materiality thresholds, and misstatement type on achieved audit risk. Auditing: A Journal Of Practice&Theory, 31(2), 19-41.
  • CanadianInstitute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) (1978). Materiality in auditing: an audit technique study (6.bsk). Toronto.
  • Chen, S., ve Tsay, B. (2017). Refer to materiality as a legal concept. Journal Of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 28(2), 55-61.
  • Chewning, E. G., Wheeler, S. W. ve Chan C. K. (1998).Evidence on auditor and investor materiality thresholds resulting from equity-for-debt swaps.Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 17(1), 51-53.
  • Christensen, B. E., Eilifsen, AA., Glover, S. M. ve Messier, J. W. F. (2018, 5 Şubat). Materiality disclosures and their effect on investors’ decisions.[Blog Yazısı], Columbia Law School's Blog On Corporations And The Capital Markets. 02 Ocak 2019 adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Cho, S., Hagerman, R. L., Nabar, S., ve Patterson, E. R. (2003).Measuring stockholder materiality. Accounting Horizons, 17(1), 63-76.
  • Comunale, C. L., ve Sexton, T. R. (2005). A fuzzy logic approach to assessing materiality. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 2(1), 1-15.
  • Cömert, N. (2012). Uluslararası denetim standartları kapsamında önemlilik düzeyinin belirlenmesinde kullanılabilecek yöntemler. İSMMMO Mali Çözüm, 109, 47-68.
  • Çakıcı, C. (2002). Temel muhasebe varsayımları ve muhasebe politikalarına yön veren kavramlar. Öneri, 17, 69-76.
  • Çil, S. (2003). Denetimde kanıt seçmede örnekleme ve diğer yöntemlerin kullanımı ve ISA No.530. GÜTTEF Dergisi, 2, 1-21.
  • Dutta, S., ve Graham, L. (1998). Considering multiple materialities for account combinations in audit planning and evaluation: a cost efficient approach. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 13(2), 151-171.
  • Douglas, R. (2017). Quantitative materiality disclosure and the impact on investor decisionmaking and perceptions of audit quality. Masters thesis. The University of Canterbury, Canterbury.
  • Eilifsen, AA. ve Mckee, T. E. (2000). What is all the fuss about materiality?. Ohio CPA Journal, 59(4), 49-52.
  • Eilifsen, AA. ve Mckee, T. E. (2000). Current materiality guidance in auditing. The CPA Journal. 70(7), 54-57.
  • Emby, C.,ve Pecchiari, N. (2013). An empirical investigation of the influence of qualitative risk factors on Canadian auditors’ determination of performance materiality. Accounting Perspectives, 12(4), 281-299.
  • Erdoğan, N. (2007). Muhasebe denetiminde niteliksel önemliliğin gerekliliği. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 31, 112-119.
  • Estes, R.,ve Reames, D. (1988). Effects of personal characteristics on materiality decisions: A multivariate analysis. Accounting And Business Research, 18(72), 291-296.
  • Kamu Gözetimi Kurumu. (2018). Finansal raporlamaya ilişkin kavramsal çerçeve. 02 Ocak 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişilmiştir.
  • Iskandar, T., ve Iselin, E. (1999). A review of materiality research. Accounting Forum, 23(3,) 209-239.
  • Jacoby, J. ve Levy, H. B. (2016). The materiality mystery-The gap in GAAS. The CPA Journal,Temmuz, 14-18.
  • Joldos, A. M., Stanciu, I. C. ve Grejdan,G. (2010). Pillars of the audit activity: materiality and audit risk. Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics, 10(2), 225-238.
  • Jordan C.E., Clark S. J. ve Pate G.R. (1995). Materiality guidelines for modifying audit reports. Journal of Accountancy, 180(1), 89-92.
  • Karavardar, A. (2014). Grup denetimlerinde bileşen önemlilik düzeylerinin belirlenmesinde GUAM modeli: MACM modeliyle karşılaştırmalı bir uygulama. Mali Çözüm Dergisi, 124, 149-178.
  • Kesimli, İ. (2018). External auditing and quality.In Accounting, finance, sustainability, governance&fraud: theory and application. Singapore: Springer
  • Kızılgöl, Ö. ve İşgüden, B. (2011). Denetim riskinin belirlenmesinde mesleki yargının denetçiler tarafından kullanılması. MÖDAV, 4, 1-33.
  • Mcconnell, D. K. ve Schweiger, C. H. (2007). Implementing the new AS6 risk assessment audit standards. The CPA Journal, Haziran, 20-26.
  • Messier, W., Martinov-Bennie, N., ve Eilifsen, AA. (2005). A review and integration of empirical research on materiality: two decades later. Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 24(2), 153-187.
  • Morris M. H. ve Nichol, W. D. (1988). Consistency exceptions: materiality judgments and audit firm structure. The Accounting Review 13 (2), 237-254.
  • Pany K. ve Wheeler S. (1989). Materiality: An inter-industry comparison of the magnitudes and stabilities of various quantitative measures. Accounting Horizons, 3(4), 71-78.
  • Park J. J. (2009). Assessing the materiality of financial misstatements. The Journal of Corporation Law, 34(2), 514-565.
  • Porter, B., Simon, J., ve Hatherly, D. (2003). Principles of external auditing. (2.bsk). Chichester: Wiley.
  • Price, R.,ve Wallace, W. (2002). An international comparison of materiality guidance for governments, public services and charities. Financial Accountability and Management, 18(3), 261-289.
  • Raman K. K. ve Van Daniker R. P. (1994). Materiality in government auditing. Journal of Accountancy, 177(2), 71-76.
  • Read, W. J., Mitchell J. E. ve Akresh, A. D. (1987). Planning materiality and SAS NO.47. Journal of Accountancy, Aralık, 72-79.
  • Roberts, R. W. ve Dwyer, P. D. (1998). An analysis of materiality and reasonable assurance: Professional mystification and paternalism in auditing. Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 569-578.
  • Seidler, L. J. (1999). Materiality decisions in the computer age. The CPA Journal, Mayıs, 22-24.
  • Socol, A. (2008). Materiality in the context of an audit between Professional judgment and subjectivism. Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics, 8(2), 209-216.
  • Street, D. L., Nichols, N. B., ve Gray, S. J. (2000). Assessing theacceptability of international accounting standards in the U.S.: An empirical study of the materiality of U.S. GAAP reconciliations by non-U.S.companies complying with IASC standards. The International Journal of Accounting, 35(1), 27–63.
  • Taş O. ve İnaltong, C. (2015). Bağımsız denetim sürecinde önemlilik düzeyinin belirlenmesi ve bir uygulama. Vergi Dünyası, 401, 73-89
  • Terzi, S. (2012). Önemlilik değerlendirmesinde bulanık mantık yönteminin kullanımı ve bir uygulama. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, Eylül, 125-149.
  • Thomas, C. W. ve Krogstad, J. L. (1979). Materiality guidance for auditors. The Journal of Accountancy, 14(2), 74-77
  • Tuttle B., Coller M. ve Plumlee R. D. (2002). The effect of misstatements on decisions of financial statement users: an experimental investigation of audit materiality thresholds. Auditing: A Journal of Practice&Theory, 21(1), 11-27.
  • Vaassen, E. H. J. (1994). Auditors' decision processes in audit planning stage materiality judgments. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Doctoral Thesis, Ekim, University of Limburg.
  • Vorhies, J. B. (2005). The new importance of materiality. Journal of Accountancy, Mayıs, 53-58.
  • Waters, J. M. ve Tiller, M. G. (1997). Auditor’s materiality thresholds: some empirical findings based on real data. American Business Review, 15(2), 115-119.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Ünsal Memiş 0000-0003-1970-0480

Mehmet Okşaş This is me 0000-0002-4109-9866

Publication Date August 31, 2019
Acceptance Date August 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 18. UİK Özel Sayısı


APA Memiş, M. Ü., & Okşaş, M. (2019). Denetimde Önemlilik Kavramı Üzerine Bir Literatür Taraması. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 12, 1030-1051.